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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #1,301.

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  • Abu AlRahman Bin Yazid said: I and my uncl
    Abu AlRahman Bin Yazid said: I and my uncle Alqama and AlAswad went to Abdullah Bin Masud Allah be pleased with him. He the narrator further said: I was at that time young; and he narrated a hadith which it seemed he narrated for me that Allah Messenger ﷺ said like one transmitted by Muawiya; and further added: I lost no time in marrying.
    further added: I lost no time in marrying.  +
  • Abu AlSaeed Khudri reported Allah Messenge
    Abu AlSaeed Khudri reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying that the earth would turn to be one single bread on the Day of Resurrection and the Almighty would turn it in His hand as one of you turns a loaf while on a journey. It would be a feast arranged in the honour of the people of Paradise. He the narrator further narrated that a person from among the Jews came and he said: Abu AlQasim; may the Compassionate Lord be pleased with you! May I inform you about the feast arranged in honour of the people of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection? He said: Do it; of course. He said: The earth would become one single bread. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ looked towards us and laughed until his molar teeth became visible. He then again said: May I inform you about that with which they would season it? He said: Do it; of course. He said: Their seasoning would be balim and fish. The Companions of the Prophet ﷺ said: What is this balam? He said: Ox and fish from whose excessive livers seventy thousand people would be able to eat.
    enty thousand people would be able to eat.  +
  • Abu AlSafr narrated that Abdullah Bin Amr
    Abu AlSafr narrated that Abdullah Bin Amr said: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w passed by us while we were repairing a hut of ours; so he said: What is this? We said:It has become weak; so we are repairing it. He said: I do not think but that the matter of life is more in fleeting than that.
    ter of life is more in fleeting than that.  +
  • Abu AlSahba said to Ibn Abbas: Enlighten u
    Abu AlSahba said to Ibn Abbas: Enlighten us with your information whether the three divorces pronounced at one and the same time were not treated as one during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ and Abu Bakr. He said: It was in fact so; but when during the caliphate of Umar Allah be pleased with him people began to pronounce divorce frequently; he allowed them to do so to treat pronouncements of three divorces in a single breath as one.
    three divorces in a single breath as one.  +
  • Abu AlSaib said I went to visit Abu Sald A
    Abu AlSaib said I went to visit Abu Sald AlKhudri; and while I was sitting I heard a movement under under his couch. When I looked and found a snake there; I got up. Abu Sald said: what is with you? I said : Here is a snake. He said : what do you want ? I said : I shall kill it. He then pointed to a room in his house in front of his room and said : My cousin son of my uncle was in this room. He asked his permission to go to his wife on the occasion of the battle of Troops Ahzab ; as he was recently married. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ gave him permission and ordered him to take his weapon with him. He came to his house and found his wife standing at the door of the house. When he pointed to her with the lance; she said; do not make haste till you see what has brought me out. He entered the house and found an ugly snake there. He pierced in the lance while it was quivering. He said : I do not know which of them died first; the man or the snake. His people then came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: supplicate Allah to restore our companion to life for us. He said : Ask forgiveness for your Companion. Then he said : In Medina a group of Jinn have embraced Islam; so when you see one of them; pronounce a waring to it three times and if it appears to you after that; kill it after three days.
    you after that; kill it after three days.  +
  • Abu AlSaib- the freed slave of Hisham Bin
    Abu AlSaib- the freed slave of Hisham Bin Zuhrah-said: I heard Abu Huraira say: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever offers a prayer in which he does not recite Umm AlQuran AlFatihah ; it is deficient; it is deficient; it is deficient; incomplete. I Abu AlSaib said: O Abu Huraira; sometimes I am behind the Imam. He poked me in the arm and said: Recite it to yourself; O Persian! For I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: Allah says: I have divided prayer between Myself and My slave into two halves; and My slave shall have what he has asked for. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Recite; for when the slave says: All the praises and thanks be to Allah; the Lord of all that exists; Allah says: My slave has praised Me. And when he says: The Most Gracious; the Most Merciful; Allah says: My slave has extolled Me. And when he says: The Only Owner and the Only Ruling Judge of the Day of Recompense i.e. the Day of Resurrection ; Allah says: My slave has glorified Me. And when he says: You alone we worship; and You alone we ask for help for each and everything ; He says: This is between Me and My slave; and My slave shall have what he has asked for. And when he says: Guide us to the straight way; the way of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace; not the way of those who earned Your anger; nor of those who went astray; He says: This is for My slave; and My slave shall have what he asked for.
