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[[Category:Surat AlAsr]]
[[Category:Surat AlFurqan]]
[[Has Ayah Index of Subjects::+]]
[[Has Ayah Index of Subjects::+]]
|?Has Ayah Index of Subjects=
|?Has Ayah Index of Subjects=

Revision as of 06:31, 23 February 2018

has index of subjects


Bless criterion, Servant admonit, Admonit creatures, Criterion servant, River flow, Garden river, Flow palac, Secur dwell, Palac secur, Blaze fire, Hour judgment, Fire deni, Prepar blaze, Deni hour, Nai deni, Judgment prepar, See hear, Rang sigh, Furi rang, Hear furi, Plead destruct, Cast bound, Lead destruct, Bound constrict, Constrict plead, Plead destruct, Destruct rep, Plead singl, Singl destruct, Lead destruct, Thi plead, Destruct plead, Righteou reward, Promis righteou, Garden promis, Etern garden, Goal attain, Reward goal, Prai lord, Dwell ay, Ay promis, Promis prai, Strai path, Astray strai, Worship wa, Gather worship, Wa servant, Servant astray, Forgot messag, Bestow fathers, Life forgot, Worthless lost, Meet protector, Didst bestow, Messag worthless, Fathers life, Protector didst, Glori meet, Grievou penalti, Wrong tast, Tast grievou, Prove liar, Prove li, Avert penalti, Penalti wrong, Liar avert, Heaven earth, Dominion heaven, Belong dominion, Due proport, Partner dominion, Earth son, Creat things, Son be, Begotten partner, Dominion creat, Things order, Son begotten, Order due, Walk street, Food walk, At food, Patienc see, Trial patienc, Street trial, Why angel, Fear meet, Insol impieti, Angel lord, Arrog conceit, Conceit mighti, Mighti insol, Judgment why, Indeed arrog, Such fear, Lord indeed, Forbidden altogeth, Sinner dai, Joi sinner, Dai angel, Barrier forbidden, Angel barrier, Deed life, Life deed, Dust scatter, Deed float, Float dust, Companion garden, Garden abode, Place repos, Abode fairest, Fairest place, Angel descend, Rent asund, Clouds angel, Heaven rent, Descend ranks, Dai heaven, Asund clouds, Merci dai, Difficulti misbeliev, Dire difficulti, Dai dire, Wholli merci, Dominion truth, Truth wholli, Straight path, Dai wrong, Oh straight, Hands oh, Bite hands, Wrong bite, Ah woe, Woe friend, Lead astrai, Ah evil, Evil traitor, Astrai m, Messag ah, Astrai messag, Creat creat, Death life, God creat, Control hurt, Hurt control, Creat control, Life resurrect, Yet god, Control death, Lord truli, Qur foolish, Truli qur, Foolish nonsens, Lord guid, Enemi sinner, Thu prophet, Prophet enemi, Sinner lord, Reject faith, Qur reveal, Why qur, Strengthen heart, Thu reveal, Heart rehears, Revealed strengthen, Arrang stages, Faith why, Thu revealed, Stages gradual, Rehears slow, Reveal thu, Slow arrang, Reveal truth, Explan thereof, Question bring, Truth explan, Bring reveal, Gather hell, Prone faces, Path astrai, Plight path, Hell prone, Evil plight, Mose book, Brother aaron, Appoint brother, Aaron minist, Book appoint, Befor mose, Reject sign, Utter destruct, Sign destroi, Command reject, Destroi utter, Grievou penalty, Reject messengers, Wrong grievou, Drown sign, Mankind prepar, Prepar wrong, Sign mankind, Messengers drown, Reject messenger, Ad thamud, Companion rass, Rass gener, Thamud companion, Broke utter, Parabl exampl, Utter annihil, Exampl broke, Annihil sin, Lie forged, Forged help, Iniqu falsehood, Naught lie, Help truth, Truth forward, Forward iniqu, Misbeliev naught, Rain shower, Unbeliev pass, Evil ey, Town rain, Shower evil, Ey fear, Pass town, Fear resurrect, Misl path, Gods constant, Penalty misl, Nigh misl, Misl gods, Dispos affair, Seest taketh, Passion impuls, God passion, Couldst dispos, Impuls couldst, Seest take, Taketh god, Strai path, Astrai path, Nay wors, Listen understand, Thinkest listen, Understand cattle, Cattle nay, Wors astrai, Lord doth, Turn vision, Prolong shadow, Vision lord, Sun guid, Shadow willed, Stationari sun, Doth prolong, Willed stationari, Contract easi, Easi stage, Day Of Resurrection, Make night, Sleep repose, Robe sleep, Night robe, Repose make, Make dai, Glad tidings, Herald glad, Wind herald, Send wind, Send pure, Tidings mercy, Pure sky, Mercy send, Life dead, Dead slake, Thirst created, Slake thirst, Morn even, Tale ancient, Tale ancients, Dictat morn, Written dictat, Caus written, Ancients caus, Celebr prais, Celebr praises, Aught rank, Praises avers, Aught r, Avers aught, Tribut order, Rank ingratitud, Order celebr, Distribut order, Warner centr, Centr popul, Strive utmost, Listen unbelievers, Strenuousness qur, Unbelievers strive, Utmost strenuousness, Therefor listen, Bodi flow, Free bodi, Salt bitter, Sweet salt, Bitter barrier, Partit forbidden, Forbidden pass, Flow palat, Barrier partit, Palat sweet, Lord power, Ag marriag, Creat establish, Marriag lord, Lineag marriag, Ag lord, Relationship lineag, Establish relationship, Yet worship, Evil lord, Profit harm, Misbeliev helper, Believ helper, Worship profit, Harm misbeliev, Helper evil... further results


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{{Quran Ayah InfoBox |prostration = FALSE |part-of-sura-name = AlFatiha |part-of-sura-number = 1 |ayahname = |previous-ayah = |next-ayah = |ayah-main-topic = Quran Main Topic 05 |ayah-sub-topic = Quran Sub Topic 05-01 |surah-chronology-seq = 5 |ayah-chronology-seq = |ayah-index-of-subjects = dai judgment,master dai |sentiment = Ayah Positive Sentiment |freqterms = day, judgment, master |polarity = 0.41}}

{{Quran Ayah InfoBox |prostration = FALSE |part-of-sura-name = AlFatiha |part-of-sura-number = 1 |ayahname = |previous-ayah = |next-ayah = |ayah-main-topic = Quran Main Topic 05 |ayah-sub-topic = Quran Sub Topic 05-01 |surah-chronology-seq = 5 |ayah-chronology-seq = |ayah-index-of-subjects = dai judgment,master dai |sentiment = Ayah Positive Sentiment |freqterms = day, judgment, master |polarity = 0.41}}

Ayah Attributes


Part of Sura Name AlFatiha
Part of Sura Number 1
Ayah Main Topic Quran Main Topic 05
Ayah SubTopic Quran Sub Topic 05-01
Surah Chronology Sequence 5
Prostration FALSE
Frequent Terms day, judgment, master
Sentiment Ayah Positive Sentiment
Polarity 0.41
Ayah Index of Subjects dai judgment,master dai

{{Quran Ayah InfoBox | {{#external_value:wikiAyahInfoBox}} }} This is a link to my Arabic user page

Ayah Positive words Negative words Sentence
Surat AlAnbiya Ayah 86 mercy We admitted them to Our mercy:
Surat AlAnbiya Ayah 86 righteous for they were of the righteous ones.
Surat Abasa Ayah 17 woe Woe to man!
Surat Abasa Ayah 17 reject What hath made him reject Allah;