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    Second International
Symposium on Takaful 2006
                  Takaful Products
Family Takaful Linked Investment Plans
      21- 22 February 2006 The Andaman, Langkawi, Malaysia
                            Sohail Jaffer
                        Partner, FWU Group
  FWU group won the 2005 Euromoney Islamic Finance Award
  for being the "Best Islamic white label service provider“.
 Family Takaful Product and Highlights, Main Partners
  (pages 2-8)
 Open Investment Architecture (pages 11-13)
 POS and Administration System (pages 15-19)
 Value added for the Bank Distribution Partner (pages
 Appendix
  (1) Global Takaful Industry Overview
  (2) FWU Group Profile
  Transaction Overview
  FWU Group‘s "White Label" Islamic Savings, Education & Retirement Plans
  Main players:                              Bank Distribution Partner
  Bank Distribution Partner: Distribution                        Branch
  of “own brand” Savings Plan, selection                                     Product design and
  of top quartile Islamic mutual funds and
                                                                  Customers  process management
  custody of all customer assets                                             Dynamic Funds Select
                                                                              and Allocation
  - Local LifeTakaful Product supplier and                                    Management Model
  administrator                              Bank Financial Planners       Systems Provider
                                                                             Partnership Manager
  FWU – Product design and process
  management, Dynamic Funds Select
                                                Bank Distribution Partner      Strategic Alliance
  and Allocation Mgt Model,Systems
  provider and Premium Assurance
  Networks Manager
                                                                            Local licensed Life
                                                  Custodian Bank            Takaful Company
                                                for all customer funds      “Wakeel”/Trustee and
                                                                            local Takaful
                                                                            Product Supplier and
    “Open Investment Architecture”          Life Takaful Company to
                                            establish a corporate bank
FWU’s Dynamic Funds Select and
                                                account with Bank              Retakaful Agreement
Allocation Management Model
                                                Distribution Partner          Hannover Re
                                                                                        “AAA Rated”
                                                                            FWU’s Exclusive
                                                                            ReTakaful Partner 3    3
    FWU Group‘s international Bank distribution and
    strategic product partners
    FWU Group‘s "White Label" Islamic Savings, Education & Retirement Plans
                                    Bank Distribution Partners
                                                                     FWU's existing distribution partners
Al Safat Takaful                                                    include: NCB in KSA and ADCB in
    Company                                                          UAE
                                            Bank Customers
EFU Life Insurance                                                                    Aman Insurance
    Takaful Ikhlas                                                                      Al Ahli Takaful
      Malaysia                  Bank is Custodian of all customer
                                    funds in the Savings Plan
 Processing customer
  applications                                                               Product design,
 Product administration,                                                     Product launch support
  valuation and                                                               Product management,
                                    Local Licensed                            Marketing & Training
  claims management,                  Life Takaful                            support
 Customer reporting                  Company                               Dynamic Funds Select
 Financial accounting                                                        and Allocation Mgt Model
                                                                             Systems support to
 Communication with local                                                    Strategic Product Partner
  regulatory authorities                              FWU Group              and Bank Distribution
                                                      Dubai/Munich            Partner
                                                                             Product and Shari’ah
Main product features and customer benefits
FWU Group‘s "White Label" Islamic Savings, Education and Retirement Plans –
Product Highlights
              Product features                            Customer Benefits
   Plan benefits are available to all bank
                                                 All bank customers are insurable
   No medical examination of bank
                                                 Eliminates important psychological
    customer required (up to a defined
   Transparent and cost efficient
                                                 Greater customer comfort
   Accelerated sales process using
                                                 Immediate risk cover for bank
    FWU’s Point of Sale and
    Administration technology
   Plan benefits are available
                                                 Bank customer convenience
    immediately to all bank customers
Flexible features of the “white label”
Takaful investment linked plan
