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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #3,701.

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  • Abu Salih reported: I heard Abu Saeed AlKh
    Abu Salih reported: I heard Abu Saeed AlKhudri Allah be pleased with him said: Dinar gold for gold and dirham for dirham can be exchanged with equal for equal; but he who gives more or demands more in fact deals in interest. I sald to him: Ibn Abbas Allah be pleased with them says otherwise; whereupon he said: I met Ibn Abbas Allah be pleased with them and said: Do you see what you say; have you heard it from Allah Messenger ﷺ ; or found it in the Book of Allah; the Glorious and Majestic? He said: I did not hear it from Allah Messenger ﷺ. and I did not find it in the Book of Allah Glorious and Majestic ; but Usama Bin Zaid narrated it to me that Allah Apostle ﷺ said: There can be an element of interest in credit.
    e can be an element of interest in credit.  +
  • Abu Salih said: I narrate what I witnesses
    Abu Salih said: I narrate what I witnesses from Abu Saeed and heard from him. Abu Saeed entered upon Marwan and said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: When one of you prays facing any object which conceals him from people; and someone wishes to pass in front of him; he should strike him at his chest; if he refuses to go ; he should fight him; he is only a devil. Abu Dawud said: Sufyan AlThawri said: A person arrogantly walks in front of me while I am praying; so I stop him; and a weak person passes; so I dont stop him.
    a weak person passes; so I dont stop him.  +
  • Abu Salih said: I was sitting with my fath
    Abu Salih said: I was sitting with my father and there was also a boy with him. He got up and then returned. So my father mentioned a tradition on the authority of Abu Huraira from the Prophet ﷺ saying: If anyone gets up from where he has been sitting and comes back to it; he has most right to it.
    comes back to it; he has most right to it.  +
  • Abu Salih said: It was said that when a man removed gravels from the Masjid; they adjured him.  +
  • Abu Sallam said on the authority of a man who served the Holy Prophet ﷺ that whenever he talked; he repeated it three times.  +
  • Abu Samh said: I used to serve the Prophet; and when he wanted to take a bath he would say: Turn your back to me. So I would turn my back and hung up a cloth; and concealed him with it.  +
  • Abu Samh said: I was a servant of the Prop
    Abu Samh said: I was a servant of the Prophet; andHassan and Husain was brought to him and the infant urinated on his chest. They wanted to wash it; but the Messenger of Allah said: Sprinkle water on it; for the urine of a girl should be washed; but the urine of a boy should be sprinkled over with water.
    a boy should be sprinkled over with water.  +
  • Abu Sariha reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ was
    Abu Sariha reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ was in an upper apartment and we were standing lower to him and discussing about the Last Hour. The rest of the hadith is the same; and Shuba said: I think he also said these words: The fire would descend along with them where they would land and where they would take rest during midday it would also cool down for a while. Shuba said: This hadith has been transmitted to me through Abu Tufail and Abu Sariha and none could trace it back directly to Allah Apostle ﷺ. However; there is a mention of the descent of Jesus Christ son of Mary in one version and in the other there is a mention of the blowing of a violent gale which would drive them to the ocean.
    gale which would drive them to the ocean.  +
  • Abu Shaikh AlHunai said: I heard Muawiyah
    Abu Shaikh AlHunai said: I heard Muawiyah say to a group of Muhajirun and Ansar who were around him: Do you know that the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade wearing silk? They said: By Allah; yes. He said And he forbade wearing gold unless it was broken into smaller pieces ? They said: Yes. Ali Bin Ghurab contradicted him; he reported it from Bahais; from Abu Shaikh; from Ibn Umar.
    om Bahais; from Abu Shaikh; from Ibn Umar.  +
  • Abu Shaikh narrated from his brother Himma
    Abu Shaikh narrated from his brother Himman: That when Muawiyah went on Hajj; he gathered together a group of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL at the Kabah and said to them: I adjure you by Allah; did the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbid wearing gold? They said: Yes. He said: And I bear witness to that.
