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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #8,051.

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List of results

  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Auf Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you; who invoke God blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked by those present : Shouldnt we overthrow them with the help of the sword? He said: No; as long as they establish prayer among you. If you then find anything detestable in them. You should hate their administration; but do not withdraw yourselves from their obedience.
    withdraw yourselves from their obedience.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Nobody who dies and has something good for him with Allah will ever like to return to this world even though he were offered the whole world and all that is in its as an inducement ; except the martyr who desires to return and be killed in the world for the great merit of martyrdom that he has seen.
    great merit of martyrdom that he has seen.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Masud AlAnsari who said: A man came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: My riding beast has been killed; so give me some animal to ride upon. He the Holy Prophet said: I have none with me. A man said: Messenger of Allah; I can guide him to one who will provide him with a riding beast. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer.
    has a reward similar to that of its doer.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Anas that when the news of the advance of Abu Sufyan at the head of a force reached him. the Messenger of Allah ﷺ held consultations with his Companions. The narrator said: Abu Bakr spoke expressing his own views ; but he the Holy Prophet did not pay heed to him. Then spoke Umar expressing his views ; but he the Holy Prophet did not pay heed to him too. Then Saad Bin Ubada stood up and said: Messenger of Allah; you want us to speak. By God in Whose control is my life; if you order us to plunge our horses into the sea; we would do so. If you order us to goad our horses to the most distant place like Bark AlGhimad; we would do so. The narrator said: Now the Messenger of Allah ﷺ called upon the people for the encounter. So they set out and encamped at Badr. Soon the water-carriers of the Quraish arrived. Among them was a black slave belonging to Banu AlHajjaj. The Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ caught him and interrogated him about Abu Sufyan and his companions. He said: I know nothing about Abu Sufyan; but Abu Jahl; Utba; Shaiba and Umaya Bin Khalaf are there. When he said this; they beat him. Then he said: All right; I will tell you about Abu Sufyan. They would stop beating him and then ask him again about Abu Sufyan. He would again say; I know nothing about Abu Sufyan; but Abu Jahl. Utba; Shaiba and Umaya Bin Khalaf are there. When he said this; they beat him likewise. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was standing in prayer. When he saw this he finished his prayer and said: By Allah in Whose control is my life; you beat him when he is telling you the truth; and you let him go when he tells you a lie. The narrator said: Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: This is the place where so and so would be killed. He placed his hand on the earth saying here and here; and none of them fell away from the place which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had indicated by placing his hand on the earth.
    ndicated by placing his hand on the earth.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ stood among us to deliver a sermon. He talked about the misappropriation of booty; and declared it to be a serious matter and a grave sin. Then he said: I shouldnt find that any of you should come on the Day of Judgment with a growling camel mounted on his neck; and should appeal to me for help saying: Messenger of Allah; help me. and I should say: I have no authority to help you; I already communicated to you. I shouldnt find that any of you should come on the Day of Judgment with a bleating ewe mounted on his neck; and he should say to me: Messenger of Allah; help me; and I should say: I have no authority to help you; I conveyed to you. I shouldnt find that one of you should come on the Day of Judgment with a Person crying loudly mounted on his neck; and he should say to me: Messenger of Allah; help me; and I should say: I have no authority to help you; I conveyed to you. I shouldnt find that any one of you should come on the Day of Judgment with fluttering clothes wrapped round his neck and he should say to me: Messenger of Allah; help me; and I should say: I have no authority to help you; I conveyed to you. I shouldnt find that any of you should come on the Day of Judgment with a heap of gold and silver placed on his neck and he should say to me: Messenger of Allah; help me. and I should say: I have no authority to help you; I already conveyed to you the warning from the Almighty.
    eyed to you the warning from the Almighty.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of the same narrator through another chain of transmitters with the same difference in the wording.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had his front teeth damaged on the day of the Battle of Uhud; and got a wound on his head. He was wiping the blood from his face and was saying: How will these people attain salvation who have wounded their Prophet and broken his tooth while he called them towards God? At this time; God; the Exalted and Glorious; revealed the Verse: Thou hast no authority iii. 127.
    he Verse: Thou hast no authority iii. 127.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Zaid Bin Arqam that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ fought nineteen battles and after the Migration performed only one Pilgrimage called Hajjat AlWada.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire or determination for Jihad died the death of a hypocrite. Abdullah Bin Mubarak said: We think the hadith pertained to the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    d to the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Jabir who said: If we had been a hundred thousand in number; it the water would have sufficed us; but actually we were fifteen hundred.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Arfaja who said: I have heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: Different evils will make their appearance in the near future. Anyone who tries to disrupt the affairs of this Umma while they are united you should strike him with the sword whoever he be. If remonstrance does not prevail with him and he does not desist from his disruptive activities; he is to be killed.
