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Takaful: Concepts and

    Atiquzzafar Khan
      Nov 3, 2009
   Al-Huda Workshop
  Takaful Management

       Main Topics

• Introduction of Modern Insurance

• Evaluation of Insurance Business

 from Islamic Point of View

• Islamic Alternative: (Review of

 Existing Experiences of Takaful)

• Performance of Takaful Industry

    Risk and Insurance:

Risk and uncertainty are fundamental

facts of life. All human activities are

subject to risk, which may lead to

financial or physical losses to him.

Insurance is a device to cover the

losses arise due to occurrence of

some undesired event.

    Definition of Insurance

Insurance is an economic device

whereby the individual substitutes a

small certain cost (premium) for a

large uncertain financial loss (the

contingency insured against) that

would exist if it were not for the



By Type of Products

   i)    Life insurance
   ii)  General insurance
   iii) Liability insurance

Nature of Insurance Contract

Aleatory Contract

Unilateral Contract

Conditional Contract

Contract of Adhesion

Principals Governing Insurance


Principal of Indemnity

Principal of Insurable Interest

Principal of Subrogation

 Principal of Utmost Good Faith

Nature of Insurance Contract

            General Insurance
    Premium                   Compensation
              Life Insurance
    Premium                   Compensation

Shariah Position of Insurance

Opinion of Shariah scholars is divided

on insurance. We can classify them

into three major groups.

– Those who consider both the
  concept and practice of commercial
  insurance un-Islamic.
– Those who are in agreement with
  the present insurance and find
  nothing wrong in it.
– Those who accept the concept of
  insurance, but find prohibited
  elements in its present practice.

Rulings of Collective Fiqhi

Bodies about Insurance

– Islamic Research Institute of Al-Azhar


– Council of Grand Ulama of Saudi Arabia

– Majlis Tahqiqat-e-Shari'yah Lucknow,


– Islamic Fiqh Academy of Rabita al-


– Al Majma’ Al-Fiqhi Al- Islami of OIC

– Council of Islamic Ideology, Pakistan

     Major Arguments Against

According to these Fiqhi bodies

Conventional Insurance is unlawful

because of involvement of prohibited

elements like,

– Riba (Interest)
– Qimar (Gambling)
– Gharar (Uncertainty, Doubt, Risk)
– Unlawful appropriation of others’ property
– Violation of law of inheritance in case of
  life insurance.

     Islamic Substitute

 The Islamic Substitute of

 Conventional Insurance,
 according to these Fiqhi
 bodies, may be some scheme
 based on mutual cooperation
 and Joint Responsibility.

 That alternative is introduced

 under the title of Takaful in
 recent past.

Takaful in Islam

Hadith of the ProphetSWA
“Tie the camel and
 then submit to the
 will of Allah”

This hadith implied a need to mitigate risk

  Historical Examples of “Takaful”

 Dawania-Mutual indemnification

 amongst officers working in the same
 department during the rule of Umar
 Ibn Al Khattab (the 2nd Caliph)

 Diyyah and Aquilah-Blood money

 and the concept of removing
 hardship inflicted on the family of the
 victim by payment of Diyyah, on a
 mutual basis, by the relatives of the

          Takaful Pioneers

 Takaful started some 30 years

 ago in the Middle East with the
 launching of two companies in
  – The Islamic Arab Insurance Co.
    (IAIC) in the UAE and
  – The Islamic Insurance Co. of Sudan

 But it took some time for the

 movement to take shape.

            Takaful Pioneers

 Later in 1984, Malaysia played a

 pioneering role in setting the
 first Legal framework specific to
 Takaful (Takaful Act Malaysia).

 This was instrumental in the

 successful launching of the
 Takaful movement in Malaysia
 and in other countries of South
 East Asia.

Other Islamic/ Takaful Legislations

 Other markets such as the Sudan

 and Iran have Islamic regulatory
 environments and became naturally
 Takaful markets.

 In Pakistan Takaful Act is enacted in


 In the Gulf countries specific Takaful

 legislations are coming through in
 Bahrain and in Saudi Arabia

       Takaful Today

From a handful of operators

two decades ago the Takaful

movement has blossomed

into a fast growing

phenomenon in many Muslim

countries with very promising

prospects in other countries

with a large Muslim


         Takaful drivers

This movement is driven by

 –a strong demand from a public
  who would not insure
  otherwise (because of religious
  beliefs); and
 –The successful development of
  Islamic banking institutions
  providing capital and Islamic
  financial instruments for asset
  management and investment.

          Takaful Drivers

 Islamic banks and financial

 institutions play a strategic and
 important role in the distribution
 of Takaful products (especially
 Life Takaful Products).

