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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #4,901.

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  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: A similar narration from another chain linking to this chain is also reported.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: Allah Messenger would straighten our lines. One day he came out and saw a man whose chest was protruding from the people; so he said: You must straighten your lines; or Allah will cause disagreement to occur among your faces.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: I am the most knowledgeable among the people about the prescribed time of this prayer: Allah Messenger would pray it when the moon set on the third of the month.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: I heard the Messe
    AlNuman Bin Bashir said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain; and between them are matters which are not as clear. I will strike a parable for you about that: indeed Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has established a sanctuary; and the sanctuary of Allah is that which He has forbidden. Whoever approaches the sanctuary is bound to transgress upon it; Or he said: Whoever grazes around the sanctuary will soon transgress upon it; and whoever indulges in matters that are not clear; he will soon transgress beyond the limits;
    he will soon transgress beyond the limits;  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: My father took me
    AlNuman Bin Bashir said: My father took me to the Prophet to ask him to bear witness to something that he had given to me. He said: Do you have any other children? He said: Yes. He gestured with his hand held horizontally like this; saying : Why dont you treat them all equally?
    ing : Why dont you treat them all equally?  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: The Messenger of
    AlNuman Bin Bashir said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to recite at the two Ids festivals and on Friday; Glorify the name of your most high Lord. 87 and Has the story of the overwhelming reached you? 88 He said: When a festival Id and a Friday coincided; he recited them both at the two prayers.
    ; he recited them both at the two prayers.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: the Messenger of
    AlNuman Bin Bashir said: the Messenger of Allah ﷺ paid attention to the people and said three times; straighten your rows in prayer ; by Allah; you must straighten your rows; or Allah will certainly put your faces in contrary directions. I then saw that every person stood in prayer keeping his shoulder close to that of the other; and his knee close to that of the other; and his ankle close to that of the other.
    and his ankle close to that of the other.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Bashir said: the prophet ﷺ use
    AlNuman Bin Bashir said: the prophet ﷺ used to straighten us in the rows of prayer as the arrow is straightened; until he thought that we had learned it from him and understood it. One day he turned towards us; and shoulders in order; and say; Do not be irregular. And he would say: Allah and his Angels bless those who near the first rows.
    ngels bless those who near the first rows.  +
  • AlNuman Bin Saad narrated: A man asked Ali
    AlNuman Bin Saad narrated: A man asked Ali: Which month do you order me to fast after the month of Ramadan? He said to him; I have not heard anyone ask this except for a man whom I heard asking the Messenger of Allah while I was sitting with him. He said: O Messenger of Allah! Which month do you order me to fast after the month of Ramadan? He said: If you will fast after the month of Ramadan; then fast AlMuharram; for indeed it is Allah month in which there is a day that Allah accepted the repentance of a people; and in which He accepts the repentance of other people.
    He accepts the repentance of other people.  +
  • AlNuman said; when he was delivering a Khutbah: My father took me to the Messenger of Allah to ask him to bear witness to a gift that he had given me. He said: Do you have any other children besides him? He said: Yes. He said: Treat them equally.  +
  • AlQaisi narrated that he was with the Mess
    AlQaisi narrated that he was with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on a journey; and some water was brought to him. He poured some onto his hands from the vessel and washed them once; then he washed his face and each arm once; and he washed his feet with both hands.
    e; and he washed his feet with both hands.  +
  • AlQasim Bin Abdulrahman reported on the authority of his father: Ibn Masud sold slaves to AlAshath Bin Qais. He then narrated the rest of the tradition to the same effect with some variation of words.  +
  • AlQasim Bin AlFadl AlHuddani narrated from
    AlQasim Bin AlFadl AlHuddani narrated from Yousif Bin Sad; who said: A man stood up in front of AlHasan Bin Ali; after he pledged to Muawiyah; so he said: You have made fools of the believers. or: O you who has made fools of the believers So he said: Do not scold me so; may Allah have mercy upon you; for indeed the Prophet had a dream in which he saw Banu Umayah upon his Minbar. That distressed him; so the following was revealed: Verily We have granted you AlKauthar O Muhammad meaning a river in Paradise; and the following was revealed: Verily We have sent it down on the Night of AlQadr. And what will make you know what the Night of AlQadr is? The Night of AlQadr is better than a thousand months; in which Banu Umayah rules after you O Muhammad. AlQasim said: So we counted them; and found that they were one-thousand months; not a day more nor less.