    disruptive activities; he is to be killed.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah Bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Behold! the Dispensers of justice will be seated on the pulpits of light beside God; on the right side of the Merciful; Exalted and GlorioUS. Either side of the Being is the right side both being equally mrneritorious. The Dispensers of justice are those who do justice in their rules; in matters relating to their families and in all that they undertake to do.
    lies and in all that they undertake to do.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Jabir Bin Samura that the Prophet ﷺ said: This religion will continue to exist; and a group of people from the Muslims will continue to fight for its protection until the Hour is established.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When Allah will gather together; on the Day of Judgment; all the earlier and later generations of mankind; a flag will be raised to mark off every person guilty of breach of faith; and it will be announced that this is the perfidy of so and so; son of so and so to attract the attention of people to his guilt.
    ract the attention of people to his guilt.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: My heirs cannot share even a dinar from my legacy ; what I leave behind after paving maintenance allowance to my wives and remuneration to my manager is to go in charity.
    eration to my manager is to go in charity.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Prophet May be upon him said: Beware. every one of you is a shepherd and every one is answerable with regard to his flock. The Caliph is a shepherd over the people and shall be questioned about his subjects as to how he conducted their affairs. A man is a guardian over the members of his family and shal be questioned about them as to how he looked after their physical and moral well-being. A woman is a guardian over the household of her husband and his children and shall be questioned about them as to how she managed the household and brought up the children. A slave is a guardian over the property of his master and shall be questioned about it as to how he safeguarded his trust. Beware; every one of you is a guardian and every one of you shall be questioned with regard to his trust.
    ll be questioned with regard to his trust.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Wail who said: Sahal Bin Hunaif stood up on the Day of Siffin and said: O ye people; blame yourselves for want of discretion ; we were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ on the Day of Hudaibiya. If we had thought it fit to fight; we could fight. This was in the truce between the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and the polytheists. Umar Bin AlKhattab came; approached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said: Messenger of Allah; arent we fighting for truth and they for falsehood? He replied: By all means. He asked: Are not those killed from our side in Paradise and those killed. from their side in the Fire? He replied: Yes. He said: Then why should we put a blot upon our religion and return; while Allah has not decided the issue between them and ourselves? He said: Son of AlKhattab; I am the Messenger of Allah. Allah will never ruin me. The narrator said : Umar went away; but he could not contain himself with rage. So he approached Abu Bakr and said: Abu Bakr; arent we fighting for truth and they for falsehood? He replied: Yes. He asked: Arent those killed from our side in Paradise and those killed from their side in the Fire? He replied: Why not? He then said: Why should we then disgrace our religion and return while God has not yet decided the issue between them and ourselves? Abu Bakr said: Son of AlKhattab; verily; he is the Messenger of Allah; and Allah will never ruin him. The narrator continued : At this a Surat of the Quran giving glad tidings of the victory was revealed to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He sent for Umar and made him read it. He asked: Is this truce a victory? He the Messenger of Allah replied: Yes. At this Umar was pleased; and returned.
    s. At this Umar was pleased; and returned.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of J
    It has been narrated on the authority of Jabir Bin Samura who said: I joined the company of the Prophet ﷺ with my father and I heard him say: This Caliphate will not end until there have been twelve Caliphs among them. The narrator said: Then he the Holy Prophet said something that I could not follow. I said to my father: What did he say? He said: He has said: All of them will be from the Quraish.
    aid: All of them will be from the Quraish.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: We were sitting in the Masjid when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ came to us and said: Let us go to the Jews. We went out with him until we came to them. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ stood up and called out to them saying : O ye assembly of Jews; accept Islam and you will be safe. They said: Ab AlQasim; you have communicated God Message to us. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I want this i. e. you should admit that God Message has been communicated to you ; accept Islam and you would be safe. They said: Ab AlQisim; you have communicated Allah Message. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: I want this... - He said to them the same words the third time and on getting the same reply he added: You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle; and I wish that I should expel you from this land Those of you who have any property with them should sell it; otherwise they should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle and they may have to go away leaving everything behind.
