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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #1,801.

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List of results

  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Indeed the first of what will be asked about on the Day of Judgment meaning the slave of Allah being questioned about the favors is that it will be said to him: Did We not make your body; health; and give you of cool water to drink?
    alth; and give you of cool water to drink?  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever says: Glory is to Allah; and with His Praise Sub<U+1E25>an Allah; wa bi<U+1E25>amdih a hundred times; his sins are forgiven; even if they were like the foam of the sea.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: There is no charity due from a Muslim for his horse nor his slave.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: For what is watered by the heavens and steams; the Ushr is due; and for what is watered by irrigation; half of the Ushr.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: None of you should fast on Friday unless he fasts before it; or he fasts after it.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah S.A.W judged the payment of a Gurrah male or female slave in the case of a woman fetus from Banu Libyan which miscarried. Then the woman who was required to give the Gurrah died; so the Messenger of Allah S.A.W judged that her inheritance be given to her children and her husband; and that her blood-money be paid by her Asabah.
    hat her blood-money be paid by her Asabah.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever breaks the fast during Ramadan without an allowance or illness; then if he fasted for all time; his fasting would not make up for it.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: The injuries caused by the animal are without liability; and mines are without liability; and wells are without liability; and the Khumus is due on Rikaz.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Verily; when the slave of Allah commits a sin; a black spot appears on his heart. When he refrains from it; seeks forgiveness and repents; his heart is polished clean. But if he returns; it increases until it covers his entire heart. And that is the Ran which Allah mentioned: Nay; but on their hearts is the Ran which they used to earn.
    hearts is the Ran which they used to earn.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: None gives charity from Tayib - and Allah does not accept but Tayib - but that AlRahman accepts it with His Right Hand. Even if it is a date; it is nurtured in the Hand of AlRahman until it is greater than a mountain; just as one of you nurtures his foal or young camel.
    e of you nurtures his foal or young camel.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Do no precede the month of Ramadan by fasting a day or two before it; unless it is the case of a man who normally performs some fast; then let him fast it.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever fasts Ramadan and stands in the night prayer for it out of faith and seeking a reward from Allah ; he will be forgiven what preceded of his sins. Whoever stands in the night prayer on the Night of AlQadr out of faith and seeking a reward from Allah ; he will be forgiven what preceded of his sins.
    ill be forgiven what preceded of his sins.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Indeed Allah accepts charity; and He accepts it with His Right Hand to nurture it for one of you; just like one of you would nuture his foal; until the bite of food becomes as large as Uhud. The Book of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime testifies to that: He accepts repentance from His worshipers; and accepts charity.And: Allah will destroy Riba and give increase for charity. Abu Eisa said: This Hadith is Hassan Sahih.
    bu Eisa said: This Hadith is Hassan Sahih.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: The most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is Allah month AlMuharram.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: When you give Zakat; do not forget its reward; and say Allahummaj-alha maghnaman wa la taj-alha maghrama O Allah! Make it a gain and do not make it a loss. Maudu  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: When a half of Shaban remains then do not fast.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: AlYawm AlMawud the Promised Day is the Day of Resurrection; and AlYawm AlMashhud the Attended Day is the Day of Arafat; and AlShahid the witness is Friday. He said: The sun does not rise nor set; upon a day that is more virtuous than it. In it; there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good; except that Allah answers it for him; and he does not seek Allahs aid for something; except that He aids him in it.
    something; except that He aids him in it.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: Allah; Mighty and Sublime is He; said: Those of My worshippers who are most beloved to me are the quickest to break their fast.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: On the first night of the month of Ramadan; the Shayatin are shackled; the jinns are restrained; the gates of the Fires are shut such that no gate among them would be opened. The gates of Paradise are opened such that no gate among them would be closed; and a caller calls: O seeker of the good; come near! and O seeker of evil; stop! For there are those whom Allah frees from the Fire. And that is every night.
    es from the Fire. And that is every night.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Whoever engages in sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman; or a woman in her anus; consults a soothsayer; then he has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet sa
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshipped in them than the ten days of Dhu AlHijja; fasting every day of them is the equivalent of fasting a year; and standing every night of them in prayer is the equivalent of standing on the Night of Qadr.
    uivalent of standing on the Night of Qadr.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said; Is it that one of you intends to kneel in his Prayer with the kneeling of the camel?  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Whoever is overcome by vomiting; then he is not required to make up the fast ; and whoever vomits on purpose; then he must make it up.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet sa
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: When a man performs Ablution and he performs his Ablution well; then he leaves to the Prayer; and he did not leave - or he said: He had no urge - except for it; then there is not one step that he takes except that Allah raises him a degree from it; or removes a sin from him for it.