    Yes. He said: And I bear witness to that.  +
  • Abu Shaikh said: I heard Ibn Umar say: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL forbade wearing gold unless it is broken into smaller pieces.  +
  • Abu Shatha AlMuharibi reported on the authority of his father; who said: I heard it from Abu Huraira that he saw a person getting out of the Masjid after the call to prayer had been announced. Upon this he remarked: This man disobeyed Ab AlQasim ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Shatha reported: While we were sitting
    Abu Shatha reported: While we were sitting with Abu Huraira in a Masjid a man went out of the Masjid after the call to prayer had been announced. A man stood up in the Masjid and set off. Abu Huraira eyes followed him till he went out of the Masjid. Upon this Abu Huraira said: This man has disobeyed Ab AlQasim Muhammad ﷺ.
    s man has disobeyed Ab AlQasim Muhammad ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Shuraih AlAdawf said: My eyes saw the
    Abu Shuraih AlAdawf said: My eyes saw the Messenger of Allah; and my ears heard him speaking when he was speaking and he said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day; then let him honor his guest with his reward. They said: What is the reward? He said: A day and a night. He said: And hospitality is for three days; whatever is beyond that is charity. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day; then let him say what is good or keep silent.
    n let him say what is good or keep silent.  +
  • Abu Shuraih AlAdawi reported that he said
    Abu Shuraih AlAdawi reported that he said to Amr Bin Saeed when he was sending troops to Mecca: Let me tell you something. O Commander; which Allah Messenger ﷺ said on the day following; the Conquest which my ears heard and my heart has retained; and my eyes saw as he spoke it. He praised Allah and extolled Him and then said: Allah; not men; has made Mecca sacred; so it is not permissible for any person believing in Allah and the Last Day to shed blood in it; or lop a tree in it. If anyone seeks a concession on the basis of fighting of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; tell him that Allah permitted His Messenger; but not you; and He gave him permission only for an hour on one day; and its sacredness was restored on the very day like that of yesterday. Let him who is present convey the information to him who is absent. It was said to Abu Shuraih: What did Amr say to you? He said: I am better informed of that than you; Abu Shuraih; but the sacred territory does not grant protection to one who is disobedient; or one who runs away after shedding blood; or one who runs away after committing
    ood; or one who runs away after committing  +
  • Abu Shuraih AlKaabi narrated that the Mess
    Abu Shuraih AlKaabi narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: :Hospitality is for three days; and his reward is a day and a night; and whatever is spent on him after that is charity. And it is not lawful for him the guest to stay so long as to cause him harm.
    uest to stay so long as to cause him harm.  +
  • Abu Shuraih AlKaabi reported the Messenger
    Abu Shuraih AlKaabi reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as sayings: He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honour his guest provisions for the road are what will serve for a day and night: hospitality extends for three days; what goes after that is sadaqah charity : and it is not allowable that a guest should stay till he makes himself an encumbrance.Abu Dawud said: Malik was asked about the saying of the Prophet: Provisions for the road what will serve for a day a night. He said: He should honor him; present him some gift; and protect him for a day and night; and hospitality for three days.
    and night; and hospitality for three days.  +
  • Abu Shuriah AlKhuzai reported Allah Messen
    Abu Shuriah AlKhuzai reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The period of the entertainment of a guest is three days; and utmost kindness and courtesy is for a day and a night. = It is not permissible for a Muslim to stay with; his brother until he makes him sinful. They said: Messenger of Allah; how he would make him sinful? He the Holy Prophet said: He stays with him so long that nothing is left with him to entertain him.
    nothing is left with him to entertain him.  +
  • Abu Sinan said: I buried my son Sinan and
    Abu Sinan said: I buried my son Sinan and Abu Talha h AlKhawlani was sitting on the rim of the grave. When I wanted to leave he took me by my hand and said: Shall I not inform you of some good new O Abu Sinan! I said: Of course. He said: AlDahhak Bin Abdulrahman Bin Arzab narrated to me; from Abu Mousa AlAshari: The Messenger of Allah said: When a child of the slave of Allah died; Allah says to the angels: Have you taken the fruits of his work. They reply: Yes. So He says: What did My slave say? They reply: He praised you and mentioned that to You is the return. So Allah says: Build a house in Paradise for My slave; and name it the house of praise.