    have to go away leaving everything behind.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed Khudri that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent a force to Banu Lihyan who are from Banu Hudhail; and said: One man from every two and the reward will be divided between the two.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of S
    It has been narrated on the authority of Sulaiman Bin Yasar who said: People dispersed from around Abu Huraira; and Natil; who was from the Syrians. said to him: O Shaikh; relate to us a tradition you have heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He said: Yes. I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: The first of men whose case will be decided on the Day of Judgment will be a man who died as a martyr. He shall be brought before the Judgment Seat. Allah will make him recount His blessings i. e. the blessings which He had bestowed upon him and he will recount them and admit having enjoyed them in his life. Then will Allah say: What did you do to requite these blessings ? He will say: I fought for Thee until I died as a martyr. Allah will say: You have told a lie. You fought that you might be called a brave warrior. And you were called so. Then orders will be passed against him and he will be dragged with his face downward and cast into Hell. Then will be brought forward a man who acquired knowledge and imparted it to others and recited the Quran. He will be brought And Allah will make him recount His blessings and he will recount them and admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime. Then will Allah ask: What did you do to requite these blessings ? He will say: I acquired knowledge and disseminated it and recited the Quran seeking Thy pleasure. Allah will say: You have told a lie. You acquired knowledge so that you might be called a scholar; and you recited the Quran so that it might be said: He is a Qari and such has been said. Then orders will be passed against him and he shall be dragged with his face downward and cast into the Fire. Then will be brought a man whom Allah had made abundantly rich and had granted every kind of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make him recount His blessings and he will recount them and admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime. Allah will then ask: What have you done to requite these blessings ? He will say: I spent money in every cause in which Thou wished that it should be spent. Allah will say: You are lying. You did so that it might be said about You : He is a generous fellow and so it was said. Then will Allah pass orders and he will be dragged with his face downward and thrown into Hell.
    th his face downward and thrown into Hell.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When you journey through a fertile land; you should go slow and give the camels a chance to graze in the land. When you travel In an arid land where there is scarcity of vegetation; you should quicken their pace lest your camels grow feeble and emaciated for lack of fodder. When you halt for the night; avoid pitching your tent on the road; for it is the abode of noxious little animals at night.
    abode of noxious little animals at night.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah Bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah; that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and they establish prayer; and pay Zakat and if they do it; their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law; and their affairs rest with Allah.
    by law; and their affairs rest with Allah.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of H
    It has been narrated on the authority of Hafsa daughter of Seereen who said: Anas Bin Malik asked me the cause of death of Yahya Bin Abu Amra. I said: He died of plague. He said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said that death by plague is martyrdom for a Muslim.
    death by plague is martyrdom for a Muslim.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoso obeys me obeys God; and whose disobeys me disobeys God. Whoso obeys my commander obeys me; and whoso disobeys my commander disobeys me.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of U
    It has been narrated on the authority of Umar Bin AlKhattab that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The value of an action depends on the intention behind it. A man will be rewarded only for what he intended. The emigration of one who emigrates for the sake of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ is for the sake of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ ; and the emigration of one who emigrates for gaining a worldly advantage or for marrying a woman is for what he has emigrated.
    ying a woman is for what he has emigrated.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Malik that Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad visited Maaqil Bin Yaser in the latter illness. Maaqil said to him: I am narrating to you a tradition. If I were not at death door; I would not narrate it to you. I heard the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him say: A ruler who; having obtained control over the affairs of the Muslims; does not strive for their betterment and does not serve them sincerely shall not enter Paradise with them.
    cerely shall not enter Paradise with them.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the; Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: While a man walks along a path; finds a thorny twig lying on the way and puts it Aasi de; Allah would appreciate it and forgive him The Prophet ﷺ said: The martyrs are of five kinds: one who dies of plague; one who dies of diarrhoea or cholera ; one who is drowned; one who is buried under debris and one who dies fighting in the way of Allah.
    one who dies fighting in the way of Allah.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Abdullah AlBajali that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: One who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind to his just cause ; who raises the slogan of family or supports his own tribe; dies the death of one belonging to the days of Aljahiliya.
    f one belonging to the days of Aljahiliya.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ inspected me on the battlefield on the Day of Uhud; and I was fourteen years old. He did not allow me to take part in the fight. He inspected me on the Day of Khandaq-and I was fifteen yearsold; and he permitted me to fight ; Nafi said: I came to Umar Bin Abd AlAziz who was then Caliph; and narrated this tradition to him. He said: Surely; this is the demarcation between a minor and a major. So he wrote to his governors that they should pay subsistence allowance to one who was fifteen years old; but should treat those of lesser age among children.
