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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #6,151.

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  • Asma bint Umais narrated that the Messenge
    Asma bint Umais narrated that the Messenger of Allah S.A.W asked her what they used as a laxative. She said: Shubrum He said: It is hot and too strong. She said:Then I used Senna as a laxative. So the Prophet S.A.W : If there was anything that would have a cure for death in it; then it would have been Senna.
    eath in it; then it would have been Senna.  +
  • Asma bint Umais said: When Jafar was killed; the Messenger of Allah went to his family and said: The family of Jafar are busy with the matter of their deceased; so prepare food for them.  +
  • Asma bint Umaish said: I said: O Messenger
    Asma bint Umaish said: I said: O Messenger of Allah S.A.W ! Some of Jafar children have suffered from an accelerated case of the inflammation of the eye; so should I have them treated with Ruqyah? He said: Yes;for indeed if there was anything that could overcome the Decree; then the evil eye would overcome it.
    cree; then the evil eye would overcome it.  +
  • Asma bint Yazid narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: it is not lawful to lie except in three cases: Something the man tells his wife to please her; to lie during war; and to lie in order to bring peace between the people.  +
  • Asma bint Yazid narrated that the Prophet
    Asma bint Yazid narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: Allah greatest name is in these two Ayah: And your deity is One deity; there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He; AlRaman; AlRaim. And the Opening of AlImran: Alif. Lam. Mim. Allah; None has the right to be worshipped but He; the Ever living; the Sustainer.
    be worshipped but He; the Ever living; the Sustainer.  +
  • Asma bint Yazid narrated that: The Messeng
    Asma bint Yazid narrated that: The Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL said: Any woman who puts on a necklace of gold; Allah will put something similar of fire around her neck. Any woman who puts earrings of gold on her ears; Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; will put earrings of fire on her ears on the Day of Resurrection.
    re on her ears on the Day of Resurrection.  +
  • Asma bint Yazid said: The Messenger of Allah passed by us; among a group of women; and he greeted us with the greeting of peace.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported that th
    Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported that the was married to Zubair. He had neither land nor wealth nor slave nor anything else like it except a bom. She further said: I grazed his horse. provided fodder to it and looked after it; and ground dates for his camel. Besides this; I grazed the camel; made arrangements for providing it with water and patched up the leather bucket and kneaded the flour. But I was not proficient in baking the bread; so my female neighbours used to bake bread for me and they were sincere women. She further said: I was carrying on my head the stones of the dates from the land of AlZubair which Allah Messenger ﷺ had endowed him and it was at a distance of two miles from Medina. She add: As I was one day carrying the atones of dates upon my head I happened to meet Allah Messenger ﷺ along with a group of his Companions. He called me and said to the camel to sit down so that he should make cite ride behind hirn. I told my husband: I felt shy and remembered your jealousy; whereupon he said: By Allah. the carrying of the stone dates upon your bead is more severe a burden than riding with him. She said: I led the life of hardship until Abu Bakr sent afterwards a female servant who took upon herself the responsibility of looking after the horse and I felt as it she had emancipated me.
    e and I felt as it she had emancipated me.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported: A woma
    Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported: A woman came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: What should one do if the blood of menses smears the garment of one amongst us? He the Holy Prophet replied: She should scrape it; then rub it with water; then pour water over it and then offer prayer in it.
    water over it and then offer prayer in it.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah; my mother; who is inclined or scared has come to me. Should I even An her position of being opposed to Islam treat her well? He said: Yes.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported: The su
    Asma daughter of Abu Bakr reported: The sun eclipsed during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; so he felt perturbed and he; by mistake; took hold of the outer garment of a woman till he was given his own cloak. After this I satisfied my need and then came and entered the Masjid. I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ standing in prayer. I stood along with him. He prolonged his qiyam till I wished to sit down. Then I cast a glance towards an old woman. So I said: She is older than I. I; therefore; kept standing. He the Holy Prophet then observed ruku; and prolonged his ruku. He then raised his head. He then prolonged his qiyam to such an extent that if a person happened to come he would have thought that he had not observed the ruku.
    thought that he had not observed the ruku.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr said: A woman as
    Asma daughter of Abu Bakr said: A woman asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : Messenger of Allah; what do you think if the clothe of any of us smeared with the blood of menstruation; what should she do ? He said: If the clothe of any of you is smeared with blood of menstruation; she should scratch it; then she should sprinkle water upon it and then she may pray.
