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A list of values that have the property "Has Hadith Text" assigned.

Showing below up to 50 results starting with #8,551.

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  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Laqit Bin Sabrah that his father said: I said: O Messenger of Allah! Tell me about ablution. He said: Perform ablution properly and sniff water up into your nostrils; thoroughly; unless you are fasting.  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Muhammad B
    It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Muhammad Bin Zaid Bin Abdullah; from his father; that his grandfather said: The Messenger of Allah forbade us to drink while lying on our bellies; lapping up water; and he forbade us to drink from one hand only. He said: None of you should lap up water as a dog does; and he should not drink water from one hand as the people with whom Allah is angry do; and he should not drink from a vessel at night without stirring it first; unless the vessel was covered. Whoever drinks from his hand when he is able to drink from a vessel; with the intention of humility; Allah will record good deeds equivalent to the number of fingers for him. It i.e.; the hand is the vessel of Eisa Bin Maryam; as when he threw away the cup and said: Ugh! That belongs to this world.
    and said: Ugh! That belongs to this world.  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Sufyan AlT
    It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Sufyan AlThaqafi that they went out for the battle of AlSalasil; but they missed the fighting; so they kept watch; then they went back to Muawiyah; and Abu Ayoub and Uqbah Bin Amir were with him. Aasi m said: O Abu Ayoub ; we missed the general mobilization; but we have been told that whoever prays in the four Masjids will be forgiven his sins. He said: O son of my brother! I will tell you of something easier than that. I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ says: Whoever performs Ablution as commanded and prays as commanded; will be forgiven for his previous actions. Is it not so; O Uqbah? He said: Yes.
    ions. Is it not so; O Uqbah? He said: Yes.  +
  • It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Sufyan Tha
    It was narrated from Aasi m Bin Sufyan Thaqafi that they went on the campaign of Salasil; but no battle took place; they only took up their positions. Then they came back to Muawiyah; and Abu Ayoub and Uqbah Bin Amir were with him. Aasi m said: O Abu Ayoub ; we have missed out on Jihad this year; and we were told that whoever prays in the four Masjids will be forgiven his sins. He said: O son of my brother; shall I not tell you of something easier than that? I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Whoever performs ablution as he has been commanded; and prays as he has been commanded; will be forgiven his previous bad deeds. He said: Did he not say it like that; O Uqbah? He said: Yes.
    t say it like that; O Uqbah? He said: Yes.  +
  • It was narrated from Ab AlAhwas Awuf Bin M
    It was narrated from Ab AlAhwas Awuf Bin Malik AlJushami that his father said: I said: O Messenger of Allah; my cousin comes to me and I swear that I will not give him anything or uphold the ties of kinship with him. He said: Offer expiation for what you swore about.
    Offer expiation for what you swore about.  +
  • It was narrated from Aban Bin Uthamn; from his father: That the Prophet forbade the Muhrim to get married; arrange a marriage for anyone else; or propose marriage.  +
  • It was narrated from Aban Bin Uthman Bin Affan that his father said: The Messenger of Allah said: The one in lhram should not get married; nor arrange a marriage for anyone else; nor Propose marriage  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim from his paternal uncle that: The Prophet ﷺ went out and prayed for rain; then he prayed two rakahs in which he recited loudly.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim that : His paternal uncle had told him that he went out with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to pray for rain. He turned his rida around; and turned his back to the people; then he prayed two rakahs and recited loudly.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim: Sufy
    It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim: Sufyan said: I asked Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr who said: I heard it from Abbad Bin Tamim who narrated it from his father; that Abdullah Bin Zaid; who was shown the call to prayer in a dream said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ went out to the prayer place to pray for rain. He faced the kiblah and turned his cloak around and prayed two rakahs.
    ed his cloak around and prayed two rakahs.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim; from his paternal uncle; that: He saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ; when he prayed for rain; turn to face the Qiblah; turning his cloak around and raising his hands.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim; from his paternal uncle that: The Prophet ﷺ prayed for rain; and prayed two rakahs; and turned his rida around.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbad Bin Tamim; from his paternal uncle; that he saw the messenger of Allah ﷺ lying on his back in the Masjid; placing one leg on top of the other.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbas Bin Abd AlMuttalib that: He heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: When a person prostrates; seven parts of his body prostrate with him: his forehead; his two hands; his two knees and his two feet.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbas Bin Abd AlMuttalib that he heard the Prophet say: When a person prostrates; seven parts of his body prostrate with him: His face; his two hands; his two knees; and his two feet.  +
  • It was narrated from Abbas Bin Abd AlMuttalib that the Messenger of Allah said: There is no retaliation for a head wound that does not reach the brain; a spear wound that does not penetrate deeply; or a wound that dislocates a bone.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlHamid Bin Salam
    It was narrated from Abd AlHamid Bin Salamah; from his father; from his grandfather; that : his parents referred their dispute to the Prophet ; and one of them was a disbeliever. He the Prophet said: O Allah; guide him; and he turned towards the Muslim; and he ruled that he should go with that parent.
