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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #3,151.

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  • Abu Masud Ansari reported that a person fr
    Abu Masud Ansari reported that a person from the Ansar who was called Abu Shuaib had a slave who was a butcher by profession. He Abu Masud saw Allah Messenger ﷺ and found signs of hunger on his face. He said to the servant: 0 ye; prepare for us food sufficient for five persons; for I intend to invite Allah Apostle ﷺ who would be the fifth amongst the five. He the narrator reported that he then prepared the food and came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and invited all the five including him who was the fifth amongst them to the feast. A man followed him and when Allah Apostle ﷺ reached the door; he said: This man has followed us; if you like you may permit him to join the meal and if you like he can go back. Thereupon the person said: Allah Messenger; I permit him.
    erson said: Allah Messenger; I permit him.  +
  • Abu Masud asked Abu Abu Allah; or Abu Abdu
    Abu Masud asked Abu Abu Allah; or Abu Abdullah asked Abu Masud; what did you hear the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say about zaama they alleged; asserted; or it is said. He replied : I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: it is a bad riding-beast for a man to say zaama they asserted.Abu DAwud said : This Abu Abdullah is Hudhaifah.
    wud said : This Abu Abdullah is Hudhaifah.  +
  • Abu Masud narrated that : Allah Messenger
    Abu Masud narrated that : Allah Messenger said: The one who recites most of the Book of Allah is to lead the people in prayers. If they are equal in recitation; then the most knowledgeable in the Sunnah among them. If they are equal regarding the Sunnah; then the earliest of them to emigrate. If they are equal in their emigration then the eldest among them. And a man is not to be led in prayer in the place of his authority; and his spot of esteem in his home is not to be sat on without his permission.
    s not to be sat on without his permission.  +
  • Abu Masud narrated: A man named Abu Shuaib
    Abu Masud narrated: A man named Abu Shuaib came to a slave of his; who was a butcher; and said: Prepare some food for me that will be sufficient for five; for I have seen hunger in the face of the Messenger of Allah. So he prepared some food. Then he sent a message to the Prophet inviting him and those who were sitting with him. When the Prophet stood; he was followed by a man who was not with them when they were invited. When the Messenger of Allah arrive at the door he said to the owner of the house: A man who was not with us when you invited us followed us; if you permit him; he will enter. He said: We have permitted him; let him enter.
    aid: We have permitted him; let him enter.  +
  • Abu Masud reported Allah Messenger way ﷺ as saying: When a Muslim spends on his family seeking reward for it from Allah; it counts for him as sadaqa.  +
  • Abu Masud reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Masud reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: If anyone recites the two verses at the end of Surah AlBaqara at night; they would suffice for him Abdulrahman said: I met Abu Masud and he was circumambulating the House of Allah and asked him about this tradition and he narrated it to me from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    ed it to me from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Masud reported that he had been beatin
    Abu Masud reported that he had been beating his slave and he had been saying: I seek refuge with Allah; but he continued beating him; whereupon he said: I seek refuge with Allah Messenger; and he spared him. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: By Allah; God has more dominance over you than you have over him the slave. He said that he set him free.
    m the slave. He said that he set him free.  +
  • Abu Masud reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Verily the sun and the moon do not eclipse on account of the death of any one of the people; but they are the two signs among the signs of Allah. So when you see it; stand up and observe prayer.  +
  • Abu Masud reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: let those of your who are sedate and prudent be near me; then those who are next to them; then those who are next to them.  +
  • Abu Masud reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying : One of the things people have learnt from the words of the earliest prophecy is : If you have no shame; do what you like.  +
  • Abu Masud reported: The Messenger of Allah
    Abu Masud reported: The Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him used to touch our shoulders in prayer and say: Keep straight; dont be irregular; for there would be dissension in your hearts. Let those of you who are sedate and prudent be near me; then those who are next to them; then those who are next to them. Abu Masud said: Now-a-days there is much dissension amongst you.
    days there is much dissension amongst you.  +
  • Abu Masud reported: We were commanded to g
    Abu Masud reported: We were commanded to give charity despite the fact. that we were coolies. Abu Aqil donated half a sa. And there came another man with more than this. The hypocrites said: Verily Allah does not stand in need of the charity of this; and the second one has done nothing but only made a show of his charity. Then this verse was revealed. Those who scoff at the voluntary givers of charity among the believers as well as those who cannot find anything to give but with their hard labour ix. 80. And Bishr did not utter the word Muttawiin.
