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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #4,251.

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  • Aisha reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ did not marry any other woman till her Khadijas death.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ forbade the preparation of Nabidh in gourd and varnished jar.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ went o
    Aisha reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ went out one norning wearing a striped cloak of the black camel hair that there cameAlHassan Bin Ali. He wrapped hitn under it; then came Husain and he wrapped him under it along with the other one Hassan. Then came Fatima and he took her under it; then came Ali and he also took him under it and then said: Allah only desires to take away any uncleanliness from you; O people of the household; and purify you thorough purifying
    usehold; and purify you thorough purifying  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ went out one morning wearing a blanket made of camel or sheeps black hair with patterns of camel saddles upon it.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may pe
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may peace be uport him said. Satirise against the non-believing amongst the Quraish; for the satire is more grievous to them than the hurt of an arrow. So he the Holy Prophet sent someone to Ibn Rawiha and asked him to satirise against them; and he composed a satire; but it did not appeal to him to the Holy Prophet. He then sent someone to Kaab Bin Malik to do the same; but what he composed did not appeal to the Holy Prophet. He then sent one to Hassan Bin Thabit. As he got into his presence; Hassan said: Now you have called for this lion who strikes the enemies with his tail. He then brought out his tongue and began to move it and said: By Him Who has sent you with Truth; I shall tear them with my tongue as the leather is torn. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Dont be hasty; let Abu Bakr who has the best know- ledge of the lineage of the Quraish draw a distinction for you in regard to my lineage; as my lineage is thesame as theirs. Hassan then came to him Abu Bakr and after making inquiry in regard to the lineage of the Holy Prophet came back to him the holy Prophet and said: Allah Messenger; he Abu Bakr has drawn a distinction in vour lineage and that of the Quraish By Him Who has sent you with Truth; I shall draw out from them your name as hair is drawn out from the flour. Aisha said: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying to Hassin: Verily Ruh AlQudus would continue to help you so long as you put up a defence on behalf of Allah and His Messenger. And she said: I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ saying: Hassan satirised against them and gave satisfaction to the Muslims and disquieted the non-Muslims. You satirised Muhammad; but I replied on his behalf; And there is reward with Allah for this. You satirised Muhammad. virtuous; righteous; The Apostle of Allah; whose nature is truthfulness. So verily my father and his father and my honour Are a protection to the honour of Muhammad; May I lose my dear daughter; if you dont see her; Wiping away the dust from the two sides of Kada; They pull at the rein; going upward; On their shoulders are spears thirsting for the blood of the enemy ; our steeds are sweating-our women wipe them with their mantles. If you had not interfered with us; we would have performed the Umra; And then there was the Victory; and the darkness cleared away. Otherwise wait for the fighting on the day in which Allah will honour whom He pleases. And Allah said: I have sent a servant who says the Truth in which there is no ambiguity; And Allah said: I have prepared an army-they are the Ansar whose object is fighting the enemy ; There reaches every day from Maadd abuse; or fighting or satire; Whoever satirises the Apostle from amongst you; or praises him and helps it is all the same; And Gabriel; the Messenger of Allah is among us; and the Holy Spirit who has no match.
    us; and the Holy Spirit who has no match.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may peace he upon him gave glad tidings to Khadija bint Khuwailid of a palace in Paradise.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may pe
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may peace he upon him lay on bed during one night and said: Were there a pious person from amongst my companions who should keep a watch for me during the nightt? She said: We heard the noise of arms; whereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Who is it? And Saad Bin Abi Waqqas said: Allah MesseDger. I have come to serve as your sentinel. Aisha said: Allah s Messenger ﷺ slept such a sound sleep that I heard the noise of his snoring.