    My slave; and name it the house of praise.  +
  • Abu Sirma AlKhudri Allah he pleased with h
    Abu Sirma AlKhudri Allah he pleased with him reported Allah Messen- ger ﷺ as saying: The most important of the trusts in the sight of Allah on the Day of judgment is that a man goes to his wife and she goes to him and the breach of this trust is that he should divulge her secret Ibn Numair narrates this hadith with a slight change of wording.
    is hadith with a slight change of wording.  +
  • Abu Sirma reported that when the time of t
    Abu Sirma reported that when the time of the death of Abu Ayoub Ansari drew near; he said: I used to conceal from you a thing which I heard from Allah Messenger ﷺ and I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Had you not committed sins; Allah would have brought into existence a creation that would have committed sin and Allah would have forgiven them.
    ed sin and Allah would have forgiven them.  +
  • Abu Sirma said to Abu Saeed AlKhadri Allah
    Abu Sirma said to Abu Saeed AlKhadri Allah he pleased with him : 0 Abu Said; did you hear Allah Messenger ﷺ mentioning Alazl? He said: Yes; and added: We went out with Allah Messenger ﷺ on the expedition to the Bil-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them; for we were suffering from the absence of our wives; but at the same time we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception. But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah Mes- senger ﷺ ; and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it; for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.
    p to the Day of Resurrection will be born.  +
  • Abu Sirmah narrated from Abu Ayoub ; that:
    Abu Sirmah narrated from Abu Ayoub ; that: when death reached him; he said: I have concealed something I heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ from you. I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ saying: If you did not sin; Allah would create a creation that would sin; so He will forgive them.
    n that would sin; so He will forgive them.  +
  • Abu Sirmah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever causes harm; Allah harms him; and whoever is harsh; Allah will be harsh with him.  +
  • Abu Sufyan reported it on the authority of
    Abu Sufyan reported it on the authority of Jabir that he had heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: When Satan hears the call to prayer; he runs away to a distance like that of Rauha. Sulaimin said: I asked him about Rauha. He replied: It is at a distance of thirty-six miles from Medina.
    distance of thirty-six miles from Medina.  +
  • Abu Sufyan reported like that as AlSaduq AlAmin AlWalid Bin Harb narrated with the same chain of transmitters.  +
  • Abu Sufyan said: Abu Ayoub AlAnsari; Jabir
    Abu Sufyan said: Abu Ayoub AlAnsari; Jabir Bin Abdullah; and Anas Bin Malik told me that when this Verse: In it the Masjid are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure. was revealed; the Messenger of Allah said: O Ansar! Allah has praised you for your cleanliness. What is the nature of your cleanliness? They said: We perform ablution for prayer and we take bath to cleanse ourselves of impurity due to sexual activity; and we clean ourselves with water after urinating. He said: This is what it is. So adhere to it.
    said: This is what it is. So adhere to it.  +
  • Abu Suhail narrated from his father;: That
    Abu Suhail narrated from his father;: That he heard Talha h Bin Ubaidullah say: A man from Najd with unkempt hair came to the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL; he was speaking loudly but his speech could not be understood until he came close. He was asking about Islam. The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: Five prayers every day and night. He said: Do I have to do any more than that? He said: No; not unless you do it voluntarily. The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: Fasting the month of Ramadan. He said: Do I have to do any more than that? He said: No; not unless you do it voluntarily. Then the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL told him about Zakah. He said: Do I have to do any more than that? He said: No; not unless you do it voluntarily. The man left saying; I will not do any more than that or any less. The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: He will succeed; if he is telling the truth.
    will succeed; if he is telling the truth.  +
  • Abu Talha Ansari reported Allah Messenger
    Abu Talha Ansari reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Angels do not enter the house in which there is a picture or portraits. I came to Aisha and said to her: This is a news that I have received that Allah Apostle ﷺ had said: Angels do not enter the house in which there is a picture or a dog; and further added whether she had heard Allah Messenger ﷺ making a mention of it. She said: No I did not hear this myself ; but I narrate to you what I saw him doing. I bear testimony to the fact that he the Holy Prophet set out for an expedition. I took a carpet and screened the door with it. When he the Holy Prophet came back he saw that carpet and I perceived signs of disapproval on his face. He pulled it until it was torn or it was cut into pieces and he said: God has not commanded us to clothe stones and clay. We cut it the curtain and prepared two pillowa out of it by stuffing them with the fibre of date-palms and he the Holy Prophet did not find fault with it.
