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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #7,051.

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  • Ibn Abbas said : The deputation of Abd AlQ
    Ibn Abbas said : The deputation of Abd AlQais asked the prophet :From which vessels should we drink ? He the prophet replied: Do not drink from the pumpkins; vessels smeared with pitch; and hollow stumps ; and steep dates in skins. They asked: Messenger of Allah; if it ferments? He replied: infuse water in it. They asked: Messenger of Allah... repeating the same words. He replied to them third or fourth time: Pour it away. He then said: Allah has forbidden me; or he said: He has forbidden me wine; game of chance and kubah drums. He said: Every intoxicant is unlawful. Sufyan said: I asked All Bin Badhimah about kubah. He replied: Drum.
    in Badhimah about kubah. He replied: Drum.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said : The verse And the poets it is those straying in evil who follow them. He Allah then abrogated it and made an exception saying: Except those who believe and work righteousness; engage much in the remembrance of Allah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said : To raise the voice for ma
    Ibn Abbas said : To raise the voice for making the mention of Allah after the people had finished their obligatory prayer was for in vogue the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Ibn Abbas said : I used to know by it when they finished the prayer and would listen to it making the mention of Allah.
    listen to it making the mention of Allah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said : Ubay Bin Kaab told me that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said : Alkhidr saw a youth playing with boys. He took him by his head and uprooted it. Moses then said : Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said : When the deputation of Ab
    Ibn Abbas said : When the deputation of Abd AlQais came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; he commanded them to believe in Allah. He asked : Do you know what faith in Allah is? They replied : Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It includes the testimony that there is no god but Allah; and that Muhammad is Allahs Apostle; the observance of the prayer; the payment of zakat; the fasts of Ramadan; and your giving a fifth of the booty.
    dan; and your giving a fifth of the booty.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said Hilal Bin Umayah accused hi
    Ibn Abbas said Hilal Bin Umayah accused his wife in the presence of Prophet ﷺ of having committed adultery with Sharik Bin Sahma. The Prophet ﷺ said Produce evidence or you must receive punishment on your back. He said Apostle of Allaah ﷺ when one of us sees a man having intercourse with his wife should he go and seek evidence? But the Prophet ﷺ merely said You must produce evidence or you must receive punishment on your back. Hilal then said By Him Who sent you with the Truth; I am speaking Truly. May Allaah send down something which will free my back from punishment. Then the following Quranic verses were revealed And those who make charges against their spouses but have no witnesses except themselves reciting till he reached one of those who speak the truth. The Prophet ﷺ then returned and sent for them and they came to him. Hilal Bin Umayah stood up and testified and the Prophet ﷺ was saying Allaah knows that one of you is lying. Will one of you repent? Then the woman got up and testified; but when she was about to do it a fifth time saying that Allaahs anger be upon her if he was one of those who spoke the truth; they said to her this is the deciding one. Ibn Abbas said She then hesitated and drew back so that we thought the she would withdraw what she said Look and see whether she gives birth to a child with eyes looking as if they have antimony in them; wide buttocks and fat legs; if she did. Sharik Bin Sahma will be its father. She then gave birth to a child of a similar description. The Prophet ﷺ thereupon said If it were not for what has already been stated in Allaahs book I would have dealt severely with her.Abu Dawud said This tradition has been transmitted by the people of Medina alone. They narrated the tradition of Hilal on the authority of Ibn Bashshar.
