Mainstreaming Islamic Microfinance An Inclusive Approach by
From HodHood
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murabahah 58 islamic 23 client 22 payment 22 training 22 microfinance 21 workshop 21 profit 19 facility 15 price 12 goods 11 purchase 9 supplier 9 installment 8 promise 8 receivable 8 received 8 sale 8 agreement 7 amount 7 hamish 7 jiddiyah 7
- sale must be instant and absolute exception of above rules in salam and istisna
- training workshop a islamic microfinance process flow approval of credit facility a negotiation approval of murabahah facility a murabahah facility agreement a c terms and conditions description of goods cost contract price rate of profit etc
- a c supplier s invoice in whose name who can be the supplier murabahah mfi facility client agreement approval of facility
- training workshop a islamic microfinance process flow purchase requisition promise a requisition invoice in whose name who can be the supplier a unilateral promise purpose a payment of hamish jiddiyah optional purpose return mfi
- promise client from client
- training workshop a islamic microfinance pricing of murabahah example murabahah price calculation purchase of poultry feed stock a c murabahah facility days a c payment six monthly installments a c rate of profit p
- a c securities personal surety or pledge of feed stock etc
- carriage of cost total cost x profit calculation x x murabahah price amount of
- training workshop a islamic microfinance pricing of murabahah example particulars amount rs
- a c after acquisition a a asset available for sale on murabaha to client shall be measured at historical cost a in case of default in payment of murabahah price the asset shall be measured at cash equivalent value ie
- training workshop a islamic microfinance some applicable guidelines from aaoifi measurement of asset value a c at acquisition a measured and recorded at historical cost
- a c profits whose payment is due after the current financial period shall be recognized as per following a proportionate allocation of profits a profit may also be recognized as and when received
- a c treatment for binding promise a the amount of actual loss to be deducted from hamish jiddiyah a in absence of any guarantee or hamish jiddiyah any loss incurred shall be recorded as receivable due from the defaulter client
- training workshop a islamic microfinance some applicable guidelines from aaoifi failure to fulfill promise having paid hamish jiddiyah a c hamish jiddiyah to be treated as liability on islamic bank
- training workshop a islamic microfinance some applicable guidelines from aaoifi penalty a to be deposited in charitable account on realization provision a c mfis and bank maintains a provision for overdue installments as per its own policy of provision for non performing loans
- a c banks in pakistan are required to follow sbp prudential regulations
- practice of murabahah pricing of murabahah example a c purchase of poultry feed stock a c murabahah facility days a c payment six monthly installments a c rate of profit six months kibor a c murabahah transaction rs
- a c securities pledge of feed stock equitable mortgage lien on deposit post dated cheques etc
- practice of murabahah pricing of murabahah example particulars amount rs
- freight insurance of cost total cost x risk premium profit p
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Main Category
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- Mainstreaming Islamic Microfinance_An Inclusive Approach by
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:48:18