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==Sahih AlBukhari==
==List of Chapters in The Book of Adhan And Iqama in HodHood Indexing==
# [[Category:The Book of Prostration During Recital of Quran in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama At Dawn in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Forgetfulness in Prayer in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama Pronunciation in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Prayer at Night Tahajjud in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Fasting in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Shortening the Prayers AlTaqseer in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Ablution in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Eclipses in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Forgiveness in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Actions while Praying in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And The Sun in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Funerals AlJanaaiz in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Menstruation in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Invoking Allah for Rain Istisqaa in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama At Fajir in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Witr Prayer in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Bowing in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of Virtues of Prayer at Masjid Makkah and Madinah in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# [[Category: The Chapter on Adhan And Iqama And Prayers in HodHood Indexing ]]
# [[Category:The Book of The Two Festivals Eids in Sahih AlBukhari]]
== The Book of Adhan And Iqama in HodHood Indexing Key Points==
# [[Category:The Book of Fear Prayer in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# Narrated Abu Huraira Allah Messenger said When the call for prayer is made Satan takes to his heels passing wind so that he may not hear the Adhan and when the call is finished he comes back and when the Iqama is pronounced Satan again takes to his heels and when the Iqama is finished he comes back again and tries to interfere with the person and his thoughts and say Remember this and that which he has not thought of before the prayer till the praying person forgets how much he has prayed
# [[Category:The Book of Friday Prayer in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# When the Muadh dhin pronounced the Adhan saying Toknz allah akbar takbir phrases Allahu Akbar Muawiya said Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar
# [[Category:The Book of Times of the Prayers in Sahih AlBukhari]]
#  When the Adhan was finished Muawiya said O people when the Muadh dhin pronounced the Adhan I heard Allah Messenger on this very pulpit saying what you have just heard me saying
# [[Category:The Book of Call to Prayers Adhaan in Sahih AlBukhari]]
# I asked Anas How long was the interval between finishing their Suhur and starting the prayer He replied The interval between the two was just sufficient to recite fifty Ayat
==Sunan AlTermithi==
# Narrated Nafi Once in a cold night Ibn Umar pronounced the Adhan for the prayer at Dajnan the name of a mountain and then said Pray at your homes and informed us that Allah Messenger used to tell the Muadh dhin to pronounce Adhan and say Pray at your homes at the end of the Adhan on a rainy or a very cold night during the journey
# [[Category:The Book of Call to Prayers Adhaan in Sunan AlTermithi]]
# Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
# [[Category:The Book of Prayers Salat in Sunan AlTermithi]]
# Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
# [[Category:The Book of Oneness Uniqueness of Allah Tawheed in Sunan AlTermithi]]
# Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
==Sunan AlNasai==
# Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Abis Ibn Abbas was asked Did you offer the Id prayer with the Prophet He said Yes had it not been for my close relation to the Prophet I would not have performed it with him because of my being too young The Prophet came to the mark which is near the home of Kathir Bin AlSalt and offered the Id prayer and then delivered the sermon
# [[Category:The Book of Oneness Uniqueness of Allah Tawheed in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Then the Prophet ordered the women to give alms and they started stretching out their hands towards their ears and throats giving their ornaments in charity and the Prophet ordered Bilal to go to them to collect the alms and then Bilal returned to the Prophet
# [[Category:The Book of Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Then he thought that we were anxious for our families and he asked us whom we had left behind to look after our families and we told him
# [[Category:The Book of Wishes in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Narrated Anas I served the Prophet for ten years and he never said to me Uf a minor harsh word denoting impatience and never blamed me by saying Why did you do so or why didnt you do so Good Manners and Form A AlAdab Good character generosity and miserliness
# [[Category:The Book of Judgments Ahkaam in Sunan AlNasai]]
# Narrated Muadha A woman asked Aisha Should I offer the prayers that which I did not offer because of menses Aisha said Are you from the Huraura a town in Iraq We were with the Prophet and used to get our periods but he never ordered us to offer them the Prayers missed during menses
# [[Category:The Book of Afflictions and the End of the World in Sunan AlNasai]]
# Narrated Ibn Umar Allah Messenger used to go for Hajj via AlShajara way and return via Muarras way and no doubt whenever Allah Messenger went to Mecca he used to offer the prayer in the Mosque of AlShajara and on his return he used to offer the prayer at Dh AlHulaifa in the middle of the valley and pass the night there till morning
# [[Category:The Book of Holding Fast to the Quran and Sunnah in Sunan AlNasai]]
# When the day dawned Abdullah said The Prophet never offered any prayer at this hour except this prayer at this time and at this place and on this day
# [[Category:The Book of Expiation for Unfulfilled Oaths in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Allah Messenger smiled and said Keep away