Information for "SahihMuslim-017-001-20590"
Basic information
Display title | SahihMuslim-017-001-20590 |
Default sort key | SahihMuslim-017-001-20590 |
Page length (in bytes) | 208 |
Page ID | 74400 |
Page content language | English (en) |
Page content model | wikitext |
Indexing by robots | Allowed |
Number of redirects to this page | 0 |
Counted as a content page | Yes |
Page image |
Page protection
Edit | Allow all users (infinite) |
Move | Allow all users (infinite) |
Edit history
Page creator | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) |
Date of page creation | 16:42, 18 October 2018 |
Latest editor | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) |
Date of latest edit | 20:30, 14 November 2018 |
Total number of edits | 2 |
Total number of distinct authors | 1 |
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days) | 0 |
Recent number of distinct authors | 0 |
Page properties
Facts about "SahihMuslim-017-001-20590"
Has Family | Father + |
Has Frequent Terms | Woman + |
Has Hadith Grade | Sahih Muslim + |
Has Hadith Index of Subjects | Woman lit +, Lit occas +, Occas opinion +, Opinion meant +, Meant die +, Die woman +, Woman discuss +, Discuss gave + and Gave command + |
Has Hadith Text | Muhammad Bin Jubair Bin Mutim reported on … Muhammad Bin Jubair Bin Mutim reported on the authority of his father that a woman asked Allah Messenger ﷺ about something but lit; told her to come to him on some other occasion; whereupon she said: What in your opinion should I do if I come to you but do not find you; and it seemed as if she meant that he might die. Thereupon he said: If you do not find me; then come to Abu Bakr. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Jubair Bin Mutim through another chain of transmitters and the words are that a woman came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and discussed with him something and he gave a command as we find in the above-mentioned narration. we find in the above-mentioned narration. + |
Has HodHood Indexing Book Name | Category:The Book of Gifts in HodHood Indexing + |
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter Name | Category:The Chapter on Gifts And Wealth in HodHood Indexing + |
Has Notables | Muhammad Bin Jubair Bin Mutim +, Abu Bakr + and Jubair Bin Mutim + |
Has Polarity | -0.3 + |
Has Sentiment | Hadith Negative Sentiment + |
Is Hadith Text | true + |