    eep that I heard the noise of his snoring.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may pe
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger may peace he upon him laid down on bed during one night on his arrival at Medina and said: Were there a pious person from amongst my Companions who should keep a watch for me durin. the night? She Aisha reported: We were in this state that we heard the clanging noise of arms. lie the Holy Prophet said: Who is it? He said: This is Saad Bin Abi Waqqas. Allah Messenger ﷺ said to him: What brings you here? Thereupon he said: I harboured fear lest any harm should come to Allah Messenger ﷺ ; so I came to serve as your sentinel. Allah Messenger ﷺ invoked blessings upon him. He then slept. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Ibn Rumh with a slight variation of wording.
    n Rumh with a slight variation of wording.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ duri
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ during his last illness inquired: Where I would be tomorrow; where I would be tomorrow thinking; that the turn of Aisha was not very near and when it was my turn; Allah called him to his Heavenly Home and his head was between my neck and chest.
    nd his head was between my neck and chest.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ used
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ used to make these supplications: O Allah; I seek refuge in Thee from the trial of Hell-Fire; and from the torment of Hell-Fire; and from the trial of the grave and torment of the grave; and from the evil of the trial of the affluence and from the evil of the trial of poverty and I seek refuge in Thee from the evil of the turmoil of the Dajjal. O Allah; wash away my sins with snow and hail water; purify my heart from the sins as is purified the white garment from the dirt; and keep away at a distance the sins from me as yawns the distance between the East and the West; O Allah; I seek refuge in Thee from sloth; from senility; from sin; and from debt.
    h; from senility; from sin; and from debt.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: He who loves to meet Allah; Allah loves to meet him; and he who dislikes to meet Allah; Allah abhors to meet him. I Aisha said: Allah Apostle; so far as the feeling of aversion against death is concerned; we all have this feeling. Thereupon he the Holy Prophet said: It is not that which you construe ; but this that when a believer at the time of death is given the glad tidings of the mercy of Allah; His Pleasure; and of Paradise; he loves to meet Allah; and Allah also loves to meet him; and when an unbeliever is given the news of the torment at the Hand of Allah; and Hardship to be imposed by Him; he dislikes to meet Allah and Allah also abhors to meet him.
    t Allah and Allah also abhors to meet him.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: The Angels were born out of light and the Jinns were born out of the spark of fire and Adam was born as he has been defined in the Quran for you i. e. he is fashioned out of clay.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ had died in a state that they could afford to eat two things only: water and dates.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ call
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ called his daughter Fatima during his last illness. He said. to her something secretly and she wept. He again said to her something secretly and she laughed. Aisha further reported that she said to Fatima: What is that which Allah Messenger ﷺ said to you secretly and you wept and then said to you something secretly and you laughed? Thereupon she said: He informed me secretly of his death and so I wept. He then again informed me secretly that I would be the first amongst the members of his family to follow him and so I laughed.
    his family to follow him and so I laughed.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ commanded the killing of a snake having stripes over it; for it affects eyesight and miscarries pregnancy.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ in h
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ in his last illness asked me to call Abu Bakr; her father; and her brother too; so that he might write a document; for he feared that someone else might be desirous of succeeding him and that some claimant may say: I have better claim to it; whereas Allah and the Faithful do not substantiate the claim of anyone but that of Abu Bakr.
    the claim of anyone but that of Abu Bakr.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ at the time of breathing his last was reclining against her chest and she was leaning over him and listening to him as he was saying: O Allah; grant me pardon; show mercy to me; enjoin me to companions on High.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ commanded the use of incantation for curing the influence of an evil eye.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ cut off the hand of a thief for a quarter of a dinar rid upwards.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ neve
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ never beat anyone with his hand; neither a woman nor a servant; but only; in the case when he had been fighting in the cause of Allah and he never took revenge for anything unless the things made inviolable by Allah were made violable; he then took revenge for Allah; the Exalted and Glorious.
    venge for Allah; the Exalted and Glorious.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ died
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ died in such a state that there had been nothing in my wooden tub which a living being could afford to eat but a handful of barley. I had been eating out of that for a fairly long duration when I thought of measuring it and it was almost finished.
