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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #3,051.

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  • Abu Huraira; narrated that he heard Allah
    Abu Huraira; narrated that he heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There were three persons in Bani Israil; one suffering from leprosy; the other bald-headed and the third one blind. Allah decided to test them. So He sent an angel who came to the one who was suffering from leprosy and said: Which thing do you like most? He said: Beautiful colour and fine skin and removal of that which makes me detestable in the eye of people. He wiped him and his illness was no more and he was conferred upon beautiful colour and beautiful skin. He the angel again said: Which property do you like most? He said: Camels; or he said: The cow the narrator is; however; doubtful about it; but out of the persons suffering from leprosy or baldness one of them definitely said: The camel. And the other one said: Cow. And he one who demanded camel was bestowed upon a camel; in an advanced stage of pregnancy; and while giving he said: May Allah bless you in this. Then he came to the bald-headed person and said: Which thing do you like most? He said: Beautiful hair and that this baldness may be removed from me because of which people hate me. He wiped his body and his illness was removed and he was bestowed upon beautiful hair; and the angel said: Which wealth do you like most? He said: The cow. And he was given a pregnant cow and while handing it over to him he the angel said: May Allah bless you in this. Then he came to the blind man and he said: Which thing do you like most? He said: Allah should restore my eyesight so that I should be able to see people with the help of that. He wiped his body and Allah restored to him his eyesight; and he the angel also said: Which wealth do you like most? He said: The flock of sheep. And he was given a pregnant goat and that gave birth to young ones and it so happened that one valley abounded in camels and the other one in cows and the third one in sheep. He then came to the one who had suffered from leprosy in his old form and shape and he said: I am a poor person and my provision has run short in my journey and there is none to take me to my destination except with the help of Allah and your favour. I beg of you in His name Who gave you fine colour and fine skin; and the camel in the shape of wealth to confer upon me a camel which should carry me in my journey. He said: I have many responsibilities to discharge. Thereupon he said: I perceive as if I recognise you. Were you not suffering from leprosy whom people hated and you were a destitute and Allah conferred upon you wealth ? He said: I have inherited this property from my forefathers. Thereupon he said: If you are a liar may Allah change you to that very position in which you had been. He then came to the one who was bald-headed in his old form and said to him the same what he had said to him one suffering from leprosy and he gave him the same reply as he had given him and he said: If you are a liar; may Allah turn you to your previous position in which you had been. And then he came to the blind man in his old form and shape and he said: I am a destitute person and a wayfarer. My provision have ran short and today there is no way to reach the destination but with the help of Allah and then with your help and I beg of you in the name of One Who restored your eyesight and gave you the flock of sheep to give me a sheep by which I should be able to make my provisions for the journey. He said: I was blind and Allah restored to me my eyesight; you take whatever you like and leave whatever you like. By Allah; I shall not stand in your way today for what you take in the name of God. Thereupon; he said: You keep with you what you have in your possession. The fact is that you three were put to test and Allah is well pleased with you and He is annoyed with your companions.
    ou and He is annoyed with your companions.  +
  • Abu Huraitah narrated that: the Messenger of Allah said: The Muslim is not obliged to pay Sadaqah on his slave not his horse.  +
  • Abu Ibrahim AlAshhali narrated : from his
    Abu Ibrahim AlAshhali narrated : from his father who said: When the Messenger of Allah would perform the Prayer for the funeral he would said: Allahammaghfir li-hayina wa mayittina; wa shahidina wa ghaibina; wa saghirina wa kabirina; wa dhakarina wa unthana O Allah! Forgive our living and our deceased; our present and our absent; our young and our old; our male and our female.
    oung and our old; our male and our female.  +
  • Abu Idris AlKhawlani narrated that a man a
    Abu Idris AlKhawlani narrated that a man asked Abu AlDarda: Should I recite when the Imam is reciting? He said: A man asked the Prophet whether there was recitation in every prayer. The Messenger of Allah said: Yes. A man among the people said: It has become obligatory.
    the people said: It has become obligatory.  +
  • Abu Idris AlKhawlani narrated that: A man; among those who met the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL; wore a gold ring. A similar report.  +
  • Abu Imaran AlJawni narrated : From Anas Bi
    Abu Imaran AlJawni narrated : From Anas Bin Malik who said : I do not recognize anything today from what we were upon during the time of The Messenger of Allah s.a.w. So I said : What about the Prayer? He said: Have you people not done what you know you have done ?
