Role of Zakat for Poverty Alleviation
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zakah 664 awqaf 392 poverty 361 income 297 institutions 284 waqf 220 countries 179 islamic 174 development 147 funds 139 percent 138 properties 110 government 106 idb 84 religious 76 social 75 pakistan 74 growth 72 welfare 72 member 69
- islamic development bank group islamic research training institute role of zakah and awqaf in poverty alleviation habib ahmed occasional paper no
- jeddah saudi arabia b
- isbn the views expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the islamic research and training institute or of the islamic development bank
- C islamic development bank islamic research and training institute king fahd national library cataloging in publication data ahmed habib role of zakat and awqaf in poverty alleviation
- we would like to thank the members of the policy committee of islamic development bank idb and the professional staff of islamic research and training institute irti who gave valuable suggestions from the proposal stage of the paper to its final draft
- department of islamic development malaysia jakim putrajaya abdul wahib bin che the director of baitul mal coordination division haji wan mohamad bin haji abdul aziz head islamic research department ms safiah ali research department miss aishah abdul majid research department miss fatimah othman baitulmal coordination division
- ministry of religious affairs zakat and ushr wing islamabad muhammad ilyas dar joint secretary irshad muhammad khan deputy secretary mohammad ishaq amin deputy secretary mohammad humayun director accounts mohammad yousaf butt accounts officer abdul rahim khan accounts officer abdul jabbar section officer itzazuddin section officer
- south africa national zakah fund sanzaf johannesburg abdul carrim gani chairman doctor shaukat thokan member board of trustee mohamed hoosen essof administrator
- central islamic trust johannesburg maulana abdul rahman gardee president aboobaker limbada vice president moosa laher cemetery committee yonus taua chairman welfare
- i also wish to record my thanks to syed qamaruddin for proofreading the final manuscript and to muhammad ayub for the efficient secretarial assistance they have provided during the preparation of this paper
- finally i would like to express my appreciation to doctor monzer kahf for his paper entitled shari ah and historical aspects of zakah and awqaf that was used to write chapter of this paper
- with this background the board of executive directors of the islamic development bank idb asked irti to conduct a research dealing the role of zakah and awqaf in poverty alleviation
- on the one hand some countries economies have had remarkable growth rates and increased their economic well being and on the other hand many countries have lagged behind and poverty and squalor increased manifold
- will be instrumental in motivating to conduct more research in this important area
- bashir ali khallat acting director irti
- in order to understand the role of zakah and waqf in poverty alleviation it is important to comprehend the dimensions and causes of poverty
- zakah and awqaf can play a role in policies of redistribution of assets and opportunities capacity building and wealth creation and extending income support
- the paper shows that the potential of zakah in tackling poverty will depend on the size of the gdp and the number of poor in an economy
- to do so the operational aspects of these institutions are examined in two idb member countries malaysia and pakistan and a non member country with muslim minority south africa
- laws and regulations there is a need for laws and regulations to create incentives for the proper functioning of zakah and awqaf institutions and establishing institutions that operate in an efficient and transparent ways
- results from the survey indicate that a corporate structure for zakah collection can raise the awareness of the concept among people and increase the funds raised in an efficient way
- institutional development and diversity there is a need to operate zakah and awqaf with the help of various institutions using contemporary organizational structures and instruments to reinforce poverty alleviation endeavors
- the paper suggests establishing several of these institutions instruments and emphasizes the need for deliberate efforts and research to develop them
- while earlier research has studied poverty alleviation issues in the member countries of the islamic development bank idb this occasional paper focuses on the role and scope of two islamic institutions zakah and awqaf in tackling the problem of poverty
- mannan makes this point by quoting a saying of the prophet pbuh as reported by abu hurairah in muslim richness does not lie in the abundance of worldly goods but richness is the richness of heart itself
- the prophet pbuh warns that on the one hand excess of wealth may endanger the faith and morality of the muslims and on the other hand poverty may drag them to disbelief
- while it is expected of each individual to exert his her effort to the fullest extents of his potential to fulfill his her needs yet there may be situations and circumstances in which individuals will not be able to earn enough to meet their needs
- i decided to test the rich and see how they behave in respect of what i have levied upon their wealth for the poora the responsibility of the rich for the poor has been instituted in various ways
- he asserts that establishment of justice is one of the primary goals of islam and as such an islamic economic system should endeavor to eradicate all forms of inequity injustice exploitation oppression and wrong doing chapra p
- specific objectives of the paper are the following i outline the historical experiences and present the contemporary resolutions fatawa on the use of zakah and awqaf for poverty alleviation
