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In Quran

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In Hadith Text Books

Famin In Sahih AlBukhari

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-1781Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ used to invoke Allah in his prayer; O Allah! Save Aiyash Bin Abi Rabia and Salama Bin Hisham and AlWalid Bin AlWalid; O Allah! Save the weak among the believers; O Allah! Be hard upon the tribe of Mudar and inflict years of famine upon them like the famine years of Joseph.The Chapter on Mudhar Arabi Tribe in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Statements made under Coercion in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-331Narrated Abu Huraira;: Whenever the Prophet ﷺ lifted his head from the bowing in the last raka he used to say: O Allah! Save Aiyash Bin Abi Rabia. O Allah! Save Salama Bin Hisham. O Allah! Save Walid Bin Walid. O Allah! Save the weak faithful believers. O Allah! Be hard on the tribes of Mudar and send famine years on them like the famine years of Prophet Joseph. The Prophet ﷺ further said; Allah forgive the tribes of Ghifar and save the tribes of Aslam. Abu AlZinad a sub-narrator said; The Qunut used to be recited by the Prophet ﷺ in the Fajr prayer.The Chapter on Mudhar Arabi Tribe in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Invocation of the Prophet pbuh in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-332Narrated Masruq: We were with Abdullah and he said; When the Prophet ﷺ saw the refusal of the people to accept Islam he said; O Allah! Send famine years on them for seven years like the seven years of famine during the time of Prophet Joseph. So famine overtook them for one year and destroyed every kind of life to such an extent that the people started eating hides; carcasses and rotten dead animals. Whenever one of them looked towards the sky; he would imagine himself to see smoke because of hunger. So Abu Sufyan went to the Prophet ﷺ and said; O Muhammad! You order people to obey Allah and to keep good relations with kith and kin. No doubt the people of your tribe are dying; so please pray to Allah for them. So Allah revealed: Then watch you For the day that The sky will bring forth a kind Of smoke Plainly visible... Verily! You will return to disbelief On the day when We shall seize You with a mighty grasp. 44.10-16 Ibn Masud added; AlBatsha i.e. grasp happened in the battle of Badr and no doubt smoke; AlBatsha; AlLizam; and the verse of Surat AlRum have all passed.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Invocation of the Prophet pbuh in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-344Narrated Masruq: One day I went to Ibn Masud who said; When Quraish delayed in embracing Islam; the Prophet ﷺ I invoked Allah to curse them; so they were afflicted with a famine year because of which many of them died and they ate the carcasses and Abu Sufyan came to the Prophet ﷺ and said; O Muhammad! You came to order people to keep good relation with kith and kin and your nation is being destroyed; so invoke Allah I ? So the Prophet ﷺ I recited the Holy verses of Surat AlDukhan: Then watch you For the day that The sky will Bring forth a kind Of smoke Plainly visible. 44.10 When the famine was taken off; the people renegade once again as nonbelievers. The statement of Allah; in Surat AlDukhan-44 refers to that: On the day when We shall seize You with a mighty grasp. 44.16 And that was what happened on the day of the battle of Badr. Asbath added on the authority of Mansur; Allah Messenger ﷺ prayed for them and it rained heavily for seven days. So the people complained of the excessive rain. The Prophet ﷺ said; O Allah! Let it rain around us and not on us. So the clouds dispersed over his head and it rained over the surroundings.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on If AlMushrikun intercede the Muslim to invoke Allah for rain during drought in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-4602Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ used to recite the following invocations during Qunut: O Allah! Save Salama Bin Hisham. O Allah! Save AlWalid Bin AlWalid. O Allah! Save Aiyash Bin Rabia O Allah ! Save the weak Muslims. O Allah! Be very hard on Mudar tribe. O Allah! Afflict them with years of famine similar to the famine years of the time of Prophet Joseph.The Chapter on Charity To Save Oneself From Hell Fire in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on To invoke Allah to defeat and shake AlMushrikun in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7007Narrated Abdullah bin Masud : When the Prophet ﷺ realized that the Quraish had delayed in embracing Islam; he said; O Allah! Protect me against their evil by afflicting them with seven years of famine like the seven years of Prophet Joseph. So they were struck with a year of famine that destroyed everything till they had to eat bones; and till a man would look towards the sky and see something like smoke between him and it. Allah said:- Then watch you O Muhammad for the day when the sky will produce a kind of smoke plainly visible. 