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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #7,451.

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  • Ibn Umar narrated that: the Messenger of A
    Ibn Umar narrated that: the Messenger of Allah said: For forty sheep; one sheep up to one hundred and twenty. If there is one more. Then two sheep; up to two hundred. If there is one more; then three sheep; up to three hundred. If there are more than that; then for every hundred one sheep. Do not separate combined flock and do not combine separate flocks for fear of Sadaqah. Each partner who has a share in the flock should pay in proportion to his shares. And the Zakat collector should not accept any decrepit or defective animal; nor any male goat; unless he wishes to.
    l; nor any male goat; unless he wishes to.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated that: the Messenger of A
    Ibn Umar narrated that: the Messenger of Allah used to dismount at Dhu Tuwa and stay there overnight unitl he prayed Subh when he was approaching Makkah. The place where the Messenger of Allah prayed was on top of the big hillock and not in the Masjid that was built later on; but it was lower than that; on top of the big hillock.
    ower than that; on top of the big hillock.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated that: the Messenger of Allah enjoined Zakat AlFitr; one Sa of dates or one Sa of barley.Abdullah said: The people made two Mudd equal to half of a Sa of wheat as its equivalent.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated that: the Prophet said: When the supper is presented and the Iqamah is called for Prayer; then begin with the supper.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: A man came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah! What is it that makes Hajj obligatory? He said: The provisions and a means of conveyance.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: A man greeted the Prophet with Salam ; and he was urinating; so he did not respond to him.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: A man pronounced the Lian on his wife; and the Prophet separated the two of them; and he decide that the child belonged to the mother.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: A man stood and said O
    Ibn Umar narrated: A man stood and said O Messenger of Allah! What clothing do you command us to wear in AlHaram? The Messenger of Allah said: Do not wear shirts; nor pants; nor burnooses; nor turbans; nor Khuff - unless one does not have any sandals; then let him wear Khuff; but let him cut them below the ankles. And do not wear any cloth that has been touched by saffron or Wars. And the woman in Ihram is not to cover her face; nor wear gloves.
    is not to cover her face; nor wear gloves.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: AlBaida the one they lie about regarding the Messenger of Allah. By Allah! The Messenger of Allah did not start the Talbiyah except from near the Masjid; near the tree.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: Allah Messenger; Abu Bakr; and Umar would pray during the two Eid before the Khutbah; then they would give the Khutbah.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: Another chain with a similar narration  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: Ghilan Bin Salamah AlThaqafi accepted Islam and he had ten wives in Aljahiliyah who accepted Islam along with him. So the Prophet ordered him to chose four of them.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I had a wife whom I loved; but my father disliked her; so he ordered me to divorce her but I refused. I mentioned that to the Prophet and he said: O Abdullah Bin Umar! Divorce your wife.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I heard AlIah Messenger while he was being asked about water in open areas of the land; and predators and beasts come to it. He said: So Allah Messenger said: When the water is two Qullah it does not carry filth.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I memorized ten Rakah f
    Ibn Umar narrated: I memorized ten Rakah from Allah Messenger S which he would pray in a night and a day: Two Rakah before AlZuhr; two after it; two Rakah after AlMaghrib and two Rakah after the latter Isha. He said: And Hafsah narrated to me that he S would pray two Rakah before AlFajr.
    t he S would pray two Rakah before AlFajr.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I prayed Zuhr with the Prophet on a journey as two Rakah; and two Rakah after it.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I prayed two Rakah after AlMaghrib with the Prophet S in his house.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I prayed two Rakah with the Prophet S before AlZuhr and two Rakah after it.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I prayed with the Proph
    Ibn Umar narrated: I prayed with the Prophet both; while a resident and while traveling. So I prayed four for Zuhr with him as a resident; and two Rakah after it. I prayed two Rakah for Zuhr with him while traveling and two Rakah after it; and two Rakah for Asr; and he did not pray anything after it. Maghrib while a resident and traveling is the same; three Rakah; it is not decreased as a resident nor while traveling. It is Witr of the day; and after it are two Rakah.
    tr of the day; and after it are two Rakah.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I said to Bilal: How did the Prophet S reply to them when they gave him Salams and he was performing Prayer? He said: He would motion with his hand.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I traveled with the Pro
    Ibn Umar narrated: I traveled with the Prophet; Abu Bakr; Umar; and Uthman; they would pray Zuhr and Asr as two Rakah and two Rakah; not praying before them nor after them. And Ibn Umar said: If I was going to pray before it or after it then I would pray it complete.
