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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #7,151.

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  • Ibn Abbis reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ sa
    Ibn Abbis reported that Allah Apostle ﷺ said to a woman of the Ansar who was called Umm Sinan: What has prevented you that you did not perform Hajj with us? She said: The father of so and so i. e. her husband had only two camels. One of them had been taken away by him my busbard and his son for Hajj; whereas the other one is used by our boy to carry water. Upon this he the Holy Prophet said: Umra during the month of Rawadin would suffice for Hajj or Hajj along with me.
    ld suffice for Hajj or Hajj along with me.  +
  • Ibn Abdullah Bin Mughaffal narrated: While
    Ibn Abdullah Bin Mughaffal narrated: While I was praying; I said: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim In the Name of Allah; the Merciful; the Beneficent. My father heard me and said: O my son this is a newly invented matter; beware of the newly-invented. He Ibn Abdullah said: I have not seen any one of the Companions of Allah Messenger who hated a newly invented matter in Islam more than him. And he said: Ihave performed Prayer with the Prophet; and with Abu Bakr; and Umar; and with Uthman. I did not hear any one of them saying it. So do not say it. When you are performing Prayer say: AlHamdu lilahi Rabbil-Alamin All praise is due to Allah the Lord of all that exists.
    due to Allah the Lord of all that exists.  +
  • Ibn Abdullah Bin Mughaffal said: If Abdull
    Ibn Abdullah Bin Mughaffal said: If Abdullah Bin Mughaffal heard any one of us recite: In the Name of Allah; the Most Gracious; the Most Merciful; he would say: I prayed behind the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and behind Abu Bakr and behind Umar-may Allah be pleased with them both- and I did not hear any of them recite: In the Name of Allah; the Most Gracious; the Most Merciful.
    lah; the Most Gracious; the Most Merciful.  +
  • Ibn Abdulrahman Bin Abza reported on the a
    Ibn Abdulrahman Bin Abza reported on the authority of his father this incident from Ammar. He said: This would have been enough for you; and the Prophet ﷺ struck the ground with his hand. He then blew it and wiped with it his face and hands. Being doubtful Salamah said: I do not know whether he wiped up to the elbows or the wrists.
    r he wiped up to the elbows or the wrists.  +
  • Ibn Abi Abdulrahman said; I asked Said Ibn
    Ibn Abi Abdulrahman said; I asked Said Ibn AlMusayab; How much for the finger of a woman? He said; Ten camels I said; How much for two fingers? He said; Twenty camels. I said; How much for three? He said; Thirty camels. I said; How much for four? He said; Twenty camels. I said; When her wound is greater and her affliction stronger; is her blood-money then less? He said; Are you an Iraqi? I said; Rather; I am a scholar who seeks to verify things; or an ignorant man who seeks to learn. Said said; It is the sunna; my nephew. Malik said; What is done in our community about all the fingers of the hand being cut off is that its blood- money is complete. That is because when five fingers are cut; their blood-money is the blood-money of the hand: fifty camels. Each finger has ten camels. Malik said; The reckoning of the fingers is thirty-three dinars for each fingertip; and that is three and a third shares of camels.
    hat is three and a third shares of camels.  +
  • Ibn Abi AlMujalid-on one occasion he the n
    Ibn Abi AlMujalid-on one occasion he the narrator said Abdullah; and on another occasion he said Muhammad - said: Abu Burdah and Abdullah Bin Shaddad argued about payment in advance. They sent me to Ibn Abi Awuf a and I asked him about that. He said: We used to pay in advance during the time of the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr and Umar; for wheat; barley; raisins and dates; paying people whom we did not see it with them. And I asked Ibn Abza and he said something similar to that.