44.10 And Allah further said:- Verily! We shall withdraw the punishment a little; Verily you will return to disbelief. 44.15 Will Allah relieve them from torture on the Day of Resurrection? The punishment of the smoke had passed and AlBaltsha the destruction of the pagans in the Badr battle had passed too.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7088Narrated Masruq: While a man was delivering a speech in the tribe of Kinda; he said; Smoke will prevail on the Day of Resurrection and will deprive the hypocrites their faculties of hearing and seeing. The believers will be afflicted with something like cold only thereof. That news scared us; so I went to Abdullah Ibn Masud while he was reclining and told him the story whereupon he became angry; sat up and said; He who knows a thing can say; it; but if he does not know; he should say; Allah knows best; for it is an aspect of knowledge to say; I do not know; if you do not know a certain thing. Allah said to His prophet. Say O Muhammad : No wage do I ask of you for this Quran ; nor I am one of the pretenders a person who pretends things which do not exist. 38.86 The Quraish delayed in embracing Islam for a period; so the Prophet ﷺ invoked evil on them; saying; O Allah! Help me against them by sending seven years of famine like those of Joseph. So they were afflicted with such a severe year of famine that they were destroyed therein and ate dead animals and bones. They started seeing something like smoke between the sky and the earth because of severe hunger. Abu Sufyan then came to the Prophet and said; O Muhammad! You came to order us for to keep good relations with Kith and kin; and your kinsmen have now perished; so please invoke Allah to relieve them. Then Ibn Masud recited:- Then watch you for the day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible....but truly you will return! to disbelief 44.10-15 Ibn Masud added; Then the punishment was stopped; but truly; they reverted to heathenism their old way. So Allah threatened them thus : On the day when we shall seize you with a mighty grasp. 44.16 And that was the day of the Battle of Badr. Allah saying- Lizama the punishment refers to the day of Badr Allah Statement: Alif-Lam-Mim; the Romans have been defeated; and they; after their defeat; will be victorious; 30.1- 3 This verse : Indicates that the defeat of Byzantine has already passed.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7123Narrated Masruq: We came upon Abdullah Bin Masud and he said O people! If somebody knows something; he can say it; but if he does not know it; he should say; Allah knows better; for it is a sign of having knowledge to say about something which one does not know; Allah knows better. Allah said to His Prophet: Say O Muhammad ! No wage do I ask of You for this Quran nor am I one of the pretenders a person who pretends things which do not exist. 38.86 Now I will tell you about AlDukhan the smoke ; Allah Messenger ﷺ invited the Quraish to embrace Islam; but they delayed their response. So he said; O Allah! Help me against them by sending on them seven years of famine similar to the seven years of famine of Joseph. So the famine year overtook them and everything was destroyed till they ate dead animals and skins. People started imagining to see smoke between them and the sky because of severe hunger. Allah said: Then watch you for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible; covering the people... This is painful torment. 44.10-11 So they invoked Allah Our Lord! Remove the punishment from us really we are believers. How can there be an effectual reminder for them when an Apostle; explaining things clearly; has already come to them? Then they had turned away from him and said: One taught by a human being ; a madman? We shall indeed remove punishment for a while; but truly; you will revert to disbelief. 