    e Holy Prophet did not find fault with it.  +
  • Abu Talha h said When the Apostle of Allaa
    Abu Talha h said When the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ prevailed on any people; he stayed three nights in the field. Ibn AlMuthanna said When he prevailed over people; he liked to stay three nights in the field.Abu Dawud said Yahya Bin Said used to object to this tradition for this is not from his early traditions because his memory was spoiled at the age of forty five. He narrated this tradition in the last days of his age.Abu Dawud said It is said that Waki recived this tradition from him when his memory was spoiled.
    tion from him when his memory was spoiled.  +
  • Abu Talha ra said: I was amongst those who were overtaken by slumber until my sword fell from my hand on several occasions. The sword fell and I picked it up; and it fell again; and I picked it up.  +
  • Abu Talha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ having said: Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.  +
  • Abu Talha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ
    Abu Talha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Angels do not enter a house in which there is a picture. Busr said: Zaid Bin Khalid fell sick and we visited him to inquire after his health. As we were in his house we saw a curtain having pictures on it. I said to Ubaidullah Khaulani: Did he not narrate to us the Holy Prophet command pertaining to pictures ? Thereupon he said: He in fact did that but he also said : Except the prints upon the cloth. Did you not hear this? I said: No; whereupon He said: He had in fact made a mention of this.
    id: He had in fact made a mention of this.  +
  • Abu Talha reported: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Angels do not enter the house in which there is a dog or a statue.  +
  • Abu Talha reported: Umar Bin AlKhattab All
    Abu Talha reported: Umar Bin AlKhattab Allah be pleased with him delivered a sermon on Friday and made a mention of Allah Apostle ﷺ and he also made a mention of Abu Bakr Allah be pleased with him and then said: I do not leave behind me any problem more difficult than that of Kalala. I did not refer to Allah Messenger ﷺ more repeatedly than in case of the problem of Kalala; and he the Holy Prophet never showed more annoyance to me than in regard to this problem; so much so that he struck my chest with his fingers and said: Umar; does the verse revealed in summer season; at the end of Surat AlNisa not suffice you? Hadrat Umar then said: If I live I would give such verdict about Kalala that everyone would be able to decide whether he reads the Quran or he does not.
    whether he reads the Quran or he does not.  +
  • Abu Talha reported: When it was the Day of
    Abu Talha reported: When it was the Day of Badr and Allah Apostle ﷺ had gained victory over them the Meccans ; he commanded more than twenty persons; and in another hadith these are counted as twenty-four persons; from the non-believers of the Quraish to be thrown into the well of Badr. The rest of the hadith is the same.
    Badr. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Abu Talha reported: While we were sitting
    Abu Talha reported: While we were sitting in front of the houses and talking amongst ourselves; Allah Messenger ﷺ happened to come there. He stood by us and said: What about you and your meetings on the paths? Avoid these meetings on the paths. We said: We were sitting here without any intention of doing harm to the passers-by ; we are sitting to discuss matters and to hold conversation amongst ourselves. Thereupon he said: If there is no help for you but to sit on these paths ; then give the paths their rights and these are lowering of the gaze; exchanging of greetings and good conversation.
    anging of greetings and good conversation.  +
  • Abu Tamimah reported from a man of his tri
    Abu Tamimah reported from a man of his tribe The Prophet ﷺ heard a man say his wife O my younger sister! So he prohibited him addressing his wife in this manner Abu Dawud said This tradition has also been transmitted by Abd AlAziz Bin AlMukhtar from Khalid from Abu Uthman from Abu Thamimah from the Prophet ﷺ. This has also been narrated by Shubah from Khalid from a man on the authority of Abu Thamimah from the Prophet ﷺ.
