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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #3,201.

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  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The similitude of good company and that of bad company is that of the owner of musk and of the one iron-smith blowing bellows; and the owner of musk would either offer you free of charge or you would buy it from him or you would. smell its pleasant odour; and so far as one who blows the. bellows is concerned; he would either burn your clothes or you shall have to smell its repugnant smell.
    u shall have to smell its repugnant smell.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The similitude of mine and of that with which Allah sent me is that of a person who came to us and said: O people; I have seen an army with my eyes and I am a plain warner and issue you warning that you should immediately manage to find an escape. A group of people from amongst them paying heed to his warning fled to a place of protection and a group amongst them belied him and the morning overtook them in their houses and the army attacked them and killed them and they were routed. And that is the similitude of the one who obeyed me; followed with which I had been sent and the similitude of the other is of one who disobeyed and belied me and the Truth with which I have been sent.
    and the Truth with which I have been sent.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There are many persons amongst men who are quite perfect but there are none perfect amongst women except Mary; daughter of Imran; Aasi ya wife of Pharaoh; and the excellence of Aisha as compared to women is that of Tharid over all other foods.
    en is that of Tharid over all other foods.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A believer is like a brick for another believer; the one supporting the other.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: When Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; intends to show mercy to an Umma from amongst His servants He calls back His Apostle to his eternal home and makes him a harbinger and recompense in the world to come; and when He intends to cause destruction to an Umma; He punishes it while its Apostle is alive and He destroys it as he the Apostle witnesses it and he cools his eyes by destruction as they had belied him and disobeyed his command.
    had belied him and disobeyed his command.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying that Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; Stretches out His Hand during the night so that the people may repent for the fault committed from dawn till dusk and He stretches out His Hand during the day so that the people may repent for the fault committed from dusk to dawn. He would accept repentance before the sun rises in the west before the Day of Resurrection. A hadith like this has been narrated on the authority of Shuba with the same chain of transmitters.
    Shuba with the same chain of transmitters.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; grants respite to the oppessor. But when He lays Hand upon him; He does not then let him off. Re the Holy Prophet then recited this verse: Such is the chastisement of thy Lord when He chastises the towns inhabited by wrongdoing persons. Surely; His punishment is painful; severe xi. 103.
    His punishment is painful; severe xi. 103.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There would come a time for the people when a person would roam about with Sadaqa of gold; but he would find no one to accept it from him. And a man would be seen followed by forty women seeking refuge with him on account of the scarcity of males and abundance of females.
    carcity of males and abundance of females.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as sa
    Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: I dreamt while asleep that I was about to migrate from Mecca to a land abounding in palm trees and I guessed that it would be Yamama or Hajar; but it was the city of Yathrib the old name of Medina ; and I saw in this dream of mine that I was brandishing a sword and its upper end was broken and this is what fell in the form of misfortune to the believers on the Day of Uhud. I brandished the sword for the second time and it became all right and this is what came to be true when Allah granted us victory and solidarity of the believers. And I saw therein cows also and Allah is the Doer of good. These meant the group from amongst the believers on the Day of Uhud and the goodness which Allah brought after that and the reward of attestation of his Truth which Allah brought to us after the Day of Badr.
    Allah brought to us after the Day of Badr.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported Allah Messenger ﷺ saw a person lauding another person or praising him too much. Thereupon he said: You killed him; or you sliced the back of a person.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported The Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying The faithful trustee who gives what he is commanded completely and in full with a good will; and delivers it to the one whom he was told to give it; is one of the two who gives sadaqah.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported on the authority of his
    Abu Mousa reported on the authority of his father that an Inquirer came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked him about the times of prayers; and the rest of the hadith is the same as narrated above but for these words: On the second day he the Holy Prophet observed the evening prayer before the disappearance of the twilight.
    before the disappearance of the twilight.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ wa
    Abu Mousa reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ was asked such things which he disapproved and when they persisted on asking him he felt enraged and then said to the people: Ask me what you wish to ask. Thereupon a person said: Who is my father? He said: Your father is Hudhafa. Then another person stood up and said: Allah Messenger; who is my father? He said: Your father is Salim; the freed slave of Shaiba. When Umar saw the signs of anger upon the face of Allah Apostle ﷺ ; he said: Allah Messenger; we ask repentance from Allah. And in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Abu Kuraib the words are : Allah Messenger; who is my father? He said: Your father is Salim; the freed slave of Shaiba.