 Payments:
  – 3 currencies available (local currency, EUR, USD)
  – Regular or lump sum contributions
  – Decrease or increase of regular contributions any time
  – Payment deferral up to 12 month (Takaful benefits stay)
  – Partial investment or disinvestment at any time given a mimimum
    account size (2500 EUR) without affecting Takaful benefits
 Calendar:
  – Choice of Hijri or Gregorian calendar
 Beneficiaries:
  – Appointment of personal and institutional beneficiaries in
    accordance with Shari'ah law
Main product innovation
   Sophisticated Internet based Point of sales and Administration system
   Dynamic Funds Select and Allocation Management Model used for
    customised investment strategies/portfolios
   Unique Retakaful arrangements with “AAA” rated top 3 global re-
    insurance company based on Shari’ah principles
   FWU group’s Shari'ah Board including prominent and leading Islamic
        – Dr. Mohamed Ali Elgari, Chairman
        – Dr. Abdulsattar Abu Guddah
        – Dr. Nazih Kamal Hammad
Bank Annuity Income: Attractive Dynamics
                                  Bank Income Growth – 5 year period
            USD ('000)
                          3,000                                                          Average
                          2,000                                                          Best
                                  Year 1  Year 2    Year 3      Year 4      Year 5
                                                                              Conservative  Average    Best
  Base Assumptions:
  Number of Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,000        40,000  50,000
  Average duration                            15 years
  Average monthly contribution                $ 200
  Lapsation rate                              2 to 10 % p.a
  Fund growth rate                            7 % p.a
Cumulative Bank Income over a 5 year period
    US $ in Millions
                      Conservative  Average  Best  9
 Family Takaful Product and Highlights, Main Partners
  (pages 2-8)
 Open Investment Architecture (pages 11-13)
 POS and Administration System (pages 15-19)
 Value added for the Bank Distribution Partner (pages
 Appendix
  (1) Global Takaful Industry Overview
  (2) FWU Group Profile
Open Investment Architecture for Regular Savings Plans:
Three investment portfolios with differentiated risk profiles
              FWU‘s Dynamic Fund Select and
                    Asset Allocation Model
              Investment in External Islamic Mutual Funds
      Portfolio 1            Portfolio 2                Portfolio 3
    Conservative              Balanced                    Growth
        Portfolio              Portfolio                  Portfolio
                      Launched as internal funds of
                  FWU‘s local Takaful product partner
Investment objective of FWU Group’s
Dynamic Funds Select and Allocation Approach
 Superior risk-adjusted returns
  – Tactical fund allocation
  – Fund allocation designed to pick winners, eliminate losers and
    maintain neutral fund weightings
 Dynamic fund allocation model
  – Regular asset allocation (stocks vs. Sukuk and Murabaha) and
    fund picking by using a Dynamic Funds Select and Allocation
    Management Model
 Risk control on multiple levels
  – Asset allocation
  – Diversification
  – Portfolio construction
 Shari’ah compliance
  – Portfolio investment policies comply with Shari’ah rules
Portfolio Back Testing Results
Jan 2002 to June 2005
                                  Annualized Returns (Gross)
  Particulars            Conservative            Balanced              Growth            MSCI World
                            Portfolio            Portfolio            Portfolio          (USD) Index
  Returns                    5.66%                9.85%                14.33%              3.93%
  Volatility                  2.62%                5.49%                9.23%              14.18%
                                1.02                  1.25                1.23              0.07
  All data in US $ and gross of fees. Past performance is no guarantee for future results.
  The value of an investment may rise as well as fall.
 Family Takaful Product and Highlights, Main Partners
  (pages 2-8)
 Open Investment Architecture (pages 11-13)
 POS and Administration System (pages 15-19)
 Value added for the Bank Distribution Partner (pages
 Appendix
  (1) Global Takaful Industry Overview
  (2) FWU Group Profile
FWU’s Internet based Point of Sale &
Administration System
 Tailored online system for use by Bank Distribution Partner
  – Processing applications for Takaful & Savings Programme
  – Professional sales management and monitoring
  – Storing and retrieving customer's Plan information
 Customised for the needs of bank distribution partners
  – Logo of Bank Distribution Partner
  – Tailored Investment strategies selected by the Bank
  – Attractive customer benefits, convenience and transparency
Convenient, fast & easy
 Convenient to use on each PC with Internet access at any of the
  bank's branches
  (Sales process conducted and data input by Bank‘s Financial Planner not by the
 Immediate, fast and easy application during one customer visit
  – No need for further documents (except customers ID card)
  – No need for medical examinations
  – No need to wait for the results of any manual verification by back
      office employees
                                            the transfer of the first premium
                                              and printing the certificate      16
Main competitive advantage
 Internet based application
  – No installation of new software required, ready-to-start solution
  – Available on any PC in the world with Internet access
  – Accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
 Immediate online individual risk assessment (for Takaful benefits)
 Learner's mode available
 Feedback messages during application process
 FWU-Internet-Training academy available
 FWU Group provides local service and systems support
  – A GCC regional presence in the Dubai Internet City (DIC).
