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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #4,751.

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  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that Abu Burda sl
    AlBara Bin Azib reported that Abu Burda slaughtered the animal as a sacrifice before the Id prayer. Thereupon Allah Apostle ﷺ said: Offer a substitute for it since it does not absolve you of the responsibility of sacrifice. Thereupon he said: Allah Messenger. I have nothing with me but a goat of less than six months. Shuba one of the narrators said: I think he AlBara Bin Azib also said: And it is better than a goat of one year. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Make it a substitute for that and sacrifice it ; but it will not suffice for anyone as a sacrifice after you.
    ffice for anyone as a sacrifice after you.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that Allah Messen
    AlBara Bin Azib reported that Allah Messenger in ﷺ commanded a person in these words : When you go to bed during night; you should say: O Allah; I surrender myself to Thee and entrust my affair to Thee; with hope in Thee and fear of Thee. There is no resort and no deliverer from hardship but Thou. I affirm my faith in the Book which Thou revealed and in the Messengers whom Thou sent. If you die in this state you would die on Fitra; and Ibn Bashshdr did not make a mention of night in this hadith.
    ot make a mention of night in this hadith.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that Allahs; Mess
    AlBara Bin Azib reported that Allahs; Messenger may peace be upon said: When you go to bed; perform ablution as is done for prayer; then lie down pn the right side and recite: O Allah; I turn my face towards Thee and entrust my affair to Thee. I retreat unto Thee for protection with hope in Thee and fear of Thee. There is no resort and no deliverer from hardship but Thou only. I affirm my faith in Thine books which Thou revealed and in Thine Apostles whom Thou sent. Make this as the last word of yours when you go to sleep and in case you die during that night; you would die upon Fitra upon Islam. And as I repeated these words in order to commit them to memory; I said: I affirm my faith in Thy Messenger Rasul whom Thou sent. He said: Say: I affirm my faith in the Apostle Nabi whom Thou sent.
    faith in the Apostle Nabi whom Thou sent.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that he said prayer with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he recited: By the Fig and the Olive.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that his maternal
    AlBara Bin Azib reported that his maternaluncle Abu Burda Bin Niyar sacrificed his animal earlier than the Prophet ﷺ had sacrificed. Thereupon he said: Apostle of Allah; it is the day of meat and it is not desirable to have longing for it and not to make use of it immediately ; so I hastened in offering my animal as a sacrifice; so that I might feed my family and neighbours and my kith and kin. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Offer again your sacrifice. He said: Messenger of Allah; I have a small milch goat of less than one year; and that is better than two dry goats from which only meat can be acquired. Thereupon he said: That is better than the two animals of sacrifice on your behalf; and the sacrifice of a goat; of less than six months shall not be accepted as a sacrifice on behalf of anyone after your sacrifice.
    on behalf of anyone after your sacrifice.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported that this verse: Allah keeps those who believe steadfast with firm word in this world and the Hereafter was revealed in connection with the torment of the grave.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported the Messenger of
    AlBara Bin Azib reported the Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: When a Muslim is questioned in the grave he testifies that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allahs Apostle. That is verified by Allahs words: Allah establishes those who believe with the word that stands firm.
    ho believe with the word that stands firm.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ addressed us on the Day Of AlNahr after the Id prayer. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: Allah Messenger
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ delivered an address on the Day Of AlNahr in which he said: None of you should offer sacrifice of animals until he has completed the Id prayer. Thereupon my maternal uncle said: Messenger of Allah; it is the day of meat; so it is not desirable to keep my family in the state of longing. The rest of the hadith is the same.
    nging. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: Allah Messenger
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: Allah Messenger ﷺ addressed us on the Day Of AlNahr and said: None should sacrifice the animal unless he has completed the Id prayer. A person said: I have a milch goat of less than one year; better than two fat goats. Thereupon he said: Sacrifice it; and no goat of less than a year of age will be accepted as sacrifice after you.
    e will be accepted as sacrifice after you.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reciting in the night prayer: By the Fig and the Olive; and I have never heard anyone with a sweeter voice than he.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: I noticed the pr
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: I noticed the prayer of Muhammad ﷺ and saw his Qiyam standing ; his bowing; and then going back to the standing posture after bowing; his prostration; his sitting between the two prostrations; and his prostration and sitting between salutation and going away; all these were nearly equal to one another.
    ll these were nearly equal to one another.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: I said prayer wi
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: I said prayer with the Apostle ﷺ turning towards Bait AlMaqdis for sixteen months till this verse of Surah Baqara wis revealed: And wherever you are turn your faces towards it ii. 144. This verse was revealed when the Apostle ﷺ had said prayer. A person amongst his people passed by the people of Ansar as they were engaged in prayer. He narrated to them this command of Allah and they turned their faces towards the Kaba.