    f measuring it and it was almost finished.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said to her: Gabriel offered you greetings and I said: So there should be peace and mercy of Allah upon him.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was startled in the state of sleep. We said: Allah Messenger; you have done something in the state of your sleep which you never did before; Thereupon he said: Strange it is that some people of my Ummah would attack the House Kaba for killing a person who would belong to the tribe of the Quraish and he would try to seek protection in the House. And when they would reach the plain ground they would be sunk. We said: Allah Messenger; all sorts of people throng the path. Thereupon he said: Yes; there would be amongst them people who would come with definite designs and those who would come under duress and there would be travellers also; but they would all be destroyed through one stroke of destruction. though they would be raised in different states on the Day of Resurrection. Allah would; however; raise them according to their intention.
    ; raise them according to their intention.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said about the gecko as a noxious creature. Harmala made this addition that she said: I did not hear that he had commanded to kill them.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ reci
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ recited these verses of the Quran : He it is Who revealed to thee Muhammad the Book the Quran wherein there are clear revelations-these are the substance of the Book and others are allegorical verses. And as for those who have a yearning for error they go after the allegorical verses seeking to cause dissension; by seeking to explain them. And none knows their implications but Allah; and those who are sound in knowledge say: We affirm our faith in everything which is from our Lord. It is only the persons of understanding who really heed iii. 6. Aisha further reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said in connection with these verses : When you see such verses; avoid them; for it is they whom Allah has pointed out in the mentioned verses.
    h has pointed out in the mentioned verses.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ ente
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ entered my apartment and I had hung on the door of my apartment a thin curtain having pictures on it. The colour of his face underwent a change. He then took hold of that curtain and tore it and then said: The most grievous torfnent for the people on the Day of Resurrection would be for those who try to imitate Allah in the act of creation.
    y to imitate Allah in the act of creation.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ died when he had attained the age of sixty-three. And a hadith like this had been transmitted on the authority of Saeed Bin Mousayib.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was asked about it; whereupon he said that everything that causes intoxication is forbidden.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ said: He who is taken to account on the Day of Resurrection is in fact put to torment. I said: Has Allah; the Exalted and Glorious; not said this: He will be made subject to an easy reckoning Ixxxiv. 8 ? Thereupon he said: What it implies is not the actual reckoning; but only the presentation of one deeds to Him. He who is thoroughly examined in reckoning is put to torment.
    y examined in reckoning is put to torment.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was affected with a spell; the rest of the hadith is the same but with this variation of wording: Allah Messenger ﷺ went to the well and looked towards it and there were trees of date-palm near it. I Aisha said: I asked Allah& Messenger ﷺ to bring it out; and 1 did not say: Why did not you burn it? And there is no mention of these words: I commanded to bury them and they buried.
    rds: I commanded to bury them and they buried.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ gran
    Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ granted permission for doing a thing; but some persons amongst the people avoided it. This was conveyed to Allah Apostle ﷺ ; and he was so much annoyed that the sign of his anger appeared on his face. He then said: What has happened to the people that they avoid that for which permission has been granted to me? By Allah; I have the best knowledge of Allah amongst them; and fear Him most amongst them.
    ngst them; and fear Him most amongst them.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ gave option to his wives; but it was not a divorce.  +
  • Aisha reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ granted sanction to the members of a family of the Ansar for incantation for removing the effects of the poison of the scorpion.  +
  • Aisha reported that Gabriel ﷺ made a promi
    Aisha reported that Gabriel ﷺ made a promise with Allah Messenger ﷺ to come at a definite hour; that hour came but he did not visit him. And there was in his hand in the hand of Allah Apostle a staff. He threw it from his hand and said: Never has Allah or His messengers angels ever broken their promise. Then he cast a glance and by chance found a puppy under his cot and said: Aisha; when did this dog enter here? She said: By Allah; I dont know He then commanded and it was turned out. Then Gabriel came and Allah Messenger ﷺ said to him: You promised me and I waited for you; but you did not come; whereupon he said: It was the dog in your house which prevented me to come ; for we angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.