    ather is Salim; the freed slave of Shaiba.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said about one who emancipated a slave woman; and then married her; that for him there are two rewards.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ
    Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: When the Asharites run short of provisions in the campaigns or run short of food for their children in Medina they collect whatever is with them in the cloth and then partake equally from one vessel. They are from me and I am from them.
    ssel. They are from me and I am from them.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ
    Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: I recognise the voice of the Asharites while they recite the Quran as they arrive during the night and I also recognise their station from the recital of the Quran during the night time; although I have not seen their encampments as they encamp during the day time. And there is a person amongst them; Hakim; when he encounters the horsemen or the enemies he says to them: My friends command you to wait for them.
    : My friends command you to wait for them.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ
    Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: There is none to show more patience at listening to the most irksome things than Allah; the Exalted and Glorious. Partnership is associated to Him polytheism ; and fatherhood of a child is attributed to Him; but in spite of this He protects them people and provides them sustenance. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Abu Mousa with a slight variation of wording.
    Mousa with a slight variation of wording.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: When it will be the Day of Resurrection Allah would deliver to every Muslim a Jew or a Christian and say: That is your rescue from Hell-Fire.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that a house was burnt down in Medina during the night over its inhabitants. When their matter was reported to Allah Messenger ﷺ ; he said; This fire is an enemy of yours. So when you go to sleep; extinguish it.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that he and his other c
    Abu Mousa reported that he and his other companions were climbing upon the hillock along with Allah Messenger ﷺ and when any person climbed up; he pronounced loudly : There is no god but Allah; Allah is the Greatest. Thereupon Allah Apostle ﷺ said: Verily; you are not supplicating One Who is deaf or absent. He said: Abu Mousa or Abdullah b Qais; should I not direct you to the words which form the treasure of Paradise? I said: Allah Messenger; what are these? He said: There is no might and no power but that of Allah.
    s no might and no power but that of Allah.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that the people of Khai
    Abu Mousa reported that the people of Khaibar most of them were Jews observed fast on the day of Ashura and they treated it as Id and gave their women ornaments and beautiful dresses to wear. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: You only observe fast on this day.
    ﷺ said: You only observe fast on this day.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that when Umar was woun
    Abu Mousa reported that when Umar was wounded; there came Suhaib from his house and went to Umar and stood by his side; and began to wail. Upon this Umar said: What are you weeping for? Are you weeping for me? He said: By Allah; it is for you that I weep; O Commander of the believers. He said: By Allah; you already know that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had said: He who is lamented upon is punished. I made a mention of it to Mousa Bin Talha ; and he said that Aisha told that it concerned the Jews only.
    isha told that it concerned the Jews only.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported that when any needy per
    Abu Mousa reported that when any needy person came to Allah Messenger ﷺ with a need he commanded him to his Companions; saying: Make a recommendation for him; and you would get the reward. Allah; however; gives the verdict through the tongue of His Apostle what He likes most.
    tongue of His Apostle what He likes most.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ as saying When one of you passes our Masjid or our market with an arrow; he should hold its head or hold it with its hand the narrator is doubtful so that no harm may be done to any Muslim.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: Make intercession to me; you will be rewarded; for Allah decrees what he wishes by the tongue of his prophet.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: the son of a sister of a people belongs to them.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: Gladden people and do not scare them; make things easy and do not make them difficult.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: A child was born in my house and I brought him to Allah Apostle may peace be upod him and he gave him the name of Ibrahim and he rubbed his palate with dates.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: Allah Apostle ﷺ sent m
    Abu Mousa reported: Allah Apostle ﷺ sent me and Muadh Bin Jabal to Yemen. I said: Allah Messenger; there is prepared in our land a wine out of barley which is known as Mizr beer of our times and a wine from honey which is known as Bit; are these also forbidden? ; whereupon he said: Every intoxicant is forbidden.