    they turned their faces towards the Kaba.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with AlHasan Bin Ali placed upon his shoulders and he was saying: O Allah; I love him; and love him Thou.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: I sawAlHassan Bin Ali upon the shoulders of Allah Apostle ﷺ and he was saying: O Allah; I love him; and love him Thou.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: There happened t
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: There happened to pass by Allah Apostle ﷺ a Jew blackened and lashed. Allah Apostle ﷺ called them the Jews and said: Is this the punishment that you find in your Book Torah as a prescribed punishment for adultery? They said: Yes. He the Holy Prophet called one of the scholars amongst them and said: I ask you in the name of Allah Who sent down the Torah on Moses if that is the prescribed punishment for adultery that you find in your Book. He said: No. Had you not asked me in the name of Allah; I would not have given you this information. We find stoning to death as punishment prescribed in the Torah. But this crime became quite common amongst our aristocratic class. So when we caught hold of any rich person indulging in this offence we spared him; but when we caught hold of a helpless person we imposed the prescribed punishment upon him. We then said: Let us argree on a punishment which we can inflict both upon the rich and the poor. So We decided to blacken the face with coal and flog as a substitute punishment for stoning. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: O Allah; I am the first to revive Thy command when they had made it dead. He then commanded and he the offender was stoned to death. Allah; the Majestic and Glorious; sent down this verse : O Messenger; the behaviour of those who vie with one another in denying the truth should not grieve you... up to is vouchsafed unto you; accept it v. 41 2176 It was said by the Jews : Go to Muhammad; it he commands you to blacken the face and award flogging as punishment for adultery ; then accept it; but it he gives verdict for stoning; then avoid it. It was then that Allah; the Majestic and Great; sent down these verses : And they who do not judge in accordance with what Allah has revealed are; indeed; deniers of the truth v. 44 ; And they who do not judge in accordance with what Allah has revealed-they; they indeed are the wrongdoers v. 45 ; And they who do not judge in accordance with what God has revealed-they are the iniquitous v. 47. All these verses were revealed in connection with the non-believers.
    aled in connection with the non-believers.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib reported: This verse was r
    AlBara Bin Azib reported: This verse was revealed in this way : Guard the prayers and the Asr prayer. We recited it in this very way so long as Allah desired. Allah; then; abrogated it and it was revealed: Guard the prayers; and the middle prayer. A person who was sitting with Shaqiq one of the narrators in the chain of transmitters said: Now it implies the Asr prayer. Upon this AlBara said: I have already informed you how this verse was revealed and how Allah abrogated it; and Allah knows best.
    Allah abrogated it; and Allah knows best.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me: when you go to bed while you are in the state of purification; lay your head on your right hand. He then mentioned the rest of the tradition in a similar manner as above.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said : The Messenger of Al
    AlBara Bin Azib said : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me: When you go to your bed; perform ablution like the ablution for prayer; and then lie on your right side and say: O Allah I have handed over my face to thee; entrusted my affairs to thee; and committed my back to thee out of desire for and fear to thee. There is no refuge and no place of safety from thee except by having recource to thee. I believe in Thy Book which Thou hast sent down and in Thy prophet whom thou hast sent down. He said : If you die that night ; you would die in the true religion; and utter these words in the last of that you utter other prayers. AlBara said : I said: I memorise them; and then I repeated; saying and in Thy Apostle whom Thou hast sent. He said : No; say : and in Thy Prophet whom Thou hast sent.
    : and in Thy Prophet whom Thou hast sent.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said through another chain of sub-narrators : On the day of Quraidha siege ; Allah Messenger ﷺ said to Hassan Bin Thabit; Abuse them with your poems ; and Jibril is with you.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said: I accompanied the Messenger of Allah on eighteen journeys; and I did not see him leave the two Rakah when the sun waned before Zuhr.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said: The people passed by
    AlBara Bin Azib said: The people passed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with a jew whose face blackened with charcoal and he was being taken around. He adjured them by Allah and asked: What is the prescribed punishment for a fornicator in your Divine book? He the narrator said: They referred him to a man of them. The Prophet ﷺ adjured him and asked: What is the punishment for a fornication in your Divine Book? He replied: Stoning. But fornication spread among our people of rank; so we disliked that a person of rank should be left alone and the punishment be inflicted on one who is lower in rank than him. So we suspended it for us. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then commanded regarding him and he was stoned to death. He then said: O Allah! I am the first to give life to a command of Thy Book which they had killed.