from me O Umar But when I spoke too much to him he said I have been given the choice and I have chosen this and if I knew that if I asked forgiveness for him more than seventy times he would be for given I would ask it for more times than that
# [[Category:The Book of Apostates in Sunan AlNasai]]
# The Book on Janaiz Funerals What Has Been Related About It Being Disliked To Tread On Graves Sit On Them And Pray Towards Them Sahih Darussalam
# [[Category:The Book of Limits and Punishments set by Allah Hudood in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Then he ordered him to call the Iqamah for Asr so he calIed the Iqamah while the sun was later in its position than what it was the day before
# [[Category:The Book of Interpretation of Dreams in Sunan AlNasai]]
# Ishaq said something different about AlTathwib he said The disliked Tathwib is something that the people started after the Prophet when the Muadh dhincalls the Adhan and the people are slow in coming so between the Adhan and the Iqamah he says Qad Qamatis Salat Haya Alasalat Haya AlalFalah
# [[Category:The Book of Laws of Inheritance AlFaraaid in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  It was narrated that Ibn Umar said At the time of the Messenger of Allah the phrases of the Adhan were said twice and the phrases of the Iqamah were said once except that you should I say Qad Qamatis Salah Qad Qamatis Salah prayer is about to begin prayer is about to begin
# [[Category:The Book of Blood Money AlDiyat in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  It was narrated that Saeed Bin Jubair said concerning Ibn Umar We were with him Ibn Umar in Jam Muzdalifah and he called the Adhan then the Iqamah then he led us in praying Maghrib
# [[Category:The Book of Statements made under Coercion in Sunan AlNasai]]
# It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Mughaffal said The Messenger of Allah said Between each two Adhans there is a prayer between each two Adhans there is a prayer between each two Adhans there is a prayer for whoever wants to do it
# [[Category:The Book of Invocations in Sunan AlNasai]]
# It was narrated that Ahu Dharr said The Messenger of Allah said to me and struck my thigh What will you do if you stay among people who delay the prayer until its time is over He said What do you command me to do He said Offer the prayer on time then go about your business
# [[Category:The Book of Asking Permission in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  He rode quickly to go to her and when the time for Zuhr came the Muadhdhin said to him The prayer O Abu Abdulrahman But he paid no attention to him until it was between the time for the two prayers then he stopped and said Say the Iqamah and when I say the Taslim say the Iqamah
# [[Category:The Book of Tricks in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim Sufyan said I asked Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr who said I heard it from Abbad Bin Tamim who narrated it from his father that Abdullah Bin Zaid who was shown the call to prayer in a dream said The Messenger of Allah went out to the prayer place to pray for rain
# [[Category:The Book of Divine Will AlQadar in Sunan AlNasai]]
# It was narrated from Abu Salamah that Umm Salamah said The Messenger of Allah did not pass away until most of his prayers were offered sitting down except for the obligatory prayers and the dearest of actions to him were those which were done persistently even if they were few
# [[Category:The Book of Oaths and Vows in Sunan AlNasai]]
# It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Umar said A man stood up and said O Messenger of Allah how are the prayers at night to be done The Messenger of Allah said Prayers at night are offered two by two then if you fear that dawn will come pray witr with one
# [[Category:The Book of To make the Heart Tender AlRiqaq in Sunan AlNasai]]
#  Harmalah Bin Yahya Bin Abdullah Bin Harmalah Bin Imran AlTujibi narrated to me he said Ibn Wahb narrated to us he said Abu Shurayh narrated to me that he heard Sharahil Bin Yazid saying Muslim Bin Yasar informed me that he heard Aba Hurayrah saying the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah upon him said There will be in the end of time charlatan liars coming to you with narrations that you nor your fathers heard so beware of them lest they misguide you and cause you tribulations
==Sahih Muslim==
# He then again came down and observed the prayer and again mounted the pulpit and addressed us until the sun was set and he informed about everything pertaining to turmoil that lay hidden in the past and what lies in the womb of the future and the most learned amongst us is one who remembers them well
# [[Category:The Book of To make the Heart Tender AlRiqaq in Sahih Muslim]]
#  Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that Allah Messenger visited Umm Saib or Umm Musayib and said Umm Saib or Umm Musayib
# [[Category:The Book of Drinks in Sahih Muslim]]
#  Then every person made his camel kneel down there and then Iqama was pronounced for Isha prayer and he observed it and he the Holy Prophet did not observe any prayer either Sunan or Nawifil in between them He observed the Fard of sunset and Isha prayers successively
# [[Category:The Book of Medicine in Sahih Muslim]]
# Abu Salama and Abu Abdullah two of the narrators in this chain of narrations said We had no doubt that what Abu Haraira Allah be pleased with him had said was from Allah Messenger and so we did not like to get an attestation from Abu Huraira about this hadith until Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him died
# [[Category:The Book of Patients in Sahih Muslim]]
# While we were discussing it as we sat with Abdullah Bin Ibrahlm Bin Qariz we made a mention of this hadith and our omission in getting its attestation about its direct transmission by Abu Huraira from him the Holy Proohet thereupon Abdullah Bin Ibrahim said to us I bear witness to the fact that I heard Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him say that Allah Messenger said I am the last of the Apostles and my mosque is the last of the mosques
# [[Category:The Book of Good Manners and Form AlAdab in Sahih Muslim]]
# One day they discussed the matter and some of them said Use something like the bell of the Christians and some