    nd Bishr did not utter the word Muttawiin.  +
  • Abu Masud said: The Messenger of Allah sai
    Abu Masud said: The Messenger of Allah said: The people should be lead by the one who is most well-Versed in recitation of the Book of Allah. If they are equal in recitation; then they should be led by the one who emigrated first. If they are equal in emigration; then they should be led by the eldest. A man should not be led among his family or in his place of authority; no one should be sat in his place of honour in his house without permission; or without his permission.
    out permission; or without his permission.  +
  • Abu Masus Uqbah Bin Amr said: The Messenger of Allah forbade the price of a dog; the gift of a female fornicator; and the fee of a fortuneteller.  +
  • Abu Mijlaz narrated that Ibn Umar said: Th
    Abu Mijlaz narrated that Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah said: Night prayers are to be offered two by two; and Witr is one Rakah. I said: What do you think if I become drowsy and I want to sleep? He said: Put what do you think up there with that star? i.e.; dont think about it at all. I raised my head and saw AlSimak.* He repeated that the Messenger of Allah said; Night prayers are to be offered two by two; and Witr is one Rakah; before dawn.
    y two; and Witr is one Rakah; before dawn.  +
  • Abu Mijlaz reported: I asked Ibn Abbas about the Witr prayer. He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: It is a rakah at the end of the night prayer.  +
  • Abu Mijlaz said: I asked Ibn Abbas about a thing concerning the throwing of stones at the jamrahs. He said: I do not know whether the Messenger of Allah ﷺ threw six or seven pebbles.  +
  • Abu Minhal reported: My partner sold silve
    Abu Minhal reported: My partner sold silver to be paid in the Hajj season or in the days of Hajj. He my partner came to me and informed me; and I said to him: Such transaction is not desirable. He said: I sold it in the market on loan but nobody objected to this. I went to AlBara Bin Azib and asked him; and he said: Allah Apostle ﷺ came to Medina and we made such transaction; whereupon he said: In case the payment is made on the spot; there is no harm in it; and in case it is sold on loan; it is usury. You better go to Zaid Bin Arqam; for he is a greater trader than I; so I went to him and asked him; and he said like it.
    to him and asked him; and he said like it.  +
  • Abu Mishar was told about Ubna. He said We know it better. This is Yubna of Palestine.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAsharf narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: :The believer is to the believer like parts of a building; each one of them supporting the other.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari ra said: We were with t
    Abu Mousa AlAshari ra said: We were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on a military expedition. When we returned; we overlooked AlMadinah; and the people were pronouncing the Takbir; and they raised their voices with it. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Verily; your Lord is not deaf nor absent; He is between you and between the heads of your mounts. Then he said: O Abdullah Bin Qais; should I not inform you of a treasure from the treasures of Paradise: La awla wa la quwata illa billah There is no might or power except by Allah.
    llah There is no might or power except by Allah.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Keep refreshing your knowledge of the Quran; for I swear by Him in Whose Hand is the life of Mahammad that it is more liable to escape than camels which are hobbled.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported Allah Messenge
    Abu Mousa AlAshari reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A believer who recites the Quran is like an orange whose fragrance is sweet and whose taste is sweet; a believer who does not recite the Quran is like a date which has no fragrance but has a sweet taste; and the hypocrite who recites the Quran is like a basil whose fragrance is sweet; but whose taste is bitter; and a hypocrite who does not recite the Quran is like the colocynth which has no fragrance and has a bitter taste.
    h has no fragrance and has a bitter taste.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported that while All
    Abu Mousa AlAshari reported that while Allah Messenger ﷺ was in one of the gardens of Medina; reclining against a pillow and fixing a stick in a mud; that a person came asking for the gate to be opened; whereupon he said: Open it for him and give him glad tidings of Paradise and; lo; it was Abu Bakr. I opened the gate for him and gave him the glad tidings of Paradise. Then another person asked for the door to be opened; whereupon he said: Open it and give him the glad tidings of Piradise. He said: I went away and; lo; it was Umar. I opened it for him and gave him the glad tidings of Paradise. Then still another man asked for the door to be opened; and thereupon Allah Apostle ﷺ said: Open it and give him the glad tidings of Paradise after a trial would afflict him. I went and; lo; it was Uthman Bin Affan. 1 opened the door and gave him the glad tidings of Paradise and informed him what the Prophet had said. Thereupon he said: O Allah; grant me steadfastness. Allah is one Whose help is to be sought.