    ple not done what you know you have done ?  +
  • Abu Imran narrated this hadith with a slight change of wording.  +
  • Abu Imran reported that Jundub told us as we we-re young boys living in Kilfa; that Allah Messenger ﷺ had said: Recite the Quran. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Abu Inabah AlKhawlani said that: The Messenger of Allah said: Allah will continue to plant new people in this religion and use them in His obedience.  +
  • Abu Ishaq AlSabii said: Sulaiman Bin Surad
    Abu Ishaq AlSabii said: Sulaiman Bin Surad said to Khalid Bin Urfutah - or; Khalid said to Sulaiman - Did you hear the Messenger of Allah saying: Whoever is killed by his stomach then he will not be punished in the grave? One of them said to the other: Yes.
    grave? One of them said to the other: Yes.  +
  • Abu Ishaq AlShaibani said: I heard Ibn Abi Awuf a say: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade Nabidh made in green and white earthenware jars.  +
  • Abu Ishaq Shaibani said: I asked Abdullah Bin Abu Aufi if Allah Messenger ﷺ awarded the punishment of stoning to death. He said: Yes. I said: After Surat AlNur was revealed or before that? He said: I do not know.  +
  • Abu Ishaq narrated: I heard Amr Bin AlHarith say: The Messenger of Allah did not leave behind anything except his white mule; his weapon and some land which he left as a charity.  +
  • Abu Ishaq narrated: I said to AlBara Bin Azib: Where would the Prophet place his face when he prostrated? He said: Between his hands.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported that he heard Ab AlAhwa
    Abu Ishaq reported that he heard Ab AlAhwas say: I was along with Abu Mousa and Abu Masud as Ibn Masud died and one of them said to the other: Do you find one like him besides him? Thereupon he said: Do you say this no one can be his rival ? He was admitted to the company of the Holy Prophet whereas we were detained and he had been present in the company of Allah Messenger ﷺ whereas we had been absent.
    ah Messenger ﷺ whereas we had been absent.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported this hadith on the authority of AlBara Allah be pleased with him with a slight variation of words; viz. the last Surat that was revealed complete.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported: I heard AlBara saying: We prayed with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with our faces towards Bait AlMaqdis for sixteen months or seventeen months. Then we were made to change our direction towards the Kaba.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported: I saw a man asking Asw
    Abu Ishaq reported: I saw a man asking Aswad Bin Yazid who taught the Quran in the Masjid: How do you recite the verse fahal min muddakir whether the word muddakir Is with d or dh ? He Aswad said: It was with d. I heard Abdullah Bin Masud saying that he had heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reciting muddakir with d.
    enger of Allah ﷺ reciting muddakir with d.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported: I was sitting with Abd
    Abu Ishaq reported: I was sitting with Abdullah Bin Utba and there was a discussion about the age of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Some of the persons said: Abu Bakr was older than Allah Messenger ﷺ. Abdullah said: Allah Messenger ﷺ died when he was sixty-three; and Abu Bakr died when he was sixty-three and so Umar fell as a martyr when he was sixty-three. A person from the people who was called Amir Bin Saad reported that Jabir had said: We were sitting with Muawiya that there was a discussion about the age of Allah Messenger ﷺ. Thereupon Muawiya said: Allah Messenger ﷺ died when he had attained the age of sixty-three; and Abu Bakr died when he had attained the age of sixty-three; and Umar fell as a martyr when he had attained the age of sixty-three.
    en he had attained the age of sixty-three.  +
  • Abu Ishaq reported: I was with AlAswad Bin
    Abu Ishaq reported: I was with AlAswad Bin Yazid sitting in the great Masjid; and there was with us AlShabi; and he narrated the narration of Fatima bint Qais Allah be pleased with her that Allah Messenger ﷺ did not make any provision for lodging and maintenance allowance for her. AlAswad caught hold of some pebbles in his fist and he threw them towards him saying: Woe be to thee; you narrate like it; whereas Umar said: We cannot abandon the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of our Apostle ﷺ for the words of a woman. We do not know whether she remembers that or she forgets. For her; there is a provision of lodging and maintenance allowance. Allah; the Exalted and Majestic; said: Turn them not from their houses nor should they themselves go forth unless they commit an open indecency lxv. 1.