 Just as Bancassurance played an

 important role in the distribution
 of personal lines insurance
 products Bancatakaful is an
 important driver for Takaful.

        Takaful Operators

The number of Takaful operators

 worldwide is now estimated at:

 150 Takaful companies operating in

 40 countries

 10 Retakaful companies

 6 Islamic windows by Conventional

 Reinsurance companies

         Takaful Premium

 Takaful is one of the fastest growing

 segments in insurance (at around
 20% pa. on average)

 World Takaful contributions are

 conservatively estimated at around
 US$ 3billions, of which:
  – 60% General Takaful
  – 40% Family Takaful

 Takaful Geographical Spread

 South& East Asia : 56%

 Middle East : 36%

 Africa: 7%

 Europe, USAUnited States of America & Others: 1%

       Definition of Takaful

The word Takaful means joint guarantee. The objective

of Takaful is cooperation and mutual help among the

members of a defined group.

In a practical sense Takaful can be visualized as a

method of joint guarantee among a group of members or

participants against loss or damage that may inflict upon

any of them. The members of the group agree to

guarantee jointly that should any of them suffer a

catastrophe or disaster, he would receive certain sum of

money to meet the loss or damage. All members of the

group pool together their efforts to support the needy.

       BUSINESS: The Malaysian Case

 Takaful Business is based on the concepts of

 Mudarabah and Tabarru. Involvement of
 these two Islamic forms of business eliminates
 the elements of Riba from insurance contract
 and convert Gharar into tolerable form.

 In Family Takaful each Takaful installment is

 divided and credited into two separate
 Accounts namely, the Participants'
 Account(PA) and the Participants’ Special
 Account(PSA). A substantial proportion of the
 installments is credited into the PA solely for
 the purpose of savings and investment.

 The balance of the installments is credited into

 the PSA as `tabarru' for Sharikah Takaful
 Malaysia to pay the Takaful benefits to the
 heir(s) of any participant who may die before
 the maturity of the contract.

 The amount accumulated in the PA is invested

 in various business according to Islamic
 financing techniques, and the resultant profits
 are divided between the company and the
 participants according to the agreed upon ratio,
 e.g., 30-70.

 The participant's share is calculated according

 to their individual share in the PA, and credited
 into their respective accounts, the PA and the

      Mudarabah Model
                                     Profit Attributed
        Family Takaful                To Shareholders
Company                              Company’s Admin
                                    & Manag. Expenses
 Takaful Contract     Investment Profit

based on Mudarabah 70%

                   PA             PA                   Payment from

Participant FTF

                                                       Payment from
                  PSA            PSA                       PSA

       Payment of claims
 Should the Participant die or suffer
 Permanent and Total Disability in the fifth
 year of participation, Takaful benefit will
 be paid in the following manner:-

 i. From Participant's Account =RM 4,890

           (RM978 x 5)
    profit if any, say           RM 400

 ii. From Participants Special RM 5,000

     Accounts (RM1000 x 5)

 Total Takaful Benefit Payable RM 10,290

In case the Partcipant survived

     Should the Participant survive until
     the maturity of his FTPFile Transfer Protocol, payment of
     Takaful benefit will be made to him
     as follows:-
 i. From his Participant's Account = RM 9,780
                (RM978 x 10)
     profit from investment          RM 1,800
 ii. From Participants Special       RM XXXX
     Total Takaful Benefit =         RM 11,580 +
                                 surplus determined
                                 by Sharikah Takaful.

                  Mudarabah Model
                          General Takaful                                       PROFITS
                                                                           ATTRIBUTABLE TO
                                                                           ADMINISTRATION &
   TAKAFUL CONTRACT                       PROFITS
                          INVESTMENT BY
 BASED ON PRINCIPLE OF                     FROM
    AL-MUDHARABAH                       INVESTMENT
                                                    OPERATIONAL                 SHARE OF
                                                      COST OF                SURPLUS FOR
                                                      TAKAFUL                THE COMPANY
                             GENERAL      GENERAL                                   40% (Example Only)


                             TAKAFUL      TAKAFUL
               ON PAID BY                          COST OF TAKAFUL (PROFIT)
                               FUND        FUND                                     60% (Example Only)
                                                    OPERATIONAL                 SHARE OF
                                                      COST OF              SURPLUS FOR THE
                                                      TAKAFUL                 PARTICIPANT

                                     Wakalah Model
 COMPANY                                                                     MANAGEMENT            PROFIT / LOSS
                                                                             EXPENSES OF          ATTRIBUTABLE TO
                      EXPENSES 25% TO 35%       FOR THE COMPANY
                                                                               COMPANY            SHAREHOLDERS
        ON PRINCIPLE OF               BY FUND      INVESTMENT
                                                                 OPERATIONAL COST
                                                                    OF TAKAFUL /
                   TAKAFUL            GENERAL


                CONTRIBUTIO           TAKAFUL                    OPERATIONAL COST        SURPLUS
                                                     TAKAFUL                                         SURPLUS FOR
                  N PAID BY             FUND                         OF TAKAFUL          (PROFIT)
                                                       FUND                                         THE PARTICIPANT
                 PARTICIPANT         65% TO 75%
                                                                 OPERATIONAL COST
                                                                     OF TAKAFUL

Waqf Model

         Definition of Waqf

 Waqf is an Arabic word and it means

 to stop to withhold and not to let go.