    command of Thy Book which they had killed.  +
  • AlBara Bin Azib said; They the Companions
    AlBara Bin Azib said; They the Companions used to pray along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. When he bowed; they bowed; and when he said; Allah listens to him who praises him; they remained standing until they saw that he placed his placed his forehead on the ground: then they would follow him ﷺ
    n the ground: then they would follow him ﷺ  +
  • AlBara added: I then went with Abu Bakr into his home carrying that saddle and there I saw his daughter Aisha Lying in a bed because of heavy fever and I saw her father Abu Bakr kissing her cheek and saying; How are you; little daughter?  +
  • AlBara b.Azib said ; we used to pray along with the prophet ﷺ ; none of us bowed his back until he saw that the prophet ﷺ bowed his back.  +
  • AlBara bin Azib said When a man fasted and
    AlBara bin Azib said When a man fasted and slept; he could not eat till another nigh like it. Sarmah Bin Qais AlAnsari came to his wife while he was fasting and asked her Do you have something to eat ? She replied No. Let me go and seek something for you. So; she went out and sleep overcame him. She came back and said to him.You are deprived of food. He fainted before noon. He used to work all day long at his land. This was mentioned to the Prophet ﷺ. So the following verse was revealed. Permitted to you on the nights of the fasts; is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what yes used to do secretly amongst yourselves. But he turned to you and forgave you. So now associate with them and seek what Allaah hath ordained for you. And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears to you. He recited up to the words of dawn.
    o you. He recited up to the words of dawn.  +
  • AlBara bin Azib said When the Apostle of A
    AlBara bin Azib said When the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ concluded the treaty with the people of AlHudaibiyah; they stipulated that they the Muslims would not enter Makkah except with the bag of armament julban Alsilah. I asked what is julban Alsilah? He replied: The bag with its contents.
    ah? He replied: The bag with its contents.  +
  • AlBara narrated: The Prophet performed Umrah during Dh AlQadah.  +
  • AlBara reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having s
    AlBara reported Allah Messenger ﷺ having said: He who observes prayer like our prayer and turns his face towards our Qibla in prayer and who offers sacrifices of animals as we do; he must not slaughter the animal as a sacrifice until he has completed the prayer. Thereupon my maternal uncle said: Messenger of Allah; I have sacrificed the animal on behalf of my son. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: This is the thing in which you have made haste for your family. He said: I have a goat with me better than two goats. Thereupon he said: Sacrifice it for that is the best.
    e said: Sacrifice it for that is the best.  +
  • AlBara reported from the Messenger may pea
    AlBara reported from the Messenger may peace and blessing be upon him that he remarked with regard to the Ansar: None but the believer loves them; none but the hypocrite hates them. He who loves them loves Allah and he who hates them hates Allah. I the narrator said: Did you hear this hadith from AlBara? He said: He narrated it to me.
    rom AlBara? He said: He narrated it to me.  +
  • AlBara reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ had the most handsome face amongst men and he had the best disposition and he was neither very tall nor short-statured.  +
  • AlBara reported that Allah Messenger ﷺ was of medium height; having broad shoulders; with his hair hanging down on the lobes of his ears. He put on a red mantle over him; and never have I seen anyone more handsome than Allah Apostle ﷺ.  +
  • AlBara reported that a garment of silk was
    AlBara reported that a garment of silk was presented to Allah Messenger ﷺ. His Companions touched it and admired its softness; there- upon he said: Do you admire the softness of this cloth ? The handkerchiefs of Saad Bin Muadh in Paradise are better than this.
    in Muadh in Paradise are better than this.  +
  • AlBara reported that a person was reciting
    AlBara reported that a person was reciting Surat AlKahf and there was a horse tied with two ropes at his side; a cloud overshadowed him; and as it began to come nearer and nearer his horse began to take fright from it. He went and mentioned that to the Prophet ﷺ in the morning; and he the Holy Prophet said: That was tranquillity which came down at the recitation of the Quran.
    came down at the recitation of the Quran.  +
  • AlBara reported that whenever Allah Messen
    AlBara reported that whenever Allah Messenger ﷺ went to bed; he said: O Allah; it is with Thine Name that I live and it is with Thine Name that I die. And when he got up he used to say: Praise is due to Allah; Who gave us life after our death sleep and unto Thee is resurrection.