- apart from the nature and scope of operations of zakah and waqf institutions in these countries chapter identifies the appropriate institutional structures suitable for the efficient implementation of poverty eradication progra miss the chapter also addresses the ways in which zakah and waqf can be integrated to meet the overall development goals
- once the potentials of zakah and waqf are recognized chapter reports the institutional frameworks of zakah and awqaf being used in two idb member countries of malaysia and pakistan and a non member country with muslim minority south africa
- having outlined the concepts of zakah and awqaf as enunciated in qur an hadith and fiqh the classical experience of zakah and awqaf are presented
- zakah and awqaf in shari ah and fiqh in contrast to zakah which is mandatory for muslims establishing awqaf is voluntary
- in this regards ibn majah undated reports from abu hurairah that the messenger of god pbuh said i am ordained by god to fight rebellious people until they recognize that there is no deity except god and that i am the messenger of god and establish prayers and give zakah
- al tabarani in his al mu jam al awsat reports the messenger of god pbuh used to instruct the zakah workers while sending them that whatever they take as sadaqat should be distributed to the relatives of the persons from whom it is taken if they are poor the closer first then the farther and if the payer has no relatives then to the needy from the same clan then to the needy in the neighborhood and others
- the qur an determines eight categories of heads to whom zakah can be paid saying sadaqat here it means zakah are only for the fuqara poor and miskin the needy and those employed to collect the funds and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined towards islam and to free the captives and for those in debt and for allah s cause and the wayfarer
- for instance a waqf for the rich only or for the male descendents only is not acceptable even in private waqf and the remedy is to invalidate the condition of the founder and include females and poor of the same categories of beneficiaries ibn abidin h p
- there are however a very small number of areas of sensitivity in the shariah on the basis of which the jurists sometimes challenge the conditions of the founders
- narrations from the time of umar bin al khattab h and the period of umar bin abdul aziz h indicate that poverty was eliminated during the time of these two rulers as the zakah proceeds in some regions could not be disbursed due to the lack of poor see box
- ibn kathir reports umar appointed a person to call throughout the streets and cities on a daily basis where are the persons who are under debts where are those who intend to get married where are the needy where are the orphans this process continued until he enriched all these people
- since the waqf of umar was created on the advise of the prophet pbuh the poor the needy and the orphans have always figured as the most prominent beneficiaries from awqaf
- the fruits from the farm were to be distributed to the poor and kinships to liberate slaves to provide for guests and the wayfarer and some reasonable quantity to its custodian ibn alathir v
- cash waqf had two for miss first cash was made into waqf to be used for free lending to the beneficiaries and second cash was invested and its net return is assigned to the beneficiaries of the waqf
- muslims continued to establish awqaf hospitals and health care centers until the first part of the th century when the waqf children hospital of istanbul was founded kahf see box for various services provided by awqaf in islamic history
- there were awqaf for enabling the poor to go for hajj awqaf for helping poor brides with cloth jewelry and other needs for their wedding days awqaf for paying ransoms to liberate prisoners of war awqaf for the wayfarers awqaf for maintenance of roads and streets because the streets of damascus had two side walks for humans and a center for domestic animals awqaf for all kinds of charitable activities and special awqaf for replacing glass kitchen utensils broken in the hands of children and servants and others
- contemporary resolutions on zakah a closer look at the zakatable goods assets mentioned in the texts of the qur an and the sunnah indicate that items constituting wealth during the time of the prophet pbuh are included so that all rich persons of his time were subjected to this obligation
- rental income from properties like real estate and revenues from factories and similar productive establishments including agricultural and livestock industries are zakatable at the rate of percent on the gross returns or percent on the net returns in analogy with the return of agricultural land al qaradawi v
- an important fiqh position on the general rules of distribution that targets poverty is that a person capable to work may be given what he she needs to become a productive earner so that he she can earn an income that satisfies the basic needs
- for instance the algerian and indian laws of awqaf emphasize the ideals of perpetuity while the proposed kuwaiti law of came inclusive of temporary waqf as well as the waqf of revenues and usufruct
- they argue that if giving zakah as a grant is acceptable it should be more permissible to give it as a loan to persons who are temporarily poor and have the ability to return it after a while
- during the abbasids and later the ottomans the system of contracting zakah and a ushr collection in spite of strong opposition by the fuqaha to persons of influence led to a complete collapse of confidence because of the great injustices and oppressive means used in extracting payments from people
- discounted rides to certain categories of persons handicapped and aged and several other forms of long term flow of goods and services
