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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #5,751.

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  • Anas narrated that : the Prophet was asked which fast was most virtuous after Ramadan? He said: Shaban in honor of Ramadan He said: Which charity is best? He pbuh said: Charity in Ramadan.  +
  • Anas narrated that a man came to the Messe
    Anas narrated that a man came to the Messenger of Allah s.a.w and said: O Messenger of Allah! When will the Hour be established? So the Propher s.a.w stood to perform Prayer and when he was finished his Prayer he said: Where is the one who asked when the hour will be established? The man said: It was I; O Mesenger of Allah! He said: What have you prepared for it? He said: O Messenger of allah! I have not prepared very much of Prayer nor fasting for it; but I love Allah and His Messenger. So the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: A man shall be with whom ever he loves; and you shall be with whomever you love. So after the advent of Islam; I did not see that anything brought the Muslims more happiness than that.
    ught the Muslims more happiness than that.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: AlFuhsh is not present in anything but it mars it; and AlHaya is not present in anything but it beautifies it.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Paradise is surrounded by hardships; and the Fire is surrounded by desires.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: While I was traveling through Paradise; a river appeared before me whose banks had tents of pearl. I said to the angel: What is this? He said: This is AlKauthar; which Allah has granted you. He said: Then he put his hand in the clay; and removed musk from it; then I was raised up to Sidrat AlMuntaha so I saw a magnificent light at it.
    untaha so I saw a magnificent light at it.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: O Allah! Cause me to live needy; and cause me to die needy and gather me in the group of the needy on the Day of Resurrection. Aisha said: Why O Messenger of Allah? He said: Indeed they enter Paradise before their rich by forty autumns. O Aishah! Do not turn away the needy even if with a piece of date. O Aishah! Love the needy and be near them; for indeed Allah will make you near on the Day Of Judgment.
    will make you near on the Day Of Judgment.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: Indeed I have feared for the sake of Allah; such that no one has feared; and I have been harmed for the sake of Allah; such that no one has been harmed. Thirty days and nights have passed over me; and there was no food with Bilal and I forced something with a liver to eat; except what Bilal could conceal under his armpit.
    what Bilal could conceal under his armpit.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: When Allah wants good for a slave; He puts him in action. It was said: How does he put him in action O Messenger Of Allah? He said: By making him meet up with the righteous deeds before death.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: The Hour and I were dispatched like these two - and Abu Dawud a narrator indicated with his index and middle fingers- so; how much more in length is one then the other.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: The Hour will not be established until Allah; Allah is not said on the earth.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When Allah wants good for his slave; He hastens his punishment in the world. And when He wants bad for His slave; He withholds his sins from him until he appears before Him on the Day Of Judgment.And with this same chain; it was reported from the Prophet ﷺ who said: Indeed greater reward comes with greater trial. And indeed; when Allah loves a people He subjects them to trials; so whoever is content; then for him is pleasure; and whoever is discontent; then for him is wrath.
    ever is discontent; then for him is wrath.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: The Dajjal will come to AlMadinah to find the angels have surrounded it. Neither the plague nor the Dajjal will enter it; if Allah wills.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever says in the morning: O Allah we have reached morning; calling You to witness; and calling the carriers of Your Throne to witness; and Your angels; and all of Your creation; that You are Allah; none has the right to be worshipped but You; Alone; without partner; and that Muhammad ﷺ is Your slave and Your Messenger. Allahumma abana nush-hiduka wa nush-hidu amalata arshika wa malaikataka wa jamia khalqika bi-annaka Allah; la ilaha illa anta; wadaka la sharika laka; wa anna Muammadan abduka wa rasuluk Allah will forgive him for whatever he does that day; and if he says it in the evening; Allah will forgive him for whatever sin he commits that night.
    evening; Allah will forgive him for whatever sin he commits that night.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah
    Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: Do not cut off one another; nor desert one another; nor hate one another; nor envy one another. Be you ; O worshippers o Allah; brothers. It is not lawful for the Muslim to shun his brother for more than three days.
    shun his brother for more than three days.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ borrowed a bowl which broke; so he guaranteed compensated it for them.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Messenger of allah s.a.w said: My intercession is for the people who committed the major sins in my Ummah.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet said: Indeed in Paradise there is a tree under whose shade a rider can travel for one hundred years without stopping. Recite if you wish: And in shave extended. And water flowing constantly.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said abou
    Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said about the major sins: Associating partners with Allah; disobeying parents; killing oneself; and false speech.He said: There are narrations on this topic from Abu Bakrah; Ayman Bin Khuraim; and Ibn UmarAbu Eisa said: The Hadith of Anas is aHassan Sahih Gharib Hadith.
