Category:The Book on Business in Sunan AlTermithi

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List of Chapters in The Book on Business

Combined Book Name

The Book on Business*Sunan AlTermithi Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book on Business Summary

  1. AlNuman Bin Bashir narrated that the Messenger of Allah S said The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear and between that are matters that are doubtful not clear many of the people do not know whether it is lawful or unlawful
  2. Another chain of narration from the Prophet and its meaning is similarAbu Eisa said This Hadith is Hasan Sahih it has been reported by more than one from AlShabi from AlNuman Bin Bashir
  3. Abu Wail narrated that Qais Bin Abi Gharazah said The Messenger of Allah S came to us and we were what was called brokers he said O people of trade Indeed the Shaitan and sin are present in the sale so mix your sales with charity
  4. Narrated Ismail Bin Ubaid Bin Rifaah From his father from his grandfather that he went with the Messenger of Allah to the Musalla and he saw the people doing business so he said O people of trade and they replied to the Messenger of Allah turning their necks and their gazes towards him and he said Indeed the merchants will be resurrected on the Day of judgement with the wicked except the one who has Taqwa of Allah who behaves charitably and is truthful
  5. He said I heard Muhammad Bin Firas AlBasri saying I heard Abu Dawud AlTayalisi saying One day Shubah was asked about this Hadith and he said I will not narrate it to you people until you stand up before Harami Bin Umarah bin Hafsah to kiss his head
  6. Narrated Abbad Bin Laith AlKarabisi A AlBasri Abdul Majid Bin Wahb narrated to us he said AlAdda Bin Khalid Bin Hawdhah said to me Shall I not read to you a letter that was written for me from the Messenger of Allah He said I said Of course
  7. So he took out a letter for me This is what AlAdda Bin Khalid Bin Hawdhah purchased from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah He purchased from him a slave or a female slave having no ailments nor being a runaway nor having any malicious behavior
  8. So the Prophet said Who will give more than a Dirham Who will give more that a Dirham A man agreed to give him two Dirham so he sold them to him
  9. Saad said I heard the Messenger of Allah being asked about selling dried dates for ripe dates and he said to those present Will the fresh dates shrink when they are dry They said yes so he forbade that
  10. AlShafii said The Gharar sale includes selling fish that are in the wate selling a slave that has escaped selling birds that are in the sky and similar type of sales
  11. But when he distinguishes it as being one of them then there is no harm when one of them is agreed upon
  12. Ash Shafii said Included in the meaning of what the Prophet prohibited of regarding two sales in one is if one said I will sell you the house of mine for that price upon the condition that you sell me you alve for this price
  13. Narrated Ayub Amr Bin Shuaib narrated to us saying My father narrated to me from his father until he mentioned Abdullah Bin Amr The Messenger of Allah said It is not lawful to lend and sell nor two conditions in a sale nor to profit from what is not possessed nor to sell what one does not have
  14. Abu Eisa said Waki reported this Hadith from Yazid Bin Ibrahim from Ibn Sirin from Ayub from Hakim Bin Hizam and he did not mention in it From Yusuf Bin Mahak
  15. Yahya Bin Abi Kathir reported this Hadith from Yala Bin Hakim from Yusuf Bin Mahak from Abdullah Bin Ismah from Hakim Bin Hizam from the Prophet
  16. Yahya Bin Sulaim reported this Hadith from Ubaidullah Bin Umar from Nafi from Ibn Umar from the Prophet saying That he prohibited selling the Wala and conferring it
  17. Narrated Ubadah Bin AlSamit That the Prophet said Gold for gold kind for kind silver for silver kind for kind dried dates for dried dates kind for kind wheat for wheat kind for kind salt for salt kind for kind and barley for barley kind for kind
  18. Sell gold for silver as you wish hand to hand and sell wheat for dried dates as you wish hand to hand and sell barley for dried dates as you wish hand to hand
  19. This is acted upon according to the people of knowledge among the Companions of the Prophet and others except for what has been related from Ibn Abbas he did not see any harm in exchanging gold for gold or silver for silver more for less when it is done hand in hand and he said Riba is only in credit
  20. Narrated Ibn Umar I would sell camels at AlBaqi so I would sell them for Dinar but take in place of them Dirham and I would sell for silver and take Dinar in its place
  21. Indeed the Messenger of Allah said Silver for gold is Riba except for hand to hand and wheat for wheat is Riba except for hand to hand and barley for barley is Riba except hand to hand and dried dates for dried dates is Riba except for hand to hand