    or after it then I would pray it complete.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: I watched the Prophet S for a month. In the two Rakah before Fajr he would recite: Say: O you disbelievers! and Say: Allah is One.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Messenger of Allah made Sadaqat AlFitr an obligation upon the male and female; the free and the bondsmen; as a Sa of dried dates or a Sa of barley. He said: So the people equated that to half a Sa of wheat.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Messenger of Allah made Sadaqat AlFitr of Ramadan an obligation - a Sa of dried dates or a Sa of barley - required upon every free person and slave; male and female among the Muslims.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet entered Makkah during the daytime.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet performed Prayer towards his camel; or his mount; and he would perform Prayer while on his mount; whichever direction it was facing.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet performed Ghusl for entered Makkah at Fakhkh.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet performed Umrah four times; one of them was during Rajab.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet prohibited Prayer from being performed in seven places: the dung heap; the slaughtering area; the graveyard; the commonly used road; the wash area; in the area that camels rest at; and above the House of Allah the Kabah.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet prohibited Shighar.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet purchased his Hadi in Qudaid.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet would apply oil that is not scented Ghair Muqattat while he was a Muhrim.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet would give a Khutbah on Friday; then sit; then stand and give another Khutbah. He said: Similar to what they do today.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet would say t
    Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet would say the following for the Talbiyah: Labbaik Allahumma labbaik. Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik. Innal-hamda wan-ni;mata laka Almulk; la sharika laka. I respond to Your call O Allah! I respond to Your call. You have no partner. I respond to Your call. All praise; thanks and blessings are for You. All sovereignty is for You. And You have no partners with You.
    or You. And You have no partners with You.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet would walk when stoning the Jimar; both going and returning.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: The Prophet; Abu Bakr; Umar; and Uthman would camp at AlAbtah.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: Umar delivered a Khutba
    Ibn Umar narrated: Umar delivered a Khutbah to us at AlJabiyah. He said: O you people! Indeed I have stood among you as the Messenger of Allah s.a.w stood among us; and he said: I order you to stick to my Companions; then those who come after them; then those who come after them. Then lying will spread until a man will take an oath when no oath was sought from him; and a witness will testify when his testimony was not sought. Behold! A man is not alone with a woman but the third of them is AlShaitan. Adhere to the Jamaah; beware of separation; for indeed AlShaitan is with one; and he is further away from two. Whoever wants the best place in Paradise; then let him stick to the Jamaah. Whoever rejoices with his good deeds and grieves over his evil deeds; then that is the believer among you.
    eeds; then that is the believer among you.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated: We would sleep in the Masjid during the time of Allah Messenger and we were young men.  +
  • Ibn Umar narrated; saying: When the Prophe
    Ibn Umar narrated; saying: When the Prophet ﷺ would bid farewell to a man; he would take his hand; and not let it go until the man let go of the hand; of the Prophet; and he would say: I entrust to Allah your religion; your trusts; and the last of your deeds Astawdiullaha dinaka wa amanataka wa akhira amalik.
    laha dinaka wa amanataka wa akhira amalik.  +
  • Ibn Umar rep rte that Allah Messenger ﷺ combined the sunset and Isha prayers at Muzdalifa. He observed three rakahs of the sunset prayer and two rakahs of the Isha prayer with one Iqama.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The vow neither hastens anything nor defers anything; but is the means whereby something is extracted from the miserly person.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Fever is due to vehemence of the heat of Hell; so cool it with water.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: He who gives up his share in a slave; the remaining share will be paid out of his riches if his riches are enough to meet the price of the slave.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The prayer of a person in congregation is twenty-seven times in excess to the prayer said alone.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: The similitude of a hypocrite is that of a sheep which roams aimlessly between two flocks. She goes to one at one time and to the other at another time.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as sayin
    Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: When the people stand before Allah; the Lord of the worlds; each one of them would stand submerged into perspiration up to half of his ears; and there is no mention of the day in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Ibn Muthanni.
    nsmitted on the authority of Ibn Muthanni.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Pray in your houses; and do not make them graves.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ as saying: Observe some of your prayers in your houses and do not make them graves.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ having said: None of you should eat the flesh of his sacrificial animal beyond three days.  +
  • Ibn Umar reported Allah Apostle ﷺ saying like this but with this change of words: She sometimes finds a way in one flock and then in another flock.  +