    ouse in which there is a dog or a picture.  +
  • Aisha reported that Hala Bin Khuwailid sis
    Aisha reported that Hala Bin Khuwailid sister of Khadija sought permission from Allah Messenger ﷺ to see him and he was reminded of Khadija manner of asking leave to enter and was overwhelmed with emotions thereby and said: O Allah; it is Hala; daughter of Khuwailid; and I felt jealous and said: Why do you remember one of those old women of the Quraish with gums red and who is long dead-while Allah has given you a better one in her stead?
    h has given you a better one in her stead?  +
  • Aisha reported that Harith Bin Hisham aske
    Aisha reported that Harith Bin Hisham asked Allah Apostle ﷺ : How does the the wahi inspiration come to you? He said: At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me and when it is over I retain that what I had received in the form of wahi ; and at times an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me and speaks and I retain whatever he speaks.
    nd speaks and I retain whatever he speaks.  +
  • Aisha reported that Hassin said: Allah Mes
    Aisha reported that Hassin said: Allah Messenger; permit me to write satire against Abu Sufyan; whereupon he said: How can it be because I am also related to him? Thereupon he Hassan said: By Him Who has honoured you. I shall draw you out from them their family just as hair is drawn out from the fermented flour. Thereupon Hassan said: The dignity and greatness belongs to the tribe of Bint Makhzum from amongst the tribe of Hisham; whereas your father was a slave.
    f Hisham; whereas your father was a slave.  +
  • Aisha reported that Hind came to Allah Apo
    Aisha reported that Hind came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; by Allah; there was no other household upon the surface of the earth than your household about which I cherished Allah bringing disgrace upon it; and now there is no other household upon the surface of the earth than your household about which I cherish Allah granting it honour. Allah Apostle ﷺ said: It is so; by Him in Whose Hand is my life She said: Allah Messenger; Abu Sufyan is a niggardly person. Is there any harm for me if I spend upon his children out of his wealth without his permission? Thereupon Allah Apostle ﷺ said: There is no harm for you if you spend upon them what is reasonable.
    if you spend upon them what is reasonable.  +
  • Aisha reported that Hind; daughter of Utba
    Aisha reported that Hind; daughter of Utba h. Rabi; came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said: Allah Messenger; by Allah; there was no household upon the surface of the earth than your household about which I cherished that it should be disgraced. But today there is no household on the surface of the earth than your household about which I cherish that it be honoured Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said. It will increase; by Him in Whose Hand is my life. She then said: Messenger of Allah; Abu Sufyan is a niggardly person; is there any harm for me if I spend out of that which belongs to him on our children? He said to her: No; but only that what is reasonable.
    her: No; but only that what is reasonable.  +
  • Aisha reported that Sauda Allah he pleated
    Aisha reported that Sauda Allah he pleated with her went out in the fields in order to answer the call of nature even after the time when veil had been prescribed for women. She had been a bulky lady; significant in height amongst the women; and she could not conceal herself from him who had known her. Umar Bin AlKhattab saw her and said: Sauda; by Allah; you cannot conceal from us. Therefore; be careful when you go out. She Aisha said: She turned back. Allah Messenger ﷺ was at that time in my house having his evening meal and there was a bone in his hand. She Sauda cline and said: Allah Messenger. I went out and Umar said to me so and so. She Aisha reported: There came the revelation to him and then it was over; the bone was then in his hand and he had not thrown it and he said: Permission has been granted to you that you may go out for your needs.
    to you that you may go out for your needs.  +
  • Aisha reported that Umar misconstrued the fact that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had prohibited the observance of prayer at the time of the rising sun and at the time of its setting.  +
  • Aisha reported that a eunuch used to come
    Aisha reported that a eunuch used to come to the wives of Allah Apostle ﷺ and they did not And anything objectionable in his visit considering him to be a male without any sexual desire. Allah Apostle ﷺ one day came as he was sitting with some of his wives and he was busy in describing the bodily characteristics of a lady and saying: As the comes in front tour folds appear on her front side and as she turns her back eight folds appear on the back side. Thereupon Allah Apostle ﷺ said: I me that he knows these things; do not; therefore. allow him to cater. She Aisha said: Then they began to observe veil from him.