of them said Use horn like that of the Jews
# [[Category:The Book of AlAdha Festival Sacrifice Adaahi in Sahih Muslim]]
# He led us in prayer in a sitting posture and we said prayer behind him sitting and when he finished the prayer hesaid The Imam is appointed only to be followed so when he recites takbir you should also recite that when he prostrates you should also prostrate when he rises up you should also rise up and when he said God listens to him who praises Him you should say Our Lord to Thee be the praise and when he prays sitting all of you should pray sitting
# [[Category:The Book of Hunting Slaughtering in Sahih Muslim]]
# In pronouncing salutation for I see you in front of me and behind me and then said By Him in Whose hand Is the life of Muhammad if you could see what I see you would have laughed little and wept much more
# [[Category:The Book of Dress in Sahih Muslim]]
# Zaid Bin Arqam on seeing some people praying in the forenoon said They well know that prayer at another time than this is more excellent for Allah Messenger said The prayer of those who are penitent is observed when your weaned camels feel the heat of the sun
# [[Category:The Book of Food Meals in Sahih Muslim]]
#  Ibn Abbas reported I heard it from so many Companions of the Messenger of Allah and one among them is Umar Bin Khattab and he is most dear to me among them that the Messenger of Allah prohibited observing of prayer after the dawn prayer till the sun rose and after the Asr till the sun set
# [[Category:The Book of Divorce in Sahih Muslim]]
# And when the takbir is pronounced he again runs back and when takbir is over he comes back and distracts a man saying Remember such and such remember such and such referring to something the man did not have in his mind
# [[Category:The Book of Sacrifice on Occasion of Birth Aqiqa in Sahih Muslim]]
# Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah said When the words of Iqama are pronounced do not come to prayer running but go with tranquillity and pray what you are in time for and complete what you have missed for when one of you is preparing for prayer he is in fact engaged in prayer
# [[Category:The Book of Supporting the Family in Sahih Muslim]]
# Abu Huraira reported The Messenger of Allah said He who finds gets a rakah of the afternoon prayer before the setting of the sun he in fact gets the full prayer and he who gets a rakah of the morning prayer before the rising of the sun he in fact gets the full prayer
# [[Category:The Book of Virtues of the Quran in Sahih Muslim]]
# Abu Dharr reported The Messenger of Allah said to me How would you act when you are under the rulers who would delay the prayer beyond its prescribed time or they would make prayer a dead thing as far as its proper time is concerned I said What do you command He the Holy Prophet said Observe the prayer at Its proper time and if you can say it along with them do so for it would be a superetogatory prayer for you
# [[Category:The Book of Companions of the Prophet in Sahih Muslim]]
# Abu Dharr reported The Messenger of Allah struck my thigh and said How would you act if you survive among the people who would delay prayers beyond their prescribed time He Abu Dharr said What do you command under this situation He the Holy Prophet slid Observe prayer at its prescribed time then go to meet your needs and if the Iqama is pronounced and you are present in the mosque then observe prayer along with the Jamaat
==Sunan Abu Dawoud==
# I also sat alone with him so he said son of my brother I heard the Messenger of Allah say He who observed the Isha prayer in congregation it was as if he prayed up to midnight and he who prayed the morning prayer in congregation it was as if he prayed the whole night
# [[Category:The Book of Companions of the Prophet in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# When the time for dawn approached Bilal leaned against his camel facing the direction from which the dawn would appear but he was overcome by sleep while he was leaning against his camel and neither the Messenger of Allah nor Bilal nor anyone else among his Companions got up till the sun shone on them
# [[Category:The Book of Wedlock Marriage Nikaah in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# Allah Messenger was the first of them to awake and being startled he called to Bilal who said Messenger of Allah I may my father and mother be offered as ransom for thee the same thing overpowered me which overpowered you
# [[Category:The Book of Merits of the Helpers in Madinah Ansaar in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# When he came out he led the people in prayer and he Bilal informed him that Aisha had kept him engaged in a matter which she asked him till it became fairly light hence he became late in reaching him in time
# [[Category:The Book of Jizyah and Mawaadaah in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# Narrated Anas Ibn Malik Sahl Ibn AbuUmamah said that he and his father AbuUmamah visited Anas Ibn Malik at Medina during the time rule of Umar Ibn AbdulAziz when he Anas Ibn Malik was the governor of Medina
# [[Category:The Book of Virtues and Merits of the Prophet and his Companions in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah The Prophet said If anyone is called by my name he must not be given my kunyah surname and if anyone uses my kunyah surname he must not be called by my name
# [[Category:The Book of One fifth of Booty to the Cause of Allah Khumus in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
#  This version is disputed AlThawri and Ibn Juraij transmitted it according to the version of Abu AlZubair and Maqil Bin Ubaid Allah transmitted it according to the version of Ibn Sirin
# [[Category:The Book of Wills and Testaments Wasaayaa in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying If anyone says a rakah of the Asr prayer before sunset he has observed the Asr prayer and if anyone performs a rakah of the Fajr prayer he has observed the Fajr prayer
# [[Category:The Book of Conditions in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# Abu Dawud said This tradition has been narrated by Malik Sufyan Bin Uyainah AlAwzai and Abd AlRazzaq from Mamar and Ibn Ishaq none of them made a mention of the call for prayer adman in this version of the tradition narrated by AlZuhri