    . Allah is one Whose help is to be sought.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported the Messenger
    Abu Mousa AlAshari reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying : Allah created Adam from a handful which he took from the whole of the earth ; so the children of Adam are in accordance with the earth : some red; some white; some black; some a mixture; also smooth and rough; bad and good.
    ture; also smooth and rough; bad and good.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported: I came to All
    Abu Mousa AlAshari reported: I came to Allah Apostle ﷺ along with a group of Asharites requesting to give us a mount. He the Holy Prophet said: By Allah; I cannot provide you with a mount; and there is nothing with me which I should give you as a ride. He the narrator said: We stayed there as long as Allah willed. Then there were brought to him to the Holy Prophet camels. He the Holy Prophet then ordered to give us three white humped camels; We started and said or some of us said to the others : Allah will not bless us. We came to Allah Messenger ﷺ begging him to provide us with riding camels. He swore that he could not provide us with a mount; but later on he provided us with that. They some of the Prophet Companions came and informed him about this rankling of theirs ; whereupon he said: It was not I who provided you with a mount; but Allah has provided you with that. So far as I am concerned; by Allah; if He so wills; I would not swear; but if; later on; I would see better than it; I would break the vow and expiate it and do that which is better.
    nd expiate it and do that which is better.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari reported: We came to Al
    Abu Mousa AlAshari reported: We came to Allah Messenger ﷺ requesting him to provide us with riding camels. He the Holy Prophet said: There is nothing with me with which I should equip you. By Allah; I would not provide you with riding camels. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ sent to us three camels with spotted bumps. We said: We came to Allah Messenger ﷺ asking him to equip us with riding animals. He took an oath that he could not equip us. We came to him and informed him. He said: By Allah; I do not take an oath; but when I find the other thing better than that; I do that which is better.
    tter than that; I do that which is better.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari said: A Bedouin came to
    Abu Mousa AlAshari said: A Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: A man fights for fame; or he fights for the spoils of war; or he fights to show off. Who is the one who is fighting in the cause of Allah? He said: The one who fights so that the word of Allah will be supreme is the one who is fighting in the cause of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime.
    he cause of Allah; the Mighty and Sublime.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari said: The Prophet SAWSY
    Abu Mousa AlAshari said: The Prophet SAWSYMOBOL said: The parable of the believer who recites the Quran is that of a citron; the taste and smell of which are good. The parable of a believer who does not read the Quran is that of a date; the taste of which is good but it has no smell. The parable of a hypocrite who reads the Quran is that of basil; the smell of which is good but its taste is bitter. And the parable of a hypocrite who does not read the Quran is that of a colocynth bitter-apple ; the taste of which is bitter and it has no smell.
    te of which is bitter and it has no smell.  +
  • Abu Mousa AlAshari said: They the Companio
    Abu Mousa AlAshari said: They the Companions accompanied the Prophet ﷺ while they were climbing the turning of a hill. A man uttered loudly: There is no god but Allah; and Allah is most great when he ascended the hill. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: You are not supplicating one who is deaf or absent. He then said: Abdullah Bin Qais. The narrator then transmitted the tradition to the same effect.
    nsmitted the tradition to the same effect.  +
  • Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him report
    Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him reported: I came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he was encamping at Batha. He the Holy Prophet said: With what purpose have you entered into the state of Ihram? I said: I have entered into the state of Ihram in accordance with the Ihram of Allah Apostle ﷺ. He said: Have you brought sacrificial animals along with you? I said: No. whereupon he said: Then circumambulate the House and run between AlSafa and AlMarwa and put off Ihram. So I circumambulated the House; ran between AlSafa and AlMarwa; and then came to a woman of my tribe. She combed and washed my head. I used to give religious verdict according to the above mentioned command of the Holy Prophet during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and also during that of Umar. And it was during the Hajj season that a person came to me and said: You perhaps do not know what the Commander of the Believers has introduced in the rites of Hajj. I said: 0 people; those whom we have given religious verdict about a certain thing should wait; for the Commander of the Believers is about to arrive among you; so follow him. When the Commander of the Believers arrived; I said: What is this that you have introduced in the rites of Hajj ? -where upon he said: If we abide by the Book of Allah we find that there Allah; Exalted and Majestic; has said: Complete Hajj and Umra for Allah. And if we abide by the Sunnah of our Apostle ﷺ we find that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not put off Ihram till he had sacrificed the animals.
    Ihram till he had sacrificed the animals.  +
  • Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him report
    Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him reported: The Messenger of Allah May peace be upon im had sent me to Yemen and I came back In the year in which he the Holy Prophet performed the Farewell Pilgrimage. Allah Messenger may peace be upon; him said to me: Abu Mousa; what did you say when you entered into the state of Ihram? I said: At thy beck and call; my Ihram is that of the Ihram of Allah Apostle ﷺ. He said: Have you brought the sacrificial animals? I said: No. Thereupon he said: Go and circumambulate the House; and run between AlSafa and AlMarwa and then put off Ihram. The rest of the hadith is the same.