    bza and he said something similar to that.  +
  • Ibn Abi Ammar said: I asked Jabir Bin Abdullah: Is the hyena game? He said: Yes He said: I said: Can it be eaten? He said: Yes. He said: I said: Did the Messenger of Allah say that? He said: Yes.  +
  • Ibn Abi Aufa Allah be pleased with him rep
    Ibn Abi Aufa Allah be pleased with him reported: We were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on a journey. When the sun sank he said to a person: Get down and prepare barley meal for us. Upon this he said: Messenger of Allah; let there be dusk. He the Holy Prophet said: Get down and prepare barley meal for us. He the person said: There is still the light of day upon us. But he got down in obedience to the command of the Holy Prophet and prepared a barley meal for him and he the Holy Prophet drank that liquid meal and then said: When you see the night approaching from that side west and he pointed towards the east with his hand ; then the observer of the fast should break it.
    the observer of the fast should break it.  +
  • Ibn Abi Dhib narrated from Ibn Shihab; fro
    Ibn Abi Dhib narrated from Ibn Shihab; from Abu Salamah; from Jabir; that the Messenger of Allah ruled -concerning a person who has been given a lifelong gift Umra - that it belongs to him and to his descendants: It is undoubtedly his; and it is not permissible for the giver to stipulate any conditions or exceptions. Abu Salamah said: Because he gave it as a gift and thus; it is subject to the same ruling as the estate; and the condition that it will revert to the giver on the death of recipient has become invalid.
    the death of recipient has become invalid.  +
  • Ibn Abi Khizamah narrated from his father;
    Ibn Abi Khizamah narrated from his father;that a man came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: O Messenger of Allah! Do you think that the Ruqyah we use; the treatments we use; and what we seek to protect ourselves with prevent anything from Allah Decree? He said: They are from Allah Decree.
    cree? He said: They are from Allah Decree.  +
  • Ibn Abi Laila reported: Kaab Bin Ujra met
    Ibn Abi Laila reported: Kaab Bin Ujra met me and said: Should I not offer you a present and added : The Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to us and we said: We have learnt how to invoke peace upon you; kindly tell us how we should bless you. He the Holy Prophet said: Say: O Allah: bless Muhammad and his family as Thou didst bless the family of Ibrahim. Verily Thou art Praiseworthy and Glorious; O Allah.
    ou art Praiseworthy and Glorious; O Allah.  +
  • Ibn Abi Laila said: Prayer passed through
    Ibn Abi Laila said: Prayer passed through three stages. And out people narrated to us that Messenger of Allah ﷺ said; it is to my liking that the prayer of Muslims or believers should be united i.e.; in congregation ; so much so that I intended to send people to the houses to announce the time of prayer; and I also resolved that I should order people to stand at the tops of the forts and announce the time of the prayer for Muslims; and they struck the bell or were about to strike the bell to announce the time for prayer. Then came a person from among the Ansar who said: Messenger of Allah; when I returned from you; as I saw your anxiety. I saw in sleep a person with two green clothes on him; he stood on the Masjid and called people to prayer. He then sat down for a short while and stood up and pronounced in a like manner; except that he added: The time for prayer has come. If the people did not call me a liar ; and according to the version of Ibn AlMuthanna; if you did not call me a liar. I would say that I was awake; I was awake; I was not asleep. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: According to the version of Ibn AlMuthanna; Allah has shown you a good dream. But the version of Amr does not have the words: Allah has shown you a good dream. Then ask Bilal to pronounce the ADHAN to call to the prayer. Umar in the meantime said: I also had a dream like the one he had. But as he informed earlier. I was ashamed to inform. Our people have narrated to us: when a person came to the Masjid during the prayer in congregation ; he would ask about the RAKAHS of prayer ; and he would be informed about the number of RAKAHS already performed. They would stand in prayer along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ : some in standing position; others bowing; some sitting and some praying along with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Ibn AlMuthanna reported from Amr from Hussain Bin Abi Laila; saying ; Until Muadh came. Shubah said ; I heard it from Hussain who said : I shall follow the position in the prayer in which I find him the prophet... you should do in a similar way.Abu Dawud said: I then turned to the tradition reported by Amr Bin Marzuq he said; then Maadh came and they the people hinted at him. Shubah said; I heard it from hussain who said: Muadh then said; I shall follow the position in the prayer when I join it in which I find him the prophet. He then said: Muadh has prayer when I join it in which I find him the prophet. He then said: MUadh has introduced for you a SUNNAH a model behaviour ; so you should do in a like manner.He said; our people have narrated to us; when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to Madina; he commanded them the people to keep fast for three days. Thereafter the Quranic verses with regard to the fasts during Ramadan were revealed. But they were people who were not accustomed to keep fast ; hence the keeping of the fasts was hard for them; so those who could not keep fast would feed an indigent; then the month. The concession was granted to the patient and the traveler; all were commanded to keep fast.