 In technical meaning Waqf means to

 allocate or donate some property or
 cash for a specific purpose to get
 pleasure of Allah and not to let it go
 through consumption or sale.

 The Waqf property comes into

 ownership of Allah (SWT) and Waqif
 will have no property rights on it.

 Waqif has right to set the rules

 for Waqf and manage the

 Waqf may be general purpose

 or specific purpose, like
 Waqf ‘Ala al Aulad or
 Waqf ‘Ala al Aqarib.

 In Islamic Law Waqf is a legal


                                   Waqf Model
             COMPANY  TAKAFUL OPERATOR FEES FOR                                MANAGEMENT             PROFIT / LOSS
                                                      SHARE OF PROFIT
                      ADMIN & MARKETING EXPENSES                               EXPENSES OF          ATTRIBUTABLE TO
                                                     FOR THE COMPANY
                               25% TO 35%                                        COMPANY             SHAREHOLDERS
                                                                        PROFIT SHARING ON


               Waqf       Waqf           INVESTMENT    PROFITS FROM
                                           BY FUND      INVESTMENT
          TAKAFUL                                               60%
        AL-WAKALAH                                                    OPERATIONAL COST OF
                                                                      TAKAFUL /RETAKAFUL
                                                                                                               SHARE OF
          PARTICIPANT CONTRIBUTION        WAQF FUND                                        SURPLUS
                                                         WAQF FUND    OPERATIONAL COST OF                   SURPLUS FOR
                         PAID BY          65% TO 75%                       TAKAFUL         (PROFIT)
                                                                                                          THE PARTICIPANT
                                                                      OPERATIONAL COST OF                      100%

 A Waqf Fund would basically be a

 separate legal entity to which the
 Shareholders would initially make a
 donation to establish the Waqf Fund.

 The donation can be of any reasonable

 amount (Shariah Board may specify such
 an amount).

 The objectives of the Waqf fund would be

 to provide relief to participants against
 defined losses as per the rules of the
 Waqf fund.

In this modified Wakala Model with Waqf, the

relationship of the participants and of the

operator is directly with the Waqf fund. The

Operator is the Wakeel of the Waqf Fund and

the participants pay one sided donation to

the WAQF fund (not conditional) which also

eliminates the issue of Gharar. The WAQF

fund rules may define the sharing of surplus

and other rules under which it would operate

but there is no obligation to distribute

surplus. Further the Qard would be given by

the shareholders to the WAQF entity and not

to individuals as in the typical Wakalah


     The Challenges ahead

 Despite a remarkable breakthrough

 and a dynamic and sustained
 growth, there are challenges facing
 the Takaful industry.

 The business model dilemma

 The existence of three business models:

    Mudharabah (Profit & Loss sharing)
    Wakala (agency contract with a
     performance fee element to replace
     surplus sharing)
    Wakala with Waqf model

 Could create an uneven / unfair business

 environment to operate

 Need to reach a consensus internationally

 on a common and standard Takaful
 business model

          Future Outlook

 Despite the remarkable growth rate

 recorded by the Takaful industry,
 penetration is still far below the
 enormous market potential offered
 by the Muslim community worldwide
 (23% of the total world population).

          Growth Outlook

 World Muslim population is estimated

 at 1.5 billions, of which around 97%
 are based in Asia and Africa.

 A two-digit growth in the range of

 15% to 20% can be reasonably
 sustained for at least the next 10
 years in the existing markets (Far
 and Middle East).

      New Takaful Frontiers

 Markets like Europe, North and Latin

 America, Central Asia, Australia
 where large Muslim communities live
 are huge untapped reservoirs;

 The recent opening towards “Islamic

 windows” in the banking sector in
 Europe is likely to be followed by
 “Takaful windows” initiatives.

Takaful Products to Non-Muslims

 Takaful Products are not exclusive to


 Competitively priced and sold

 through the right channel it could
 attract any consumer irrespective of
 their origin or faith.


 Despite the challenges facing this

 “new” industry, exciting times are
 ahead once the latent potential is

 The success of Takaful largely

 depends on that of Islamic Financial
 institutions on a global basis.