    of Hilal on the authority of Ibn Bashshar.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said Hilal Bin Umayah was one of
    Ibn Abbas said Hilal Bin Umayah was one of the three persons whose repentance was accepted by Allaah. One night he returned from his land and found a man along with his wife. He witnessed with his eyes and heard with his ears. He did not threaten him till the morning. Next day he went to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ in the morning and said Apostle of Allaah ﷺ I came to my wife in the night and found a man along with her. I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ disliked what he described and he took it seriously. There upon the following Quranic verse came down And those who make charges against their spouses but have no witnesses except themselves; let the testimony of one of them.... When the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ came to himself after the revelation ended he said Glad tidings to you Hilal; Allaah the exalted has made ease and a way out for you. Hilal said I expected that from my Lord. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said Send for her. She then came. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ recited the verses to them and he reminded them and told them that the punishment in the next world was more severe than that in n this world. Hilal said I swear by Allah I spoke the truth against her. She said He told a lie. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said Apply the method of invoking curses on one another. Hilal was told Bear witness. So he bore witness before Allaah four times that he spoke the truth. When he was about to utter the fifth time he was told Hilal fear Allah; for the punishment in this world is easier than that in the next world and this is the deciding one; that will surely cause punishment to you. He said I swear by Allaah. Allah will not punish me for this act ; as He did not cause me to be flogged for this act. So he bore witness a fifth time invoking the curse of Allah on him if he was of those who tell a lie. Then the people said to her; Testify. So she gave testimony before Allaah that he was a liar. When she was going to testify the fifth time she was told Fear Allah; for the punishment in this world is easier than that in the next world. This is the deciding one that will surely cause punishment to you. She hesitated for a moment. And then said By Allah; I will not disgrace my people. So she testified a fifth time invoking the curse of Allah on her if he spoke the truth. Apostle of Allaah ﷺ separated them from each other and decided that the child will not be attributed to its father. Neither she nor her child will be accused of adultery. He who accuses her or her child will be liable to punishment. He also decided that there will be no dwelling and maintenance for her from the husband as they were separated without divorce and death. He then said If she gives birth to a child with reddish hair; light buttocks; wide belly and light shins he will be the child of Hilal. If she bears a dusky child with curly hair; fat limbs; fat shins and fat buttocks he will be the child of the one who was accused of adultery. She gave birth to a child with curly hair; fat limbs; fat shins and fat buttocks. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said Had there been no oaths; I would have dealt with her severely.Ikrimah said Later on he became the chief of the tribe of Mudar. He was not attributed to his father.
    udar. He was not attributed to his father.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said I did not see anything more
    Ibn Abbas said I did not see anything more resembling to minor sins than what Abu Huraira reported from the Prophet ﷺ who said Allaah has decreed for the children of Adam a share in adultery; he will get it by all means; the adultery of eyes is looking; the adultery of tongue is speaking; the soul desires and has a passion; the private parts confirms or falsifies it.
    he private parts confirms or falsifies it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said I heard the Apostle of Alla
    Ibn Abbas said I heard the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ say When one who is wearing ihram cannot get a lower garment loin cloth he may ear trousers and when he cannot get sandals he may wear shoes. Abu Dawud said This is the tradition narrated by the narrators of Makkah. Its narrator from Basrah is Jabir Bin Zaid. He mentioned only trousers and omitted the mention of cutting of the shoes.
    itted the mention of cutting of the shoes.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said I was among the weak members of his family whom the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ sent ahead on the night of AlMuzdalifah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said Mughith was a slave. He sai
    Ibn Abbas said Mughith was a slave. He said Apostle of Allaah ﷺ make intercession for me to her Barirah. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said O Barirah fear Allaah. He is your husband and father of your child. She said Apostle of Allaah ﷺ do you command me for that? He said No; I am only interceding. Then tears were falling down on his her husbands cheeks. The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ said to Abbas Are you not surprised with the love of Mughith for Barirah and her hatred for him.
    ughith for Barirah and her hatred for him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ performed the circumambulation at the Farewell Pilgrimage on a Camel and touched the corner Black Stone with a crooked stick.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ret
    Ibn Abbas said The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ returned from Arafat preserving a quiet demeanor and he took Usamah up behind him on the Camel. He said O people preserve a quiet demeanor for piety does not consist in exciting the Horses and the Camels i.e.; in driving them quickly. He Ibn Abbas said Thereafter I did not see them raising their hands running quickly till he came to AlMuzdalifah. The narrator Wahb added He took AlFadl Bin Abbas up behind him on the Camel and said O people piety does not consist in exciting the Horses and the Camels i.e.; in driving them quickly ; you must preserve a quiet demeanor. He Ibn Abbas said Thereafter I did not see them raising their hands till he came to Mina.