44.12-15 Will the punishment be removed on the Day of Resurrection? Abdullah added; The punishment was removed from them for a while but they reverted to disbelief; so Allah destroyed them on the Day of Badr. Allah said: The day We shall seize you with a mighty grasp. We will indeed then exact retribution. 44.16The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7135Narrated Abdullah: It i.e.; the imagined smoke was because; when the Quraish refused to obey the Prophet; he asked Allah to afflict them with years of famine similar to those of Prophet Joseph. So they were stricken with famine and fatigue; so much so that they ate even bones. A man would look towards the sky and imagine seeing something like smoke between him and the sky because of extreme fatigue. So Allah revealed:- Then watch you for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible; covering the people; this is a painfull of torment. 44.10-11 Then someone Abu Sufyan came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said; O Allah Messenger ﷺ ! Invoke Allah to send rain for the tribes of Mudar for they are on the verge of destruction. On that the Prophet ﷺ said astonishingly Shall I invoke Allah for the tribes of Mudar? Verily; you are a brave man! But the Prophet prayed for rain and it rained for them. Then the Verse was revealed. But truly you will return to disbelief. 44.15 When the famine was over and they restored prosperity and welfare; they reverted to their ways of heathenism whereupon Allah revealed: On the Day when We shall seize you with a Mighty Grasp. We will indeed then exact retribution. 44.16 The narrator said; That was the day of the Battle of Badr.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7136Narrated Abdullah: It is a sign of having knowledge that; when you do not know something; you say: Allah knows better. Allah said to his Prophet: Say: No wage do I ask of you for this Quran ; nor am I one of the pretenders a person who pretends things which do not exist 38.86 When the Quraish troubled and stood against the Prophet ﷺ he said; O Allah! Help me against them by afflicting them with seven years of famine like the seven years of Joseph. So they were stricken with a year of famine during which they ate bones and dead animals because of too much suffering; and one of them would see something like smoke between him and the sky because of hunger. Then they said: Our Lord! Remove the torment from us; really we are believers. 44.12 And then it was said to the Prophet by Allah ; If we remove it from them. they will revert to their ways of heathenism. So the Prophet ﷺ invoked his Lord; who removed the punishment from them; but later they reverted to heathenism ; whereupon Allah punished them on the day of the Battle of Badr; and that is what Allah Statement indicates: Then watch for the day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible...we will indeed then exact retribution. 44.10.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari
SahihAlBukhari-017-001-7138Narrated Abdullah: Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad and said:- Say; No wage do I ask of you for this Quran nor am I one of the pretenders i.e. a person who pretends things which do not exist. 38.68 When Allah Messenger ﷺ saw Quraish standing against him; he said; O Allah! Help me against them by afflicting them with seven years of famine similar to the seven years of famine of Joseph. So they were afflicted with a year of drought that destroyed everything; and they ate bones and hides. One of them said ; And they ate hides and dead animals; and it seemed to them that something like smoke was coming out of the earth. So Abu Sufyan came to the Prophet ﷺ and said; O Muhammad! Your people are on the verge of destruction! Please invoke Allah to relieve them. So the Prophet ﷺ invoked Allah for them and the famine disappeared. He said to them. You will revert to heathenism after that. Abdullah then recited: Then watch you for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible.......but truly you will revert to disbelief. He added; Will the punishment be removed from them in the Hereafter? The smoke and the grasp and the AlLizam have all passed. One of the sub-narrater said; The splitting of the moon. And another said; The defeat of the Romans has passed.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, The Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran Tafseer of the Prophet in Sahih AlBukhari