and none of them attribute this tradition to him except AlAwzai and Aban AlAttar on the authority of Mamar
# [[Category:The Book of Prophets in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
#  Allah is most great Allah is most great I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah come to prayer come to prayer come to salvation
# [[Category:The Book of Beginning of Creation in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# The same version reads And he turned his face towards the qiblah and said Allah is most great Allah is most great I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah come to prayer he pronounced it twice come to salvation he pronounced it twice Allah is Most Great Allah is most great
# [[Category:The Book of Witnesses in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
#  If someone wished to keep the fast he would keep the fast if someone wished to abandon the fast he would feed an indigent every day it would do for him
# [[Category:The Book of Fighting for the Cause of Allah Jihaad in Sunan Abu Dawoud]]
# four times each and the words of iqamah were pronounced once in pairs twice each except that the phrase The time for prayer has come would be pronounced twice
==Sunan Ibn Majeh==
# Abu AlNadr said when the Iqamah was pronounced and the Messenger of Allah saw that they the people were small in number he would sit down nd would not pray but when he saw them the people large in number he would pray
# [[Category:The Book of Fighting for the Cause of Allah Jihaad in Sunan Ibn Majeh]]
# Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying I thought to give orders for arranging prayer in congregation and then to have the Iqamah called for it then to order a man to lead the people in prayer then to go off in company of the people who have bundles of firewood to those people who are not present at the prayer and then to burn down their houses with fire
==Muwata Malik==
# This is because when any of you performs ablution and does it perfectly and goes out to the mosque having no intention except praying and nothing moves him except prayer then at every step which he takes his rank is elevated by one degree on account of this walking and one sin is remitted from him for this walking till he enters the mosque
# [[Category:The Book of Fighting for the Cause of Allah Jihaad in Muwata Malik]]
#  Musaddads version adds When the evening meal was put before Abdullah Bin Umar or it was brought to him he did not get up until he finished it even if he heard call to prayer just before it and even if he heard the recitation of the by the leader in prayer
# [[Category:The Book of Gifts in Muwata Malik]]
# Narrated Ibn Abbas The verse So eat of meats on which Allah name hath been pronounced and the verse Eat not of meats on which Allah name hath not been pronounced were abrogated meaning an exception was made therein by the verse The food of the people of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them
# [[Category:The Book of Makaatib in Muwata Malik]]
# Abu Musa said A beduoin came to the Apostle of Allaah and said One man fights for reputation one fights for being praised one fights for booty and one for his place to be seen
# [[Category:The Book of Khusoomaat in Muwata Malik]]
# It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Buraidah that his father said The Messenger of Allah saas said Allahumma Anta Rabbi la ilaha illa Anta khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana ala ahdika wa wadika mastatatu
# [[Category:The Book of Loans Payment of Loans Freezing of Property Bankruptcy in Muwata Malik]]
# Audhu bika min sharri ma sanatu abuu bi nimatika wa abuu bi dhanbi faghfirli fa innahu la yaghfirudh dhunuba illa Anta O Allah You are my Lord there is none worthy of worship except You
# [[Category:The Book of Peacemaking in Muwata Malik]]
#  It wasnarrated that Aisha said When the Prophet passedaway there was nothing in my house that any living soul could eat excepta little bit of barley on a shelf of mine
# [[Category:The Book of Mortgaging in Muwata Malik]]
# Then will come the conquest ofBait AlMaqdis Jerusalem then adisease which will appear among youand cause you and your offspringto die as martyrs and will purifyour deeds then there will be much wealth among you so that if aman were to be given one hundredDinar he would still bedissatisfied and there will be tribulationamong you that will notleave any Muslim house untouched then therewill be a treatybetween you and the Romans then they will betray youand marchagainst you with eighty banners under each of which will betwelvethousand troops
# [[Category:The Book of Manumission of Slaves in Muwata Malik]]
# It was narrated that Anas Bin Malik said Shall I not tell you aHadith that I heard from the Messenger of Allah which no onewill tell you after me I heard it from him saying Among theportents of the Hour are that knowledge will be taken away andignorance will prevail illegal sex will become widespread and winewill be drunk and men will disappear and women will be left untilthere is one man in charge of fifty women
# [[Category:The Book of Partnership in Muwata Malik]]
# When Ubayy had finished hisprayer he joined the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and granthim peace and the Messenger of Allah put his hand upon his hand andhe was intending to leave by the door of the mosque so the Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace said I hope thatyou will not leave the mosque until you know a sura whose like Allahhas notsentdown in the Tawrah nor in the Injil nor in the Qur an
# [[Category:The Book of Lost Things Picked up by Someone Luqatah in Muwata Malik]]
# Then Isaid Messenger of Allah the sura you promised me He said Whatdo you recite when you begin the prayer I recited the Fatiha Sura until I came to the end of it and the Messengerof Allah may Allahbless him and grant him peace said It is this sura and it is the seven oft repeated and the Great Qur an which I was given
# [[Category:The Book of Representation Authorization Business by Proxy in Muwata Malik]]
#  Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that hisfather used to recite behind the imam when the imam did not recitealoud
# TheMessenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace approached the people and said Has Dh u sh Shamalayn spoken thetruth They said Yes Messenger of Allah and the Messenger ofAllah may Allah bless him and grant him peace completed whatremained of the prayer and then said Peace be upon you
# Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibnMuhammad ibn Amr ibn Hazm from Abd al Malik ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abd ar Rahman ibn al Harith ibn Hisham al Makhzumi from his father that whenthe Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace married Umm Salama and then spent the night with her he said to her You are not being humbled in your right
# Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that Salim ibnAbdullah heard Abu Hurayra relating to Abdullah ibn Umar how a groupof three people in ihram had passed him at ar Rabadha and had askedhim for a fatwa about eating game which people who were not in ihramwere eating and he told them that they could eat it
# Malik said If someone dies with an unfulfilled vow to free a slave or to fast orto give sadaqa or to give away a camel and makes a bequest that hisvow should be fulfilled from his estate then the sadaqa or the giftof the camel are taken from one third of his estate
# Malik said In my opinion and Allah knows best nothing is taken from what comes out of mines until what comes out of them reaches a value of twenty gold dinars or two hundred silver dirhams
# Yahya related to me from Malik that Abdullah ibn Dinar said Iasked Said ibn al Musayyab about zakat on work horses and he said Is there any zakat on horses Zakat
# This is because jizya is only imposedon them on conditions which they have agreed on namely that theywill remain in their own countries and that war will be waged forthem on any enemy of theirs and that if they then leave that land togo anywhere else to do business they will haveto pay a tenth
# Whoeveramong them does business with the people of Egypt and then goes toSyria and then does business with the people of Syria and then goesto Iraq and does business with them and then goes on to Madina orYemen or other similar places has to pay a tenth
# If in any one year they frequently come and goin muslim countries then they have to pay a tenth every time they doso since that is outside what they have agreed upon and not one ofthe conditions stipulated for them
# Yahya related to me from Malik that Abu r Rijal Muhammad ibn Abdar Rahman heard his mother Amra bint Abd ar Rahman say The Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace cursed both men andwomen who dug up meaning those who dug up graves
#  Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa from hisfather from A isha the wife of the Prophet may Allah bless him andgrant him peace that al Harith ibn Hisham asked the Messenger ofAllah may Allah bless him and grant him peace How does therevelation come to you and the Messenger of Allah may Allah blesshim and grant him peace said Sometimes it comes to me like theringing of a bell and that is the hardest for me and when it leavesme I remember what it has said
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Revision as of 15:56, 13 November 2018

List of Chapters in The Book of Adhan And Iqama in HodHood Indexing

The Book of Adhan And Iqama in HodHood Indexing Key Points

  1. Narrated Abu Huraira Allah Messenger said When the call for prayer is made Satan takes to his heels passing wind so that he may not hear the Adhan and when the call is finished he comes back and when the Iqama is pronounced Satan again takes to his heels and when the Iqama is finished he comes back again and tries to interfere with the person and his thoughts and say Remember this and that which he has not thought of before the prayer till the praying person forgets how much he has prayed
  2. When the Muadh dhin pronounced the Adhan saying Toknz allah akbar takbir phrases Allahu Akbar Muawiya said Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar
  3. When the Adhan was finished Muawiya said O people when the Muadh dhin pronounced the Adhan I heard Allah Messenger on this very pulpit saying what you have just heard me saying
  4. I asked Anas How long was the interval between finishing their Suhur and starting the prayer He replied The interval between the two was just sufficient to recite fifty Ayat
  5. Narrated Nafi Once in a cold night Ibn Umar pronounced the Adhan for the prayer at Dajnan the name of a mountain and then said Pray at your homes and informed us that Allah Messenger used to tell the Muadh dhin to pronounce Adhan and say Pray at your homes at the end of the Adhan on a rainy or a very cold night during the journey
  6. Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
  7. Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
  8. Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person Acceptance of the information given by one truthful person in about all matters
  9. Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Abis Ibn Abbas was asked Did you offer the Id prayer with the Prophet He said Yes had it not been for my close relation to the Prophet I would not have performed it with him because of my being too young The Prophet came to the mark which is near the home of Kathir Bin AlSalt and offered the Id prayer and then delivered the sermon
  10. Then the Prophet ordered the women to give alms and they started stretching out their hands towards their ears and throats giving their ornaments in charity and the Prophet ordered Bilal to go to them to collect the alms and then Bilal returned to the Prophet
  11. Then he thought that we were anxious for our families and he asked us whom we had left behind to look after our families and we told him
  12. Narrated Anas I served the Prophet for ten years and he never said to me Uf a minor harsh word denoting impatience and never blamed me by saying Why did you do so or why didnt you do so Good Manners and Form A AlAdab Good character generosity and miserliness
  13. Narrated Muadha A woman asked Aisha Should I offer the prayers that which I did not offer because of menses Aisha said Are you from the Huraura a town in Iraq We were with the Prophet and used to get our periods but he never ordered us to offer them the Prayers missed during menses