    on he said: Every intoxicant is forbidden.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: I and my companions wh
    Abu Mousa reported: I and my companions who had sailed along with me in the boat landed with me in the valley of Buthan while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was staying in Medina. A party of people amongst them went to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ every night at the time of the Isya prayer turn by turn. Abu Mousa said: One night we I and my companions went to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he was occupied in some matter till there was a delay in prayer so much so that it was the middle of the night. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then came out and led them Mousa companions in prayer. And when he had observed his prayer he said to the audience present: Take it easy; I am going to give you information and glad tidings that it is the blessing of Allah upon you for there is none among the people; except you; who prays at this hour of the night ; or he said: None except you observed prayer at this. late hour. He i. e. the narrator said: I am not sure which of these two sentences he actually uttered. Abu Mousa; said: We came back happy for what we heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    at we heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: I was in the company o
    Abu Mousa reported: I was in the company of Allah Apostle ﷺ as he had been sitting in Jirana a place between Mecca and Medina and Bilal was also there; that there came to Allah Apostle ﷺ a desert Arab; and he said: Muhammad; fulfill your promise that you made with me. Allah Messenger ﷺ said to him: Accept glad tidings. Thereupon the desert Arab said: You shower glad tidings upon me very much; then Allah Messenger ﷺ turned towards Abu Mousa and Bilal seemingly in a state of annoyance and said: Verily he has rejected glad tidings but you two should accept them. We said: Allah Messenger; we have readily accepted them. Then Allah Messenger ﷺ called for a cup of water and washed his hands in that and face too and put the saliva in it and then said: Drink out of it and pour it over your faces and over your chest and gladden yourselves. They took hold of the cup and did as Allah Messenger ﷺ had commanded them to do. Thereupon Umm Salamah called from behind the veil: Spare some water in your vessel for your mother also; and they also gave some water which had been spared for her.
    some water which had been spared for her.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: I went to the Apostle ﷺ and found one end of the tooth-stick upon his tongue i. e. he was rinsing his mouth.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: My friends sent me to
    Abu Mousa reported: My friends sent me to Allah Messenger ﷺ asking him to provide them with mounts as they were going along with him in jaish AlUsrah the army of destitutes or of meagre means or army setting out during the hard times and that is the occasion of the expedition of Tabuk I said: Apostle of Allah; my friends have sent me to you so that you may provide them with mounts. He the Holy Prophet said: By Allah; I cannot provide you with anything to ride. And it so happened that he was at that time much perturbed. I little knew of it; so I came back with a heavy heart on account of the refusal of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and the fear that Allah Messenger ﷺ might have some feelings against me. I returned to my friends and informed them about what Allah Messenger ﷺ had said. I had hardly stayed for a little that I heard Bilal calling: Abdullah Bin Qais. I responded to his call. He said: Hasten to Allah Messenger ﷺ ; he is calling you; When I came to the Prophet ﷺ he said: Take this pair; this pair; and this pair i. e. six camels which he had bought from Sad ; and take them to y; our friends and say: Verily Allah or he said: Verily Allah Messenger ﷺ has provided you with these animals. So ride upon them. Abu Mousa said: I went along with them to my friends and said: Verily Allah messenger ﷺ has provided you with these animals for riding; but by Allah; I shall not leave you until some of you go along with me to him who had heard the talk of Allah Messenger ﷺ then I asked him for you; and his refusal for the first time; and then his granting them to me subsequently; so you should not think that I narrated to you something which he did not say. They said to me: By Allah; in our opinion you are certainly truthful; and we would do as you like. So Abu Mousa went along withsome of the menfrom them until they came to those who had heard the words of Allah Messenger may; ﷺ and his refusal to provide them with animals ; and subsequently his granting the animals to them; and they narrated to them exactly as Abu Masa had narrated to them.
    exactly as Abu Masa had narrated to them.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: The Messenger of Allah
    Abu Mousa reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was standing amongst us and he told us five things. He said: Verily the Exalted and Mighty God does not sleep; and it does not befit Him to sleep. He lowers the scale and lifts it. The deeds in the night are taken up to Him before the deeds of the day; and the deeds of the day before the deeds of the night. His veil is the light. In the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr instead of the word light it is fire. If he withdraws it the veil ; the splendour of His countenance would consume His creation so far as His sight reaches.