    raising their hands till he came to Mina.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ cam
    Ibn Abbas said The Apostle of Allaah ﷺ came to Makkah while the fever of Yathrib Medina had weakened them. Thereupon the disbelievers said The people whom the fever has weakened and who suffer misery at Medina are coming to you. Allaah; the exalted; informed the Prophet ﷺ of what they had said. He; therefore; ordered them to perform ramal walk proudly with swift pace in first three circuits and walk ordinarily between the two corners Yamani Corner and the Black Stone. When they saw them the believers walking proudly; they said These are the people about whom you mentioned that the fever had weakened them; but they are more vigorous than us Ibn Abbas said He did not order them to walk proudly in all circuits of the circumambulation out of mercy upon them.
    e circumambulation out of mercy upon them.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Prophet ﷺ had himself cupped when he was in the sacred state wearing ihram.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Prophet ﷺ married Maimunah while he was in the sacred state wearing ihram.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Prophet ﷺ raised his voice in talbiyah for Umrah and his companions for Hajj.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The Quranic verse Unless yo
    Ibn Abbas said The Quranic verse Unless you go forth; He will punish you with a grievous penalty; and the verse It is not fitting for the people of Medina... up to that Allaah might required their deed with the best possible reward have been repealed by the verse. Nor should the believers all go forth together.
    hould the believers all go forth together.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The following verse abrogat
    Ibn Abbas said The following verse abrogated the rule of passing her waiting period with her people. A years maintenance and residence. She may pass her waiting period now anywhere she wishes. Ata said If she wishes she can pass her waiting period with the people of her husband and live in the house left by her husband by will. Or she may shift if she wishes according to the pronouncement of Allah the Exalted. But if they leave the residence there is no blame on you for what they do. Ata said Then the verses regarding inheritance were revealed. The commandment for living in a house for one year was repealed. She may pass her waiting period wherever she wishes.
    ss her waiting period wherever she wishes.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The husband of Barirah was a black slave called Mughith. The Prophet ﷺ gave her choice and commanded her to observe the waiting period.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The verse Those who believe
    Ibn Abbas said The verse Those who believe in Allaah and the Last Day ask thee for no exemption from fighting with their goods and persons was abrogated by the verse Only those are believers who believe in Allaah and His Apostle....For Allaah is Oft-Forgiving; Most Merciful.
    or Allaah is Oft-Forgiving; Most Merciful.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said The verse concerning the payment of ransom stands valid for pregnant and sucking woman.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said Umm Hani daughter of Abu Talib told me that in the year of the conquest she gave protection to a man from the polytheists. She came to the Prophet ﷺ and mentioned it to him. He said We have given security to those to whom you have given it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said When the Apostle of Allaah
    Ibn Abbas said When the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ came to Makkah he was ill. So; he performed the circumambulation on his Camel. He touched the corner Black Stone with a crooked stick as often as he came to it. When he finished the circumambulation; he made his Camel kneel down and offered two rakahs of prayer.
    eel down and offered two rakahs of prayer.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said When the Apostle of Allaah
    Ibn Abbas said When the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ had victory over Quraish in the batte of Badr and came to Madeenah he gathered the Jews in the market of Banu Qainuqa and said O community of Jews embrace Islam before you suffer an injury as the Quraish suffered. They said Muhammad; you should not deceive yourself taking pride that you had killed a few persons of the Quariash who were inexperienced and did not know how to fight. Had you fought with us; you would have known us. You have never met people like us. Allah Most High revealed about this the following verse Say to those who reject faith; soon will ye be vanished... one army was fighting in the cause of Allaah; the other resisting Allaah.