  14. Narrated Ibn Umar Allah Messenger used to go for Hajj via AlShajara way and return via Muarras way and no doubt whenever Allah Messenger went to Mecca he used to offer the prayer in the Mosque of AlShajara and on his return he used to offer the prayer at Dh AlHulaifa in the middle of the valley and pass the night there till morning
  15. When the day dawned Abdullah said The Prophet never offered any prayer at this hour except this prayer at this time and at this place and on this day
  16. Allah Messenger smiled and said Keep away from me O Umar But when I spoke too much to him he said I have been given the choice and I have chosen this and if I knew that if I asked forgiveness for him more than seventy times he would be for given I would ask it for more times than that
  17. The Book on Janaiz Funerals What Has Been Related About It Being Disliked To Tread On Graves Sit On Them And Pray Towards Them Sahih Darussalam
  18. Then he ordered him to call the Iqamah for Asr so he calIed the Iqamah while the sun was later in its position than what it was the day before
  19. Ishaq said something different about AlTathwib he said The disliked Tathwib is something that the people started after the Prophet when the Muadh dhincalls the Adhan and the people are slow in coming so between the Adhan and the Iqamah he says Qad Qamatis Salat Haya Alasalat Haya AlalFalah
  20. It was narrated that Ibn Umar said At the time of the Messenger of Allah the phrases of the Adhan were said twice and the phrases of the Iqamah were said once except that you should I say Qad Qamatis Salah Qad Qamatis Salah prayer is about to begin prayer is about to begin
  21. It was narrated that Saeed Bin Jubair said concerning Ibn Umar We were with him Ibn Umar in Jam Muzdalifah and he called the Adhan then the Iqamah then he led us in praying Maghrib
  22. It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Mughaffal said The Messenger of Allah said Between each two Adhans there is a prayer between each two Adhans there is a prayer between each two Adhans there is a prayer for whoever wants to do it
  23. It was narrated that Ahu Dharr said The Messenger of Allah said to me and struck my thigh What will you do if you stay among people who delay the prayer until its time is over He said What do you command me to do He said Offer the prayer on time then go about your business
  24. He rode quickly to go to her and when the time for Zuhr came the Muadhdhin said to him The prayer O Abu Abdulrahman But he paid no attention to him until it was between the time for the two prayers then he stopped and said Say the Iqamah and when I say the Taslim say the Iqamah
  25. It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim Sufyan said I asked Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr who said I heard it from Abbad Bin Tamim who narrated it from his father that Abdullah Bin Zaid who was shown the call to prayer in a dream said The Messenger of Allah went out to the prayer place to pray for rain
  26. It was narrated from Abu Salamah that Umm Salamah said The Messenger of Allah did not pass away until most of his prayers were offered sitting down except for the obligatory prayers and the dearest of actions to him were those which were done persistently even if they were few
  27. It was narrated that Abdullah Bin Umar said A man stood up and said O Messenger of Allah how are the prayers at night to be done The Messenger of Allah said Prayers at night are offered two by two then if you fear that dawn will come pray witr with one
  28. Harmalah Bin Yahya Bin Abdullah Bin Harmalah Bin Imran AlTujibi narrated to me he said Ibn Wahb narrated to us he said Abu Shurayh narrated to me that he heard Sharahil Bin Yazid saying Muslim Bin Yasar informed me that he heard Aba Hurayrah saying the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah upon him said There will be in the end of time charlatan liars coming to you with narrations that you nor your fathers heard so beware of them lest they misguide you and cause you tribulations
  29. He then again came down and observed the prayer and again mounted the pulpit and addressed us until the sun was set and he informed about everything pertaining to turmoil that lay hidden in the past and what lies in the womb of the future and the most learned amongst us is one who remembers them well
  30. Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that Allah Messenger visited Umm Saib or Umm Musayib and said Umm Saib or Umm Musayib
  31. Then every person made his camel kneel down there and then Iqama was pronounced for Isha prayer and he observed it and he the Holy Prophet did not observe any prayer either Sunan or Nawifil in between them He observed the Fard of sunset and Isha prayers successively
  32. Abu Salama and Abu Abdullah two of the narrators in this chain of narrations said We had no doubt that what Abu Haraira Allah be pleased with him had said was from Allah Messenger and so we did not like to get an attestation from Abu Huraira about this hadith until Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him died
  33. While we were discussing it as we sat with Abdullah Bin Ibrahlm Bin Qariz we made a mention of this hadith and our omission in getting its attestation about its direct transmission by Abu Huraira from him the Holy Proohet thereupon Abdullah Bin Ibrahim said to us I bear witness to the fact that I heard Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him say that Allah Messenger said I am the last of the Apostles and my mosque is the last of the mosques
  34. One day they discussed the matter and some of them said Use something like the bell of the Christians and some of them said Use horn like that of the Jews
  35. He led us in prayer in a sitting posture and we said prayer behind him sitting and when he finished the prayer hesaid The Imam is appointed only to be followed so when he recites takbir you should also recite that when he prostrates you should also prostrate when he rises up you should also rise up and when he said God listens to him who praises Him you should say Our Lord to Thee be the praise and when he prays sitting all of you should pray sitting
  36. In pronouncing salutation for I see you in front of me and behind me and then said By Him in Whose hand Is the life of Muhammad if you could see what I see you would have laughed little and wept much more