Process Innovation
 Simplify and improve quality of sales process
 Online risk assessment for Takaful benefits
 Monitor any number of bank branches and financial planners
  with one tool from any web linked PC
 Economic and efficient solution
 Convenient access to customer data
 Faster and easier completion of a Customer Plan
   Earlier start of a Customer Plan
         Earlier payment and therefore earlier additional income
            streams for bank distribution and product partners
  Functions of the Main Partners
  FWU Group‘s "White Label" Islamic Savings, Education & Retirement Plans - Overview
                                    FWU Group (Systems provider and Strategic
Bank Distribution Partner            Product Partner)                                    Local Life Takaful Operator
 Distribution                      • Product development and management                 Financial accounting
     Risk profiling of                   Product design & development                 Communication with local
      customer                           Product management                              regulatory authorities
     Organise marketing                 Product profitability simulation             Shari‘ah Advisory Board
      literature                         Product training
     Market the product                 Internet based Point of Sale &               Process applications/
     Collect customer                      underwriting system                          issue Takaful plan certificate
      application forms                                                                 Product administration
     Collection of lump sum        • Asset management
      and regular contributions                                                               Splitting of contributions
     Customer relationship               Dynamic Funds Allocation                           Calculation of
      management                          Management Model                                    fees/charges
     Funds Selection of 3rd             Risk control                                       Net asset valuation
      party external Islamic             Reporting on investment portfolios
      mutual funds from major                                                                 Claims management
      investment brands by                                                                   Operational & systems
      Bank Distribution Partner    • Compliance and monitoring
                                           Shari’ah Advisory Board
    Note: Distribution Partner                                                           Customer reporting
    is the custodian bank for             Product compliance
                                                                                         Customer communications
    the Family Takaful linked             Sales monitoring & controlling
    investment plans business
                        Ongoing implementation and post
                                                                    FWU is the outsourcing partner
                        launch support by local FWU team                                                              19
 Family Takaful Product and Highlights, Main Partners
  (pages 2-8)
 Open Investment Architecture (pages 11-13)
 POS and Administration System (pages 15-19)
 Value added for the Bank Distribution Partner (pages
 Appendix
  (1) Global Takaful Industry Overview
  (2) FWU Group Profile
The value added for the distribution
partner and its customers
Value added for Bank Distribution partner
   Enhance retail product offering with own brand Islamic
    Savings, Education and Retirement Plans
   Low cost entry into a new consumer market segment
   Increase fee based annuity revenues
   Expand and retain customer relationships over a
    significantly longer period
   Rapid sales process through an online internet based
    Point of Sale and Administration system
   Maximise synergy between customer and different
    bank product groups
The value added for the distribution
partner and its customers
Consumer Value Proposition
   Availability of Long-term Savings Plan with
    protection benefits
   Customer friendly product with transparent
    terms and conditions and charging structure
   Benefit of a Dynamic Funds Select and
    Allocation Mgt Model targeted at investing in
    quality external Shari’ah compliant funds
The value added – why FWU Group
        ENTREPRENEURIAL                          INNOVATIVE
    EXPERIENCED PARTNER                          PRODUCT
 Flexibility in customised product   State of the art Internet based
  design & administration              sales and administration system
                                     Attractive investment options
 Takaful product training and sales
                                      including an innovative dynamic
  support (incl. FWU Online
                                      funds select and allocation
                                      management model
 Robust business simulation and
                                     Cost efficient Wakala structure
  profitability analysis model
                                     Unique Shari'ah compliant
 Regional presence in Dubai
                                      Retakaful arrangement
 Family Takaful Product and Highlights, Main Partners
  (pages 2-8)
 Open Investment Architecture (pages 11-13)
 POS and Administration System (pages 15-19)
 Value added for the Bank Distribution Partner (pages
 Appendicies
  I) FWU Group Profile
  II) Global Takaful Industry Overview
I) FWU Group Profile (page 26 to 31)
II) Global Takaful Industry Overview (page 32 to 37)
  Appendix I: FWU-Group Structure
                    an entrepreneurial and institutional partnership
                                                Dr. Manfred J. Dirrheimer and
                                                                          95%                                    GE Insurance Solutions,
                                                                FWU AG
                                          Munich, Luxembourg, Dubai
            74,9%                  80%            100%                    100%                100%              100%                  13,125%
ATLANTICLUX Lebens-      PREMIUM SELECT    PREMIUM Invest        FWU Provisions-        FWU Payment      FWU Unterstützungs-      Al Ahli Takaful
  versicherung S.A.          LUX S.A.        LUX S.A.          Factoring GmbH        Services GmbH          kasse GmbH          Company, i.F.