    use of Allaah; the other resisting Allaah.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said When the Prophet of the Persians dies; Iblis satan led them to Mazdaism.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said When the verse If there are
    Ibn Abbas said When the verse If there are twenty amongst you patient and persevering; they will vanquish two hundred was revealed. It was heavy and troublesome for Muslims when Allaah prescribed for them that one fighting Muslim should not fly from ten fighting Non-Muslims. Then a light commandment was revealed saying For the present Allaah hath lightened your task. The narrator Abu Tawbah recited the verse to they will vanquish two hundred. When Allaah lightened the number; patient and perseverance also decreased according to the number lightened from them.
    cording to the number lightened from them.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said Zaid Bin Arqam do you know that the limb of a game was presented to the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ but he did not accept it. He said We are wearing ihram. He replied; Yes.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said on the authority of Khalid
    Ibn Abbas said on the authority of Khalid Bin AlWalid that he entered the house of Maimunah along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. A roasted lizard was offered to him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stretched his hand for it. Some of the women is going to eat. They said: It is a lizard. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ raised his hand. I Khalid asked: Is it forbidden; Messenger of Allah? He replied; No; but it is not found in the land of my people; so I find it distasteful. Khalid said: I then pulled it and ate it while The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was seeing.
    while The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was seeing.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said that Muawiyah reported to h
    Ibn Abbas said that Muawiyah reported to him I clipped some hair of the Prophets ﷺ head with a broad iron arrowhead at AlMarwah; or he said I saw him that the hair of his head was clipped with a broad iron arrowhead at AlMarwah.The narrator Ibn Khallad said in his version Muawiyah said and not the word reported.
    n Muawiyah said and not the word reported.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said that Muawiyah told him: do you not know that I clipped the hair of the head of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with a broad iron arrowhead at AlMarwah? AlHasan added in his version: during his hajj.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said that a piece of red stuff was put in the grave of Allah Messenger ﷺ.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said that his maternal aunt pres
    Ibn Abbas said that his maternal aunt presented to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ clarified butter; lizards and cottage cheese. He ate from clarified butter and cheese; but left the lizard abominably. It was eaten on the food cloth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Had it been unlawful; it would not have been eaten on the food cloth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    he food cloth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet ﷺ gave thr
    Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet ﷺ gave three instructions saying Expel the polytheists from Arabia; reward deputations as I did. Ibn Abbas said He either did not mention the third or I have been caused to forget it. AlHumaidi said on the authority of Sufyan that Sulaiman said I do not know whether Said mentioned the third and I forgot or he himself did not mention it.
    I forgot or he himself did not mention it.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said the Messenger of Allah SWAS
    Ibn Abbas said the Messenger of Allah SWAS was at AlRawha. There he met some riders. He saluted them and asked who they were. They replied that they were Muslims. They asked who are you. They the companions replied he is the Messenger of Allah SWAS. A woman became upset : she took her child by his arm and lifted him from her litter at the camel. She said Messenger of Allah SWAS can this child be credited with having performed Hajj. He replied Yes; and you will have a reward.
    e replied Yes; and you will have a reward.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: A mouse came dragging a wi
    Ibn Abbas said: A mouse came dragging a wick and dropped before the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on the mat on which he was sitting with the result that it burned a hole in it about the size of dirham. He the prophet said: When you go to sleep; extinguish your lamps; for the devil guides a creature like this to do thus and sets you on fire.
    like this to do thus and sets you on fire.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Abu Huraira said that a ma
    Ibn Abbas said: Abu Huraira said that a man came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: I saw in my dream a piece of cloud from which ghee and honey were dropping. I saw the people spreading their hands. Some of them took much and some a little. I also saw a rope hanging from Heaven to Earth. I saw; Messenger of Allah; that you caught hold of it and ascended by it. Then another man caught hold of it and ascended it. Then another man caught hold of it and ascended it. Then another man caught hold of it; but it broke; and then it was joined and he ascended it. Abu Bakr said: May my parents be sacrificed for you; if you allow; I shall interpret it. He said: Interpret it. He said: The piece of cloud is the cloud of Islam; the ghee and honey that were dropping from it are the Quran; which contains softness and sweetness. Those who received much or little of it are those who learn much or little of the Quran. The rope hanging from Heaven to Earth is the truth which you are following. You catch hold of it and then Allah will raise you to Him. Then another man will catch hold of it and ascend it; Then another man will catch hold of it and it will break. But it will be joined and he will ascend it. Tell me. Messenger of Allah; whether I am right or wrong. He said: You are partly right and partly wrong. He said: I adjure you by Allah; you should tell me where I am wrong. The Prophet ﷺ said: Do not take an oath.
