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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #4,201.

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List of results

  • Aisha narrated: Whenever one of the wives
    Aisha narrated: Whenever one of the wives of the Messenger of Allah s.a.w became feverishly ill; he would order that some broth be prepared. Then he would tell them to take some of the broth. And he would say: It firms the heart of the grieved; and it rids the worries from the heart of the ill just as one of you removes dirt from her face with water.
    you removes dirt from her face with water.  +
  • Aisha narrated: the Messenger of Allah performed the Ifrad form of Hajj.  +
  • Aisha narrated; saying: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever supplicates against the one who wronged him has triumphed.  +
  • Aisha observed that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to observe prayer in the night and the last of his night prayer was Witr.  +
  • Aisha ra narrated that : the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to remember Allah in all of his affairs.  +
  • Aisha ra said: The Prophet ﷺ would not sle
    Aisha ra said: The Prophet ﷺ would not sleep until he recited AlZumar and Banu Israil. Muhammad Bin Ismail informed me: This Abu Lubabahs a narrator in the chain name is Marwan; the freed slave of Abdulrahman Bin Ziyad. He heard from Aisha; and Hammad Bin Zaid heard from him.
    Aisha; and Hammad Bin Zaid heard from him.  +
  • Aisha ra said; When Allah Messenger ﷺ died; we had been satisfied by the two black things; i.e.; dates and water.  +
  • Aisha reported : Umm Habibah asked the pro
    Aisha reported : Umm Habibah asked the prophet ﷺ about the blood which flows beyond the period of menstruation. Aisha said: I saw her wash-tub full of blood. The apostle of Allah ﷺ said; Keep away from prayer equal to the length of time that your menses prevented you. Then wash yourself.Abu Dawud said: Qutaibah mentioned the name Jaftar Bin Rabiah in the middle of the text of the tradition for the second time i.e.; Qutaibah; being doubtful about the narrator Jafar Bin Rabiah; mentioned his name twice: once in the chain and again while reporting the text. Ali Bin Ayash and yunus Bin Muhammad reported it on the authority of AlLaith. They mentioned the name Jafar Bin Rabiah.
    They mentioned the name Jafar Bin Rabiah.  +
  • Aisha reported : When the Messenger of All
    Aisha reported : When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would take a bath because of sexual defilement; according to the version of Sulaiman; in the beginning he would pour water with his right hand upon his left hand ; and according to the version of Mousaddad; he would wash both hands pouring water from the vessel upon his right hand. According to the agreed version; he then would wash the private part. He would then perform ablution as he did for prayer; then put his hands in the vessel and made the water go through his hair. When he knew that water had reached the entire surface of the body and cleaned it well; he would pour water upon his head three times. If some water was left; he would pour it also upon himself.
    left; he would pour it also upon himself.  +
  • Aisha reported : When the Prophet ﷺ wanted to eat or sleep; he would perform ablution. She meant that the prophet did so when he was sexually defiled.  +
  • Aisha reported : when the Messenger of All
    Aisha reported : when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ wanted to wash himself because of sexual defilement; he called for a vessel like HILAB a vessel used for milking the camel. He then took a handful of water and began to pour it on the right side of his head and then on the left side. He then took water in both his hands together and poured it on his head.
    hands together and poured it on his head.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The best of condiments or condiment is vinegar.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: When anyone amongst you dozes in prayer; he should sleep; till sleep is gone; for when one of you prays while dozing he does not know whether he may be asking pardon or vilifying himself.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: He who is examined thoroughly In reckoning is undone.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying:
    Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Everyone who is reckoned thoroughly is undone. I said: Allah Messenger; has Allah not called reckoning as easy reckoning? Thereupon he said.. It implies only presenta- tion of one deeds to Him ; but if one is thoroughly examined in reckoning; he in fact is undone.
    amined in reckoning; he in fact is undone.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Apostle ﷺ saying: If a company of Muslims numbering one hundred pray over a dead person; all of them interceding for him; their intercession for him will be accepted.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Mdssenger ﷺ having said this: Five are the vicious and harmful things which should be killed even within the precincts of Haram: rat; scorpion; crow. kite and voracious dog.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger as saying: The two rakahs at dawn are better than this world and what it contains.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The most despicable amongst persons in the eye of Allah is one who tries to fall into dispute with others for nothing but only to display his knowledge and power of argumentation.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying : One who is proficient in the Quran is associated with the noble; upright; recording angels; and he who falters in it; and finds it difficult for him; will have a double reward.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: He who innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid reason commits sin and these are to be rejected.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: He who loves to meet Allah; Allah also loves to meet him; and who dislikes to meet Allah; Allah abhors to meet him. There is death before one is able to meet Allah.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A believer does not undergo the trouble of running a thorn or more than that when Allah effaces his sins.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Gabriel impressed upon me kind treatment towards the neighbour so much that I thought as if he would confer upon him the right of inheritance.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A believer does not receive the trouble of running a thorn or more than that but Allah elevates him in rank or effaces his sins because of that.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Aisha a family which has no dates in their house its members will be hungry; or Aisha the family which has no dates its members may be hungry. He said this twice or thrice.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: When a woman spends something as Sadaqa out of the household of her husband without causing any damage; there is a reward for her and for him too like it for whatever he earned; and for her for the wife because of her spending for the sake of Allah ; and for the trustee also there is a reward like it ; without any reduction from their rewards.
    without any reduction from their rewards.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: When Allah Messenger ﷺ visited the sick he would say: Lord of the people. remove the disease; cure him; for Thou art the great Curer; there is no cure but through Thine healing Power; which leaves nothing of the disease.