In Sahih Muslim

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SahihMuslim-017-001-19044Masruq reported: We were sitting in the company of Abdullah and he was lying on the bed that a person came and said: Abd Abd AlRabmin; a story-teller at the gates of Kinda says that the verse of the Quran which deals with the smoke implies that which is about to come and it would hold the breath of the infidels and would inflict the believers with cold. Thereupon Abdullah got up and said in anger. O people; fear Allah and say only that which one knows amongst you and do not say which he does not know and he should simply say: Allah has the best knowledge for He has the best knowledge amongst all of you. It does not behove him to say that which he does not know. Allah has the best knowledge of it. Verily Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; said to His Prophet ﷺ to state: I do not ask from you any remuneration and I am not the one to put you in trouble; and when Allah Mesqenger ﷺ saw people turning back from religion he said: O Allah; afflict thern with seven famines as was done in the case of Yousif; so they were afflicted with famine by which they were forced to eat everything until they were obliged to eat the hides and the dead bodies because of hunger; and every one of them looked towards the sky and he found a smoke. And Abu Sufyan came and he said: Muhammad; you have come to command us to obey Allah and cement the ties of blood- relation whereas your people are undone; supplicate Allah for tlicm. Thereupon Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; said: Wait for the day when there would be clear smoke from the sky which would envelop people and that would be grievous torivent up to the words: you are going to return to evil. if this verse implied the torment of the next life could the chastisement of the next life be averted as the Quran states : On the day when We seize them with the most violent seizing; surely We shall exact retribution xliv. 16 ? The seizing in the hadith implies that of the Day of Badr. And so far as the sign of smoke; seizing; inevitability and signs of Rome are concern- ed; they have become things of the past now.The Chapter on Rain And Clouds And Smoke Associated With Punishments in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 7 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19128Thauban reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake. And I have seen its eastern and western ends. And the dominion of my Ummah would reach those ends which have been drawn near me and I have been granted the red and the white treasure and I begged my Lord for my Ummah that it should not be destroyed because of famine; nor be dominated by an enemy who is not amongst them to take their lives and destroy them root and branch; and my Lord said: Muhammad; whenever I make a decision; there is none to change it. I grant you for your Ummah that it would not be destroyed by famine and it would not be dominated by an enemy who would not be amongst it and would take their lives and destroy them root and branch even if all the people from the different parts of the world join hands together for this purpose ; but it would be from amongst them; viz. your Ummah; that some people would kill the others or imprison the others.The Chapter on Standing For Prayers And Fasting in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 5 in Sahih Muslim
SahihMuslim-017-001-19161Abu Huraira reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The famine would not break out because of drought; but there would be famine despite heavy rainfall as nothing would grow from the earth.The Chapter on Preparing Meals In Basic Instinct in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on 15 in Sahih Muslim

In Sunan AlTermithi

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In Sunan AlNasai

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In Sunan Abu Dawoud

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-26075Narrated Thawban: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: Allah; the Exalted; folded for me the earth; or he said the narrator is doubtful : My Lord folded for me the earth; so much so that I saw its easts and wests i.e. the extremities. The kingdom of my community will reach as far as the earth was floded for me. The two treasures; the red and the white; were bestowed on me. I prayed to my Lord that He may not destroy my community by prevailing famine; and not give their control to an enemy who annihilates then en masse except from among themselves. My Lord said to me: Muhammad; If I make a decision; it is not withdrawn ; and I shall not destroy them by prevailing famine; and I shall not give their control to an enemy; except from among themselves; who exterminates them en masse; even if they are stormed from all sides of the earth ; only a section of them will destroy another section; and a section will captive another section. I am afraid about my community of those leaders who will lead astray. When the sword is used among my people; it will not be withdrawn from them till the Day of Resurrection; and the Last Hour will not come before the tribes of my people attach themselves to the polytheists and tribes of my people worship idols. There will be among my people thirty great liars each of them asserting that he is Allahs prophet; where as I am the seal of the Prophet s after whom me there will be no prophet ; and a section of my people will continue to hold to the truth - according to the Ibn Isa version: will continue to dominate - the agreed version goes: and will not be injured by those who oppose them; till Allah command comes.The Chapter on Tashahhud And Enemies in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Mention Of Tribulations And Their Signs in Sunan Abu Dawoud
SunanAbuDawoud-017-001-28461Narrated Ghalib Ibn Abjar: We faced a famine; and I had nothing from my property which I could feed my family ex except a few asses; and the Prophet ﷺ forbade the flesh of domestic asses. So I came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah may peace be upon ; we are suffering from famine; and I have no property which I feed my family except some fat asses; and you have forbidden the flesh of domestic asses. He said: Feed your family on the fat asses of yours; for I forbade them on account of the animal which feeds on the filth of the town; that is; the animal which feeds on filth.Abu Dawud said: This Abdulrahman is Ibn Maaqil.Abu Dawud said: Suhbah transmitted this tradition from Ubaid Abi AlHasan; from Abdulrahman Bin Maaqil; fromAbd AlRahman Bin Bishr; from some people of Muzainah stating that Abjar; the chief of Muzainah; or Ibn Abjar asked the Prophet ﷺ.The Chapter on Animal Sacrifice Domestic Donkeys in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on Regarding eating the meat of domestic donkeys in Sunan Abu Dawoud

In Muwata Malik

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