- furthermore the centuries old problem of corruption of mutawallis managers and judges led to the obliteration of most awqaf properties including some mosques or parts of them
- for a long time there have been several attempts by the political authority to take over the waqf management but this has always been strongly resisted by the fuqaha and other social leaders
- the practice of cash investment waqf also dominates the establishment of waqf project in sudan and waqf funds in kuwait in the nineties of the past century
- the substantial change however came in when the government gave wide executive authorities to the new awqaf corporation along with an enhancement in the form of assigning new properties from the government owned lots for its projects and activities
- income poverty can be defined in the absolute and relative ter miss absolute poverty line is defined as the income or expenditure level required to purchase a predefined basket goods and services needed for basic needs
- world bank suggests measuring poverty using education and health and other indicators related to vulnerability social exclusion voicelessness and access to social capital in addition to income
- as poverty is directly related to the quantity of output produced and distributed the combined figures of output produced by idb member countries indicates a very meager quantity compared to the outputs being produced in the developed economies
- for income distribution estimated averages for the oecd member countries are used for comparative analysis as these figures are not available for different income groups
- of countries low income lower middle upper middle high income income income while gdp per capita is an important indicator of decent standard of living it is not adequate to capture the overall state of wellbeing of the population
- hdi uses life expectancy to measure healthy life and adult literacy rate and combined enrolment ratio to measure education
- poverty and distribution of income the extent of poverty can be measured at the national level by observing the percentage of the population living under national poverty lines
- the usual measures used to measure poverty at the global level is to use and at purchasing power parity terms at reference poverty lines
- though the situation in individual countries may be varied the indicators reflect that the overall poverty level in idb member countries is critical and deserves serious attention
- this figure is equal to that of lower middle income group and larger than that of low income group
- though the concept of poverty has evolved from derivation of material needs education and health to more broader idea of vulnerability exposure to risk voicelessness and powerlessness the focus of this paper will be on the former notion
- chapter poverty and its persistence causes solutions and the role of zakah and awqaf though poverty is usually meant to be deprivation of wellbeing there are many factors that cause it and various approaches to explain the concept
- while growth in percapita income is an indicator of the overall economic development the distribution of the resulting growth in output among the lower income groups will determine the effects of growth on poverty levels in an economy
- an implication of this view is that countries and people are poor not only because there is scarcity of capital but also because they have less knowledge world bank
- while evidence shows that high growth in economies has not brought about more inequality some studies indicate that slow growth can increase inequality over time by not providing opportunities to the population in general and the poor in particular to generate income
- figure macro determinants of poverty human capital and population growth poverty distribution and aggregate income distributional level and growth changes note adapted from bourguignon and iqbal
- production can take various forms depending on the state of the economy and the position of the household in the economic class structure
- production based entitlement ep income generated from producing a good or service by engaging one s own resources or hiring from other willing parties
- factors affecting the income level of a household will include the ability to sell labor and non labor assets the price at which the labor and assets can be sold and the costs of the assets used and goods consumed
- wealth income transfer entitlement ei income can be gained from entitlements coming from transfer of either assets wealth owned or income
- macroeconomic policies that induce growth the macroeconomic strategy that facilitates economic growth and reduces poverty would constitute a mixture of policies and institutional refor miss policies will include macroeconomic policies incentive policies and regulatory policies that promote growth
- poverty reduction for this group will involve creating opportunities to enhance the entitlements of the household or the income generating capabilities so that income levels increase not just in one period but in all the future periods
- undp lists public policies that can strengthen the links between growth and poverty reduction as increasing investments in basic health education water and sanitation expanding access to assets land credit skills and promoting labor intensive industrial growth for small and medium size enterprises p
- the analysis shows that the causes of poverty from the microperspective is the lack of resources in the form of human physical and financial capital
- this can be done by either transferring of funds assets resources through charitable acts by members or institutions in a society or through social security benefits from the government