    ower; which leaves nothing of the disease.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: When a woman gives in charity some of the food in her house; without causing any damage; there is reward for her for whatever she has given; and a reward for her husband for what he earned. The same applies to the trustee. In no respect does the one diminish the reward of the other.
    the one diminish the reward of the other.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: There had been among the people before you inspired persons and if there were any such among my Umma Umar Bin AlKhattab would be one of them. Ibn Wahb explained the word Muhaddathun as those who receive hint from the High Mulhamun.
    e who receive hint from the High Mulhamun.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The ajwa dates of Aliya contain heating effects and these are antidote in the early morning.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Every one of the children of Adam has been created with three hundred and sixty joints; so he who declares the Glory of Allah; praises Allah; declares Allah to be One; Glorifies Allah; and seeks forgiveness from Allah; and removes stone; or thorn; or bone from people path; and enjoins what is good and forbids from evil; to the number of those three hundred and sixty joints; will walk that day having saved himself from the Fire.Abu Taubah said: Perhaps he said: Will reach the evening.
    : Perhaps he said: Will reach the evening.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The acts most pleasing to Allah are those which are done continuously; even if they are small. and when Aisha did any act she did it continuously.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The tie of kinship is suspended to the Throne and says: He who unites me Allah would unite him and he who severed me Allah would sever him.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: Never did Allah Messenger ﷺ eat to his fill the bread of wheat for three successive days until he had run the course of his life.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: A family which has dates will not be hungry.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: The hand of a thief should not be cut off but for a quarter of a dinar and upwards.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ did an ac
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ did an act; and held it to be valid. This news reached some persons amongst his Companions and it was felt that they did not approve of it and avoided it. This reaction of theirs was conveyed to him. He stood to deliver an address; and said: What has happened to the people to whom there was conveyed on my behalf a matter for which I granted permission and they disapproved it and avoided it? By Allah; I have the best knowledge of Allah amongst them; and I fear Him most amongst them.
    st them; and I fear Him most amongst them.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ forbidding the preparation of Nabidh in varnished jar; green pitcher; gourd; and hollow stump;  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having said: None of you should say: My soul has become evil; but he should say: My soul has become remorseless. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Abu Bakr with a slight variation of wording.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having sa
    Aisha reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having said: I saw you in a dream for three nights when an angel brought you to me in a silk cloth and he said: Here is your wife; and when I removed the cloth from your face; lo; it was yourself; so I said: If this is from Allah; let Him carry it out.
    this is from Allah; let Him carry it out.  +
  • Aisha reported Allah messenger ﷺ as saying: Fever is from the vehement raging of the Hell-fire; so cool it with water.  +
  • Aisha reported The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ as saying One or two sucks does not make marriage unlawful.  +
  • Aisha reported The Messenger of Allah ﷺ as
    Aisha reported The Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying When a woman gives some of the property from her husbands house; not wasting it; she will have her reward for what she has spent; and her husband will have his for what he earned. The said applies to a trustee. In no respect does the one diminish the reward of the other.
    the one diminish the reward of the other.  +
  • Aisha reported a similar tradition from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Aisha reported in connection with the word
    Aisha reported in connection with the words of Allah; the Exalted: He who is rich should abstain; and he who is poor may reasonably eat out of it that this was revealed in relation to the guardian of an orphan who is poor; he may get out of that what is reasonable keeping in view his own status of solvency.
    eeping in view his own status of solvency.  +
  • Aisha reported on the authority of Umm Sul
    Aisha reported on the authority of Umm Sulaim AlAnsariyah; who was the mother of Anas Bin Malik; said: Messenger of Allah. Allah is not ashamed of truth what do you think; if a woman sees what a man sees in dream; should she take a bath or not? The prophet ﷺ replied: Yes; she should take a bath if she finds the liquid vaginal secretion Aisha said : Then I came upon her and said her : Woe to you! Does a woman see that sexual dream ? In the meantime; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came upon me and said: May your right hand be covered with dust! How can there be the resemblance i.e.; between the child and the mother ?Abu Dawud said: A similar version has been narrated by Zubaid; Uqail; Yunus; cousin of AlZuhri; Ibn Abi Wazir; on the authority of AlZuhr; Mousan; AlHajabi; like AlZuhri; narrated on the authority of Urwah from Aisha; but Hisham Bin Urwah narrated from Urwah on the authority of Zainab daughter of Abu Salamah from Umm Salamah saying. Umm Sulaim came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    m Sulaim came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Aisha reported she had a cloth havinc; pictures upon it and it was hanging upon the shelf and Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Take it away from me from my sight ; so I removed it and made cushions from that.  +
  • Aisha reported she had borrowed from Asma
    Aisha reported she had borrowed from Asma her sister a necklace and it was lost. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent men to search for it. As it was the time for prayer; they offered prayer without ablution as water was not available there. When they came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; they made a complaint about it; and the verses pertaining to tayammum were revealed. Upon this Usaid Bin Hadair said to Aisha : May Allah grant you a good reward! Never has been there an occasion when you were beset with difficulty and Allah did not make you come out of that and made it an occasion of blessing for the Muslims.
    t an occasion of blessing for the Muslims.  +
  • Aisha reported that Abu Bakr came to her a
    Aisha reported that Abu Bakr came to her and there were with her two girls on Adha days who were singing and beating the tambourine and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had wrapped himself with his mantle. Abu Bakr scolded them. The Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him uncovered his face and said: Abu Bakr; leave them alone for these are the days of Id. And Aisha said: I recapitulate to my mind the fact that once the Messenger of Allah ﷺ screened me with his mantle and I saw the sports of the Abyssinians; and I was only a girl; and so you can well imagine how a girl of tender age is fond of watching the sport.
    tender age is fond of watching the sport.  +