    traveler; all were commanded to keep fast.  +
  • Ibn Abi Laila said: Whan Hudhaifah was in
    Ibn Abi Laila said: Whan Hudhaifah was in AlMadain; he asked for water. A peasant brought him a silver vessel. He threw it away and said: I threw it away; for I prohibited him but he did not stop. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade to wear silk or brocade; and to drink from gold and silver vessels. He said: Others have them in this world and you will have them in the next.
    world and you will have them in the next.  +
  • Ibn Abi Mulaikah said: Ibn Abbas wrote to me that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had defendant should take an oath.  +
  • Ibn Abi Najib narrated from his father who
    Ibn Abi Najib narrated from his father who said: Ibn Umar was asked about fasting the Day of Arafat at Arafat. He said: I performed Hajj with the Prophet; and he did not fast it; and with Abu Bakr; and he did not fast it; and with Umar; and he did not fast it; and with Uthman; and he did not fast it. I do no fast it; nor order it nor forbid it.
    do no fast it; nor order it nor forbid it.  +
  • Ibn Abi Rafi said: Abu Huraira led us in t
    Ibn Abi Rafi said: Abu Huraira led us in the Friday prayer and recited Surah AlJumuah and When the hypocrites come to you 63 in the last rakah. He said: I met Abu Huraira when he finished the prayer and said to him: You recited the two surah that Ali used to recite at Kufah. Abu Huraira said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reciting them on Friday.
    senger of Allah ﷺ reciting them on Friday.  +
  • Ibn Abu Aufa reported: We went on seven expeditions with Allah Messenger ﷺ and ate locusts.  +
  • Ibn Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman reported that
    Ibn Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman reported that when Allah Messenger ﷺ married Umm Salamah and she stayed with him during the night ; and it was dawn; he the Holy Prophet said to her: There is no lack of estimation for you on the part of your husband. So if you desire I can spend a week with you; and if you like I may spend three nights. and then I will visit you in turn. She said: Spend three nights.
    you in turn. She said: Spend three nights.  +
  • Ibn Abu Mulaika reported that AlQasim Bin
    Ibn Abu Mulaika reported that AlQasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr had narrated to him that Aisha Allah be pleased with her reported that Sahla bint Suhail Bin Amr came to Allah Apostle ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa is living with us in our house; and he has attained puberty as men attain it and has acquired knowledge of the sex problems as men acquire; whereupon he said: Suckle him so that he may become unlawful in regard to marriage for you He Ibn Abu Mulaika said: I refrained from narrating this hadith for a year or so on account of fear. I then met AlQasim and said to him: You narrated to me a hadith which I did not narrate to anyone afterwards. He said: What is that? I informed him; whereupon he said: Narrate it on my authority that Aisha Allah be pleased with her had narrated that to me.
    pleased with her had narrated that to me.  +
  • Ibn Abu Mulaika reported: I heard Aisha as
    Ibn Abu Mulaika reported: I heard Aisha as saying and she was asked as to whom Allah Messenger ﷺ would have nominated as his successor if he had to nominate one at all. She said: Abu Bakr. It was said to her: Then whom after Abu Bakr? She said: Umar. It was said to her. Then whom after Umar? She said: Abu Ubaida Bin AlJarrah; and then she kept quiet at this.