    -thousand months; not a day more nor less.  +
  • AlQasim Bin Muhammad narrated from Aisha: The Prophet kissed Uthman Bin Madhoun when he died; and he was crying. Or; he one of the narrators said: His eyes were brimming with tears.  +
  • AlQasim Bin Muhammad reported that Aisha had come for Hajj.  +
  • AlQasim Ibn Muhammad and Sulayman Ibn Yasa
    AlQasim Ibn Muhammad and Sulayman Ibn Yasar reported: Yahya Ibn Saeed Ibn AlAs divorced the daughter of Abdulrahman Ibn AlHakam absolutely. Abdulrahman shifted her from there. Aisha sent a message to Marwan Ibn AlHakam who was the governor of Medina; and said to him: Fear Allah; and return the woman to her home. Marwan said according to Sulayman version : Abdulrahman forced me. Marwan said according to the version of AlQasim : Did not the case of Fatimah daughter of Qays reach you? Aisha replied: There would be no harm to you if you did not make mention of the tradition of Fatimah. Marwan said: If you think that it was due to some evil i.e. reason ; then it is sufficient for you to see that there is also an evil between the two.
    hat there is also an evil between the two.  +
  • AlQasim narrated from the Mother of the Be
    AlQasim narrated from the Mother of the Believers Hadrat Aisha that she said: Messenger of Allah. the people return from Mecca having done two worships both Hajj and Umra ; but I am coming back with one only. whereupon he said: You should wait and when the period of menses is over; you should go to Tanim and put on lhram and then meet us at such and such time and I think he said tomorrow ; and the reward of this Umra is for you equal to your hardship or your spending.
    u equal to your hardship or your spending.  +
  • AlQasim reported the Mother of the Faithfu
    AlQasim reported the Mother of the Faithful Hadrat Aisha Siddiqa Allah be pleased with her as saying: I used to weave these garlands from the multicoloured wool which was with us. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was in the state of non Muhrim among us; and he would do all that was lawful for a lion-Muhrim with his wife.
    as lawful for a lion-Muhrim with his wife.  +
  • AlQasim said: Aisha intended to set free t
    AlQasim said: Aisha intended to set free two slaves of her who were spouses. She; therefore; asked the Prophet ﷺ about this matter. He commanded to begin with the man before the woman. The narrator Nasr said: Abu Ali AlHanafi reported it to me on the authority of Ubaydullah.
    d it to me on the authority of Ubaydullah.  +
  • AlRabi Bin AlBara Bin Azib reported from; his father: That whenever the Prophet ﷺ would return from a trip; he would say: We are Returning; repenting; worshipping; and to our Lord directing the praise Aibuna tabuna abiduna lirabbina <U+1E25>amidun.  +
  • AlRabi Bin Anas; quoting his two grandfath
    AlRabi Bin Anas; quoting his two grandfathers; said: We heard Abu Mousa say: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Allah does not accept the prayer of a man who has any khaluq perfume composed of saffron on his body.Abu Dawud said: His grandfathers were Zaid and Ziyad.
    aid: His grandfathers were Zaid and Ziyad.  +
  • AlRabi Bin Khalid AlDabbi said: I heard Al
    AlRabi Bin Khalid AlDabbi said: I heard AlAlHajjaj say in his address: Is the messenger of one of you sent for some need is more respectable with him or his successor among his people? I thought in my mind: I make a vow for Allah that I shall never pray behind you. If I find people who fight against you; I shall fight against you along with them. Ishaq added in his version: He fought in the battle of AlJamajim until he was killed.
    e battle of AlJamajim until he was killed.  +
  • AlRubai bint Muawidh said: The morning aft
    AlRubai bint Muawidh said: The morning after the consummation of my marriage; the Prophet came and sat on my bed as far from me as you are sitting now; and our little girls started beating the Duff and reciting verses mourning my father who had been killed in the battle of Badr. One of them said: Among us is a Prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow. On that the Prophet said: Stop saying this; and keep on saying what you were saying before.