    less they commit an open indecency lxv. 1.  +
  • Abu Ishaq said I was with AlAswad in the c
    Abu Ishaq said I was with AlAswad in the congregational Masjid. He said Fathimah daughter of Qais came to Umar Bin AlKhattab may Allaah be pleased with him. When she narrated the tradition about her divorce he said We are not to leave the Book of our Lord and the Sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ for the statement of a woman; we do not know whether she remembered it or not.
    not know whether she remembered it or not.  +
  • Abu Ishaq said that he heard AlBara Bin Azib Allah be pleased with him say: The last complete Surat revealed in the Holy Quran is Surat Tauba i e. AlBaraat; ix. ; and the last verse revealed is that pertaining to Kalala.  +
  • Abu Ishaq said that he heard AlBara Bin Azib Allah be pleased with him say: The last verse revealed in the Holy Quran is that pertaining to Kalala; and the last Surat revealed is Surat AlBaraat.  +
  • Abu Ishaq said: AlHarith left his will that Abdullah Ibn Yazid should offer his funeral prayer; so he prayed over him. He then put him in the grave from the side of his legs and said: This is a Sunnah model practice of the Prophet.  +
  • Abu Ishaq: There is a similar report as no. 1I8 narrated via Abu Ishaq.  +
  • Abu Ishiq has narrated a similar tradition
    Abu Ishiq has narrated a similar tradition through a different chain of transmitters and has added: He the Messenger of Allah loved to repeat the supplication thrice. He was saying: O Allah; it is for Thee to deal with the Quraish repeating these words thrice. And among the Quraish; he mentioned the names of AlWalid Bin Utba and Umaya Bin Khalaf. The narrator says there is no doubt about the names of these persons but he has forgotten the name of the seventh man.
    has forgotten the name of the seventh man.  +
  • Abu Ismail said: Yahya narrated to us that Abu Salamah narrated to him; from Jabir Bin Abdullah; from the Prophet of Allah who said: A lifelong gift belongs to the one to whom it was given.  +
  • Abu Jafar AlKhatmi said: My uncle sent me
    Abu Jafar AlKhatmi said: My uncle sent me and his slave to Saeed Ibn AlMusayab. We said to him; there is something which has reached us about sharecropping. He replied: Ibn Umar did not see any harm in it until a tradition reached him from Rafi Ibn Khadij. He then came to him and Rafi told him that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to Banu Harithah and saw crop in the land of Zuhayr. He said: What an excellent crop of Zuhayr is! They said: It does not belong to Zuhayr. He asked: Is this not the land of Zuhayr? They said: Yes; but the crop belongs to so-and-so. He said: Take your crop and give him the wages. Rafi said: We took our crop and gave him the wages. Saeed Ibn AlMusayab said: Lend your brother or employ him for dirhams.
    nd your brother or employ him for dirhams.  +
  • Abu Jafar Muhammad Bin Alabbah narrated to
    Abu Jafar Muhammad Bin Alabbah narrated to us; Ismail Bin Zakariya narrated to us; on authority of Aasi m AlAhwal; on authority of Ibn Seereen that he said: They would not ask about the chains of narration; and when the Fitnah occurred; they said: Name for us your men. So Ahl Alunnah would be regarded; and their adith were then taken; and Ahl AlBidah would be regarded; and their adith were not taken.
    egarded; and their <U+1E24>adith were not taken.  +
  • Abu Jafar Muhammad Bin Ali reported from S
    Abu Jafar Muhammad Bin Ali reported from Samurah Ibn Jundub that he had a row of palm-trees in the garden of a man of the Ansar. The man had his family with him. Samurah used to visit his palm-trees; and the man was annoyed by that and felt it keenly. So he asked him Samurah to sell them to him; but he refused. He then asked him to take something else in exchange; but he refused. So he came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ and mentioned it to him. The Holy Prophet ﷺ asked him to sell it to him; but he refused. He asked him to take something else in exchange; but he refused. He then said: Give it to him and you can have such and such; mentioning something with which he tried to please him; but he refused. He then said: You are a nuisance. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then said to the Ansari: Go and uproot his palm-trees.
    the Ansari: Go and uproot his palm-trees.  +
  • Abu Jafar said: Whenever Ibn Umar heard a Hadith from the Messanger of Allah ; he would not do more than it said; and he would not do less.  +
  • Abu Jam at AlDubui reported: I performed T
    Abu Jam at AlDubui reported: I performed Tamattu but the people dis- couraged me to do so. I came to Ibn Abbas and asked him about it. He ordered me to do so. I came to the House Kaba and slept. I saw a visitant in the dream who said: Umra is acceptable and so is the Hajj performed for God sake. I came to Ibn Abbas and informed him about that Which I saw in the dream whereupon he said: Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest This is the Sunnah of Ab AlQasim the Holy Pro- phet ﷺ.