    AlJarrah; and then she kept quiet at this.  +
  • Ibn Abu Mulaika reported: I heard Ibn Abba
    Ibn Abu Mulaika reported: I heard Ibn Abbas as saying: When Umar Bin AlKhattab was placed in the coffin the people gathered around him. They praised him and supplicated for him before the bier was lifted up; and I was one amongst them. Nothing attracted my attention but a person who gripped my shoulder from behind. I saw towards him and found that he was Ali. He invoked Allah mercy upon Umar and said: You have left none behind you whose deeds are so enviable that I love to meet Allah with them. By Allah; I hoped that Allah would keep you and your two associates together. I had often heard Allah Messenger ﷺ as saying: I came and there came too Abu Bakr and Umar; I entered and there entered too Abu Bakr and Umar; I went out and there went out too Abu Bakr and Umar; and I hope and think that Allah will keep you along with them.
    that Allah will keep you along with them.  +
  • Ibn Abu Mulaykah told that when someone remarked to Aisha that a woman was wearing sandals; she replied: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ cursed mannish women.  +
  • Ibn Abu Najih has narrated a hadith like this with the same chain of transmitters; but he has not mentioned: for a definite period.  +
  • Ibn Abu Najih reported from his father on
    Ibn Abu Najih reported from his father on the authority of two men from Banu Bakr who said: We saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ addressing the people in the middle of the tashriq days when we were staying near his mount. This is the address of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ which he gave at Mina.
    essenger of Allah ﷺ which he gave at Mina.  +
  • Ibn Abu Rafi said: Marwan appointed Abu Hu
    Ibn Abu Rafi said: Marwan appointed Abu Huraira as his deputy in Medina and he himself left for Mecca. Abu Huraira led us in the Jumua prayer and recited after Surah Jumua in the second rakah: When the hypocrites came to thee Surah 63. I then met Abu Huraira as he came back and said to him: You have recited two surahs which Ali Bin Abu Talib used to recite in Kufah. Upon this Abu Huraira said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reciting these two in the Friday prayer.
    ﷺ reciting these two in the Friday prayer.  +
  • Ibn Abud said; Ali said to me May I not na
    Ibn Abud said; Ali said to me May I not narrate you about me and Fathimah daughter of the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ ? She was most favorite to him of his family. I said Yes. He said She pulled the grinding stone with her hand so much that it affected her hand; she carried water in a water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest; she swept the house so much so that her clothes became dirty. The Prophet ﷺ acquired some slaves. So I said Would that you go to your father and ask him for a slave. She then came to him and found some people with him talking to him. She therefore returned. Next day she came again. He asked her ; what was your need? But she kept silence. So I said; I inform you; Apostle of Allaah ﷺ. She pulled grinding stone so much that it affected her hand; she carried water bag so much so that it affected the upper portion of her chest. When the slaves were brought to you I asked her to come to you and to ask you for a slave to save her from the exertion she is suffering. He said Fear Allaah; Fathimah and perform the duty of your Lord and do the work of your family. When you go to bed say Glory be to Allaah thirty three times; Praise be to Allaah thirty three times; Allaah is Most Great thirty four times. This is hundred times. That will be better for you than a servant. She said I am pleased with Allaah; Most High and with his Apostle ﷺ.
    Allaah; Most High and with his Apostle ﷺ.  +
  • Ibn Abza reported on the authority of Amma
    Ibn Abza reported on the authority of Ammar Bin Yasir in this tradition as saying from the Prophet : Ammar; it would have been enough for you to do so. He then stuck only one stroke on the ground with both his hands; he then stuck one with the other; then wiped his face and both arms up to half the forearms and did not reach the elbows.Abu Dawud said: This is also transmitted by Waki from AlAmash from Salamah Bin Kuhail from Abdulrahman Bin Abza.It is also transmitted through a different chain by Jarir from AlAmash from Salamah from Saeed Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abza from his father.
    Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abza from his father.  +
  • Ibn AlAla said : AlAla Bin AlHadrami wrote to the prophet ﷺ ; and he began with his name.  +
  • Ibn AlDailami said : I went to Ubay Bin Ka
    Ibn AlDailami said : I went to Ubay Bin Kaab and said him : I am confused about Divine decree; so tell me something by means of which Allah may remove the confusion from my mind. He replied : were Allah to punish everyone in the heavens and in the earth. He would do so without being unjust to them; and were he to show mercy to them his mercy would be much better than their actions merited. Were you to spend in support of Allahs cause an amount of gold equivalent to Uhud; Allah would not accept it from you till you believed in divine decree and knew that what has come to you could not miss you and that what has missed you could not come to you. Were you to die believing anything else you would enter Hell. He said : I then went to Abdullah Bin MAsud and he said something to the same effect. I next went to Hudhaifah Bin AlYaman and he said something to the same effect. I next went to Zaid Bin Thabit who told me something from the Prophet ﷺ to the same effect.
    ing from the Prophet ﷺ to the same effect.  +
  • Ibn AlHad said: Nafi Bin Jubair asked me:
    Ibn AlHad said: Nafi Bin Jubair asked me: In how many days do you recite the Quran ? I said: I have not fixed any part from it for daily round. Nafi said to me: Do not say: I do not fix any part of it for daily round; for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I recited a part of the Quran.The narrator Ibn AlHad said: I think I have transmitted this tradition from AlMughirah Bin Shubah.
    this tradition from AlMughirah Bin Shubah.  +
  • Ibn AlHarith reported: He had heard Abu Hu
    Ibn AlHarith reported: He had heard Abu Huraira say: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ recited takbir on standing for prayer; and the rest of the hadith is like that transmitted by Ibn Juraij recorded above ; but he did not mention Abu Huraira as saying: My prayer has the best resemblance amongst you with the prayer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    th the prayer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Ibn AlMuakadir said: Huzzal had ordered Maiz to go to the prophet ﷺ and tell him about his having committed adultery.  +
  • Ibn AlMubarak said: I have never found any sound report; giving a concession on intoxicants; except the report narrated from Ibrahim.  +
  • Ibn AlMughirah Bin Shubah narrated from his father: The Prophet performed Ablution and wiped over the Khuff and Imamah. Abu Bakr one of the narrators said: And indeed I heard it from Ibn AlMughirah.  +
  • Ibn AlMunkadir said: I heard Jabir say: I fell sick; and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and Abu Bakr came to visit me. They found me unconscious; so the Messenger of Allah ﷺ performed Ablution and poured his Ablution water over me.  +
  • Ibn AlMuththanna reported on the authority
    Ibn AlMuththanna reported on the authority of Ibn AbuAdi who transmitted on the authority of IbnAun who narrated from AlQasim and Ibrahim having said: I cannot differentiate the hadith of one from the other Qasim and Ibrahim that the Mother of the Believers Allah be pleased with her said this: Messenger of Allah; people have come back with two acts of worship. The rest of the hadith is the same.
    rship. The rest of the hadith is the same.  +
  • Ibn AlQasim narrated on the authority of h
    Ibn AlQasim narrated on the authority of his father that Urwa Bin AlZubair Allah be pleased with him said to Aisha Allah be pleased with her : Didnt you see that such and such daughter of AlHakam was divorced by her husband with an irrevocable divorce; and she left the house of her husband ? Thereupon Aisha Allah be pleased with her said: It was bad that she did. He Urwa said: Have you not heard the words of Fatima? Thereupon she said: There if no good for her in making mention of it.
    f no good for her in making mention of it.  +
  • Ibn AlSadi Maliki reported: Umar Bin AlKha
    Ibn AlSadi Maliki reported: Umar Bin AlKhattab Allah be pleased with him appointed me as a collector of Sadaqa. When I had finished that the task assigned to me and I handed over that to him to Umar ; he commanded me to accept some remuneration for the work. I said: I performed this duty for Allah and my reward is with Allah. He said: Take whatever has been given to you; for I also performed this duty during the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He assigned me the task of a collector and I said as you say; and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me: When you are given anything without your begging for it; then accept it ; eat it and give it in charity.