    th of Anas is aHassan Sahih Gharib Hadith.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: The believer shall be given in paradise such and such strength in intercourse. it was said: O Messenger of Allah! And will he able to do that? He said: He will be given the strength of a hundred.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: Make your rows solid and close together; and keep your necks in line. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad! I can see the shaitan entering through the gaps in the rows as if they are small sheep.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: Whoever seeks to be a judge; and asks others to intercede for him with it; then he will be left on his own. And whoever is coerced into it; Allah sends an angel down to him so that he can be correct. Daif  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: Be constant with: O Possessor of Majesty and Honor Ya Dhal-Jalali AlIkram.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: Every son of Adam sins; and the best of the sinners are the repetant.  +
  • Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: The
    Anas narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: The son of Adam will be brought on the Day Of Judgment as if he is a goat kid to be stood before Allah; Most High. Allah will say to him: I gave to you; I granted you; and I bestowed favors upon you. So what did you do? So he says: I collected it; increased it; and left it as more than what it was. So return me and I shall give it all to You. So He will say to him: Show me what you have prepared.So he says: My Lord! I collected it; increased it and left it more than it was; So return me and I shall give it all to You. So when the servant does not present any good he will be entered into the Fire.
    any good he will be entered into the Fire.  +
  • Anas narrated that when the Prophet ﷺ would go out for an expedition; he would say: O Allah; You are my A<U+1E0D>ud and You are my Helper; and by You do I fight Allahumma anta a<U+1E0D>udi; wa anta na<U+1E63>iri; wa bika uqatil.  +
  • Anas narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said: Real Patience is at the first stroke of the calamity.  +
  • Anas narrated that: The Prophet said: Whoever is reckoned with; he will be punished.  +
  • Anas narrated that: When the Prophet would return from a trip and see the walls of AlMadinah; he would speed up his riding camel; and if he was upon a beast; he would agitate it; out of his love for AlMadinah.  +
  • Anas narrated that: his paternal aunt brok
    Anas narrated that: his paternal aunt broke the front tooth of a girl and the Prophet of Allah decreed retaliation. Her brother; Anas Bin AlNadr; said: Will you break the front tooth of so and so? No; by the One Who sent you with the truth; the front tooth of so and so will not be broken! Before that; they had asked her family for forgiveness and blood money. When her brother - who was the paternal uncle of Anas and was martyred at Uhud - swore that oath; the people agreed to forgive. The Prophet said: There are among the slaves of Allah who; if they swear by Allah; Allah fulfills their oath.
    swear by Allah; Allah fulfills their oath.  +
  • Anas narrated: A man sought a mount from t
    Anas narrated: A man sought a mount from the Messenger of Allah who said: Indeed; I will let you ride on a camel child. So he said: O Messenger of Allah! What can ashe-camel child do? So the Messenger of Allah said: Are camels borne from other than camels?
    : Are camels borne from other than camels?  +
  • Anas narrated: Allah Messenger performed Prayer during his illness behind Abu Bakr while seated; wrapped in a garment.  +
  • Anas narrated: Allah Messenger would go around to his women with one Ghusl.  +
  • Anas narrated: Allah Messenger; Abu Bakr; Umar and Uthman opened the Prayer with AlHamdu-lillahi rabbil-alamin.  +
  • Anas narrated: I heard the Prophet saying: Labbaika Biumratin wa Hajjah Here I am for Umrah and Hajj.  +
  • Anas narrated: I saw the Prophet; after the Iqamah was called for Prayer; talking to a man who was standing between him and the Qiblah; he did not stop talking; and I saw some of them getting sleepy from his lengthy standing the Prophet.  +
  • Anas narrated: One of the wives of the Prophet ﷺ gave the Prophet ﷺ some food in a bowl. Then Aisha broke the bowl with her hand; and discarded what was in it. So the Prophet ﷺ said: Food for food and vessel for vessel.  +
  • Anas narrated: Some people from Urainah ar
    Anas narrated: Some people from Urainah arrived in AlMadinah; and they were uncomfortable and ill from the climate. So Allah Messenger sent them some camels from charity. He told them: Drink from their milk and urine. So they killed the camel driver that Allah Messenger sent; and they violently drove off the camels; and apostatized from Islam. So the Prophet came to them; he cut off their hands and feet on opposite side; and branded their eyes; and threw them in AlHarrah. Anas said; So I saw one of them working over the ground with his mouth; until they died.
    he ground with his mouth; until they died.  +
  • Anas narrated: The Messenger of Allah s.a.