    Sunnah of Ab AlQasim the Holy Pro- phet ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Jamra reported: I heard Ibn Abbas saying that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ observed thirteen rakahs at night.  +
  • Abu Jamra reported: I was an interpreter b
    Abu Jamra reported: I was an interpreter between Ibn Abbas and the people; that a woman happened to come there and asked about nabidh or the pitcher of wine. He replied: A delegation of the people of Abd AlQais came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He the Holy Prophet asked the delegation or the people of the delegation about their identity. They replied that they belonged to the tribe of Rabia. He the Holy Prophet welcomed the people or the delegation which were neither humiliated nor put to shame. They the members of the delegation said: Messenger of Allah; we come to you from a far-off distance and there lives between you and us a tribe of the unbelievers of Mudar and; therefore; it is not possible for us to come to you except in the sacred months. Thus direct us to a clear command; about which we should inform people beside us and by which we may enter heaven. He the Holy Prophet replied: I command you to do four deeds and forbid you to do four acts ; and added: I direct you to affirm belief in Allah alone; and then asked them: Do you know what belief in Allah really implies? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. The Prophet said: It implies testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah; and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; establishment of prayer; payment of Zakat; fast of Ramadan; that you pay one-fifth of the booty fallen to your lot and I forbid you to use gourd; wine jar; or a receptacle for wine. Shuba sometimes narrated the word naqir wooden pot and sometimes narrated it as muqayar. The Prophet also said: Keep it in your mind and inform those who have been left behind.
    nd inform those who have been left behind.  +
  • Abu Jubair Bin Hayah narrated that he heard Mughirah Bin Shubah say: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: The funeral prayer should be offered for a child.  +
  • Abu Juhaifa reported it on the authority o
    Abu Juhaifa reported it on the authority of his father: I came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in Mecca and he was at that time at AlAbtah in a red leather tent. And Bilal stepped out with ablution water for him. And what was left out of that water some of them got it whereas others could not get it and those who got it rubbed themselves with it. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ stepped out with a red mantle on him and I was catching a glimpse of the whiteness of his shanks. The narrator said: He the Holy Prophet performed the ablution. and Bilal pronounced Adhan and I followed his mouth as he turned this side and that as he said on the right and the left: Come to prayer; come to success. A spear was then fixed for him on the ground. He stepped forward and said two rakahs of Zuhr; while there passed in front of him a donkey and a dog; and these were not checked. He then said two rakahs of the Asr prayer; and he then continued saying two rakahs till he came back to Medina.
    ng two rakahs till he came back to Medina.  +
  • Abu Juhaifa reported on the authority of h
    Abu Juhaifa reported on the authority of his father: I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in Mecca at AlAbtah in a red leather tent. and I saw Bilal take the ablution water left by Allah Messenger ; and I saw the people racing; with one another to get that ablution water. If anyone got some of it; he rubbed himself with it; and anyone who did not get any got some of the moisture from his companion hand. I then saw Bilal take a staff and fix it in the ground; after which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out quickly in a red mantle and led the people in two rakahs facing the staff; and I saw people and animals passing in front of the staff.
    and animals passing in front of the staff.  +
  • Abu Juhaifa reported: I saw Allah Messenge
    Abu Juhaifa reported: I saw Allah Messenger ﷺ having some whiteness in hair at this place; and Zuhair placed one of his fingers at his chin. Juhaifa was asked how old he had been at that time. He said: I made arrows and put feathers to them i. e. I had passed my childhood.
    s to them i. e. I had passed my childhood.  +
  • Abu Juhaifa reported: I saw Allah Messenger ﷺ that he had white complexion and had some white hair; andAlHassan Bin Ali resembled him.  +
  • Abu Juhaifa reported: The Messenger of All
    Abu Juhaifa reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ went at noon towards AlBatha; he performed ablution; and said two rakahs of the Zuhr prayer and two of the Asr prayer; and there was a spear in front of him. Shuba said and aown made this addition to it on the authority of his father Abu Juhaifa: And the woman and the donkey passed behind it.