  22. Narrated Nafi From Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said Both the buyer and the seller retain the option as long as they have not separated or they give each other than option
  23. If they spoke the truth and clarified any defects or conditions then they would be blessed in their sale and if they hid something and lied then their sale would be deprived of blessings
  24. This is how it was reported from Abu Barzah AlAslami that two men came disputing to him after the sale of a horse and they were on a ship so he said I did not see the two of your separate and the Messenger of Allah said The buyer and the seller retain the choice as long as they did not separate
  25. And the meaning of the saying of the Prophet Except for the optional sale is that while they are still together the seller gives the buyer the option to cancel after the conclusion of the sale
  26. And if the separation referred to speech and there was no option left for him after the sale then this Hadith would be meaningless since he said And it is not lawful for him to separate from his companion fearing that he will change his mind
  27. Narrated Abu Hurairah That the Messenger of Allah A riding animal can be ridden while it is pawned and a milking animal can be milked while it is pawned and it is up to the one riding and drinking the milk to maintain it
  28. They did not think that an embellished silver gilded sword could be sold for Dirham nor a silver plated waist band or something similar until it the silver was distinguished and separated
  29. So the Prophet said Buy her the Wala is only for the one who gives the price or for the one who grants the favor
  30. Narrated Habib Bin Abi Thabit From Hakim Bin Hizam that the Messenger of Allah sent Hakim Bin Hizam with a Dinar to buy an animal for Udhiyah an animal for sacrifice for him
  31. This is the view of Sufyan AlThawri he said If one man has some Dirham that belong to another and the second has some Dinar belonging to the first he may not withhold any in place of his Dirham unless it so happens that he has some Dirham of his then in that case he can withhold some of his Dirham equal to what he is owed by the first
  32. This is acted upon according to the people of knowledge they dislike hoarding food and some of them make a concession for hoarding things other than food
  33. Narrated Abdullah Bin Massuod That the Messenger of Allah said Whoever takes a false oath to deprive a Muslim of his wealth he will meet Allah while He is angry with him
  34. Narrated Ali The Messenger of Allah gave me two boys who were brothers so I sold one of them and the Messenger of Allah said to me O Ali What happened to your boy So I informed him and he said Return him return him
  35. This Hadith has been reported through routes other than this and this acted upon according to the people of knowledge
  36. He said O Rafi Why were you throwing stones at their date palm He said I said Out of hunger O Messenger of Allah He said Do not throw stones at them eat what falls
  37. Narrated Anas Bin Malik The Messenger of Allah cursed ten involved in wine The one who presses it the one who has it pressed its drinker its carrier and the one it is carried to its server its seller the consumption of its price the one who purchases it and the one it was purchased for
  38. If there is no one with it then call out three times if someone answers then seek his permission
  39. This Hadith has been related from Malik The Prophet permitted AlAraya in cases of five Wasq or for what was less than five Wasq
  40. Narrated Bushair Bin Yasar the freed slave of Banu Harithah Rafi Bin Khadij and Sahl Bin Abi Hathmah narrated to him that the Messenger of Allah prohibited AlMuzabanah sales buying fruits with dried dates except for those who practice AlAraya for he permitted it for them and from buying grapes with raisins and from every fruit by its estimation
  41. Narrated Abu Hurairah That the Messenger of Allah said Whoever grants respite to an indigent or alleviates it for him Allah will shade him on the Day of Judgement under His Throne a Day in which there is no shade except His shade
  42. So if your debt is transfered from your debtor you should agree and do not make two sales in one sale
  43. Ishaq said The meaning of this Hadith There is nothing due on a Muslim wealth that is lost this is when a man transfers it to another whom he thinks is wealthy then he becomes bankrupt so there is nothing due on the Muslim wealth that is lost
  44. Abu Bakr AlAttar AbdulQuddus narrates to us he said Ali Bin AlMadini said Yahya Bin Saeed said Sulaiman AlTaymi said They went with the book of Jabir Bin Abdullah to AlHasan AlBasri and he took it or he said and they reported it
  45. Then they took it to Qatadah and reported it so they gave it to me but I did not report it he said I refused it This was narrated to us by Abu Bakr AlAttar from Ali Bin AlMadini
  46. So they searched out but they did not find a camel but of a better ager than his camel

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