    His creation so far as His sight reaches.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: The Messenger of Allah
    Abu Mousa reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was standing amongst us and he said four things : Verily Allah does not sleep and it does not befit Him to sleep. He raises the scale and lowers it. The deeds of the day are presented to Him in the night and the deeds of the night in the day.
    ght and the deeds of the night in the day.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: The sun eclipsed durin
    Abu Mousa reported: The sun eclipsed during the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He stood in great anxiety fearing that it might be the Doomsday; till he came to the Masjid. He stood up to pray with prolonged qiyam; ruku; and prostration which I never saw him doing in prayer; and then he said: These are the signs which Allah sends; not on account of the death of anyone or life of any one; but Allah sends them to frighten thereby His servants. So when you see any such thing; hasten to remember Him; supplicate Him and beg pardon from Him; and in the narration transmitted by Ibn Ala the words are: The sun eclipsed. He frightens His servants.
    e sun eclipsed. He frightens His servants.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: There cropped up a dif
    Abu Mousa reported: There cropped up a difference of opinion between a group of Muhajirs Emigrants and a group of Ansar Helpers and the point of dispute was that the Ansar said: The bath because of sexual intercourse becomes obligatory only-when the semen spurts out or ejaculates. But the Muhajirs said: When a man has sexual intercourse with the woman ; a bath becomes obligatory no matter whether or not there is seminal emission or ejaculation. Abu Mousa said: Well; I satisfy you on this issue. He Abu Mousa; the narrator said: I got up and went to Aisha and sought her permission and it was granted; and I said to her: 0 Mother; or Mother of the Faithful; I want to ask you about a matter on which I feel shy. She said: Dont feel shy of asking me about a thing which you can ask your mother; who gave you birth; for I am too your mother. Upon this I said: What makes a bath obligatory for a person? She replied: You have come across one well informed! The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When anyone sits amidst four parts of the woman and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory.
    ouch each other a bath becomes obligatory.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: We walked on foot and came to Allah Apostle may peace he upon him asking him to provide us with mounts. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: We were along with Allah Apostle ﷺ on a journey; the rest of the hadith is the same as transmitted by Aasi m.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: We were along with All
    Abu Mousa reported: We were along with Allah Apostle ﷺ on a journey when the people began to pronounce Allahu Akbar in a loud voice. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: O people; show mercy to yourselves for you are not calling One who is deaf or absent. Verily; you are calling One who is All-Hearing and Near to you and is with you. Abu Mousa said that he had been behind him the Prophet and reciting: There is neither might nor power but that of Allah. He the Prophet ; while addressing Abdullah Bin Qais; said: Should I not direct you to a treasure from amongst the treasures of Paradise? I Abdullah Bin Qais said: Allah Messenger; do it; of course. Thereupon he the Prophet said: Then recite: There is no might and no power but that of Allah.
    s no might and no power but that of Allah.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: We were in Yemen when
    Abu Mousa reported: We were in Yemen when we heard of the migration of Allah Messenger ﷺ. We also set out as immigrants to him. And I was accompanied by two brothers of mine; I being the youngest of them; one of them was Abu Burda and the other one was Abu Ruhm; and there were some other persons with them. Some say they were fifty-three or fifty-two persons of my tribe. We embarked upon a boat; and the boat sailed away to the Negus of Abyssinia. There we met Jafar Bin Abu Talib and his companions. Jafar said: Allall Messenger ﷺ has sent us here and has commanded us to stay here and you should also stay with us. So we stayed with him and we came back to Medina and met Allah Messenger ﷺ when Khaibar had been conquered. He the Holy Prophet allocated a share to us and in the ordinary course he did not allocate the share to one who had been absent on the occasion of the conquest of Khaibar but conferred a share upon him only who had been present there with him. He; however; made an exception for the people of the boat; viz. for Jafar and his companions. He allocated a share to them; and some persons from amongst the people said to us; viz. the people of the boat: We have preceded you in migration. Asma bint Umais who had migrated to Abyssinia and had come back along with them along with immigrants visited Hafsa; the wife of Allah Apostle ﷺ. Accordingly ; Umar had been sitting with her Hafsa. As Umar saw Asma; he said: Who is she? She Hafsa said: She is Asma; daughter of Umais. He said: She is an Abyssinian and a sea-woman. Asma said: Yes; it is so. Thereupon Umar said: We preceded you in migration and so we have more right to Allah Messenger ﷺ as compared with you. At this she felt annoyed and said: Umar; you are not stating the fact; by Allah; you had the privilege of being in the company of the Messenger ﷺ who fed the hungry among you and instructed the ignorant amongst you; whereas we had been far from here in the land of Abyssinia amongst the enemies and that was all for Allah and Allah Messenger ﷺ and; by Allah; I would never take food nor take water unless I make a mention to Allah Messenger ﷺ of what you have said. We remained in that country in constant trouble and dread and I shall talk about it to Allah Messenger way ﷺ and ask him about it. By Allah; I shall not tell a lie and deviate from the truth and add anything to that. So; when Allah Apostle ﷺ came; she said: Allah Apostle; Umar says so and so. Upon this Allah Messenger ﷺ said: His right is not more than yours; for him and his companions there is one migration; but for you; i. e. for the people of the boat; there are two migrations. She said: I saw Abu Mousa and the people of the boat coming to me in groups and asking me about this hadith; because there was nothing more pleasing and more significant for them than this. Abu Burda reported that Asma said: I saw Abu Mousa; asking me to repeat this hadith to him again and again.