- in order to understand how to use the transfer of zakah entitlement and the returns from voluntary waqf institutions to eradicate the persistent poverty affecting a large percentage of the population we need to discuss cases of productive and unproductive households separately
- specifically we examine the role of zakah and awqaf institutions in growth and redistribution in the macro context and capacity building wealth creation and income support in the micro perspective
- thus the institutions of zakah and awqaf should be able to provide the necessary inputs like human physical and financial capital in order to reduce the poverty for the productive group
- specific programs have to be designed to provide support for education and skill development provision of physical capital like a taxi sewing machine etc
- the percentage of gdp required for poverty alleviation x is worked out using the following steps a the total number of poor people n determined by multiplying the percentage of population under poverty lines in each group by the total population
- the second opinion adds to the zakah base returns on fixed assets and salary and wages and the third opinion adds the capital value of fixed assets kahf and kahf
- at one extreme tunisia with a gdp percapita of us has a low percentage of the population living under poverty lines percent and percent for group and respectively
- only two countries tunisia and jordan will be able to raise the income of the poor by us for all the poor in group by zakah revenues collected at
- percent countries will be able to transfer zakah funds to the poor in group and raise their income levels by us
- the amount needed for poverty alleviation in terms of percentage of gdp decreases as the gdp percapita increases and increases with the increase in the percentage of people living under poverty lines
- the corresponding number of countries that will be able to give us per day to all individuals in group from zakah proceedings will be
- this will on the one hand release zakah funds that can be used on other households and on the other hand increase the zakah revenue pool so that a larger percentage of the poor can be included in subsequent years
- with the independence of the country in a ministry of awqaf later renamed as ministry of awqaf and islamic affairs in was established among others to manage awqaf resources in the country
- while most of the awqaf institutions in india are managed privately the state waqf boards in many states are managing a small percentage of these institutions
- managed invalid cases total source irti and annual report kuwait awqaf public foundation though a minority in india the muslim community is one of the largest in the world
- while there are no awqaf institutions that are categorized as type d ie potentially incomegenerating for general welfare many of the institutions that fall under mosques graveyards or tombs have extended areas that can be used and are being used for commercial purposes
- to have a broader understanding of the operations on these institutions the laws acts ordinances under which these institutions are established and operate the governance structures along with the details of the sources and uses of funds are discussed
- zakat collection centre islamic religious council of federal territory in the islamic religious council of federal territory established a subsidiary corporation hartasici private limited to mange information taken of zakat collection centre of the federal territory is taken from alias
- in recognition of the quality of management of the organization zcc of federal territory received ms iso certification while zcc has devised facilities for the payment of zakah by donors it also raises awareness of various aspects of zakah among the public with a marketing strategy
- zakah can be paid in cash by checks and money orders at bank counters post offices and through salary deductions and internet and phone banking
- baitulmal federal territory one of the divisions of the islamic department is responsible among others to solve the social and economic problems and enhancing the welfare of the musli miss the director of baitulmal implements the policies of the council with the help of employees
- zakah disbursement in ftkl federal territory islamic council is the policy making body related to islamic issues and these policies are implemented by the federal territory islamic department
- the summary of the breakdown of the income and disbursement expenditures for baitulmal of negeri sembilan is given in table
- percent came from zakah and the remaining from other sources like investments rent and returns from various projects
- as such zos became one of the first corporation created with the objective of dealing both collection and disbursement of different kinds of zakah in the state of selangor
- various activities like preaching at conventions workshops get togethers sermons printing billboards and information material and maintaining a well managed website are undertaken to raise awareness of zakah among the musli miss estimates of zakah collections indicate that most of the zakah collected percent
- to achieve their targets zos targets to capture percent of the potential payers and increase the collections to rm million by the end of year from the current estimate of percent of the people around individuals paying zakah in the state
- while zakah institutions are administered at all according to the administrative officer of baitulmal of negeri sembilan an investment of an estimated rm million on its various land and property managed by the state can double its income from its current level of rm
- zakah and awqaf institutions in pakistan pakistan is a federal republic with four provinces balochistan punjab sindh and north west frontier province two federally administered territories islamabad capital territory and federally administered territory and pakistani administered azad kashmir and the northern areas