      Luxembourg            Luxembourg      Luxembourg              Munich              Munich                Munich            Jeddah, KSA
                    25,1%  20%                                                  13,125%                30%                                7,5%
                                VHV                    IFC International                    National Commercial                      VHV
  Institutional            Versicherungen,            Finance Cooperation                            Bank,                      Versicherungen,
    Partners                  Hanover                    Washington                            Jeddah, KSA                        Hanover
Appendix I: FWU-GROUP
        Assurance - Asset Management - Factoring
                    Austria      The group is poised to
    Italy                        meet the life assurance,
            France              investment and pension
                    Saudi-Arabia needs of institutional and
                                  private clients in Europe,
      United Arab Emirates
                                  Middle East and Asia with
            Pakistan            traditional bancassurance
                                  and Shari‘ah Life Takaful
            South Africa        products.
Appendix I: FWU-Group Takaful Universe
                                                                            Hannover Re
                                                                              („AAA rated“,
                                                                                3rd largest
                                                                            life Reinsurance)
              Administrator              Pooling            Wakeel
              -Data processing        Arrangement            - Fee  Basis
                and administration                            - 100% profit redistribution
                (Retakaful, Takaful)                          - Quard Hasna
              - Asset Management                              - Shari‘ah compliant Investments
  Establishment of insurance provider through joint venture or cooperation agreement
                                Dubai Islamic                    Eastern
Insurance      Al Ahli Takaful
                  Company      Insurance &  Al Safat Takaful    Federal
Partners        NCB/FWU / IFC  Reinsurance      Company        Union Life
                                                                                  SDN BHD
                                  AMAN                            EFU
        Acquisition of banks as distribution partner in the following regions
                      KSA          UAE          Kuwait Pakistan              Malaysia
Distribution-    The National    Abu Dhabi
                Commercial Bank  Commercial      Major Bank    Major Bank    Major Bank
Partners            Jeddah          Bank
Appendix I: FWU Group – Profile
 The FWU Group is an entrepreneurial financial services group with
  headquarters in Munich, Germany.
 Further offices are located in Luxembourg and Dubai Internet City (DIC).
 Group shareholders include GE Frankona Re AG, an international re-
  insurer, and European banks and insurance companies.
 Core activities are Life Insurance, Savings & Pension Plans, Takaful
  Products and Asset Management.
 Group subsidiaries include:
  – an Asset Management Company (PREMIUM SELECT LUX S.A.)
  – a Life Insurance Company (ATLANTICLUX S.A.)
  Both are based and regulated in Luxembourg.
Appendix I: FWU Group – Activities
 FWU offers customised design and white label distribution of:
  – Unit-linked investments,
  – Shari'ah compliant Life Takaful family of products with unique Retakaful
  – Multi Manager investments and innovative fund allocation model,
  – Savings & pension plans.