    treat those of lesser age among children.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of AlBara Bin Azib who said: Ali Bin Abu Talib penned the treaty between the Prophet ﷺ and the polytheists on the Day of Hudaibiya. He wrote: This is what Muhammad; the Messenger of Allah; has settled. They the polytheists said: Do not write words the Messenger of Allah. If we knew that you were the Messenger of Allah; we would not fight against you. The Prophet ﷺ said to Ali: Strike out these words. He Ali said: I am not going to strike them out. So the Prophet ﷺ struck them out with his own hand. The narrator said that the conditions upon which the two sides had agreed included that the Muslims would enter Mecca next year and would stay there for three days; and that they would not enter bearing arms except in their sheaths or bolsters.
    arms except in their sheaths or bolsters.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed AlKhudari that a Bedouin asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about Migration. He replied: Do you talk of Hijra? The affair of Hijra is very difficult. But have you got camels? The bedouin said: Yes. He asked: Do you pay the poor-rate payable on their account? He replied: Yes. He the Holy Prophet said: Go on doing good deeds across the seas ; for surely God will not leave any of your deeds unrewarded.
    ll not leave any of your deeds unrewarded.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Hisham who learnt it from his father that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to Sad : You have adjudged their case with the judgment of God. the Exalted and Glorified.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Haraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Every wound received by a Muslim in the way of Allah will appear on the Day of Judgment in the same condition as it was when it was inflicted; and would be bleeding profusely. The colour of its discharge will be the colour of blood; but its smell will be the smell of musk. By the Being in Whose Hand is Muhammad life; if it were not hard upon the Muslims; I would not lag behind any expedition undertaken for Jihad; but I do not possess abundant means to provide the Mujahids with riding animals; nor do they i. e. all of them have abundant means to provide themselves with all the means of Jihad to follow me; nor would it please their hearts to stay behind me.
    it please their hearts to stay behind me.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ allowed two shares from the spoils to the horseman and one share to the footman.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Prophet ﷺ sent an expedition to Najd and I was among the troops. They got a large number of camels as a booty. Eleven or twelve camels fell to the lot of every fighter and each of them also got one extra camel.
    and each of them also got one extra camel.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of I
    It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Masud who said: While the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was saying his prayer near the Kaba and Abu Jahl with his companions was sitting near by ; Abu Jahl said; referring to the camel that had been slaughtered the previous day: Who will rise to fetch the foetus of the camel of so and so; and place it between the shoulders of Muhammad when he goes down in prostration a posture in prayer. The one most accursed among the people got up; brought the foetus and; when the Prophet ﷺ went down in prostration; placed it between his shoulders. Then they laughed at him and some of them leaned upon the others with laughter. And I stood looking. If I had the power; I would have thrown it away from the back of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ had bent down his head in prostration and did not raise it; until a man went to his house and informed his daughter Fatima; who was a young girl at that time about this ugly incident. She came and removed the filthy thing from him. Then she turned towards them rebuking them the mischief-mongers. When the Prophet ﷺ had finished his prayer; he invoked God imprecations upon them in a loud voice. When he prayed; he prayed thrice; and when he asked for God blessings; he asked thrice. Then he said thrice: O Allah; it is for Thee to deal with the Quraish. When they heard his voice; laughter vanished from them and they feared his malediction. Then he said: O God; it is for Thee to deal with Abu Jahl Bin Hisham; Utba Bin Rabia; Shaiba Bin Rabia. Walid Bin Uqba; Umaya Bin Khalaf; Uqba Bin Abu Muait and he mentioned the name of the seventh person. which I did not remember. By One Who sent Muhammad with truth; I saw all those he had named lying slain on the Day of Badr. Their dead bodies were dragged to be thrown into a pit near the battlefield. Abu Ishiq had said that the name of Walid Bin Uqba has been wrongly mentioned in this tradition.
    been wrongly mentioned in this tradition.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed Khudri that a man came to the Prophet may peace he upon him and said: Who is the best of men? He replied: A man who fights in the way of Allah spending his wealth and staking his life. The man then asked: Who is next to him in excellence ? He said: Next to him is a believer who lives in a mountain gorge worshipping hid Lord and sparing men from his mischief.
    id Lord and sparing men from his mischief.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: No two such persons shall be together in Hell as if one of them is such that his presence hurts the other. It was asked: Messenger of Allah; who are they? He said: A believer who killed a disbeliever and then kept to the right path.