    eep on saying what you were saying before.  +
  • AlRubay bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated tha
    AlRubay bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated that Thabit Bin Qais Bin Shammas hit his wife and broke her arm -her name was Jamilah bint Abdullah Bin Ubay. Her brother came to the Messenger of Allah to complain about him; and the Messenger of Allah sent for Thabit and said: Take what she owes you and let her go. He said: Yes. And the Messenger of Allah ordered her to wait for one menstrual cycle and then go to her family.
    menstrual cycle and then go to her family.  +
  • AlRubay bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated that : she saw the Prophet performing Ablution. She said: He wiped his head; and what is in the front of it and what is in its rear; and his temples and his ears one time.  +
  • AlRubay bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated: The Prophet wiped his head two times: He began with the rear of his head; then with the front of his head and with both of his ears; outside and Inside of them.  +
  • AlRubayi daughter of Muawidh Bin Afra reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ performed ablution in her presence. He wiped the whole of his head from its upper to the lower part moving every side. He did not move the hair from their original position.  +
  • AlRubayi daughter of Muawidh Bin Afra said: I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ performing ablution. He wiped his head front and back; his temples and his ears once.  +
  • AlRubayi reported: The Prophet ﷺ wiped his head with water which was left over in his hand.  +
  • AlRuhayi; daughter of Muawidh Bin Afra; sa
    AlRuhayi; daughter of Muawidh Bin Afra; said : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came and visited me in the morning when I had been conducted to my husband; and sat on my bedding as you are sitting beside me. Some little girls of ours began to play the tambourine and eulogise those of my ancestors who were killed in the battle of Badr; and then one of them said: And among us is a Prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow. He said : Stop this and say what you were saying.
    : Stop this and say what you were saying.  +
  • AlSab Bin Jaththama AlLaithi reported that
    AlSab Bin Jaththama AlLaithi reported that he presented a wild ass to Allah Messenger ﷺ when he was at AlAbwa; or Waddan; and he refused to accept it. He the narrator said: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ looked into my face which had the mark of dejection as my present had been rejected by him he in order to console me said: We have refused it only because we are in a state of Ihram.
    t only because we are in a state of Ihram.  +
  • AlSab Bin Jaththamah reported the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ as saying There is no permission for protected land except for Allaah and His Prophet. Ibn Shihab said It has reached me that the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ protected Naqi.  +
  • AlSab Bin Jaththamah said that he asked th
    AlSab Bin Jaththamah said that he asked the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ about the polytheists whose settlemnst were attacked at night when some of their offspring and women were smitten. The Prophet ﷺ They are of them. Amr Bin Dinar used to say they are regarded in the same way as their parents AlZuhri said: Thereafter the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prohibited to kill women and children.
    h ﷺ prohibited to kill women and children.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid narrated that Surfyan Bin
    AlSaib Bin Yazid narrated that Surfyan Bin Abi Zuhair AlShanai I came to visit them and said: The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever keeps a dog which he does not need for farming or livestock; one Qirt will be deducted from his good deeds each day.It was said to him: did you hear this from the Messenger of Allah He said: Yes; by the Lord of this Masjid.
    He said: Yes; by the Lord of this Masjid.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid narrated that: The first
    AlSaib Bin Yazid narrated that: The first adhan used to be when the imam sat on the minbar on Friday; at the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and Abu Bakr and Umar. During the caliphate of Uthman; when the number of people increased; Uthman commanded that a third adhan be given on Friday; so that adhan was given from the top of AlZawra; and that is how it remained.
    p of AlZawra; and that is how it remained.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid narrated: My father took me for Hajj with the Messenger of Allah during the Farewell Hajj; and I was seven years old.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid reported: My mother siste
    AlSaib Bin Yazid reported: My mother sister took me to Allah Messenger ﷺ and said: Allah Messenger; here is the son of my sister and he is ailing. He touched my head and invoked blessings upon me. He then performed ablution and I drank the water left from his ablution; then I stood behind him and I saw the seal between his shoulders.
    and I saw the seal between his shoulders.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid said: During the time of
    AlSaib Bin Yazid said: During the time of the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr and Umar the call to the Friday prayer was first made at the time when the imam was seated on the pulpit for giving the sermon. When the time of Uthman came; and the people became abundant; Uthman ordered to make a third call to the Friday prayer. It was made on AlZaura a house in Medina. The rule of action continued to the same effect.