    inkle water upon it and then she may pray.  +
  • Asma daughter of Abu Bakr said: I heard a
    Asma daughter of Abu Bakr said: I heard a woman asking the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : What should any of us to with her clothe in which she menstruated when she becomes purified ? Can she pray in that clothe ? He said: She should see; if she finds blood in it; she should scratch it with some water and in case of doubt sprinkle upon it some water and pray so long as she does not find any blood.
    ay so long as she does not find any blood.  +
  • Asma daughter of Unais said: I said: Messe
    Asma daughter of Unais said: I said: Messenger of Allah; Fatimah daughter of Abu Hubaish had a flow of blood for a certain period and did not pray. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Glory be to Allah! This comes from the devil. She should sit in a tub; and when she sees yellowness of the top of the water; she would take a bath once for the Zuhr and Asr prayer; and take another bath for the Maghrib and Isha prayers; and take a bath once for the fajr prayer; and in between times she would perform ablution.Abu Dawud said: Mujahid reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas: When bathing became hard for her; he commanded her to combine the two prayers. Abu Dawud said: Ibrahim reported it from Ibn Abbas. This is also the view of Ibrahim AlNakhai and Abdullah Bin Shaddad.
    Ibrahim AlNakhai and Abdullah Bin Shaddad.  +
  • Asma daughter of Yazid reported the Prophe
    Asma daughter of Yazid reported the Prophet ﷺ as saying: Allah Greatest Names is in these two verses: And your Ilaah God is One Ilaah God ; none has the right to be worshipped but He; the Ever-Merciful; the Mercy-Giving and the beginning of Surah AlImran; A.L.M Allah; there is no deity but He; the Living; the Eternal.
    no deity but He; the Living; the Eternal.  +
  • Asma reported Allah Messenger way ﷺ as saying to her : Spend and do not calculate; for Allah would calculate in your case; and do not hoard; otherwise Allah would be withholding from you.  +
  • Asma reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ said: There is none more self-respecting than Allah; the Exalted and Glorious.  +
  • Asma reported that a woman came to Allah A
    Asma reported that a woman came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: I have a co-wife. Is there any harm for me if I give her the false impression of getting something from my husband which he has not in fact given me ? Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: The one who creates such a false impression of receiving what one has not been given is like one who wears the garment of falsehood.
    ke one who wears the garment of falsehood.  +
  • Asma reported that a woman running high fe
    Asma reported that a woman running high fever was brought to her. She asked water to be brought and then sprinkled it in the opening of a shirt at the uppermost part of the chest and said that Allah Messenger ﷺ had said: Cool the fever with water. for it is because of the vehemence of the beat of Hell.
    ause of the vehemence of the beat of Hell.  +
  • Asma reported that she had become pregnant
    Asma reported that she had become pregnant at Mecca with Abdullah Bin AlZubair in her womt and she further said: I set out for migration to Medina as I was in the advanced stage of pregnancy. I came to Medina and got down at the place known as Quba and gave birth to a child there. Then I came to Allah Messenger may peace he upon him. He placed him the child in his lap and then commanded for the dates to be brought. He chewed them and then put the saliva in his mouth. The first thing which went into his stomach was the saliva of Allah Messenger ﷺ. He then rubbed his palate with dates and then invoked blessings for him and blessed him. He was the first child who was born in Islam after Migration.
    ild who was born in Islam after Migration.  +
  • Asma reported: I performed the household d
    Asma reported: I performed the household duties of AlZubair and he had a horse; I used to look after it. Nothing was more burdensome for me than looking after the horse I used to bring grass for it and looked after it; then I got a servant as Allah Apustle ﷺ had some prisoners of war in his possession. He gave me a female servant. She the female servant then began to look after the horse and thus relieved me of this burden. A person came and he said: Mother of Abdullah; I am a destitute person and I intend that I should start business under the shadow of your house. I Asma said: If I grant you permission; AlZubair may not agree to that; so you come and make a demand of it when AlZubair is also present there. He came accordingly find said: Mother of Abdullah. I am a destitute person. I intend to start t mall business in the shadow of your house. I said: Is there not in Medina any place for starting the business except my house? AlZubair said: Why is it that you prohibit the destitute man to start business here? So he started business and he earned so much that we sold our slave-girl to him There came AlZubair to me while the money was in my lap. He said: Give this to me. I said: I intend to spend it as charity.