    sbeliever and then kept to the right path.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Humaid AlSaidi who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ appointed a man from the Asad tribe who was called Ibn Lutbiya in charge of Sadaqa i. e. authorised hign to receive Sadaqa from the people on behalf of the State. When he returned with the collictions ; he said: This is for you and this is mine as it was presented to me as a gift. The narrator said: The Messenger of Allah may peace be upod him stood on the pulpit and praised God and extolled Him. Then he said: What about a State official whom I give an assignment and who comes and says: This is for you and this has been presented to me as a gift? Why didnt he remain in the house of his father or the house of his mother so that he could observe whether gifts were presented to him or not. By the Being in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad; any one of you will not take anything from it but will bring it on the Day of Judgment; carrying on his neck a camel that will be growling; or a cow that will be bellowing or an ewe that will be bleating. Then he raised his hands so that we could see the whiteness of his armpits. Then he said twice: O God; I have conveyed Thy Commandments.
    : O God; I have conveyed Thy Commandments.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Uqba Bin Amir who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: Lands shall be thrown open to you and Allah will suffice you against your enemies ; but none of you should give up playing with his arrows.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Y
    It has been narrated on the authority of Yahya Bin Husain who learnt the tradition from his grandmother. She said that she heard the Prophet ﷺ delivering his sermon on the occasion of the Last Pilgrimage. He was saying: If a slave is appointed over you and he conducts your affairs according to the Book of Allah; you should listen to him and obeey his orders.
    should listen to him and obeey his orders.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Aisha that Fatima and Abbas approached Abu Bakr; soliciting transfer of the legacy of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to them. At that time; they were demanding his Holy Prophets lands at Fadak and his share from Khaibar. Abu Bakr said to them: I have heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Then he quoted the hadith having nearly the same meaning as the one which has been narrated by Uqail on the authority of AlZuhri and which his gone before except that in his version he said: Then Ali stood up; extolled the merits of Abu Bakr mentioned his superiority; and his earlier acceptance of Islam. Then he walked to Abu Bakr and swore allegiance to him. At this people turned towards Ali and said: you have done the right thing. And they became favourably inclined to Ali after he had adopted the proper course of action.
    e had adopted the proper course of action.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: God laughs at the two men both of whom will enter Paradise though one of them kills the other. They said: Messenger of Allah; how is it? He said: One of them fights in the way of Allah; the Almighty and Exalted. and dies a martyr. Then God turns in mercy to the murderer who embraces Islam; fights in the way of Allah; the Almighty and Exalted; and dies a martyr.
    e Almighty and Exalted; and dies a martyr.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Abd Rabb AlKaba AlSaidl who said: I saw a group of people near the Kaba.... Then he narrated the tradition as narrated by Amash.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: If it were not hard upon my Umma to follow my example ; I would not lag behind any expedition-as in the traditions gone before.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ raided Khaibar. One morning we offered prayers in the darkness of early dawn near Khaibar. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ mounted his horse. Abu Talha mounted his and I mounted behind Abu Talha on the same horse. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ rode through the streets of Khaibar and I rode so close to him that my knee touched the thigh of the Prophet of Allah ﷺ. The wrapper got Aasi de from his thigh; and I could see its whiteness. When he entered the town; he said: God is Great. Khaibar shall face destruction. When we descend in the city-square of a people; it is a bad day for them who have been warned and have not taken heed. He said these words thrice. The people of the town had just come out from their houses to go about their jobs. They said in surprise : Muhammad has come. We captured Khaibar by force.
    ad has come. We captured Khaibar by force.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah Bin Zaid who said: A person came to him and said: Here is Ibn Hanzala who is making people swear allegiance to him. He ; Abdullah asked: To what effect? He replied: To the effect that they will die for him. Abdullah said: I will never swear allegiance to this effect after the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
    his effect after the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of Anas Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah may peace he upon him said: Who seeks martyrdom with sincerity shall get its reward; though he may not achieve it.  +
  • It has been narrated on the authority of A
    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed AlKhudri who said: The people of Quraidha surrendered accepting the decision of Saad Bin Muadh about them. Accordingly; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent for Saad who came to him riding a donkey. When he approached the Masjid; the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to the Ansar: Stand up to receive your chieftain. Then he said to Sad : These people have surrendered accepting your decision. He Sad said: You will kill their fighters and capture their women and children. Hearing this ; the Propbot may peace he tpon him said: You have adjudged by the command of God. The narrator is reported to have said: Perhaps he said: You have adjuged by the decision of a king. Ibn Muthanna in his version of the tradition has not mentioned the alternative words.
    n has not mentioned the alternative words.  +