- at the federal level the central zakat council czc is the prime body responsible for making the overall policies of the zakah and ushr related issues
- under the general policy guidelines given by the czc the provincial zakat council manages the zakah funds maintains the for an indepth study on zakah administration in pakistan see shirazi
- similarly the tehsil sub division zakat committees are formed under the district zakat committee and local zakat committees under the district zakah committees
- note that the salaries and administrative expenditures at the federal and provincial government levels are paid for from the government budgets and not from the zakah funds
- one time grant source zakah and ushr wing ministry of religious affairs government of pakistan there was a major policy shift regarding disbursement of funds in the year
- under the ordinance auqaf department was established at the provincial levels and the respective governments were given the authority of taking over the administration of waqf properties it deemed were mismanaged
- to be able to benefit from the educational stipends unemployed muslim youth in the age group of to years are required to get a certificate of eligibility from the local zakat committee
- most of the expenditures of the awqaf department are paying the employees of the mosques khateeb and muezzin and shrines celebrating certain festivals organizing competitions in qur an recitations feeding the poor and doing development work to maintain the mosques and shrines
- according to the act npos must have a constitution that outlines the objectives and the various issues related to the membership and operations of the organization
- zakah and awqaf institutions in south africa though there are no official figures of the number of muslims in south africa estimates indicate it to be about million forming about two percent of the population
- some of the organizations are involved in social activities in collaboration with government welfare progra miss under such schemes the government subsidizes parts of these progra miss various operational features of these institutions are discussed below
- however the new act gives the tax deduction status for donations to various public benefit organizations related to education and development welfare and humanitarian and health care
- while the latter expenditures are incurred to raise awareness and attract funds by advertising in media and newsletters the operational expenditures include paying for rent transport utilities accountant and legal fees insurance premium telecommunications and postage and other office expenditures
- while awqaf sa will be the income generating unit saida will implement the community and social development progra miss these institutions together will be two arms of an empowerment program taking care of the development needs of the community at the grassroots level
- while in pakistan and south africa this is done by paying zakah funds for paying the fees of the beneficiaries getting training at specialized institutions in case of malaysia the skills are provided by institutes established by zakah agencies
- with regards to disbursement of zakah funds in all cases there appears to be a shift of emphasis from giving handouts to transfers that enhances production capabilities and capacity building
- specifically increasing the zakah revenues would involve not only increasing the collection of zakah but also enlarging the zakatable ite miss for awqaf the revenues would increase if the existing awqaf properties can be made more productive and newer awqaf institutions can be created
- integrating zakah and awqaf in the overall development strategy to use zakah and awqaf in the overall development scheme in general and poverty reduction in particular requires a qualitative change in the operations and management of these institutions
- the specific policies under this pillar includes among others fiscal and monetary policies regulatory framework capital market and financial sector reforms private sector development rural development strategy and creating a supportive infrastructure
- zakah and the overall development scheme the various aspects of zakah s role in poverty alleviation in the development strategy of an economy are discussed below i the potential of zakah to tackle poverty will depend on the percapita income level and the extent of poverty
- thus in countries like pakistan where the gdp per capita is relatively lower and the poverty rates higher compared to malaysia there is a need for using the zakah institutions in an effective way to eradicate poverty
- the collective efforts of bait ul mal zakah institution and other institutions like microfinance can have a bigger impact on reducing poverty as they together can give the income support needed not only for consumption purposes but also make available the required capital needed to increase the productive capacity of the household
- in this regard special vocational training institutes for the poor operated by a public agency punjab vocational training council offers necessary facilities for the provision of training in different activities
- furthermore there is a need for information on the beneficiaries to examine not only the impact of assistance provided but also to avoid duplication of efforts and frame plans policies and strategies to solve the problem of poverty
- while traditionally zakah payments were given out as handouts the countries that were studied in the survey indicate that there is a realization that the focus should change to provide the human physical
- this may be because most of the funds given out as zakah most likely goes for income support purposes and does not solve the problem of poverty in the long run