    death sleep and unto Thee is resurrection.  +
  • AlBara reported: Abu Bakr purchased a sadd
    AlBara reported: Abu Bakr purchased a saddle from me for thirteen dirhams; the rest of the hadith is the same; and in the narration of Uthman Bin Umar; the words are: He Suraqa Bin Malik drew near Allah Messenger ﷺ ; and he the Holy Prophet cursed him and his camel sank in the earth up to the belly and he jumped from that and said: Muhammad; I am fully aware of It that it is your doing. Supplicate Allah that He should rescue me from it in which I am pitchforked and I give you a solemn pledge that I shall keep this as a secret from all those who are coming after me. Take hold of an arrow out of it quiver for you will find my camels and my slaves at such and such place and you can get whatever you need on showing this arrow. He the Holy Prophet said: I dont need your camels. And we the Prophet and Abu Bakr came to Medina during the night and the people began to contend as to where Allah Messenger ﷺ should reside and he encamped in the tribe of Najjar who were related to Abd AlMuttalib from the side of mother. Allah Messenger ﷺ honoured them; then people climbed upon house-top and women also and boys scattered in the way; and they were all crying: Muhammad; Messenger of Allah; Muhammad; Messenger of Allah.
    er of Allah; Muhammad; Messenger of Allah.  +
  • AlBara reported: My maternal uncle Abu Bur
    AlBara reported: My maternal uncle Abu Burda sacrificed his animal before Id prayer. Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: That is a goat slaughtered for the sake of flesh and not as a sacrifice on the day of Adha. He said: I have a lamb of six months. Thereupon he said: Offer it as a sacrifice; but it will not justify for anyone except you; and then said: He who sacrificed the animal before Id prayer; he in fact slaughtered it for his own self; and he who slaughtered after prayer; his ritual of sacrifice became complete and he in fact observed the religious practice of the Muslims.
    ved the religious practice of the Muslims.  +
  • AlBara reported: Never did I see anyone more handsome than Allah Apostle ﷺ in the red mantle. His hair had been hanging down on the shoulders and his shoulders were very broad; and he was neither very tall nor short-statured. Ibn Kuraib said he had hair.  +
  • AlBara reported: They the Companions said
    AlBara reported: They the Companions said prayer with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and they bowed when he the Holy Prophet bowed. and when he raised his head after bowing; he pronounced: Allah listened to him who praised Him; and we kept standing till we saw him placing his face on the ground and then we followed him.
    ce on the ground and then we followed him.  +
  • AlBara reported: When Allah Messenger ﷺ we
    AlBara reported: When Allah Messenger ﷺ went forth from Mecca to Medina; Suraqa Bin Malik Bin Jushum pursued him. Allah Messenger ﷺ invoked curse upon him; and his horse sank in the desert. He Suraqa said: Allah Messenger ; invoke blessings for me and I will do no harm to you. He the Holy Prophet then supplicated Allah. At that time he the Holy Prophet felt thirsty; and they happened to pass by a shepherd. Abu Bakr AlSiddiq said: I took hold of a bowl and milked some milk into it for Allah Messenger ﷺ and gave it to him. He drank it and I was pleased.
    it to him. He drank it and I was pleased.  +
  • AlBara reported: When we were in prayer with the Messenger of Allah Allah ﷺ none of us benfft his back till we saw he prostrated. Zuhair and others reported: till we saw him prostrating.  +
  • AlBara reported; and he was no liar: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Allah listened to him who praised Him; none of us bent his back till he the Holy Prophet prostrated; we then; afterwards; went down in prostration.  +
  • AlBara said When the Prophet ﷺ fought the polytheists in the battle of Hunain; they the Muslims retreated; he the Prophet came down from his mule and walked on foot.  +
  • AlBara said: I have never seen any man more handsome in a red Hullah than the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL. He said: And I saw his long hair; coming almost to his shoulders.  +
  • AlBara said: Someone presented a bow to the Prophet ﷺ on the Id festival. So he preached leaning on it.  +
  • AlBara said: The Prophet ﷺ used to recite the supplication in the dawn prayer. The version of Ibn Muadh has the words: sunset prayer.  +
  • AlBara said: The prostration observed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; his bowing; and his sitting between the two prostrations were nearly equal.  +
  • AlBara said: We found on the Day of Khaibar domestic asses; and the announcer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ made an announcement that the earthen pots should be turned over.  +
  • AlBara said: When we performed Prayer behind Allah Messenger; he would raise his head from bowing; and no man among us would bend his back until Allah Messenger prostrated; then we prostrated.  +
  • AlBara who is not a liar said; when they the companions raised their heads from bowing along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; they would stand up; and when they saw him that he went down in prostration; they would prostrate following the prophet.  +