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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #2,701.

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  • Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying The best sadaqah is that which leaves a competence ; and begin with those for whom you are responsible.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: If anyone obtains a rakah in the prayer along with the imam ; he has obtained the whole prayer.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Alla
    Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying; I thought to give orders for arranging prayer in congregation; and then to have the Iqamah called for it; then to order a man to lead the people in prayer; then to go off in company of the people who have bundles of firewood to those people who are not present at the prayer and then to burn down their houses with fire.
    then to burn down their houses with fire.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: None of you should pray in a single garment of which no part comes over the shoulders.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Alla
    Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created. on it he was made to enter Paradise; on it he was expelled from it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday.
    ll take place on no day other than Friday.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet SWAS as s
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet SWAS as saying : A woman who believes in Allah and the last Day must not make a journey of a day and a night. He then narrated the rest of the tradition to the same effect as above. The narrator AlNufaili said : Malik narrated us. Abu Dawud said : The narrators AlNufail and al_Qanabi did not mention the words from his father. Ibn Wahb and Uthman Bin Umr narrated from Malik the same words as narrated by AlQanabi i.e. omitted the words from his father.
    bi i.e. omitted the words from his father.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Women may be married for four reasons: for her property; her ranks; her beauty and her religiosity. So get the one who is religious and prosper lit. may your hands cleave to the dust.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying on the same occasion: And guiding the people on their way.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Abraham ﷺ never told a lie except on three occasions twice for the sake of Allaah. Allaah quoted his words in the Quran I am indeed sick and Nay; this was done by - this is their biggest one. Once he was passing through the land of a tyrant king. He stayed there in a place. People went to the tyrant and informed him saying A man has come down here; he has a most beautiful woman with him. So he sent for him Abraham and asked about her. He said she is my sister. When he returned to her; he said he asked me about you and I informed him that you were my sister. Today there is no believer except me and you. You are my sister in the Book of Allaah i.e.; sister in faith. So do not belie me before him. The narrator then narrated the rest of the tradition.Abu Dawud said A similar tradition has also been narrated by Shuaib Bin Abi Hamza from Abi AlZinad from AlAraj on the authority of Abu Huraira from the Prophet ﷺ.
    thority of Abu Huraira from the Prophet ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: If anyone emancipates his share in a slave; he is to be completely emancipated by his money if he has money. But if he has no money; a fair price for the slave should be fixed; and the slave is required to work for his master according to the proportion of his price; but he must not be overburdened.Abu Dawud said: In the version of both the narrators the words are he will be required to work and must not be overburdened. This is the version of Ali.
    overburdened. This is the version of Ali.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Journey should not be made to visit any masjid except towards three masjids: The sacred masjid of Makkah ; this masjid of mine and AlAqsa masjid in Jerusalem.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying : when anyone sits between the four parts of a woman and the parts of the male and female which are circumscised join together; then bath becomes obligatory.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: There is no loss in prayer nor in salutation. Ahmad Bin Hanbal said: This means; I think; that you do not salute nor you are saluted by others. The loss of a man in his prayer is that a man remains doubtful about it when he finishes it.
    ins doubtful about it when he finishes it.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: when one of you prostrates himself; he should not stretch out his forearms on the ground like a dog and he should join both of his thighs.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: The last hour will not come before you fight with a people whose sandals are of hair; and the Last hour will not come before you fight with a people who have small eyes; short noses; and whose faces look as if they were shields covered with skin.
    as if they were shields covered with skin.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: The worst of the people is a man who is double-faced; he presents one face to some and another to others.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: When the time draws near; a believers vision can hardly be false. The truer one of them is in his speech; the truer he is in his vision. Visions are of three types: Good visions are glad tidings from Allah; a terrifying vision caused by the devil; and the ideas which come from within a man. So when one sees anything he dislikes; he should get up and pray; and should not tell it to the people. He said : I like a fetter and dislike a shackle on the neck; a fetter indicates being firmly established in religion.Abu Dawud said : when the time draws near means that when the day and night are equal.
    ans that when the day and night are equal.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Every child of Adam has his share in adultery. He then narrated the rest of the tradition. This version goes And the hands commit adultery; their adultery is catching; and the legs commit adultery; their adultery is walking; and the mouth commits adultery its adultery is kissing.
    commits adultery its adultery is kissing.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying; Our lord gets down every night to the heaven of this world when a third night remains and says : Is there anyone who prays to Me so that I may accept his prayer? Is there anyone who asks of Me so that I may give him? Is there anyone who asks for my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?
    my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying : There is no loss in salutation and in prayer.Abu Dawud said: According to the version of Ibn Mahdi; this tradition has been narrated by Ibn Fudail as a statement of Abu Huraira and not as a saying of the Prophet ﷺ
    raira and not as a saying of the Prophet ﷺ  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge; Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise; and he who is made slow by his actions will not be speeded by his genealogy.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: The last hour will not come before the Muslims fight with the Turks; a people whose faces look as if they were shields covered with skin; and who will wear sandals of hair.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayings: if anyone would like to have the fullest measure granted to him when he invokes blessings on us; the members of the prophets family; he should say: O Allah; bless Muhammad; the unlettered Prophet; his wives who are the mother of the faithful; his off springs; and the people of his house as Thou didst bless the family of Abraham. Thou art indeed praiseworthy and glorious.