    the woman and the donkey passed behind it.  +
  • Abu Juhaifah narrated: I saw Bilal calling
    Abu Juhaifah narrated: I saw Bilal calling the Adhan; and turning; and his face was following here and there; and his index fingers were in his ears; and Allah Messenger was in a small red tent - I think; he one of the narrators said; it was made from a hide - so Bilal went out in front of him with an Anazah which he planted in the ground at Batha. Allah Messenger prayed facing it; and a dog and a donkey passed in front of him; he was wearing a red Hullah; and it is as if I am now looking at the radiance of his shins. Sufyan said: We think that it was a Hibrah.
    ufyan said: We think that it was a Hibrah.  +
  • Abu Juhaifah reported the Prophet ﷺ as sayings: I do not eat while reclining.  +
  • Abu Juhaifah reported: I came to the proph
    Abu Juhaifah reported: I came to the prophet ﷺ at Mecca; he was sitting in a tent made of leather. Then Bilal came out and called to prayer. I looked at his mouth following him this side and that side i.e.; right and left. Later at his Messenger of Allah ﷺ came out clad in a red suit; i.e; wearing the sheets of the Yemen; of the Qatri design. The version narrated by Mousa has the word; I saw Bilal going towards AlAbtah.He then made a call to prayer. When he reached the words come to prayer; come to salvation. He turned his neck right and left; respectively; he did not turn himself with his whole body. He then entered his house and came out with a lancet. The narrator then reported the rest of the tradition.
    r then reported the rest of the tradition.  +
  • Abu Juhaifah said: I said to Ali: O Comman
    Abu Juhaifah said: I said to Ali: O Commander of the Believers! Do you have anything written that is not in Allah Book? He said: By the One Who splits the seed and creates the soul; I have not learned from it except what understanding of the Quran Allah gives to a man; and what is in this sheet of paper. I said: What is in the paper? He said: It is the Aql; the ransom for release of captives; and the judgement that no believer is killed for a disbeliever.
    t no believer is killed for a disbeliever.  +
  • Abu Juhaifah said: The Prophet ﷺ led them in prayer at AlBatha; with a staff set up in front of him. He prayed two rakahs of the Zuhr prayer and two rakahs of the Asr prayer. The women and the donkeys would pass in front of the staff.  +
  • Abu Juraij narrated this hadith with the s
    Abu Juraij narrated this hadith with the same chain of transmitters but with the addition of these words : It was for a long duration that he the Holy Prophet observed qiyam and he would then observe ruku. The narrator also added I Asma looked at a woman who was older than I; and at another who was weaker than I.
    n I; and at another who was weaker than I.  +
  • Abu Khalid AlAhmar narrated from Humaid wh
    Abu Khalid AlAhmar narrated from Humaid who said: I went out and was fasting; they said to me: Break lit. go back; repeat. He said that Anas reported that the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to set out on a journey and neither the observer of the fast found fault with the breaker of the fast; nor the breaker of the fast found fault with the observer of the fast. One of the narrators Humaid said : I met Ibn Abi Mulaika who informed me the same thing on the authority of Aisha.
    the same thing on the authority of Aisha.  +
  • Abu Khalid AlWalibi narrated from Abu Hura
    Abu Khalid AlWalibi narrated from Abu Huraira and he one of the narrators said: I do not know except that he attributed it to the Prophet Allah says: O son of Adam; devote yourself to My worship; and I will fill your heart with contentment and take care of your poverty; but if you do not do that; then I will fill your heart with worldly concerns and will not take care of your poverty.
    ns and will not take care of your poverty.  +
  • Abu Khalid Bin AlHuwairith said : Abdullah
    Abu Khalid Bin AlHuwairith said : Abdullah Bin Amar was in Alsafah. The narrator Muhammed Bin Khalid said: it is a place in Mecca. A man brought a hare which he had haunted. He said: Abdullah Bin Amr; what do you say ? He said: It was brought to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ when I was sitting with him. He did not eat it; nor did he prohibit to eat it. He thought that it menstruated.
    to eat it. He thought that it menstruated.  +
  • Abu Khizamah narrated from his father who
    Abu Khizamah narrated from his father who said: I asked the Messenger of Allah S.A.W : O Messenger of Allah S.A.W ! Do you think that the Ruqyah we use; the treatments we use; and what we seek to protect ourselves will contradict anything from Allah Decree? He said: They are from Allah Decree.
    cree? He said: They are from Allah Decree.  +