    le of action continued to the same effect.  +
  • AlSaib Bin Yazid said: The third adhan was ordered by Uthman when the number of people in AlMadinah increased. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ only had one adhan; and the adhan on Friday was when the imam sat down.  +
  • AlSaiib Bin Yazid said When the Prophet ﷺ turned from the battle of Tabuk to Madeenah; the people received him; I met him along with the children at Thaniyat AlWada.  +
  • AlShabi narrated: AlMughirah Bin Shubah le
    AlShabi narrated: AlMughirah Bin Shubah led us in Prayer; and he continued after the two Rakah; so the people said: Subhan Allah and he said: Subhan Allah to them. When he finished his Prayer he said the Taslim then performed two prostrations of AlSahw while he was sitting. Then he narrated to them that Allah Messenger did the same with them as he had done.
    ger did the same with them as he had done.  +
  • AlShabi reported: We visited Fatima Bin Qa
    AlShabi reported: We visited Fatima Bin Qais and she served us fresh dates which are called rutab and she also served us barley. I asked her about that woman in whose case three divorces had been pronounced as to how much time she should count as the waiting period. She said: My husband pronounced three divorces in my case and Allah Messenger ﷺ permitted me to spend any waiting period in my family. It was during this period that announcement was made for the people to observe prayer in the bigger Masjid. I went there along with people and I was in the front row meant for women and it was adjacent to the last row of men and I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ deliver sermon sitting on the pulpit. He said: The cousin of Tamim Dari sailed in the ocean. The rest of the hadith is the same but with this addition: I see as if I am looking to Allah Apostle ﷺ pointing his rod towards the land and saying : It is Taiba; i. e. Medina.
    nd and saying : It is Taiba; i. e. Medina.  +
  • AlShabi said: A Muslim was about to die at
    AlShabi said: A Muslim was about to die at Daquqa; but he did not find any Muslim to call him for witness to his will. So he called two men of the people of the Book for witness. Then they came to Kufah; and approaching Abu Mousa AlAshari they informed him about his will. They brought his inheritance and will. AlAshari said: This is an incident like which happened in the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and never occurred after him. So he made them to swear by Allah after the afternoon prayer to the effect that they had not misappropriated; nor told a lie; nor changed; nor concealed; nor altered; and that it was the will of the man and his inheritance. He then executed their witness.
    heritance. He then executed their witness.  +
  • AlShaibani narrated on the authority of Zirr who narrated it on this authority of Abdullah that the words of Allah : The heart belied not what he saw AlQuran; Iiii. 11 imply that he saw Gabriel ﷺ and he had six hundred wings.  +
  • AlShaibani narrated that AlShabi said: Someone who saw the Prophet pass by an isolated grave told me that he offered the funeral prayer there and his Companions formed rows behind him. It was said: Who told you this? He said: Ibn Abbas.  +
  • AlShaibani narrated that: AlShabi said: I was informed by one who saw the Prophet: He pbuh saw a solitary grave; s he lined his Companions behind him to pray over it. It was said to him AlShabi : Who informed you? He said: Ibn Abbas.  +
  • AlShaibini reported to us: I asked Zirr Bi
    AlShaibini reported to us: I asked Zirr Bin Hubaish about the words of Allah the Mighty and Great : So he was at a distance of two bows or nearer AlQuran; Iiii 8. He said: Ibn Masud informed me that; verily; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ saw Gabriel and he had six hundred wings.
    saw Gabriel and he had six hundred wings.  +
  • AlWalid Bin AlAyzar said: I heard Abu Amr
    AlWalid Bin AlAyzar said: I heard Abu Amr AlShaibani say: The owner of this house - and he pointed to the house of Abdullah - said: I asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Which deed is most beloved to Allah; may He be exalted? He said: Prayer offered on time; honoring one parents; and Jihad in the cause of Allah.
    parents; and Jihad in the cause of Allah.  +
  • AlWalid Bin Muslim said I narrated this tr
    AlWalid Bin Muslim said I narrated this tradition mentioned above to Ibn AlMubarak and said And similarly it has been narrated by Ibn Abi Farwah to us on the authority of Nafi as narrated by Shuaib. He Ibn AlMubarak said Those whom you have named cannot be equal to Malik i.e; Malik Bin Anas.
    not be equal to Malik i.e; Malik Bin Anas.  +
  • AlWalid said : I asked Abu Amr: What are they writing? He said: The sermon which he heard that day.  +