    . I said: I intend to spend it as charity.  +
  • Asma reported: The sun eclipsed during the
    Asma reported: The sun eclipsed during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. As I went to Aisha who was busy in prayer. I said: What is the matter with the people that they are praying a special prayer ? She Aisha pointed towards the sky with her head. I said: Is it an unusual sign? She said: Yes. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stood up for prayer for such a long time that I was about to faint. I caught hold of a waterskin lying by my side; and began to pour water over my head; or began to sprinkle water on my face. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then finished and the sun had brightened. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ then addressed the people; after praising Allah and lauding Him; and then said: There was no such thing as I did not see earlier; but I saw it at this very place of mine. I ever saw Paradise and Hell. It was also revealed to me that you would be tried in the graves; as you would he tried something like the turmoil of the Dajjal. Asma said: I do not know which word he actually used qariban or mithl ; and each one of you would be brought and it would be said: What is your knowledge about this man? If the person is a believer; Asma said: I do not know whether it was the word AlMumin or AlMuqin he would say: He is Muhammad and he is the Messenger of Allah. He brought to us the clear signs and right guidance. So we responded and obeyed him. He would repeat this three times ; and it would be said to him: You should go to sleep. We already knew that you are a believer in him. So the pious man would go to sleep. So far as the hypocrite or sceptic is concerned Asma said: I do not know which word was that: AlMunafiq hypocrite or AlMurtad doubtful he would say: I do not know. I only uttered whatever I heard people say.
    only uttered whatever I heard people say.  +
  • Asma reported: We slaughtered a horse and ate it during the lifetime of Allah Messenger ﷺ.  +
  • Asma said My mother came to me seeking som
    Asma said My mother came to me seeking some act of kindness from me during the treaty of the Quraish at Hudaibiyah. While she hated Islam and she was a polytheist. I said Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; my mother has come to me while she hates Islam and she is a disbeliever. May I do an act of kindness to her? He replied Yes; do an act of kindness to her.
    replied Yes; do an act of kindness to her.  +
  • Asma said: I came to Aisha when the people
    Asma said: I came to Aisha when the people were standing in prayer and she was also praying. I said: What is this excitement of the people for? And the rest of the hadith was narrated like one; narrated above. Urwa said: Do not say Kasafat-ush-Shamsu; but say Khasafat-ush-Shamsu.
    t-ush-Shamsu; but say Khasafat-ush-Shamsu.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr Allah be pleased with him ; reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me: Spend; and do not calculate; or otherwise Allah would also calculate in your case.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that when she migrated to Allah Messenger ﷺ in Medina she was in the family way with Abdullah Bin AlZubair in her womb.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that
    Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that abe came to the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him and said: Apostle of Allah; I have nothing with me; but only; that which is given to me by AlZubair for household expenses. Is there any sin for me if I spend out of that which is given to me by Zabair ? Upon this he the Holy Prophet said: Spend according to your means; and do not hoard; for Allah will withhold from you.
    t hoard; for Allah will withhold from you.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that a woman came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: I have married my daughter whose hair of head have fallen. Her spouse likes them the long hair. Allah Messenger may add false hair to her head? He forbade her to do this.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that
    Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; reported that a woman came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: I have a daughter who has been newly wedded. She had an attack of smallpox and thus her hair had fallen; should I add false hair to her head? Thereupon Allah Messenger ﷺ said: Allah has cursed the woman who adds some false hair and the woman who asks for it.
    false hair and the woman who asks for it.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; said : I said : Messenger of Allah SAWS ; I have nothing of my own except what AlZubair her husband brings to me in his house: should I spend out of it? He said : Give and do not hoard so your sustenance will be hoarded.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; told of a woma
    Asma; daughter of Abu Bakr; told of a woman who said : Messenger of Allah! I have a fellow-wife; will it be wrong for me to boast of receiving from my husband what he does not give me? He replied: the one who boasts of receiving what he has not been given is like him who has put on two garments of falsehood.