    repeat this hadith to him again and again.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: When I and my brother came from Yemen we used to consider Ibn Masud and his mother amongst the members of the household. of Allah Messenger ﷺ because of their visiting them frequently and staying there for long periods of time.  +
  • Abu Mousa reported: When the Messenger of
    Abu Mousa reported: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ became ill and illness became serious he ordered Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. Upon this Aisha said: Messenger of Allah; Abd Bakr is a man of tenderly feelings: when he would stand in your place he would be so much overwhelmed -by grief that he would not be able to lead the people in prayer. He the Holy Prophet said: You order Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer; and added: You are like the female companions of Yousif. So Abu Bakr led the prayer during this period of illness in the life of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    s in the life of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Mousa said : I asked the prophet ﷺ about wine made from honey. He said: That is bit. I said: And the one made from barley and millet ? He said :That is mizr. He then said: Tell your people that every intoxicant is prohibited.  +
  • Abu Mousa said A beduoin came to the Apost
    Abu Mousa said A beduoin came to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ and said One man fights for reputation; one fights for being praised; one fights for booty and one for his place to be seen. Which of them is in Allaahs path?. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ replied The one who fights that Allaahs word may have pre-eminence is in Allaahs path.
    may have pre-eminence is in Allaahs path.  +
  • Abu Mousa said that he came to Umar and as
    Abu Mousa said that he came to Umar and asked permission three times saying : Abu Mousa asks permission; AlAshari ask permission; and Abdullah Bin Qais asks permission; but it was not granted to him. So he went away and umar sent for him saying: what did you return? He replied: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When one of you asks permission three times and it is not granted to him; he should go away. He said: Establish the proof of it. He went; came back; and said; This is Ubay. Ubay said: Umar; do not be an agony for the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Umar said : I shall not be an agony for the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    he Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Mousa said: I came from Yemen and the
    Abu Mousa said: I came from Yemen and the Prophet had stopped in AlBatha at the time to Hajj. He asked: Have you performed Hajj? I said: Yes; He said: What did you say? I said; Labbaika bi ihlal ka ihlal in-nabiy Here I am O Allah; entering Ihram for that for which the Prophet entered Ihram. He said Circumambulate the House and perform Sa between AlSafa and AlMarwah; and exit Ihram. Then I went to a woman who combed my hair. I started to issue Fatwas to the people based on that. Then during the Khilafah of Umar; a man said to me: O abu Mousa; withhold some of our Fatwas from us; for you do not know what the Commander of the Believers has introduced into the rites after you. Abu Mousa said: O people; O people; whoever heard our Fatwa;let him not rush to follow it; for the Commander of the Believers is coming to your and you should follow him.: Umar said: If we follow the Book of Allah; then indeed He commands us to complete Hajj and Umrah; and the Messenger of Allah did not exit Ihram until the Hadi had reached its place.
    hram until the Hadi had reached its place.  +
  • Abu Mousa said: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w was asked: Which of the Muslims is the most virtuous? He said: The one whom the Muslims are safe from his tongue and his hand.  +
  • Abu Mousa said: The Prophet asked for a tu
    Abu Mousa said: The Prophet asked for a tumbler containing water and washed both his hands and face in it and then threw a mouthful of water in the tumbler and said to both of us Abu Mousa and Bilal ; Drink from the tumbler and pour some of its water on your faces and chests.
    ome of its water on your faces and chests.  +
  • Abu Mousa. reported: I came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and thought that Abdullah was amongst the members of the family; or like that.  +