    accept it ; eat it and give it in charity.  +
  • Ibn AlSadi reported: Umar Bin AlKhattab Allah be pleased with him appointed me as a collector of Sadaqat. The rest of the hadith in the same.  +
  • Ibn AlSaidi said : Umar employed me to col
    Ibn AlSaidi said : Umar employed me to collect the sadaqah. When I finished doing so and gave it to him; he ordered payment to be given to me. I said: I did only for Allahs sake; and my reward will come from Allah. He said: Take what you are given; for I acted as a collector during the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he assigned me a payment. Thereupon; I said the same kind of thing as you have said; to which Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When you are given something without asking for it; you should use it for your own purpose and as sadaqah.
    se it for your own purpose and as sadaqah.  +
  • Ibn AlSarh said: I saw this tradition in the writing of my maternal uncle from Aqil; from Ibn Shihab through a different chain of narrators and to the same effect.  +
  • Ibn AlZubair reported on the authority of Umm Habibah that she was the wife of Ibn Jahsh; but he died; He was among those who migrated to Abyssinia. Negus then married her to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • Ibn AlZubair told that a woman client of theirs took AlZubair daughter to Umar Ibn AlKhattab wearing bells on her legs. Umar cut them off and said that he had heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: There is a devil along with each bell.  +
  • Ibn Atiq reported: AlQasim was in the pres
    Ibn Atiq reported: AlQasim was in the presence of Aisha Allah be pleased with her that I narrated a hadith and Qasim was a man who committed errors in pronouncing words and his mother was a freed slave-girl. Aisha said to him: What is the matter with you that you do not narrate as this son of my brother narrated the ahaditb ? Well I know from where you picked it up. This is how his mother brought him up and how your mother brought you up. Qasim felt angry on this remark of Hadrat Aisha and showed bitterness towards her. When he saw that the table had been spread for Aisha; he stood up; Aisha; said: Where are you going? He said: I am going to say prayer. She said: Sit down to take the food. He said: I must say prayer. She said: Sit down; faithless; for I have heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: No prayer can be rightly said when the food is there before the worshipper ; or when he is prompted by the call of nature.
    when he is prompted by the call of nature.  +
  • Ibn Buhaina reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ got himself cupped in the middle of his head on his way to Mecca.  +
  • Ibn Buhaina reported: The dawn prayer had commenced when the Messen- ger of Allah ﷺ saw a person observing prayer; whereas the Muadhdhin had pronounced the Iqama. Upon this he the Holy Prophet remarked: Do you say four rakahs of Fard in the dawn prayer?  +
  • Ibn Buraida Allah be pleased with him reported on the authority of his father: A woman came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; and the rest of the hadith is the same; but he said: Fasting of one month.  +
  • Ibn Buraida narrated it on the authority o
    Ibn Buraida narrated it on the authority of his father that a Bedouin came when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had completed the morning prayer. He thrust his head in the door of the Masjid; and then the hadith as narrated above was narrated.This hadith has been reported by another chain of transmitters.
    reported by another chain of transmitters.  +
  • Ibn Buraida reported on the authority of h
    Ibn Buraida reported on the authority of his father that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I forbade you to visit graves; but you may now visit them; I forbade you to eat the flesh of sacrificial animals after three days; but you way now keep it as along as you feel inclined; and I forbade you nabidh except in a water-skin; you may drink it from all kinds of water-skins; but you must not drink anything intoxicating.
    you must not drink anything intoxicating.  +
  • Ibn Buraida reported that Abdullah Bin AlM
    Ibn Buraida reported that Abdullah Bin AlMughaffal saw a person from amongst his companions throwing small pebbles; whereupon he said: Dont throw pebbles. for Allah Messenger ﷺ did not like it; or he forbade flinging of pebbles since neither the game is taken thereby; nor an enemy defeated. but it may break a tooth or put out an eye. He; afterwards; again saw him flinging pebbles; and said to him: I inform you that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not approve or he forbade flinging of pebbles; but if I see you again flinging pebbles. I will not speak with you.
    inging pebbles. I will not speak with you.  +