    who has put on two garments of falsehood.  +
  • Asma; daughter of Yazid; said : the Prophet ﷺ ; passed us by when we were with some women and gave us a salutation.  +
  • Aswad Bin Yazid narrated that Abdullah Bin
    Aswad Bin Yazid narrated that Abdullah Bin Masud said: When you send peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah ; then do it well; for you do not know; that may be shown to him. They said to him: Teach us. He said: Say: Allahumma ajal Prayeraka wa rahmataka wa barakatika ala sayidil-mursalin wa imamil-muttaqin wa khatamin- nabiyin; Muhammad Abd ka wa Rasulika imamil-khayri wa qaidil- khair ; wa Rasulir-Rahmah. Allahummabathhu maqaman mahmudan yaghbituhu bihil-awaluna Alakhirun. Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim; Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim; innaka Hamidum Majid O Allah; send Your grace; honour; mercy and blessings upon the leader of the Messengers; the imam of the pious and the seal of the Prophets; Muhammad; Your slave and Messenger; the Imam of the good and the leader of the good; and the Messenger of mercy. O Allah; raise him to a station of praise and glory that will be the envy of the first and the last. O Allah; send Your grace; honour and mercy upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad; as You sent Your grace; honour and mercy upon Ibrahim; You are indeed Praiseworthy; Most Glorious. O Allah; send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim; You are Praiseworthy; Most Glorious.
    ahim; You are Praiseworthy; Most Glorious.  +
  • Aswad Bin Yazid narrated: I said: O Aishah! What would the Prophet ﷺ do when he entered his house? She said: he would busy himself with serving his family; then when the time for Prayer was due he would stand to go for it.  +
  • Aswad Bin Yazid reported: It was mentioned
    Aswad Bin Yazid reported: It was mentioned before Aisha that will had been made by the Holy Prophet in favour of Ali as the Prophet first caliph ; whereupon she said: When did he make will in his favour? I had been providing support to him to the Holy Prophet with my chest or with my lap. He asked for a tray; when he fell in my lap relaxing his body ; and I did not realise that he had breathed his last. When did he make any will in his Alis favour?
    n did he make any will in his Alis favour?  +
  • Aswad and Masruq reported: We bear testimony to the fact that Aisha said: Never was there a day that he the Holy Prophet was with me and he did not observe two rakahs of prayer in my house; i. e. two rakahs after the Asr.  +
  • Aswad reported that some young men from th
    Aswad reported that some young men from the Quraish visited Aisha as she was in Mina and they were laughing. She said: What makes you laugh? They said: Such and such person stumbled against the rope of the tent and he was about to break his neck or lose his eyes. She said: Dont laugh for I heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: If a Muslim runs a thorn or gets into trouble severe than this; there is assured for him a higher rank and his sins are obliterated.
    higher rank and his sins are obliterated.  +
  • Aswad reported: I and Masruq went to Aisha
    Aswad reported: I and Masruq went to Aisha Allah be pleased with her and asked. her if the Messenger of Allah ﷺ embraced his wives while fasting. She said: Yes; but he had the greatest control over his desire among you: or he was one of those who had control over his desire.
    of those who had control over his desire.  +
  • Ata Bin Abi Rabah narrated that: a man stole a garment; and was brought before the Messenger of Allah; who order that his hand be cut off. The man said: O Messenger of Allah; he can keep it. He said: Why did you not say that before now?  +
  • Ata Bin Abi Rabah reported that he heard A
    Ata Bin Abi Rabah reported that he heard Aisha; the wife of the Messenger of Allah way ﷺ ; as saying: When there was on any day windstorm or dark cloud its effects could be read on the face of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and he moved forward and backward in a state of anxiety ; and when it rained; he was delighted and it the state of restlessness disappeared. Aisha said: I asked him the reason of this anxiety and he said: I was afraid that it might be a calamity that might fall upon my Ummah; and when he saw rainfall he said: It is the mercy of Allah.
    ainfall he said: It is the mercy of Allah.  +
  • Ata Bin Abi Rabah told them that he heard Ibn Abbas say: The Messenger of Allah sent me with the weak ones of his family to pray Subh in Mina and stone the Jamrah.  +
  • Ata Bin Abi Rabih said: Ibn Abbas said to
    Ata Bin Abi Rabih said: Ibn Abbas said to me: May I show you a woman of Paradise? I said: Yes. He said: Here is this dark-complexioned woman. She came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: I am suffering from falling sickness and I become naked; supplicate Allah for me; whereupon he the Holy Prophet said: Show endurance as you can do and there would be Paradise for you and; if you desire; I supplicate Allah that He may cure you. She said: I am prepared to show endurance but the unbearable trouble is that I become naked; so supplicate Allah that He should not let me become naked; so he supplicated for her.
