Category:The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai

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List of Chapters in The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer

  1. Category: in Sunan AlNasai

Combined Book Name

The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer*Sunan AlNasai Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer Summary

  1. It was narrated from Abu Mahdhurah that the Messenger of Allah taught him the Adhan with nineteen phrases and the Iqiimah with seventeen phrases then Abu Mahdhurah counted them as nineteen and seventeen
  2. Abd AlAziz Bin Abd AlMalik Bin Abu Mahdhurah narrated that Abdullah Bin Muhairiz who was an orphan under the care of Abu Mahdhurah until he prepared him to go to AlSham informed him he said I said to Abu Mahdhurah I am going to AlSham and I am afraid that I will be asked about how you say the Adhan
  3. The Messenger of Allah met us somewhere on the road and the Muadhdhin of the Messenger of Allah called the Adhan for prayer in the presence of the Messenger of Allah
  4. I said How O Messenger of Allah He taught me as you say the Adhan now Allahu Akbar Allahu akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Haya alas salah Haya ala salah Haya ala Alfalah Haya ala Alfalah as salatu khairun min an nawm as salatu khairun min an nawm Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Come to prayer come to prayer come to prosperity come to prosperity prayer is better than sleep prayer is better than sleep in the first Adhan for AlSubh Fajr
  5. And he taught me the Iqamah saying each phrase twice Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah Haya alas salah Haya alas salah Haya ala Alfalah Haya ala Alfalah qad qamatis salah qad qamati salah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Come to prayer come to prayer come to prosperity come to prosperity the prayer is about to begin the prayer is about to begin Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest there is none worthy of worship except Allah
  6. It was narrated from Ayub from Abu Qilabah from Amr Bin Salamah Abu Qilabah said to me Ayub He Amr is still alive do you want to meet him I met him and asked him and he said When Makkah was conquered all the people hastened to announce their Islam
  7. He said Pray such and such a prayer at such and such a time pray such and such a prayer at such and such a time
  8. It was narrated from Salim from his father that the Prophet said Bilal calls the Adhan during the night so eat and drink until you hear Ibn Umm Maktoom calling the Adhan
  9. When you are with your sheep or in the desert and you call the Adhan for prayer then raise your voice for no human Jinn or anything else hears the voice of the Muadhdhin as far as it reaches but it will bear witness for him on the Day of Resurrection
  10. It was narrated from AlBara Bin Azib that the Prophet of Allah said Allah and His angels say salah upon the from rows and the Muadhdhin will be forgiven as far as his voice reaches and whatever hears him wet or dry will confirm what he says and he will have a reward like that of those who pray with him
  11. It was narrated that Abu Mahdhurah said I used to call the Adhan for the Messenger of Allah and in the first Adhan of Fajr I used to Say Haya ala Alfalah as salatu khairun minan nawm as salatu khairun minan nawm Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah Come to prosperity prayer is better than sleep prayer is better than sleep Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest there is none worthy of worship except Allah
  12. It was narrated from Salim from his father that the Prophet joined them Maghrib and Isha in AlMuzdalifah and he prayed each of them with an Iqamah and he did not offer any voluntary prayer before or after either of them
  13. It was narrated that Abu Ubaidah said Abdullah said The idolators kept the Prophet from offering four prayers on the day of AlKhandaq so he commanded Bilal to call the Adhan then he said the Iqamah and prayed Zuhr then he said the Iqamah and prayed Asr then he said the Iqamah and prayed the Maghrib then he said the Iqamah and prayed Isha
  14. Whereas the wording narrated by AlTirmidhi and the author in AlKubra mentions what the author mentioned in the chapter the other cited versions that AlNasai in this hook quoted do not
  15. And when the Iqamah is said he again takes to his heels and after it is completed he returns again to interfere between the praying person and his heart saying to him Remember such and such remember such and such things that he had not remembered until he does not know how many Rakahs he has prayed
  16. Muawiyah said what the Muadhdhin said but when he said Haya alas salah come to prayer he said La hawla wa la quwata illa Billah There is no power and no strength except with Allah and when he said Haya ala Alfalah come to prosperity he said La hawla wa la quwata illa Billah There is no power and no strength except with Allah
  17. Abdullah Bin Amr said I heard the Messenger of Allah say When you hear the Muadhdhin then say what he says and do Salah upon me for whoever does Salah upon me once Allah will Salah upon him ten times
  18. It was narrated from Saad Bin Abi Waqqas that the Messenger of Allah said Whoever says when he hears the Muadhdhin Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu wa anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluhu raditu Billahi Rabban wa bi AlIslami dinan was bi Muhammadin Rasula I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone with no partner or associate and that Muhammad is the His slave and Messenger I am content with Allah as my Lord Islam as my religion and Muhammad as my Messenger his sins will be forgiven
  19. It was narrated that Jabir said The Messenger of Allah said Whoever says when he hears the call to prayer rabba hadhihid dawat it tammah was salat i Alqaimah ati Muahmmadan Alwasilah Alfadilah wabathu maqaman mahmudan alladhi waadtahu O Allah Lord of this perfect call and the prayer to be offered grant Muhammad the privilege of interceding and also the eminence and resurrect him to the praised position that you have promised will be granted my intercession on the Day of Resurrection
  20. Abu Sakhrah narrated that Abu AlShatha said A man left the Masjid after the call to prayer had been given and Abu Hurairah said This man has indeed disobeyed Abu AlQasim
  21. It was narrated from Makhramah Bin Sulaiman that Kuraib the freed slave of Ibn Abbas told him I asked Ibn Abbas How did the Messenger of Allah pray at night He said He prayed eleven Rakahs including Witr then he slept deeply until I could hear him snoring then Bilal came to him and said The prayer O Messenger of Allah Then he got up and prayed two brief Rakahs then led the people in prayer and hedid not perform Wudu

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Pages in category "The Book of the Adhan The Call to Prayer in Sunan AlNasai"

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