 Main distribution channels are
  – Financial institutions (such as banks, insurance companies and corporate
      plan sponsors)
  – Independent financial advisers, portfolio managers and broker networks
 Priority markets are:
  – Europe (Germany, France and Italy)
  – Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia,Kuwait and Pakistan)
  – Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia and China)
Appendix I      FWU‘s Business Approach
    Product                                Distribution  Individual
    Partners                                Partners    Customers
                    • Customised product
  Life Insurance  • Online insurance sales
                      and administration      Banks
                        • Dynamic Fund
                        allocation model
  Investment-                                Financial
    managers                              Intermedaries
  Reinsurance                                Broker
  Companies                                Networks
                      Administration of
                          unit-linked        Alternative
    Custodian            investments        distribution
      Banks        Payment- transactions      channels
                      Sales Commision
Appendix II: Global Takaful Industry Overview
                    2006 Total Takaful Premiums
        $1,7 billion = 60 Takaful companies in 30 countries worldwide
                          Asia / Pacific Europe / USA
                                9%            1%
Total estimated Takaful premiums of US$ 1.7 billion (growing at 15 to 20% p.a)
Source: Salama Arabic Islamic Insurance Company
Appendix II: Global Takaful Industry Overview
                                  2015 Forecast
                      Total Takaful premiums of US$ 7.4 billion
  Source: Salama Arabic Islamic Insurance Company
Appendix II: Global Takaful Industry Overview
                                      2015 Forecast
                  Total Takaful Premiums US $7,4 billion
                      31 %
                                                                            27 %
                                  *** Europe
                                    $2.3bn                *GCC $2bn
                                        **Asia Pacific $3.1 bn
                                                  42 %
        *GCC $2bn (KSA $900 million, UAE $480 million and Egypt 467 million)
        **Asia/ Pacific $3,1 bio (Malaysia/Indonesia $1.4 bio)
        ***Europe, Turkey, China, India & USA $2,3 bio
Source: Salama Arabic Islamic Insurance Company
Appendix II: Consumer Banking Opportunity for Islamic Banks
   According to the 2005-06 World Islamic Banking Conference
    (WIBC) Competitiveness report authored by McKinsey and
   “Consumer banking will be the main source of steady profits.
    Capturing the consumer banking opportunity and appealing to
    a broader consumer base is key for Islamic Banks. So far
    Islamic banks have managed to capture customers who have a
    strong preference for Sharia compliant products.
   Going forward, they will have to broaden their appeal to
    customers who are interested in Sharia compliant products but
    are not ready to sacrifice returns, service or convenience.
   To do so, Islamic banks need to improve their service levels,
    network convenience and staff knowledge while developing
    critical enablers (i.e. operations, risk management and people
Appendix II: Consumer Banking Opportunity for Islamic Banks
The report findings include:
 “Successfully delivering against customers’ expectations
  requires a complete rethink of the bank’s approach
 Islamic banks will strongly need to improve their quality of
  service and distribution network
 Islamic product offering presents major gaps and customers
  want to see some of these gaps closed
 Customers would like to see an improvement in price/returns of
  banking products”
Appendix II: Consumer Banking Opportunity for Islamic Banks
 According to the WIBC Competitiveness report “Islamic banks
  will need to make substantial efforts to meet expectations. To
  capture the growth thrust in Consumer banking, Islamic banks
  will have to:
 Focus the offering and develop wider product range
 Expand network and use branch channels
 Step up service quality and knowledge
 Ensure competitive pricing”
                                          Mr. Sohail Jaffer
                                          Partner, FWU Group
                                          2, Rue Sainte Zithe
                                          L-2763 Luxembourg
                                        Tel: +352 – 2 61 97 700
                                      Fax: +352 – 2 61 97 800
                                  Email: S.jaffer@fwugroup.com
The information in this presentation does not constitute a sales offer, investment advice or an offer for the
acquisition of financial products or instruments, and shall not in this regard imply legal obligations for the
FWU Group or anybody else towards the readers of this presentation.
This presentation is solely intended to provide information on matters of interest for the readers and such
information is not meant to replace the knowledge and the judgment of the readers who should make all
appropriate inquiries.

Revision as of 00:41, 21 September 2016