    Anas narrated: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w would often say: Ya Muqallibal-qulub; thabbit qalbi ala dinik O Changer of the Hearts! Strengthen my heart upon Your Religion. So I said: O Prophet of Allah! We believe in you and what you have come with; but do you fear for us? He said:Yes. Indeed the hearts are between two Fingers of Allah Fingers; He changes them as He wills.
    llah Fingers; He changes them as He wills.  +
  • Anas narrated: The Messenger of Allah said to me: O my son! Beware of looking around during the Prayer; for indeed looking around during Prayer is destruction. If you must do so; then in the voluntary prayers ; not in the obligatory prayers. Daif  +
  • Anas narrated: The Messenger of Allah used to mingle with us such that he said to my younger brother: O Abu Umair! What did the Nughair do?  +
  • Anas narrated: The Messenger of Allah vowed to stay away from his wives for a month; so he stayed in a loft for twenty-nine days. They said: O Messenger of Allah; your vow was for a month; so he said: The month is twenty-nine days.  +
  • Anas narrated: The Prophet S.A.W cauterized Asad Bin Zurarah for Shawkah  +
  • Anas narrated: The Prophet S.A.W would get cupped in his jugular veins and his upper back. And he would get cupped on the seventeenth of the month ; or the nineteenth; and or the twenty first.  +
  • Anas narrated: The Prophet ﷺ would not store anything for the morrow.  +
  • Anas narrated: We used to hope that an int
    Anas narrated: We used to hope that an intelligent Bedouin would show up to question the Prophet while we were with him. So one while we were with him; a Bedouin came; kneeling in front of the Prophet; and he said: O Muhammad; your messenger came to us and told us that you say that Allah sent you. So the Prophet say: Yes. He said; So; swear by the One who raised the heaves; and spread out the earth; and erected the mountains; has Allah sent you? The Prophet said; Yes. He said: Your messenger told us that you say that there are five prayers required from us in a day and a night. The Prophet said; Yes. He said; By the One Who sent you; has Allah ordered that you you? He said; Yes. He said; Your messenger told us that you say that we are required to fast for a month out of the year. He said; He told the truth. He said; By the One Who sent you; has Allah ordered that you? The Prophet said; Yes. He said; Your messenger told us that Zakat is required from our wealth. The Prophet said; He told the truth. He said; By the One Who sent you; has Allah ordered you that? The Prophet said; Yes. He said; Your messenger told us that you say that we are required to perform Hajj to Allah House if able to undertake the journey. The Prophet said; Yes. He said; By the One Who sent you; has Allah Commanded you that? The Prophet said: Yes. So he said: By the One Who sent you with the Truth; I will not leave any of them; nor surpass them. Then he got up quickly leaving. The Prophet said: If the Bedouin told the truth; then he will enter Paradise.
    ld the truth; then he will enter Paradise.  +
  • Anas narrated: thatI served the Prophet fo
    Anas narrated: thatI served the Prophet for ten years. He never said Uff and never blamed me by saying: Why did you do so or why did you not do so? And the Messenger Of Allah had the best character among all of the people. I never touched Khazz nor silk; nor anything softer than the hand of the Messenger of Allah; nor have I smelled musk; or a fragrance sweeter than the sweat of the Messenger of Allah
    r than the sweat of the Messenger of Allah  +
  • Anas reported : One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had sexual intercourse with all his wives with a single bath.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been transmitted through another chain of narrators.  +
  • Anas reported : The Prophet ﷺ performed ab
    Anas reported : The Prophet ﷺ performed ablution with a vessel which contained two rotls of water and took a bath with a sa of water.1Abu Dawud Said : This tradition has berated on the authority of Anas through a different chain. This version mentions: He performed ablution with one makkuk. It makes no mention of two rotls. 2Abu Dawud said : This tradition has also been narrated by Yahya Bin Adam from Sharik. But this chain mentions Ibn Jabr Bin Atik instead of Abdullah Bin Jabr. Abu Dawud Said : This tradition has also been narrated by Sufyan from Abdullah Bin Isa. This chain mentions the name Jabr Bin Abdullah instead of Abdullah Bin Jabr. Abu Dawud Said : I heard Ahmad Bin Hanbal say : one sa measures five rotls. It was the sa of Ibn Abi Dhib and also of the Prophet ﷺ.
    of Ibn Abi Dhib and also of the Prophet ﷺ.  +
  • Anas reported : the Iqamah was pronounced for the night prayer and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ remained engaged in talking to a person in the corner of the Masjid. He did not begin prayer until the people slept.  +