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                Opportunities & Challenges
                  for the Pakistani Market
                                  Azeem Pirani
                  Head of Marketing & Alternate Distribution
                          Pak-Qatar Family Takaful
11th August 2007      August 11th, 2007 – Avari Hotel, Lahore 1
          Takaful – A product and an ideology
          Differences between Takaful & Insurance
          The Pakistani Market
          Our responsibility
11th August 2007                                  2
Takaful- A product and an Ideology
      Takaful comes from the Arabic root-word ‘kafala’-
      Takaful is not only a tool to mitigate loss or to make
      halal profits. It is an ideology which promotes
            Solidarity and joint guarantee
            Self reliance and self sustainability for community
            well being
            Assistance to those that need it
            Community pooling system
11th August 2007                                                3
Differences between
Takaful & Insurance
      What is Insurance?
            A tool for Risk Mitigation and Financial
            A tool to enable people to save (Life Insurance)
      Key differences between Takaful and Insurance are:
            Risk Sharing Vs. Risk Transfer
            Wakeel Vs. Guarantor
            Ameen Vs. Owner
            Different type of Contract
11th August 2007                                              4
Differences between
Takaful & Insurance (cont.)
Issue            Conventional          Takaful
Basis            Risk Transfer        Co-operative risk sharing
Laws            Secular/Regulations  Shariah & Prudential
Ownership        Shareholders          Participants
Mgmt status      Company Management    Operator
Form of Contract Contract of Sale      Cooperative, Wakala or
                                      Mudarbah with Tabar’ru
Investments      Interest based        Shariah compliant
Surplus          Shareholders’ account Participants’ account
The Pakistani Market –
An Overview
      Pakistan - Overall
            Population: 6th amongst global nations. 166 m.
            Population in 2015: Still 6th . 193 m.
            Urbanization: Presently at 33%
            Urbanization by 2015: 39%
            GDP Per Capita: $753
11th August 2007                                            6
The Pakistani Market –
An Overview (cont)
      Pakistan – Insurance Market
            Penetration of Insurance
                Pakistan: 0.7% of GDP
                India: more than 3% of GDP
                Iran: approx. 1% of GDP
            Family & General Companies
            Few Innovative Products. Very recent change in
            this area
11th August 2007                                            7
The Pakistani Market –
Challenges for Takaful
      Resistance to Insurance, and its benefits, due to
      different reasons
            Conservative spending habits
            Ignorance of its benefits
            Products which do not meet buyers needs
            Religious reasons
                Tawakkul issue
                    “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah (SWT)”.
                    “It is better for you to leave your heirs wealthy rather
                    than poor and asking others for their needs”.
                Non-Shariah compliant elements
11th August 2007                                                              8
The Pakistani Market –
Challenges for Takaful (cont.)
      Government regulations untested
      Human resources for the sector
            Shortage of trained human resources in insurance
            Negligible knowledge of Takaful present amongst
            the public
            Few training programs available for Takaful and
            Insurance has generally never been the
            occupation of first choice for new graduates
11th August 2007                                              9
The Pakistani Market –
Challenges for Takaful (cont.)
      Education and Awareness
            Lack of knowledge about Takaful and insurance
            amongst the masses
            Ignorance of Takaful amongst the ulema
            Significant budget required just to ensure that
            knowledge permeates to all segments/levels of society
      Marketing & Sales issues
            Poor impression of insurance sales persons amongst
            the public
            Generally poor ethical standards amongst insurance
            sales persons
            General lack of faith on insurance companies meeting
            their obligation in a efficient and polite manner
11th August 2007                                                  10
The Pakistani Market –
Challenges for Takaful (cont.)
      Operational Issues
            Limited avenues for revenue at Takaful co. as
            compared to insurance ones
            To be competitive Takaful co. will need to use effective
            IT systems – heavy investments
            New Takaful co. will need to ensure that they do
            prudent underwriting; thus eating into the possibility
            of having a larger number of customers
11th August 2007                                                    11
The Pakistani Market –
Opportunities for Takaful
    Economic/Social conditions in Pakistan make
    Takaful a NECESSITY
            Lack of govt. social safety net
            Negligible provision of reliable health care
            by the govt.
            Quality education is beyond the reach of the
            average citizen and the institutions provided
            by the govt. lack the required standards
11th August 2007                                          12
The Pakistani Market –
Opportunities for Takaful (cont.)
    Strong growth in the Islamic financial sector
    provides Takaful with a natural market
            Islamic Banks and mutual funds will need Takaful to
            package with their other products
            Islamic Financial institutions presently have no
            Family coverage for their staff
    Massive untapped market in Pakistan for risk
    mitigation tools
            Given the necessity of these tools insurance has not
            even touched the surface
            Given the ‘plain vanilla’ menu provided to customers
            there is a great opportunity for innovation
11th August 2007                                                  13
The Pakistani Market –
Opportunities for Takaful (cont.)
    Ethical and Shariah compliant model for risk
    mitigation and financial protection
            Large number of people who stay away from
            insurance due to religious beliefs
            Large number of our population can be
            considered as ‘religious’ and so Takaful will be in
            line with their beliefs
            Educated citizens, although not religious would
            prefer to use an ethical model than one which is
            built on making profits by trying to avoid having
            to pay claims
11th August 2007                                                14
Takaful –
What should you do about it?
    As educated professionals WE have a responsibility
    to our fellow citizens to guide them to what is good
    for them. This is especially important when the
    people are living at a level where income equals
            Convey the critical nature of financial protection to
            Explain the benefits of getting financial protection
            Introduce the new concept which is not only ethical
            but also Shariah compliant
    Just start from those around you….
11th August 2007                                                  15
    Takaful is not only here to stay; it’s going to GROW!
    It’s ethical and Shariah compliant nature allows
    Takaful to overcome the inherent problems with
    The Pakistani market has challenges but also has a
    lot of opportunities
    There are a lot of opportunities for Takaful operators
    to make healthy profits in Pakistan
    Although Insurance coverage is not the norm in
    Pakistan we need to work to make Takaful
    something everybody uses
11th August 2007                                            16
Conclusion (cont.)
11th August 2007  17
Jazak-Allah khair
For further information contact:
      (021) 438-0357 to 61
      www.pakqatar.com.pk  (launching soon!)
11th August 2007                            18

Revision as of 00:41, 21 September 2016