    from it; or removes a sin from him for it.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: I was about to order my boys to collect bundles of firewood; then order Prayer to be held; then burn the homes of the people who did not attend the Prayer.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Jibril came to me and he said: O Muhammad! When you perform Ablution then perform Nadh.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet sa
    Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Do not precede the month with a day nor with two days; unless that fast falls on a day that one of you would have normally fasted. Fast with its sighting and break fast with its sighting; and if it is cloudy; then count for thirty days; and then break the fast.
    for thirty days; and then break the fast.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Whoever catches a Rakah of Subh before the sun has risen; then he has caught Subh. Whoever catches a Rakah of Asr before the sun has set; then he has caught Asr.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Protect the heels from the Fire!  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: When one of you leads the people in prayer then let him be brief; for indeed here are among them the young and the old; the weak and the ill. When one of you prays alone; then let him pray as he wishes.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Whoever catches a Rakah of the Prayer then he has caught the Prayer.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Under every hair is sexual impurity so wash all of the hair and cleanse the skin.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Whoever does not leave false speech; and acting according to it; then Allah is not in any need of him leaving his food and his drink.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said When the Imam says Amin then all of you say Amin. For whoever Amin concurs with the Amin of the angels; then his past sins will be forgiven.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: One of you will be responded to; so long as he is not hasty; saying: I supplicated; and I was not responded to.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: The fast is the day the people fast; the breaking of the fast is the day the people break their fast; and the sacrifice is the day the people sacrifice.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Indeed Allah does not accept the prayer of one of you when he commits Hadath; until he performs Ablution.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that : the Prophet said: Wash the vessel the dog has drunk from seven times: the first or the last of them with dirt. And when the cat drinks out of it; wash it once.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that A man said: O Me
    Abu Huraira narrated that A man said: O Messenger of Allah! A man does a deed and conceals it; but when it is discovered that he did it; he is happy about that. He said: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: He receives two rewards: A reward in its concealment; and a reward in its publicity.
    oncealment; and a reward in its publicity.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that Ab AlQasim said: Mercy is not removed from anyone except from a wicked one.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that Ab AlQasim; the
    Abu Huraira narrated that Ab AlQasim; the Prophet of Repentance; said : If somebody slanders his slave by accusing him of committing illegal sexual intercourse and the slave is innocent from what he says; Allah will impose the punishment upon him on the Day of Resurrection; unless it is as he said about him.
    ection; unless it is as he said about him.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that Abu Bakr Bin Abu
    Abu Huraira narrated that Abu Bakr Bin Abu Quhafah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said to him and to Umar: Let us go out to Waqifi. He said: So we went out in the moonlight until we came to the garden and he the owner of the garden said: Welcome. Then he took up the knife and went among the sheep to choose one for slaughter ; and the Messenger of Allah said: Avoid those that are lactating.
    llah said: Avoid those that are lactating.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: The child is for the bed; and for the fornicator is the stone.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Whoever fears traveling at night - and whoever travels at night reaches his destination - Allah provides him with the most precious of goods; and indeed Allah goods are but Paradise.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: A woman is not to travel the distance of a day and a night unless she is accompanied by someone who is a Mahram.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: Allah becomes jealous and the believer becomes jealous. Allahs jealousy occurs when a believer does what He has made unlawful for him.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Messenger of Allah said: The most complete of the believers in faith; is the one with the best character among them. And the best of you are those who are best to your women.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that The Prophet said: If I were to order anyone to prostrate to anyone; then I would order the wife to prostrate to her husband.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that a man came to th
    Abu Huraira narrated that a man came to the Messenger of Allah and said: Teach me something that is not too much for me so that; perhaps; I may abide by it. He S.A.W said: Do not get angry. He repeated that the request a number of times; each time he replied: Do not get angry.
    s; each time he replied: Do not get angry.  +
  • Abu Huraira narrated that a man said: O Me
    Abu Huraira narrated that a man said: O Messenger of Allah; I heard your supplication last night; and the part of it that reached me of it; was that you said: O Allah; forgive me my sin; and expand for me my abode; and bless for me that which You have provided me Allahummaghfirli dhanbi; wa wassi li fi dari; wa barik li fima razaqtani. He said: Do you see that they leave off anything?
    : Do you see that they leave off anything?  +