  37. Zaid Bin Arqam on seeing some people praying in the forenoon said They well know that prayer at another time than this is more excellent for Allah Messenger said The prayer of those who are penitent is observed when your weaned camels feel the heat of the sun
  38. Ibn Abbas reported I heard it from so many Companions of the Messenger of Allah and one among them is Umar Bin Khattab and he is most dear to me among them that the Messenger of Allah prohibited observing of prayer after the dawn prayer till the sun rose and after the Asr till the sun set
  39. And when the takbir is pronounced he again runs back and when takbir is over he comes back and distracts a man saying Remember such and such remember such and such referring to something the man did not have in his mind
  40. Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah said When the words of Iqama are pronounced do not come to prayer running but go with tranquillity and pray what you are in time for and complete what you have missed for when one of you is preparing for prayer he is in fact engaged in prayer
  41. Abu Huraira reported The Messenger of Allah said He who finds gets a rakah of the afternoon prayer before the setting of the sun he in fact gets the full prayer and he who gets a rakah of the morning prayer before the rising of the sun he in fact gets the full prayer
  42. Abu Dharr reported The Messenger of Allah said to me How would you act when you are under the rulers who would delay the prayer beyond its prescribed time or they would make prayer a dead thing as far as its proper time is concerned I said What do you command He the Holy Prophet said Observe the prayer at Its proper time and if you can say it along with them do so for it would be a superetogatory prayer for you
  43. Abu Dharr reported The Messenger of Allah struck my thigh and said How would you act if you survive among the people who would delay prayers beyond their prescribed time He Abu Dharr said What do you command under this situation He the Holy Prophet slid Observe prayer at its prescribed time then go to meet your needs and if the Iqama is pronounced and you are present in the mosque then observe prayer along with the Jamaat
  44. I also sat alone with him so he said son of my brother I heard the Messenger of Allah say He who observed the Isha prayer in congregation it was as if he prayed up to midnight and he who prayed the morning prayer in congregation it was as if he prayed the whole night
  45. When the time for dawn approached Bilal leaned against his camel facing the direction from which the dawn would appear but he was overcome by sleep while he was leaning against his camel and neither the Messenger of Allah nor Bilal nor anyone else among his Companions got up till the sun shone on them
  46. Allah Messenger was the first of them to awake and being startled he called to Bilal who said Messenger of Allah I may my father and mother be offered as ransom for thee the same thing overpowered me which overpowered you
  47. When he came out he led the people in prayer and he Bilal informed him that Aisha had kept him engaged in a matter which she asked him till it became fairly light hence he became late in reaching him in time
  48. Narrated Anas Ibn Malik Sahl Ibn AbuUmamah said that he and his father AbuUmamah visited Anas Ibn Malik at Medina during the time rule of Umar Ibn AbdulAziz when he Anas Ibn Malik was the governor of Medina
  49. Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah The Prophet said If anyone is called by my name he must not be given my kunyah surname and if anyone uses my kunyah surname he must not be called by my name
  50. This version is disputed AlThawri and Ibn Juraij transmitted it according to the version of Abu AlZubair and Maqil Bin Ubaid Allah transmitted it according to the version of Ibn Sirin
  51. Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying If anyone says a rakah of the Asr prayer before sunset he has observed the Asr prayer and if anyone performs a rakah of the Fajr prayer he has observed the Fajr prayer
  52. Abu Dawud said This tradition has been narrated by Malik Sufyan Bin Uyainah AlAwzai and Abd AlRazzaq from Mamar and Ibn Ishaq none of them made a mention of the call for prayer adman in this version of the tradition narrated by AlZuhri and none of them attribute this tradition to him except AlAwzai and Aban AlAttar on the authority of Mamar
  53. Allah is most great Allah is most great I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah come to prayer come to prayer come to salvation
  54. The same version reads And he turned his face towards the qiblah and said Allah is most great Allah is most great I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that there is no god but Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah come to prayer he pronounced it twice come to salvation he pronounced it twice Allah is Most Great Allah is most great
  55. If someone wished to keep the fast he would keep the fast if someone wished to abandon the fast he would feed an indigent every day it would do for him
  56. four times each and the words of iqamah were pronounced once in pairs twice each except that the phrase The time for prayer has come would be pronounced twice
  57. Abu AlNadr said when the Iqamah was pronounced and the Messenger of Allah saw that they the people were small in number he would sit down nd would not pray but when he saw them the people large in number he would pray
  58. Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying I thought to give orders for arranging prayer in congregation and then to have the Iqamah called for it then to order a man to lead the people in prayer then to go off in company of the people who have bundles of firewood to those people who are not present at the prayer and then to burn down their houses with fire
  59. This is because when any of you performs ablution and does it perfectly and goes out to the mosque having no intention except praying and nothing moves him except prayer then at every step which he takes his rank is elevated by one degree on account of this walking and one sin is remitted from him for this walking till he enters the mosque
  60. Musaddads version adds When the evening meal was put before Abdullah Bin Umar or it was brought to him he did not get up until he finished it even if he heard call to prayer just before it and even if he heard the recitation of the by the leader in prayer