    Ihram. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him reported: The day of Ashura was one which the Jews respected and they treated it as Id. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: You also observe fast on this day.  +
  • Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him said:
    Abu Mousa Allah be pleased with him said: I came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as he was encamping at Batha. He said to me: Did you intend to perform Hajj? I said: Yes. He again said: With what intention have you entered into the state of Ihram for Ifrad; Qiran or Tamattu. I said: I pronounced Talbiya I have entered into the state of Ihram with that very aim with which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is pronouncing Talbiya. He the Holy Prophet said; You have done well. Then circumambulate the House and run between AlSafa and AlMarwa and put off Ihram as you have not brought the sacrificial animals along with you. So I circumambulated the House; and ran between AlSafa and AlMarwa and then came to a woman of the tribe of Qais and she rid my head of the lice. I again put on Ihram for Hajj. and continued giving religious verdict according to this practice till during the Caliphate of Umar Allah be pleased with him when a person said to him: Abu Mousa; or Abdullah Bin Qais; exercise restraint in delivering some religious verdict of yours; for you do not know what has been introduced after you by the Commander of the Believers in the rites of Hajj. Thereupon he said: 0 people; whom we gave the religious verdict concerning putting off Ihram they should wait; for the Commander of the Believers is about to come to you; and you should follow him. Umar Allah be pleased with him then came and I made a mention of it to him. whereupon he said: If we abide by the Book of Allah we find the Book of Allah has commanded us to complete the. Hajj and Umra ; and if we abide by the Sunnah of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; we find that Allah Messenger ﷺ did not put off Ihram till the sacrificial animal was brought to its end till it was sacrificed.
    brought to its end till it was sacrificed.  +
  • Abu Mousa Ashari reported on the authority
    Abu Mousa Ashari reported on the authority of his father that Allahs Apostle ﷺ used to supplicate in these words: O Allah; forgive me my faults; my ignorance; my immoderation in my concerns. And Thou art better aware of my affairs than myself. O Allah; grant me forgiveness of the faults which I committed seriously or otherwise and which I committed inadvertently and de- liberately. All these failings are in me. O Allah; grant me forgiveness from the fault which I did in haste or deferred; which I committed in privacy or in public and Thou art better aware of them than myself. Thou art the First and the Last and over all things Thou art Omnipotent.
    t and over all things Thou art Omnipotent.  +
  • Abu Mousa Ashari reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioned many names of his and said: I am Muhammad; Ahmad. Muqaffi the last in succession ; Hashir; the Prophet of repentance; and the Prophet of Mercy.  +
  • Abu Mousa Ashari reported that Allah Messe
    Abu Mousa Ashari reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said to him: Should I not direct you to the words from the treasures of Paradise; or he said: Like a treasure from the treasures of Paradise? I said: Of course; do that. Thereupon he said: There is no might and no power but that of Allah.
    s no might and no power but that of Allah.  +
  • Abu Mousa Ashari reported that he went to
    Abu Mousa Ashari reported that he went to Umar Bin AlKhattab and greeted him by saying: AlSalamu-Alaikum; here is Abdullah Bin Qais; but he did not permit him to get in. He Abu Mousa Ashari again greeted him with AlSalamu-Alaikum and said: Here is Abu Mousa; but he Hadrat Umar did not permit him to get in. He again said: AlSalam-u-Alaikum; and said here is Ashari; then receiving no response he came back. He Hadrat Umar said: Bring him back to me; bring him back to me So he went there in the presence of Hadrat Umar and he said to him: Abu Mousa; what made you go back; while we were busy in some work? He said: I heard Allah Messenger may. ﷺ as saying: Permission should be sought thrice. And if you are permitted; then get in ; otherwise go back. He said: Bring witness to this fact; otherwise I shall do this and that; i. e. I shall punish you. Abu Mousa went away and Umar said to him on his departure : It he Abu Mousa finds a witness he should meet him by the side of the pulpit in the evening and it he does not find a witness you would not find him there. When it was evening he Hadrat Umar found him Abu Mousa there. He Hadrat Umar said: Abu Mousa; have you been able to find a witness to what you have said? He said: Yes. Here is Ubay Bin Kaab whereupon he Hadrat Umar said: Yes; he is an authentic witness. He Hadrat Umar said: Abu Tufail the kunya of Ubay Bin Kaab ; what does he Abu Mousa say? Thereupon he said: Ibn AlKhattab; I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying so. Do not prove to be a hard task-master for the Companions of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; whereupon he Hadrat Umar said: Hallowed be Allah. I had heard something in this connection ; but I wished it to be established as an undeniable fact.