    e become naked; so he supplicated for her.  +
  • Ata Bin Abu Rabah reported: Abu Saeed AlKh
    Ata Bin Abu Rabah reported: Abu Saeed AlKhudri Allah be pleased with them met Ibn Abbas Allah be pleased with them and said to him: What do you say in regard to the conversion of commodities or money did you hear it from Allah Messenger ﷺ ; or is it something which you found In Allah Book; Majestic and Glorious? Thereupon Ibn Abbas Allah be pleated with them said: I dont say that. So far at Allah Massenger ﷺ is concerned; you know him better; and to far as the Book of Allah to concerned; I do not know it more than you do ; but Usama Bin Zaid Allah be pleased with him narrated to me Allah Messenger ﷺ as having said this: Beware; there can be an element of interest in credit.
    e can be an element of interest in credit.  +
  • Ata Bin Abu Rabah said: I heard Jabir Bin
    Ata Bin Abu Rabah said: I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah say: In the Year of the Conquest; while he was in Makkah the Messenger of Allah ; said: Allah and His Messenger have forbidden the sale of wines; meat of dead animals; pigs and idols. It was said to him: O Messenger of Allah; what do you think of the fat of dead animals; for it is used to caulk ships; it is daubed on animal skins and people use it to light their lamps? He said: No; it is unlawful. Then the Messenger of Allah said: May Allah curse the jews; for Allah forbade them the fat of animals but they rendered it; i.e. melted it sold it and consumed its price.
    melted it sold it and consumed its price.  +
  • Ata Bin AlSaib reported from Saeed Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abza from his father: That the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to recite in witr: Glorify the Name of your Lord; the Most High; and Say: O you disbelievers!; and Say: He is Allah; the One.  +
  • Ata Bin Rabah reported on the authority of
    Ata Bin Rabah reported on the authority of Aisha; the wife of the Messenger of Allah way ﷺ ; who said: Whenever the wind was stormy; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to say: O Allah! I ask Thee for what is good in it; and the good which it contains; and the good of that which it was sent for. I seek refuge with Thee from what is evil in it; what evil it contains; and the evil of that what it was sent for; and when there was a thunder and lightning in the sky; his colour underwent a change; and he went out and in; backwards and forwards; and when the rain came; he felt relieved; and I noticed that the sign of relief on his face. Aisha asked him about it and he said: It may be as the people of Ad said: When they saw a cloud formation coming to their valley they said: It is a cloud which would give us rain Quran; xlvi. 24.
    which would give us rain Quran; xlvi. 24.  +
  • Ata Bin Yasar narrated from a man among th
    Ata Bin Yasar narrated from a man among the inhabitants of Egypt who said: I asked Abu AlDarda about the saying of Allah; Most High: For them are glad tidings in the life of the present world so he said: No one other than you asked me about it; except for one man; since I asked the Messenger of Allah s.a.w ; he said: No one other than you has asked me about it since it was revealed: This Ayah refers to the righteous dreams which the Muslim sees or which are seen about him.
    e Muslim sees or which are seen about him.  +
  • Ata Bin Yasar quoting Ibn Abbas said: Do y
    Ata Bin Yasar quoting Ibn Abbas said: Do you like that I should show you how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ performed ablution? He then called for a vessel of water and took out a handful of water with his right hand. He then rinsed his mouth and snuffed up water. He then took out another handful of water and washed his face by both his hands together. He then took out another handful of water and washed his right hand and then washed his left hand by taking out another. He then took out some water and shook off his hand and wiped his head and ears with it. He then took out a handful of water and sprinkled it over his right foot in his shoe and wiped the upper part of the foot with his one hand; and beneath the shoe with his other hand. He then did the same with his left foot.
    . He then did the same with his left foot.  +
  • Ata Bin Yasar quoting Ibn. Abbas said: May I not tell you how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ performed ablution? He then performed ablution washing each limb once only.  +