    and My slave shall have what he asked for.  +
  • Abu AlSaib; the freed slaved of Hisham Bin
    Abu AlSaib; the freed slaved of Hisham Bin Zuhra; said that he visited Abu Saeed Khudri in his house; and he further said: I found him saying his prayer; so I sat down waiting for him to finish his prayer when I heard a stir in the bundles of wood lying in a comer of the house. I looked towards it and found a snake. I jumped up in order to kill it; but he Abu Saeed Khudri made a gesture that I should sit down. So I sat down and as he finished the prayer he pointed to a room in the house and said: Do you see this room? I said: Yes. He said: There was a young man amongst us who had been newly wedded. We went with Allah Messenger ﷺ to participate in the Battle of Trench when a young man in the midday used to seek permission from Allah Messenger ﷺ to return to his family. One day he sought permission from him and Allah Messenger ﷺ after granting him the permission said to him: Carry your weapons with you for I fear the tribe of Quraidha may harm you. The man carried the weapons and then came back and found his wife standing between the two doors. He bent towards her smitten by jealousy and made a dash towards her with a spear in order to stab her. She said: Keep your spear away and enter the house until you see that which has made me come out. He entered and found a big snake coiled on the bedding. He darted with the spear and pierced it and then went out having fixed it in the house; but the snake quivered and attacked him and no one knew which of them died first; the snake or the young man. We came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and made a mention to him and said: Supplicate to Allah that that man may be brought back to life. Thereupon he said: Ask forgiveness for your companion and then said: There are in Medina jinns who have accepted Islam; so when you see any one of them; pronounce a warning to it for three days; and if they appear before you after that; then kill it for that is a devil.
    er that; then kill it for that is a devil.  +
  • Abu AlSamh said: I used to serve the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and when he wanted to perform Ghusl he said: Turn your back. So I turned my back to him and concealed him.  +
  • Abu AlSamh said: The Prophet ﷺ said: A girl urine should be washed away and a boy urine should be sprinkled with water.  +
  • Abu AlShatha said : we were sitting with Abu Huraira in the Masjid. A man went out of the Masjid after the ADHAN for the afternoon prayer had been called. Abu Huraira said: As regards this man ; he disobeyed Abu AlQasim; the prophet ﷺ.  +
  • Abu AlShatha said: A man exited the Masjid after the Adhan for Asr had been called. So Abu Huraira said: As for this person; he has indeed disobeyed Abul Qasim.  +
  • Abu AlShatha said; Who keeps away from som
    Abu AlShatha said; Who keeps away from some portion of the Kabah? Muawiya used to touch the four corners of the Kabah; Ibn Abbas said to him; These two corners the one facing the Hijr are not to be touched. Muawiya said; Nothing is untouchable in the Kabah. And Ibn AlZubair used to touch all the corners of the Kabah.
    sed to touch all the corners of the Kabah.  +
  • Abu AlTayah reported on the authority of a
    Abu AlTayah reported on the authority of a shaykh an old man : When Abdullah Ibn Abbas came to Basrah; people narrated to him traditions from Abu Mousa. Therefore Ibn Abbas wrote to him asking him about certain things. In reply Abu Mousa wrote to him saying: One day I was in the company of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He wanted to urinate. Then he came to a soft ground at the foot of a wall and urinated. He the Prophet then said: If any of you wants to urinate; he should look for a place like this for his urination.
    k for a place like this for his urination.  +
  • Abu AlTiyah reported: I heard from Anas a narration like this from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu AlTufail reported on the authority of
    Abu AlTufail reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas who said I saw the Prophet ﷺ circumambulating the Kabah on his Camel; touching the corner Black Stone with a crooked stick and kissing it the crooked stick. The narrator Muhammad Bin Rafi added he then went o AlSafa and AlMarwah and ran seven times on his Camel.