    t to be established as an undeniable fact.  +
  • Abu Mousa narrated on the authority of his
    Abu Mousa narrated on the authority of his father that a person came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ for inquiring about the times of prayers. He the Holy Prophet gave him no reply because he wanted to explain to him the times by practically observing these prayers. He then said the morning player when it was daybreak; but the people could hardly recognise one another. He then commanded and the Iqama for the noon prayer was pronounced when the tan had passed the meridian and one would say that it was midday but he the Holy Prophet knew batter than them. He then again commanded and the Iqama for the afternoon prayer was pronounced when the sun was high. He then commanded and Iqama for the evening prayer was pronounced when the sun had sunk. He then commanded and Iqama for the night prayer was pronounced when the twilight had disappeared. He then delayed the morning prayer on the next day so much so that after returning from it one would say that the sun had risen or it was about to rise. He then delayed the noon prayer till it was near the time of afternoon prayer as it was observed yesterday. He then delayed the afternoon prayer till one after returning from it would say that the sun had become red. He then delayed the evening prayer till the twilight was about to disappear. He then delayed the night prayer till it was one-third of the night. He then called the inquirer in the morning and said: The time for prayers is between these two extremes.
    for prayers is between these two extremes.  +
  • Abu Mousa narrated that : the Messenger of Allah said: There is no marriage except with a Wali.  +
  • Abu Mousa narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Indeed after you there will be days in which knowledge shall be raised up and AlHarj shall abound. They said: O Messenger of Allah s.a.w ! What is AlHarj? He said: Killing.  +
  • Abu Mousa narrated that the Messenger of A
    Abu Mousa narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: Before the Hour comes there will be Harj. I said: O Messenger of Allah; what is Harj? He said: Killing. Some of the Muslims said: O Messenger of Allah; now we kill such and such a number of idolaters in one year. The Messenger of Allah said: That will not be like killing the idolaters; rather you will kill one another; until a man will kill his neighbor and son of the cousin and a relative. Some of the people said: O Messenger of Allah; will we be in our right minds that day? The Messenger of Allah said: No; reason will be taken away from most of the people at that time; and there will be left the insignificant people who have no reason.
    e insignificant people who have no reason.  +
  • Abu Mousa narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said; about the Fitnah: Break your bows during it; cut their strings and stick to the depths of your homes; and be like Adam son.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: He who loves to meet Allah; Allah too loves to meet him; and he who dislikes to meet Allah; Allah abhors to meet him.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The house in which remembrance of Allah is made and the house in which Allah is not remembered are like the living and the dead.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The honest Muslim trustee who spends sometimes he said who gives what he is commanded to do and he gives that in full with his heart overflowing with cheerfulness and he gives it to one to whom he is ordered; he is one of the givers of charity.
    dered; he is one of the givers of charity.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as sayi
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The similitude of that guidance and knowledge with which Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; has sent me is that of rain falling upon the earth. There is a good piece of land which receives the rainfall eagerly and as a result of it there is grown in it herbage and grass abundantly. Then there is a land hard and barren which retains water and the people derive benefit from it and they drink it and make the animals drink. Then there is another land which is barren. Neither water is retained in it; nor is the grass grown in it. And that is the similitude of the first one who develops the understanding of the religion of Allah and it becomes a source of benefit to him with which Allah sent me. The second one is that who acquires the knowledge of religion and imparts it to others. Then the other type is one who does not pay attention to the revealed knowledge and thus does not accept guidance of Allah with which I have been sent.
    ance of Allah with which I have been sent.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ assayin
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Apostle ﷺ assaying: He who amongst you moves in the Masjid or in the bazar and there is an arrow with him he should take hold of its iron-head in his palm; so that none amongst the Muslims should receive any injury from it; or he said; should catch its iron-head.
    t; or he said; should catch its iron-head.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The most eminent among human beings as a recipient of reward is one who lives farthest away; and who has to walk the farthest distance; and he who waits for the prayer to observe it along with the Imam; his reward is greater than one who prays alone and then goes to sleep. In the narration of Abu Kuraib the words are : He waits till he prays along with the Imam in congregation.
    prays along with the Imam in congregation.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A believer eats in one intestine; whereas a non-believer eats in seven intestines.  +