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Dowri Completed Form

The word Dowri is a stemmed form of the following words:

Dowri Dictionary Definition

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Dowri References or Citations

In Quran

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In Hadith Text Books

Dowri In Sahih AlBukhari

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In Sahih Muslim

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In Sunan AlTermithi

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-8022Alqamah narrated that : Ibn Masud was asked about a man who married a woman and he did not stipulate the dowry for her; and he did not enter into her until he died. So Ibn Masud said: She gets the same dowry as other women; no less and no more; she has to observe the Iddah; and she gets inheritance. So Maaqil Bin Sinan AlAshjaI stood and said: The Messenger of Allah judged the same as you have judged regarding Birwa bint Washiq; a woman of ours. So Ibn Masud was happy about that.The Chapter on Slaves And Praise And Worship in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About a Man Who Died Before Stipulating The Dowry For Her in Sunan AlTermithi

In Sunan AlNasai

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14545It was narrated that Anas said: Abu Talha h married Umm Sulaim and the dowry between them was Islam. Umm Sulaim became Muslim before Abu Talha h; and he proposed to her but she said: I have become Muslim; if you become Muslim I will marry you. So he became Muslim; and that was the dowry between them.The Chapter on Idolaters And Infidels And Day Of Resurrections in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Marriage For Islam in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14546It was narrated that Anas said: Abu Talha h proposed marriage to Umm Sulaim and she said: By Allah; a man like you is not to be rejected; O Abu Talha h; but you are a disbeliever and I am a Muslim; and it is not permissible for me to marry you. If you become Muslim; that will be my dowry; and I will not ask you for anything else. So he became Muslim and that was her dowry. one of the narrators Thabit said: I have never heard of a woman whose dowry was more precious than Umm Sulaim whose dowry was Islam. And he consummated the marriage with her; and she bore him a child.The Chapter on Idolaters And Infidels And The Revelation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Marriage For Islam in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14554It was narrated that Abu AlAjfa said: Umar Bin AlKhattab said: Do not go to extremes with regard to the dowries of women; for if that were a sign of honor and dignity in this world; or a sign of piety before Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; then Muhammad would have done that before you. But he did not give any of his wives; and none of his daughters were given; more than twelve Uqiyah. A man may increase the dowry until he feels resentment against her and says: You cost me everything I own Alaq AlQirbah And I was a man born among the Arabs; but I did not know the meaning of Alaq AlQirbah and others of you are saying -about those killed in this or that battle of yours; or who died: So-and-so was martyred or so and so died as a martyr. While perhaps he merely overloaded the backside of his beast; or lined his saddle with gold or silver seeking trade. So do not say that; rather say as the Prophet said: Whoever is killed in the cause of Allah; or dies; then he is in Paradise.The Chapter on Precious Metals And Exchange For Other Commodities in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Fairness In Giving Dowries in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14555It was narrated from Umm Habibah that the Messenger of Allah married her when she was in Ethiopia. AlNajaShi performed the marriage for her and gave her a dowry of four thousand; and he fitted her out from his own wealth; and sent her with Shurahbil Bin Hasanah. The Messenger of Allah did not send her anything; and the dowry of his wives was four hundred Dirhams.The Chapter on Wives And Relationship And Menstruation in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Fairness In Giving Dowries in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14559It was narrated that Alqamah and AlAswad said: A man was brought to Abdullah who had married a woman without naming a dowry for her; then he died before consummating the marriage with her. Abdullah said: Ask whether they can find any report about that. They said: O Abu Abdulrahman we cannot find any report about that. He said: I will say what I think; and if it is correct then it is from Allah. She should have a dowry like that of her peers and no less; with no injustice; and she may inherit from him; and she has to observe the Iddah. A man from Ashja stood up and said: The Messenger of Allah passed a similar judgment among us concerning a woman called Birwa bint Washiq. She married a man who died before consummating the marriage with her; and the Messenger of Allah ruled that she should be given a dowry like that of her peers; and she could inherit; and she had to observe the Iddah. Abdullah raised his hands and said the Takbir.The Chapter on Inheritance And Payments in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Permission To Get Married Without A Dowry in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14560It was narrated from Abdullah that a woman was brought to him who had married a man then he had died without naming any dowry for her and without consummating the marriage with her. They kept coming to him for nearly a month; and he did not issue any ruling to them. Then he said: I think that she should have a dowry like that of her peers no less; with no injustice and she may inherit from him and she has to observe the Iddah. Maaqil Bin Sinan AlAshjai testified: The Messenger of Allah passed a similar judgment concerning Birwa bint Washiq.The Chapter on Manners And Attitudes And Breaking Wind in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Permission To Get Married Without A Dowry in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14561It was narrated that Abdullah said; concerning a man who married a woman; then died before consummating the marriage with her; and without naming a dowry: She should have the dowry; and she has to observe the Iddah; and she may inherit. Maaqil Bin Sinan said: I heard the Prophet pass the same judgment concerning Birwa bint Washiq.The Chapter on Inheritance And Grandmothers in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Permission To Get Married Without A Dowry in Sunan AlNasai
SunanAlNasai-017-001-14563It was narrated from Abdullah that some people came to him and said: A man among us married a woman; but he did not name a dowry for her; and he did not have intercourse with her before he died. Abdullah said: Since I left the Messenger of Allah I have never been asked a more difficult question than this. Go to someone else. They kept coming to him for a month; then at the end of that they said: Who shall we ask if we do not ask you? You are one of the most prominent Companions of Muhammad in this land and we cannot find anyone else. He said: I will say what I think; and if it is correct then it is from Allah alone; with no partner; and if it is wrong then it is from me and from the Shaitan; and Allah and His Messenger have nothing to do with it. I think she should be given a dowry like that of her peers and no less; with no injustice; and she may inherit from him; and she has to observe the Iddah; four months and ten days. He said: And that was heard by some people from Ashja; who stood up and said: We bear witness that you have passed the same judgment as the Messenger of Allah did concerning a woman from among us who was called Birwa bint Washiq. He said: Abdullah was never seen looking so happy as he did on that day; except with having accepted Islam.The Chapter on Special Days And Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Permission To Get Married Without A Dowry in Sunan AlNasai

In Sunan Abu Dawoud

nothing found

In Muwata Malik

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