    hority of Abu Thamimah from the Prophet ﷺ.  +
  • Abu Thalaba AlKhushani reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having prohibited the eating of all fanged beasts of prey.  +
  • Abu Thalaba AlKhushani reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ prohibited the eating of all fanged beasts. Ibn Shihab said: I did not bear of this from our Ulama in the Hijaz; until Abu Idris narrated that to me and he was one of the jurists of Syria.  +
  • Abu Thalaba AlKhushani reported: I came to
    Abu Thalaba AlKhushani reported: I came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said: Allah Messenger; we are in the land of the People of the Book; so we eat in their utensils; and live in a hunting region. where I hunt with; the help of my bow; and hunt with my trained dog; or with my dog which is not trained. So inform me what is lawful Halal for us out of that. He the Holy Prophet said: Regarding what you have mentioned of the fact that you live in the land belonging to the People of the Book and so you eat in their utensils; but if you can get utensils other than theirs; then dont eat in them; but if you do not find any; then wash them and eat in them. And regarding what you have mentioned about your living in a hunting region; what you hunt; strike with the help of your bow; recite the name of Allah while shooting an arrow and then eat; and what you catch with the help of your trained dog; recite the name of Allah while letting oil the dog and then eat it; and what you get with the help of your untrained dog; if you find it alive and slaughter it according to the law of the Shariah ; eat it.
    ording to the law of the Shariah ; eat it.  +
  • Abu Thalaba reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying about one who comes three days later on the game he has shot: Eat it; provided it has not gone rotten.  +
  • Abu Thalaba reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having said this: If you shoot with your arrow and the game goes out of your sight and you find it later on ; then eat that if it has not gone rotten.  +
  • Abu Thalaba reported that Allah Apostle may peace be upon prohibited the eating of every fanged beast of prey. Zuhri added: We did not bear of it until we came to Syria.  +
  • Abu Thalaba reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ prohibited the eating of the flesh of domestic asses.  +
  • Abu Thalabah AlKhushani said: I said: O Me
    Abu Thalabah AlKhushani said: I said: O Messenger of Allah; we live in a land where people hunt; and I hunt with my bow and with my trained dog; and with trained dog; and with my dog which ins not trained. He said: whatever you catch with your bow; mention the name of Allah over it and eat. Whatever you catch with the trained dog; mention the name of Allah over it and eat. Whatever you catch with your untrained dog and you reach it while it is still alive; then slaughter it; and eat. Sahih
    l alive; then slaughter it; and eat. Sahih  +
  • Abu Thalabah AlKhushani said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ prohibited eating fanged beasts of prey.  +
  • Abu Thalabah Alkhushani said that he asked
    Abu Thalabah Alkhushani said that he asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : We live in the neighbourhood of the People of the Book and they cook in their pots the flesh of swine and drink wine in their vessels. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: If you find any other pots; then eat in them and drink. But if you do not find any others; then wash them with water and eat and drink In them.
    them with water and eat and drink In them.  +
  • Abu Tilha; the Companion of Allah Messenge
    Abu Tilha; the Companion of Allah Messenger ﷺ ; reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having said: Verily; angels do not enter the house in which there is a picture. Busr reported: Zaid fell ill and we went to inquire after his health and found that there was hanging at his door a curtain with a picture on it. I said to Ubaidullah Khaulani who had been under the patronage of Maimuna; the wife of Allah Apostle ﷺ : Did not Zaid himself inform us before about the Holy Prophet command pertaining to the pictures ; whereupon Ubaidullah said: Did you not hear when he said: Except the prints on the cloth?
    n he said: Except the prints on the cloth?  +
  • Abu Tufail Amir Bin Withila reported: I wa
    Abu Tufail Amir Bin Withila reported: I was in the company of Ali Bin Abi Talib; when a person came to him; and said: What was it that Allah Apostle ﷺ told you in secret? Thereupon he liadrat All was enraged and said: Allah Apostle ﷺ did not tell me anything in secret that he hid from people; except that he told me four things. He said: Com- mader of Faithful; what are these? He said: Allah cursed him who cursed his father; Allah cursed him who sacrificed for anyone besides Allah; and Allah cursed him who accommodates an innovator in religion ; and Allah cursed him who changed the minarets the boundary lines of the land.
    e minarets the boundary lines of the land.  +