    . The Prophet ﷺ said: Do not take an oath.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Aisha said: Rather the Messenger of Allah said: Allah; the Mighty and Sublime increases the punishment of the disbeliever due to some of his family weeping for him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Allah Messenger combined the Zuhr and Asr prayers ; and the Maghrib and Isha prayers in AlMadinah; without being in a state of fear; nor due to rain.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Dubaah; daughter of AlZuba
    Ibn Abbas said: Dubaah; daughter of AlZubair Bin Abd AlMuttalib; came to the Messenger of Allah SWAS and said Messenger of Allah SWAS I want to perform Hajj; may I make a provision? He said Yes. She asked how should I say? He replied : Say Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik I am at Thy service; Oh Allah; I am at Thy service. The place where I took off Ihram will be where Thou restrainest me.
    f Ihram will be where Thou restrainest me.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Hint your intention of mar
    Ibn Abbas said: Hint your intention of marrying is made by saying to the widow for example: I want to marry; and I wish that Allah will make a righteous lady available for me. AlQasim said: One may say to the widow: I hold all respect for you; and I am interested in you; Allah will bring you much good; or something similar Ata said: One should hint his intention; and should not declare it openly. One may say: I have some need. Have good tidings. Praise be to Allah; you are fit to remarry. She the widow may say in reply: I am listening to what you say; but she should not make a promise. Her guardian should not make a promise to somebody to get her married to him without her knowledge. But if; while still in the Iddat period; she makes a promise to marry somebody; and he ultimately marries her; they are not to be separated by divorce i.e.; the marriage is valid.
    ed by divorce i.e.; the marriage is valid.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: I heard Saeed Bin Jubair say: The Messenger of Allah passed by a dead goat and said: Why didnt the owners of this sheep makes use of its skin?  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: I prayed beside the Prophet ﷺ and Aisha was behind us praying with us; and I was beside the Prophet ﷺ praying with him.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: I spent the night in the h
    Ibn Abbas said: I spent the night in the house of my mother sister; Maimuna; and observed how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prayed at night. He got up and relieved himself. He then washed his face and hands and then went to sleep. He again got up and went near the water-skin and loosened its straps and then poured some water in a bowl and inclined it with his hands towards himself. He then performed a good ablution between the two extremes and then stood up to pray. I also came and stood by his left side. He took hold of me and made me stand on his right side. It was in thirteen rakahs that the night prayer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was completed. He then slept till he began to snore; and we knew that he had gone to sleep by his snoring. He then went out for the dawn prayer ; and said while praying or prostrating himself: O Allah! place light in my heart; light in my hearing; light in my sight; light on my right; light on my left; light in front of me; light behind me; light above me; light below me; make light for me; or he said: Make me light.
    e light for me; or he said: Make me light.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: If any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah has revealed; they are no better than unbelievers up to wrongdoers. These three verses were revealed about the Jews; particularly about Quraidha h and AlNadir.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: If one has intercourse in the beginning of the menses; one should give one dinar; in case one has intercourse towards the end of the menses; then half a dinar should be given  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: In the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I heard my father saying; Provide us with Kasan Dihaqa.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: It is only a garment wholly made of silk which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade; but there is no harm in the ornamented border and the wrap.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: Maimuna the wife of the Holy Prophet reported to me that she and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ took a bath from one vessel.  +
  • Ibn Abbas said: No other verse has repealed the verse If a man kills a believer intentionally  +