    Then they began to observe veil from him.  +
  • Aisha reported that a girl of the Ansar wh
    Aisha reported that a girl of the Ansar who had fallen ill and had lost the hair was married. They her relatives thought of adding false hair to her head. so they asked Allah Messenger ﷺ about it; whereupon he cursed the woman who adds false hair and the woman who asks for it.
    false hair and the woman who asks for it.  +
  • Aisha reported that a group of Jews came t
    Aisha reported that a group of Jews came to Allah Messenger ﷺ and sought his audience and said: AlSam-u-Alaikum. Aisha said in response: AlSam-u-Alaikum death be upon you and curse also; whereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Aisha; verily Allah loves kindness in every matter. She said: Did you bear what they said? Thereupon he said: Did you not hear that I said to them : Wa Alaikum.
    not hear that I said to them : Wa Alaikum.  +
  • Aisha reported that a person asked Allah A
    Aisha reported that a person asked Allah Apostle ﷺ as to who amongst the people were the best. He said: Of the generation to which I belong; then of the second generation generation adjacent to my generation ; then of the third generation generation adjacent to the second generation.
    eration adjacent to the second generation.  +
  • Aisha reported that a person came to the A
    Aisha reported that a person came to the Apottle of Allah ﷺ asking for a fatwa religious verdict. She Aisha had been overhearing it from behind the curtain. Aisha added that he the person had said: Messenger of Allah; the time of prayer overtakes me as I am in a state of junub; should I observe fast in this state ? Upon this the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: At times the time of prayer overtakes me while I am in a state of junub; and I observe fast in that very state ; whereupon he said: Messenger of Allah; you are not like us Allah has pardoned all your sins; the previous ones and the later ones. Upon this he the Holy Prophet said: By Allah; I hope I am the most God-fearirg of you; and possess the best knowledge among you of those things against which I should guard.
    those things against which I should guard.  +
  • Aisha reported that a person sought permis
    Aisha reported that a person sought permission from Allah Apostle ﷺ to see him. He said: Grant him permission. and also added: He is a bad son of his tribe or he is a bad person of his tribe. When he came in he used kind words for him. Aisha reported that she said: Allah Messenger; you said about him what you had to say and then you treated him with kindness. He said: Aisha; verily in the eye of Allah; worst amongst the person in rank on the Day of Resurrection is one whom the people abandon or desert out of the fear of indecency.
    on or desert out of the fear of indecency.  +
  • Aisha reported that a woman from the Ansar
    Aisha reported that a woman from the Ansar married her daughter who had lost her hair because of illness. She came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: Her husband wants that false hair should be aaded to her head. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: The woman who adds false hair has been cursed. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Nafi with the same chain of transmitters but with a slight variation of wording.
    rs but with a slight variation of wording.  +
  • Aisha reported that a woman from the tribe
    Aisha reported that a woman from the tribe of Makhzum used to borrow things from people and then denied having taken them. Allah Apostle ﷺ commanded her hand to be cut off. Her relatives came to Usama Bin Zaid and spoke to him requesting him to intercede on her behalf. He spoke to Allah Messenger ﷺ about her. The rest of the hadith is the same.
    t her. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Aisha reported that a woman said: Allah Me
    Aisha reported that a woman said: Allah Messenger; may I say to my co-wife that my husband has given me such and such a thing but which he has not in fact gives me? Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: The one who makes a false statement of that which one has not been given is like one who wears a garment of falsehood.
    like one who wears a garment of falsehood.  +