    AlMarwah and ran seven times on his Camel.  +
  • Abu AlTufail said I said to Ibn Abbas Your
    Abu AlTufail said I said to Ibn Abbas Your people think that the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ walked proudly with swift strides while going round the Kabah and that it is sunnah practice of the Prophet. He said They spoke the truth in part and told a lie in part. I asked What truth did they speak and what lie did they tell? He said They spoke the truth that the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ walked proudly while going round the Kabah but they told a lie; this is no sunnah. The Quraish asserted during the days of AlHudaibiyah Forsake Muhammad and his Companions till they die the death of a Camel which dies of bacteria in its nose. When they concluded a treaty with him agreeing upon the fact that they the Prophet and his Companions would come to Makkah next year and stay at Makkah three days; the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said to the Companions Walk proudly moving shoulders while going round the Kabah in first three circuits. Ibn Abbas said But this is not sunnah. I said Your people think that the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ran between AlSafa and AlMarwah on a Camel and that is sunnah. He said They spoke the truth in part and told a lie in part. I asked What truth did they speak and what lie did they tell? He said they spoke the truth that the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ran between AlSafa and AlMarwah on a Camel. They told a lie that it is a sunnah. As the people did not move from around the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ and did not separate themselves from him he did the sai on a Camel so that they may listen to him and see his position and their hands might not reach him.
    ition and their hands might not reach him.  +
  • Abu AlWaddak said: A youth from the Qurais
    Abu AlWaddak said: A youth from the Quraish passed in front of Abu Said AlKhudri who was praying. He repulsed him. He returned again. He then repulsed him for the third time. When he finished the prayer; he said: Nothing cuts off prayer; but the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Repulse as much as you can; for he is just a devil.Abu Dawud said: If two traditions of the prophet ﷺ conflict; the practice of the Companions after him should be taken into consideration.
    er him should be taken into consideration.  +
  • Abu AlWalid said: I asked Ibn Umar about t
    Abu AlWalid said: I asked Ibn Umar about the gravel spread pin the Masjid. He replied: One night the rain fell and the earth was moistened. A man was bringing the gravel broken stones in his cloth and spreading it beneath him. When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ finished his prayer; he said: How fine it is !
    shed his prayer; he said: How fine it is !  +
  • Abu AlZah narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: When Allah decrees that a slave of His is to die in a land; He makes him have some need from it.Or; he said: In it.  +
  • Abu AlZahiriyah said: We were in the compa
    Abu AlZahiriyah said: We were in the company of Abdullah Bin Busr; the Companion of the Prophet ﷺ ; on a Friday. A man came and stepped over the people. Abdullah Bin Busr said: A man came and stepped over the people while the Prophet ﷺ was giving the sermon on Friday. The Prophet ﷺ said: Sit down; you have annoyed the people.
    id: Sit down; you have annoyed the people.  +
  • Abu AlZubair AlMakki reported that he had
    Abu AlZubair AlMakki reported that he had heard Abdullah Bin AlZubair uttering the words like that of the hadith narrated above at the end of the prayer after pronouncing salutation. He at the conclusion also said that he was making a mention of that from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    ion of that from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu AlZubair heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Alla
    Abu AlZubair heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with him saying: Allah Messenger ﷺ ordered us to kill dogs; and we carried out this order so much so that we also kill the dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah Apostle ﷺ forbade their killing. He the Prophet further said: It is your duty the jet-black dog having two spots on the eyes ; for it is a devil.
    two spots on the eyes ; for it is a devil.  +
  • Abu AlZubair heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Alla
    Abu AlZubair heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with them as saying as he was asked about the place for entering upon the state of Ihram: I heard and I think he carried it directly to the Messenger of Allah him saying: For the people of Medina Dhu AlHulaifa is the place for entering upon the state of Ihram; and for the people coming through the other way; i.e. Syria it is Juhfa; for the people of Iraq it is Dhat AlIrq; for the people of Najd it is Qarn AlManazil and for the people of Yemen it is Yalamlam.
    nd for the people of Yemen it is Yalamlam.  +
  • Abu AlZubair heard Jabir Bin Abdullah reporting it from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : For every apostle was a prayer with which he prayed to his Lord for his Ummah; but I have reserved my prayer for the intercession of my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection.  +
  • Abu AlZubair is reported to have heard Jab
    Abu AlZubair is reported to have heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with both of them as saying: The Apostle of Allah ﷺ separated himself from his wives for a month. His wives said: He came to us on the morning of the twenty-ninth. Upon this some; of the people said: It is the morning of twenty- ninth according to our calculation. Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The month. may also consist of twenty-nine days. The Apostle of Allah ﷺ then flapped his bands thrice; twice with all the fingers of both his hand to indicate twenty-nine and by the third time with nine fingers.