- similarly in south africa there is a shift of disbursement from giving handouts to paying fees for skill development and higher education providing productive capital for small scale cottage industries and providing financial capital to start business
- but the experiences from the countries that were surveyed indicate that most of the awqaf institutions are religious in nature and are not contributing to the overall welfare of the poor
- there was a general feeling that people are more aware of zakah and sadaqat as means to tackle the problem of poverty but the use of awqaf has not been recognized as an instrument of community and social development
- in principle the government should be responsible for the collection and distribution of zakah in muslim societies and waqf institutions are usually privately instituted and managed by administrator mutawalli
- as land real estate has become very expensive there is a disincentive among persons with average means to donate their land real estate for charitable purposes
- while there is a need for laws that will give the governments the right to collect zakah from individuals and economic entities the laws themselves will not be sufficient to ensure the bulk of the zakah funds will be tapped into
- thus the awqaf department of the government of punjab can take over the control of any waqf it deems is not being managed proficiently and become the trustee for these waqf properties
- a related issue in countries where zakah collections are under different jurisdictions there is a need to have unified laws related to zakah in all states
- the law has to outline clearly the framework of the administrative set up of the awqaf institutions to prevent the decay and corruption that forced the governments to take control over these properties in the first place
- effective organizational structures for zakah and awqaf institutions to make the zakah and awqaf effective in poverty alleviation the institutions should have effective organizational structures to conduct the affairs in order to achieve its social mission
- the organizational capabilities reflects the ability of the organization to achieve the desired objective in terms of using its own resources efficiently and also getting things done with other organizations with similar goals
- among others the duties of the of authorizing recording and disbursing of funds should be separated the authority to make financial decisions should be delineated bank statements and correspondence are promptly reviewed and reconciled
- organizational structure for zakah institutions the organizational strengths of welfare institutions like zakah can be analyzed under the following three criteria i governance structures and management procedures other than the processes of making decisions and implementing them transparency human resource flexibility to introduce innovations in systems and processes and cost efficiency in operations are important aspects of good governance and management procedures
- types of zakah management schemes in various countries states countries collection disbursements pakistan government government negeri sembelan and corporation government ftkl malaysia selangor malaysia corporation corporation south africa nonprofit nonprofit organization organization governance structures and management procedures in all cases of management schemes there is a governing body that oversees the zakah operations
- disbursement of funds as noted above disbursement of funds to the right target group with the appropriate impact determines whether the social objectives of the organization is reached
- types of awqaf institutions in different countries dominant type of states countries managed by awqaf institution pakistan religious government private malaysia religious government south africa religious philanthropic private nonprofit organization as in the case of zakah we examine the strengths and weaknesses of the organizational structures of managing awqaf institutions by the
- in south africa while the mosques are awqaf properties there are a few philanthropic awqaf for social welfare purposes that are managed by the family members of the creator waqif and nonprofit organizations
- while government body can oversee the operations of the awqaf properties it will lack appropriate human resources and the flexibility to make decisions to bring in changes and develop the awqaf properties
- a professional manager under the guidance of an independent board of trustees can take initiatives to enhance both the value and returns of waqf assets
- while traditionally zakah and awqaf institutions were able to serve the poor the institutional developments and diversity can be tapped to use these institutions to alleviate poverty during contemporary times
- zakah collection corporation the experience of zakah collection in malaysia shows that zakah collection can be efficiently done under a corporate structure
- support and insurance for the vulnerable one way of preventing the increase of the number of poor is to avoid the non poor who are vulnerable to being poor due to some negative shocks
- in order to revitalize the institution of waqf there is a need to develop alternative ways that would enable people of all means to contribute to the creation of a waqf
- munshaat will finance the construction of the project operate it and then transfer the towers back to the waqf through binladin at the end of the year lease period
- while certificates can be used as cash as waqf for the development of the waqf properties instruments can also be developed to raise funds for their development on commercial basis
