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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #6,851.

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  • Ibn Abbas narrated: I head more than one o
    Ibn Abbas narrated: I head more than one of the Companions of the Prophet; Umar Bin AlKhattab among; and he was one of the most beloved among them to me - narrating that Allah Messenger prohibited the Prayer after Fajr until the sun had risen; and the Prayer after Asr until the sun had set.
    he Prayer after Asr until the sun had set.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: I prayed with the Prophet one night. I stood at his left; so Allah Messenger took me by my head; from behind me; to put me on his right side.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: I saw the Messenger of Allah prostrating for Surat Sad. Ibn Abbas said: It is not one of the resolute prostrations.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: I was a companion ride
    Ibn Abbas narrated: I was a companion rider on a female donkey with AlFadl. We came while the Prophet and his Companions were performing Prayer at Mina. He said: We dismounted from it and joined the row. The donkey then passed in front of them; and this did not invalidate their Prayer.
    and this did not invalidate their Prayer.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: I was behind the Proph
    Ibn Abbas narrated: I was behind the Prophet ﷺ one day when he said: O boy! I will teach you a statement: Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him before you. When you ask; ask Allah; and when you seek aid; seek Allah aid. Know that if the entire creation were to gather together to do something to benefit you- you would never get any benefit except that Allah had written for you. And if they were to gather to do something to harm you- you would never be harmed except that Allah had written for you. The pens are lifted and the pages are dried.
    e pens are lifted and the pages are dried.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: One day the Messenger
    Ibn Abbas narrated: One day the Messenger of Allah ascended AlSafa and called out: O people! Come at once! So the Quraish gathered before him. He said: I am a warner for you before the coming of a severe punishment. Do you think that if I informed you that the enemy was preparing to attack you in the evening or in the morning; would you believe me? So Abu Lahab said: Is it for this that you gathered us? May you perish? So Allah; Blessed is He and Most High; revealed: Perish the hands of Abu Lahad; perish he.
    Perish the hands of Abu Lahad; perish he.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: Some of the poor peopl
    Ibn Abbas narrated: Some of the poor people came to Allah Messenger S and said: O Messenger of Allah S ! The rich pray as we pray; they fast as we fast; but they have wealth with which they free slaves and which they give in charity. He said: When you perform Prayer; then say: Subhan Allah thirty-three times; and: AlHamdulillah thirty-three times; and: Allahu Akbar thirty-four times; and La ilaha illallah ten times. With that you will have surprassed them; and none would surpass you afterwards.
    em; and none would surpass you afterwards.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: That the Prophet said: Umrah has been entered into Hajj until the Day of Resurrection.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah performed Tamattu; as did Abu Bakr; Umar and Uthman. And the first to prohibit it was Muawiyah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah ordered fasting the tenth day for the Day of Ashura.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah prostrated for it - meaning in Surat AlNajm - and so did the Muslims; the idolaters; the Jinns; and the people.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah was cupped while he was a Muhrim.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah would glance toward the right and the left during Prayer but he would not turn his neck to look behind him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah only performed the Sai of the House and of AlSafa and AlMarwah to show his strength to the idolaters.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah sent me with the Thaqal load of baggage during the night from Jam.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah
    Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah passed by the graves of AlMadinah; so he turned his face towards them and said: As-Salamu alaikum ya ahl Alqubur! Yaghfir Allahu lana wa lakun; antum salafuna wa nahnu bil-athar. Peace be upon you O inhabitants of the grave! May Allah forgive us and you; you are our predecessors and we are to follow you.
    our predecessors and we are to follow you.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah
    Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah traveled on a journey and he prayed two Rakah for nineteen days. Ibn Abbas said: So when we would stay somewhere for nineteen days we would pray two Rakah ; and if we stayed longer than that we would complete the Prayer.
    er than that we would complete the Prayer.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah stoned the Jimar when the sun had passed the zenith.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet S would pray thirteen Rakah at night.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet advanced the weak among his family and he said: Do not stone the Jamrah until the sun has risen.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet broke the fast of Arafat; Umm Fadl sent him some milk to drink.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet departed before the rising of the sun.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet entered a
    Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet entered a grave during the night; so a torch was lit for him. He took it the deceased in from the direction of the Qiblah; and he said: May Allah have mercy upon you; you were often invoking Allah by reciting the Quran. And he said: Allahu Akbar four times.
    ran. And he said: Allahu Akbar four times.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet garlanded two sandals and marked the Hadi on the right side at Dhu AlHulaifa; and removed the blood from it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet made AlAqiq the Miqat for the people of the west.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet married Maimunah while he was a Muhrim.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet only performed the two rakah units of prayer after Asr because some wealth came to him which distracted him from the two rakah after Zuhr; so he prayed them after Asr; then he did not repeat that.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet ordered that one prostrate on seven bones and that he not gather his hair nor his garment.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet passed by
    Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet passed by two graves. He said: These two are being punished. And they are not being punished for something major. As for this one; he would not protect himself from his urine. As for this one; he used to spread Namimah slander.
    is one; he used to spread Namimah slander.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet performed Ablution one time for each limb.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet performed Tawaf upon his mount; so when he arrived at the Black Stone corner; he pointed to it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet prayed during the eclipse. He recited; then bowed; then recited; then bowed; then recited; then bowed. three times ; then he performed two prostrations; and the next one Rakah was the same.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet prohibited marrying a woman along with her paternal aunt or along with her maternal aunt.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet recited Fatihatil-Kitab for a funeral prayer. Daif Jiddan  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet returned his daughter Zainab to Ab AlAs Bin AlRabi after six years in the first marriage without renewing the marriage.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet said: Whoever calls the Adhan for seven years; seeking reward for it; salvation from the Fire is written for him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet started the Talbiyah after the Prayer.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet stoned the Jamrah on the Day of AlNahr while riding.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet was cupped somewhere between Makkah and AlMadinah and he was fasting and in Ihram.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet was cupped while he was fasting.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet was perfor
    Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet was performing Prayer when Abu Jahl came to him and said: Have I not forbidden you from this? Have I not forbidden you from this? Have I not forbidden you from this? The Prophet turned and scolded him. So Abu Jahl said: You know that no one has more to call for assistance than me. So Allah; Blessed is He and Most High; revealed: Then let him call upon his council. We will call out the guards of Hell. So Ibn Abbas said: By Allah; if he had called his council; then the guards of Hell would have seized him.
    the guards of Hell would have seized him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet went from AlMadinah to Makkah; not fearing anyone except Allah the Lord of the worlds; and he prayed two Rakah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet went out on the day of AlFitr; so he prayed two Rakah; then he did not pray before it nor after it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet wiped his head and his ears: the outside and the inside of them. $ahih  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: The Prophet would open his Prayer with Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: Umar Bin AlKhattab informed me; saying: I entered upon the Messenger of Allah s.a.w and saw him reclining upon a mat woven from fibers; and I could see the impressions it left upon his side.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: We were with the Messe
    Ibn Abbas narrated: We were with the Messenger of Allah on a journey when he saw a man fall from his camel; his neck was broken and he died; and he was a Muhrim. So the Messenger of Allah said: Wash him with water and Sidr; and shroud him in his garments; and do not cover his head. For indeed he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment saying the Talbiyah.
    n the Day of Judgment saying the Talbiyah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: We were with the Prophet on a journey on the Day of Adha; so seven of us shared in a cow; and ten for a camel.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: Whoever performed Tawaf around the House fifty time; he will be as free of his sins as the day his mother bore him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas narrated: that the Prophet : Would stop saying the Talbiyah during Umrah when he touched the Black Stone.  +