    e and by the third time with nine fingers.  +
  • Abu AlZubair narrated that he heard Jabir Bin Abdullah say: The Prophet said: A heap of grain should not be sold for a heap of grain; or for a heap of grain of known measure.  +
  • Abu AlZubair narrated that he heard Jabir say: The Prophet and his Companions stood up for the funeral of Jew that passed by him; until it disappeared.  +
  • Abu AlZubair narrated that he heard Jabir Bin Abdullah say: I saw the Messneger of Allah stone the Jamrat while on his camel saying: O people; learn your rituals of Hajj for I do not know whether I will perform Hajj again after this year.  +
  • Abu AlZubair narrated that he heard Jabir
    Abu AlZubair narrated that he heard Jabir Bin Abdullah say: During the Farewell Pilgrimage the Prophet circumambulated the House and went between AlSafa and AlMarwah on his mount so that the people could see him and he could see them; and they could ask him questions; and the people crowded around him.
    stions; and the people crowded around him.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Abdulr
    Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Abdulrahman Bin Aiman the freed slave of AlZa say that he asked Ibn Umar Allah be pleased with them and Abu AlZubair heard: What is your opinion about the person who divorced his wife in the state of menses? Thereupon he said: Ibn Umar Allah be pleased with them divorced his wife during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ while she was in the state of menses. Upon this Allah Messenger ﷺ told him to take her back and so he took her back and he further said: When she is pure; then either divorce her or retain her. Ibn Umar Allah be pleased with them said that Allah Apostle ﷺ then recited this verse: O Apostle; when you divorce women; divorce them at the commencement of their prescribed period Ixv 1.
    encement of their prescribed period Ixv 1.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Jabir
    Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Jabir Bin Abdullah saying that there was presented to Allah Messenger the flesh of the lizard; but he refused to eat that; saying: I do not know; perhaps it lizard might be one of those natives of the distant past whose forms had beer; distorted.
    tant past whose forms had beer; distorted.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Jabir
    Abu AlZubair reported that he heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with them saying that as he was asked about the places for entering upon the state of ihram; he said: I heard and he then carried the narration directly; I think to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    ctly; I think to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported that he saw Jabir Bin Abdullah praying in a single garment crossing Its ends even though he had the garments; and Jabir said: He saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ doing like this.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported: Abdullah b AlZubair
    Abu AlZubair reported: Abdullah b AlZubair used to say La ilaha AlAllah at the end of every prayer like the hadith narrated by Ibn Numair and he reported it in the end; and then reported Ibn AlZubair saying: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ uttered La ilaha AlAllah at the end of every prayer.
    ilaha AlAllah at the end of every prayer.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported: I asked Jabir Allah be pleased with him about riding on the sacrificial animal; to which he replied: I heard Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Ride on them gently until you find another mount.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported: I asked Jabir about
    Abu AlZubair reported: I asked Jabir about ithe eating of the lizard; whereupon he said: Dont eat that as he the Holy Prophet felt disgust. He the narrator said that Umar Bin AlKhattab reminded: Allah Apostle ﷺ did not declare it to be unlawful. Allah; the Exalted and Majestic; has made it a source of benefit for more than one persons. It is a common diet of the shepherds. Had it been with me; I would have eaten that.
    it been with me; I would have eaten that.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported: I heard Abdullah Bi
    Abu AlZubair reported: I heard Abdullah Bin AlZubair addressing people on the pulpit and saying: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ pronounced salutation at the end of the prayer or prayers; and then he made a mention of the hadith as transmitted by Hisham Bin Urwa.
    hadith as transmitted by Hisham Bin Urwa.  +
  • Abu AlZubair reported: Ibn AlZubair uttere
    Abu AlZubair reported: Ibn AlZubair uttered at the end of every prayer after pronouncing salutation these words : There is no god but Allah. He is alone. There is no partner with Him. Sovereignty belongs to Him and He is Potent over everything. There is no might or power except with Allah. There is no god but Allah and we do not worship but Him alone. To Him belong all bounties; to Him belongs all Grace; and to Him is worthy praise accorded. There is no god but Allah; to Whom we are sincere in devotion; even though the unbelievers should disapprove it. The narrator said : He the Holy Prophet uttered it at the end of every obligatory prayer.
    it at the end of every obligatory prayer.  +
  • Abu AlZubair said: Abdullah Bin AlZubair u
    Abu AlZubair said: Abdullah Bin AlZubair used to recite this supplication after each prescribed prayer. He then narrated a similar supplication and added to it: There is no might and no power except in Allah; there is no god but Allah Whom alone we worship. To Him belongs wealth. The narrator then transmitted the rest of tradition.