    Thou art indeed praiseworthy and glorious.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: No people get together in a house of the houses of Allah i.e. a Masjid ; reciting the Book of Allah; and learning it together among themselves; but calmness sakinah comes down to them; Divine mercy covers them from above ; and the angels surround them; and Allah makes a mention of them among those who are with Him.
    tion of them among those who are with Him.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying A woman who has been previously married should not be married until her permission is asked nor should a virgin be married without her permission. They the people asked What is her permission; Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ? He replied it is by her keeping silence.
    ? He replied it is by her keeping silence.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: The spirits are in marshaled hosts; those who know one another will be friendly; and those who do not; will keep apart.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: when you hear the cocks crowing; ask Allah for some of His grace; for they have seen as angel; but when you hear an ass braying; seek refuge in Allah from the devil; for it has seen the devil.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: If anyone emancipates a share in his slave; he should completely emancipate him if he has money; but if he has none; then slave will be required to work to pay for his freedom ; but he must not be overburdened.
    freedom ; but he must not be overburdened.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: Come to prayer with calmness and tranquility. Then pray the part you get long with the imam and complete afterwards the part you miss.Abu Dawud said: Ibn Seereen narrated from Abu Huraira the words: he should complete it afterwards. Similarly; Abu Rafi narrated from Abu Huraira and Abu Dharr narrated from him the words then complete it; and complete it afterwards. There is a variation of words in the narration from him.
    iation of words in the narration from him.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying When a man calls his wife to come to his bed and she refuses and does not come to him and he spends the night angry; the angels curse her till the morning.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Do not treat the backs of your beasts as pulpits; for Allaah has made them subject to you only to convey you to a town which you cannot reach without difficulty and He has appointed the earth a floor to work for you; so conduct your business on it.
    k for you; so conduct your business on it.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: A believer is not stung twice from the same hole.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Locusts are counted along with what is caught in the sea i.e.; the game of the sea.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying Allah has ignored for my community what comes to their mind; so long as they do not act or pronounce words to that effect.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: When the slave-woman of any of you commits fornication; he should inflict the prescribed punishment on her; but not hurl reproaches at her. This is to be done up to three times. If she a fourth time; he should flog her; and sell her even if only for a rope of hair.
    sell her even if only for a rope of hair.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying He who dies without having fought or having felt fighting against the infidels to be his duty will die guilty of a kind of hypocrisy.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying : if a man becomes the client of any people without the permission of his patrons i.e. those who have freed him ; on him will be the curse of Allah; of angels and of all people; no obligatory or supererogatory worship will be accepted from him.
    ogatory worship will be accepted from him.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the apostle of Allah
    Abu Huraira reported the apostle of Allah ﷺ as saying; The servant of Allah is considered to he at prayer so long as he remains at the place of prayer waiting for prayer. The angels say: O Allah; forgive him? O Allah; take mercy on him; until he turns away; or he is defiled. He was asked: what is meant by defilement? He replied: he breaks wind gently or loudly.
    replied: he breaks wind gently or loudly.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the holy prophet ﷺ as saying: When two men dislike the oath or like it;lots will be cost about it. Salamah said on the authority of Mamar who said: when the two are compelled to take an oath.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying; when the imam recites not of those with whom thou art angry; nor of those who go astray surah Alfatihah;verse 7 say Amin; for if ones words utterance of amin synchronise with those of the angles; he will be forgiven his past sins.
    angles; he will be forgiven his past sins.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying: When one of you leads the people in prayer; he should be brief; for among them are the weak; the sick; and the aged. But when one of you prays by himself; he may pray as long as he likes.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying: When one of you sneezes; he should say: Praise be to Allah in every circumstance; and his brother or his companion should say: May Allah have mercy on you! And he should then reply: May Allah guide you and set right your affairs.
    llah guide you and set right your affairs.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying : A prophet got down beneath a tree and he was stung by an ant. He ordered regarding the baggage and it was removed from beneath it. He then ordered regarding it and it was burnt. Allah then revealed to him : why not just one ant?
    en revealed to him : why not just one ant?  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying: when one of you leads the people in prayer; he should be brief; for among them are the sick; the aged and the needy.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying: If anyone removes his brothers anxiety of this world; Allah will remove for him one of the anxieties of the Day of resurrection; if anyone makes easy for an impoverished man; Allah will make easy for him in this world and on the day of resurrection; if anyone conceals a Muslims secrets; Allah will conceal his secrets in this world and on the Day of resurrection; Allah will remain in the aid of a servant so long as the servant remains in the aid of his brother.Abu Dawud said: Uthman did not transmit the following words from Abu Muawiyah: if anyone makes easy for an impoverished man.
    anyone makes easy for an impoverished man.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying : The vilest names in Allahs sight on the Day of resurrection will be that of a man called Malik AlAmlak.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has also been transmitted by Shuaib Bin Abi Hamzah from Abi AlZinad through different chain of narrators. This version has the words akhna ismin most obscene name instead of akhna ismin the vilest name.
    me instead of akhna ismin the vilest name.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Huraira reported the prophet ﷺ as saying: Allah most high says : The son of Adam injures me by abusing time; whereas I am time. Authority is in my hand. I alternate the night and the day Ibn AlSarh said: on the authority of Ibn AlMusayab instead of Said.
    uthority of Ibn AlMusayab instead of Said.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the same from the Prophet ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the same hadith which is transmitted to us by another chain of transmitters; e. g. Muhammad Bin AlMuthanna; Ishaq Bin Yousif Azraq; Ibn aown etc.  +
  • Abu Huraira reported the tradition to the same effect from the Prophet ﷺ : When any of you treads with his shoes upon something unclean; they will be purified with the earth.  +