  61. Narrated Ibn Abbas The verse So eat of meats on which Allah name hath been pronounced and the verse Eat not of meats on which Allah name hath not been pronounced were abrogated meaning an exception was made therein by the verse The food of the people of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them
  62. Abu Musa said A beduoin came to the Apostle of Allaah and said One man fights for reputation one fights for being praised one fights for booty and one for his place to be seen
  63. It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Buraidah that his father said The Messenger of Allah saas said Allahumma Anta Rabbi la ilaha illa Anta khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana ala ahdika wa wadika mastatatu
  64. Audhu bika min sharri ma sanatu abuu bi nimatika wa abuu bi dhanbi faghfirli fa innahu la yaghfirudh dhunuba illa Anta O Allah You are my Lord there is none worthy of worship except You
  65. It wasnarrated that Aisha said When the Prophet passedaway there was nothing in my house that any living soul could eat excepta little bit of barley on a shelf of mine
  66. Then will come the conquest ofBait AlMaqdis Jerusalem then adisease which will appear among youand cause you and your offspringto die as martyrs and will purifyour deeds then there will be much wealth among you so that if aman were to be given one hundredDinar he would still bedissatisfied and there will be tribulationamong you that will notleave any Muslim house untouched then therewill be a treatybetween you and the Romans then they will betray youand marchagainst you with eighty banners under each of which will betwelvethousand troops
  67. It was narrated that Anas Bin Malik said Shall I not tell you aHadith that I heard from the Messenger of Allah which no onewill tell you after me I heard it from him saying Among theportents of the Hour are that knowledge will be taken away andignorance will prevail illegal sex will become widespread and winewill be drunk and men will disappear and women will be left untilthere is one man in charge of fifty women
  68. When Ubayy had finished hisprayer he joined the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and granthim peace and the Messenger of Allah put his hand upon his hand andhe was intending to leave by the door of the mosque so the Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace said I hope thatyou will not leave the mosque until you know a sura whose like Allahhas notsentdown in the Tawrah nor in the Injil nor in the Qur an
  69. Then Isaid Messenger of Allah the sura you promised me He said Whatdo you recite when you begin the prayer I recited the Fatiha Sura until I came to the end of it and the Messengerof Allah may Allahbless him and grant him peace said It is this sura and it is the seven oft repeated and the Great Qur an which I was given
  70. Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that hisfather used to recite behind the imam when the imam did not recitealoud
  71. TheMessenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace approached the people and said Has Dh u sh Shamalayn spoken thetruth They said Yes Messenger of Allah and the Messenger ofAllah may Allah bless him and grant him peace completed whatremained of the prayer and then said Peace be upon you
  72. Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibnMuhammad ibn Amr ibn Hazm from Abd al Malik ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abd ar Rahman ibn al Harith ibn Hisham al Makhzumi from his father that whenthe Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace married Umm Salama and then spent the night with her he said to her You are not being humbled in your right
  73. Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that Salim ibnAbdullah heard Abu Hurayra relating to Abdullah ibn Umar how a groupof three people in ihram had passed him at ar Rabadha and had askedhim for a fatwa about eating game which people who were not in ihramwere eating and he told them that they could eat it
  74. Malik said If someone dies with an unfulfilled vow to free a slave or to fast orto give sadaqa or to give away a camel and makes a bequest that hisvow should be fulfilled from his estate then the sadaqa or the giftof the camel are taken from one third of his estate
  75. Malik said In my opinion and Allah knows best nothing is taken from what comes out of mines until what comes out of them reaches a value of twenty gold dinars or two hundred silver dirhams
  76. Yahya related to me from Malik that Abdullah ibn Dinar said Iasked Said ibn al Musayyab about zakat on work horses and he said Is there any zakat on horses Zakat
  77. This is because jizya is only imposedon them on conditions which they have agreed on namely that theywill remain in their own countries and that war will be waged forthem on any enemy of theirs and that if they then leave that land togo anywhere else to do business they will haveto pay a tenth
  78. Whoeveramong them does business with the people of Egypt and then goes toSyria and then does business with the people of Syria and then goesto Iraq and does business with them and then goes on to Madina orYemen or other similar places has to pay a tenth
  79. If in any one year they frequently come and goin muslim countries then they have to pay a tenth every time they doso since that is outside what they have agreed upon and not one ofthe conditions stipulated for them
  80. Yahya related to me from Malik that Abu r Rijal Muhammad ibn Abdar Rahman heard his mother Amra bint Abd ar Rahman say The Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace cursed both men andwomen who dug up meaning those who dug up graves
  81. Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa from hisfather from A isha the wife of the Prophet may Allah bless him andgrant him peace that al Harith ibn Hisham asked the Messenger ofAllah may Allah bless him and grant him peace How does therevelation come to you and the Messenger of Allah may Allah blesshim and grant him peace said Sometimes it comes to me like theringing of a bell and that is the hardest for me and when it leavesme I remember what it has said

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