    or then transmitted the rest of tradition.  +
  • Abu AlZubair said: I asked Jabir Bin Abdullah about riding on the sacrificial camels. He said I heard The Messenger of Allah SWAS saying ride on them gently when you have nothing else till you find a mount.  +
  • Abu AlZubair said: I asked Jabir about the price of a dog and a cat; he said: Allah Messenger ﷺ disapproved of that.  +
  • Abu AlZubair said: I heard Abdullah Bin Al
    Abu AlZubair said: I heard Abdullah Bin AlZubair saying on the pulpit: When the Prophet ﷺ finished the prayer; he used to say at the end of the prayer : There is no God but Allah; Alone; Who has no partner; to Him belongs the Kingdom; to Him praise is due; and He is Omnipotent. There is no God but Allah to Whom we are sincere in devotion; even though the infidels should disapprove. To Him belongs wealth; to Him belongs grace and to Him is worthy accorded. There is no got but Allah to Whom we are sincere in devotion; even though infidels should disapprove.
    n; even though infidels should disapprove.  +
  • Abu AlZubair said: I heard Abdullah Bin Al
    Abu AlZubair said: I heard Abdullah Bin AlZubair speaking from the Minbar; saying: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said the taslim; he would say: La Ilaha Illallah wahdahu la sharika lah; lah Almulk wa lah Alhamd wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadir; la hawla wala quwata illa billahil-azim; la ilaha ill-Allahu wa la nabbed illa iyah; ahlan-nimati Alfadli wath-thanail-has an; la ilaha ill-Allah; mukhlisina lahud-dina wa law karihal-kafirun There is none worthy of worship except Allah SWT alone; with no partner or associate. His is the Dominion; to Him be all praise; and He is able to do all things; there is no power and no strength except with Allah SWT the Almighty. There is none worthy of worship except Allah SWT ; and we worship none but Him; the source of blessing and kindness and the One Who is deserving of all good praise. There is none worthy of worship except Allah SWT ; and we are sincere in faith and devotion to Him even though the disbelievers detest it.
    im even though the disbelievers detest it.  +
  • Abu AlZuhair said: I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah being asked about riding a Badanah. He said about riding a Badanah. He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Ride it in a reasonable manner if necessary; until you find another mount.  +
  • Abu Ali AlTujibi said that he heard Abu Raihanah say: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: The eye that stays awake in the cause of Allah will be forbidden to the Fire.  +
  • Abu Alqamah said that Uthman called for wa
    Abu Alqamah said that Uthman called for water and performed ablution. He then poured water with the right hand or the left hand ; he then washed them up to the wrist ; he then rinsed the mouth and snuffed up water three times. The narrator mentioned that Uthman washed each part three times. He then wiped head and washed his feet. He said : I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ performing ablution as you saw me perform ablution. He then reported the tradition like that of AlZuhrl and completed it.
    ion like that of AlZuhrl and completed it.  +
  • Abu Amir AlHawdhani said: Muawiyah Bin Abi
    Abu Amir AlHawdhani said: Muawiyah Bin Abi Sufiyan stood among us and said: Beware! The Apostle of Allah ﷺ stood among us and said: Beware! The people of the Book before were split up into seventy two sects; and this community will be split into seventy three: seventy two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise; and it is the majority group Ibn Yahya and Amr added in their version : There will appear among my community people who will be dominated by desires like rabies which penetrates its patient; Amrs version has: penetrates its patient. There remains no vein and no joint but it penetrates it.
    no vein and no joint but it penetrates it.  +
  • Abu Amr - meaning; AlAwzai - said that he
    Abu Amr - meaning; AlAwzai - said that he asked AlZuhri about the prayer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in Makkah before the Hijrah to AlMadinah. He said: Urwah told me that Aisha said: Allah enjoined the salah upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and the first thing that He enjoined was two Rakahs at a time; then it was made complete four Rakahs while in the state of residence but the prayer when traveling remained two Rakahs; as it was first enjoined.
    ined two Rakahs; as it was first enjoined.  +
  • Abu Anas reported that Uthman performed ab
    Abu Anas reported that Uthman performed ablution at Maqiaid and said: Should I not show you the ablution performed by Allah Messenger ﷺ ? And he then washed the different parts of the body three times. 4 Qutaiba has added in his narration the words: There were with him with Uthman Companions of Allah Messenger ﷺ.
    th Uthman Companions of Allah Messenger ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Asad Bin Amr said: I asked Anas Bin Malik about ablution. He replied: The Prophet ﷺ performed ablution for each prayer and we offered many prayers with the same ablution.  +