- box awqaf properties investment fund under the guidance of the islamic development bank idb awqaf properties investment fund apif was established in with a mission to mobilize funds to promote and develop the awqaf properties worldwide and revive the awareness of islamic sunnah of waqf and to augment the idb goals of social and economic development in its member countries and other societies
- even in cases where the microfinance institutions are not established with waqf and sadaqat funds zakah can be given to the poorest recipients of microfinance for consumption support to avoid divergence of funds from productive heads
- the wealth of the borrowers will thus influence the size of the loan but not the decision to lend
- qard hasan banks qard hasan interest free loans has an important position in islam and was widely used in islamic societies to assist the poor and needy
- institution company for managing awqaf assets another way to manage awqaf institutions efficiently and ensure good returns that can be used for various welfare oriented programs is to manage these institutions professionally
- the potential role of zakah in mitigating poverty depends on the size of the gdp and the number of the poor
- chapter conclusion it is widely acknowledged that the third sector plays a significant role not only in enhancing the welfare in societies but also in the economy in terms of gdp and employment
- as zakah and awqaf are acts of charity and piety the revival of zakah and awqaf institutions will to a large extent depend on renewing the confidence of the people on them as important agents for poverty alleviation
- the role of these institutions can be made more prominent by integrating their activities in the overall development plan of the country
- while several organizations including the islamic research and training institute irti of the islamic development bank group have been actively involved in organizing these events the focus has to be on specific areas related to the development of new institutional structures that can be used in contemporary times
- wdi world development indicators cd rom world bank
- fuqaha jurists who give opinion on various juristic issues in the singular light of the qur an and the sunnah and who have thereby faqih led to the development of fiqh
- qayyim administrator of a waqf property see also mutawalli nazir walyy and wasyy qur an the holy book of the muslims consisting of the revelations made by god to prophet muhammad pbuh during his prophethood of about years
- mutawalli administrator of a waqf property see also nazir qayyim walyy and wasyy nazir administrator of a waqf property see also mutawalli qayyim walyy and wasyy nisab limit on wealth for exemption of zakah
- walyy administrator of a waqf property see also mutawalli nazir qayyim and wasyy wasyy administrator of a waqf property see also mutawalli nazir qayyim and walyy zakah obligatory tax on income wealth levied on all persons who have wealth above nisab spent on heads specified in shari ah
- al mawardi abu al hasan a ali bin muhammad al ahkam al sultaniyyah circa al babi al halabi publishers rd printing cairo in arabic
- azmi bin omar aidit bin ghazali jamil bin osman and mohammad arif malaysia case studies in ahmed abdel fattah el ashker and muhammad sirajul haq editors institutional framework of zakah dimensions and implications seminar proceedings no
- umer islamic welfare state and its role in the economy in khurshid ahmad studies in islamic economics the islamic foundation leicester
- armagan serwet awqaf in turkey in hasan al amin idarah wa tathmir mumtalakat al awqaf islamic research and training institute islamic development bank jeddah
- irti islamic research and training institute feasibility study on investment fund for the development of awqaf islamic research and training institute islamic development bank jeddah
- ibn hisham al sirah al nabawiyyah circa h al babi al halabi publishers cairo in arabic
- kahf monzer al waqf al islami tatawwuruh idaratuh tanmiyatuh islamic waqf its growth management and development dar al fikr damascus kahf monzer shari ah and historical aspects of zakah and awqaf background paper prepared for islamic research and training institute islamic development bank jeddah
- khan khalilur rahman auqaf laws in the south asia and south east asia a comparative study paper presented at international seminar on auqaf experiences in brunei indonesia kuwait and pakistan islamabad december
- salama abdin ahmed fiscal analysis of zakat with special reference to saudi arabia s experience in zakat in mohammad ariff editor monetary and fiscal policy of islam international centre for research in islamic economics king abdul aziz university jeddah salih siddiq abdelmageed the challenges of poverty alleviation in idb member countries occasional paper no
- anheier the third world s third sector in comparative perspective working papers of the john hopkins comparative nonprofit sector project no
- the guarantee of a minimum level of living in an islamic state in munawar iqbal editor distributive justice and need fulfillment in an islamic economy the islamic foundation leicester
- the zakah house ahkam wa fatawa al zakah wa al sadaqat zakah house kuwait
- yusoff izham waqf potential in the malaysian context paper presented in the international seminar on nonbank financial institutions islamic alternatives march kuala lumpur jointly organized by islamic research and training institute islamic development bank and islamic banking and finance institute malaysia
- world bank world development report knowledge and development oxford university press new york
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- AlHuda Material\riba
zakah institut awqaf NA incom waqf islam countries developed fund collected governance percent manag member disburse properties organisation operated idb
- Role of Zakah and Awqaf in Poverty by Rodney Wilson
- Role of Zakat for Poverty Alleviation
Number of Pages
Published Date
2009-03-22 12:39:26