    ruled that he should go with that parent.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlHamid Bin Salam
    It was narrated from Abd AlHamid Bin Salamah AlAnsari; from his father; from his grandfather; that he became Muslim but his wife refused to become Muslim. A young son of theirs; who had not yet reached puberty; came; and the Prophet seated the father on one side and the mother on the other side; and he gave him the choice. He said: O Allah; guide him; and the child went to his father.
    ide him; and the child went to his father.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail; from his father; that: He saw the Prophet ﷺ ; when he started to pray; raise his hands until his thumbs were almost level with his earlobes.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail
    It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail that : his father said: I prayed with the Prophet and a man said: Alhamdu lillahi hamdan kathiran tayiban mubarakan fihi Praise is to Allah; much; good and blessed praise. When the Prophet finished praying; he said: Who said that? The man said: It was me; but I did not mean anything but good. He said: The gates of heaven were opened because of it and nothing prevented it from reaching the Throne.
    ing prevented it from reaching the Throne.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail
    It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail that his father said: I prayed behind the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and when he started to pray he said the Takbir and raised his hands until they were in level with his ears. Then he recited the Opening of the Book; and when he had finished he said Amin and raised his voice with it.
    he said Amin and raised his voice with it.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail
    It was narrated from Abd AlJabbar Bin Wail that : His father said: I prayed behind the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and when he said the takbir; he raised his hands to the bottom of his ears. When he recited: Not the way of those who earned Your anger; nor of those who went astray ; he said: Amin; and I could hear him although I was behind him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ heard a man saying: Alhamdu lillahi; hamdan kathiran tayiban mubarakan fih; Praise be to Allah; much good and blessed praise. When the Prophet ﷺ said the salam and finished his prayer; he said: Who spoke those words during the prayer? The man said: I did; O Messenger of Allah; but I did not mean anything bad thereby. The Prophet ﷺ said: Twelve angels hastened to take it and nothing is stopping it going all the way to the Throne.
    opping it going all the way to the Throne.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlMalik Bin Harith Bin Hisham; from his father; that: the Prophet married Umm Salamah in Shawal; and consummated the marriage with her in Shawal.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlMalik Bin Minhal; from his father that: The Messenger of Allah used to enjoin fasting the bright days the thirteenth; fourteenth and fifteenth when the moon is full. He said: It is like fasting for a lifetime.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlMalik Bin Umair that he heard Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakrah narrate from his father that the Messenger of Allah said: Let the judge Qadi not pass a judgment when he is angry.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Ab
    It was narrated from Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Abbas Bin Sahl Bin Saad from his father; from his grandfather; that: The Messenger of Allah said: The Ansar are an inner garment and the people are an outer garment. If the people were to head towards one valley or a narrow mountain pass and the Ansar towards another; I would travel to the valley of the Ansar; and were it not for the Hijrah; I would have been a man from among the Ansar.
    ould have been a man from among the Ansar.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Ab
    It was narrated from Abd AlMuhaimin Bin Abbas Bin Sahl Bin Sad AlSaidi; from his father; that his grandfather said: On the Day of Uhud; I recognized the one who wounded the face of the Messenger of Allah ; the one who was washing the blood from the face of the Messenger of Allah and treating him; and the one who was bringing the water in a shield; and with what the wound was treated until the bleeding stopped. The one who was carrying the water in the shield was Ali. The one who was treating the wound was Fatimah. When the bleeding would not stop; she burned a piece of a worn out mat and applied the ashes to it the wound ; then the bleeding stopped.
    it the wound ; then the bleeding stopped.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd AlWahid Bin Hamzah that Abbad Bin Abdullah Bin AlZubair told him that Aisha said: the Messenger of Allah did not offer the funeral prayer for Suhail Bin Baida anywhere but inside the Masjid.  +
  • It was narrated from Abd Khair; that Ali m
    It was narrated from Abd Khair; that Ali may Allah be pleased with him was brought a chair; and he sat down on it; then he called for a vessel of water which he tilted onto his hand three times; then he rinsed his mouth and nose with one hand; three times; he washed his face three times; washed each forearm three times; and took some of the water and wiped his head. One one occasion One of the narrators Shubah; indicated that he wiped from his forelock to the back of his head; then said: I do not know whether he brought his hands back or not. And he washed each foot three times; then he said: Whoever would like to see how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ purified himself; this is how he purified himself.Abu Abdulrahman said: This is a mistake. What is correct is Khalid Bin Alqamah; not Malik Bin Urfutah.
    Khalid Bin Alqamah; not Malik Bin Urfutah.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdah Bin Abi Lubabah
    It was narrated from Abdah Bin Abi Lubabah that Ibn Yasaf told him that he asked Aisha; the wife of the Prophet SAWSYMOBOL; : What supplication did the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL say the most before he died? She said: The supplication that he said the most was: Allahumma; inni audhu bika min sharri ma amiltu wa min sharri ma lam amal bad O Allah; I seek refuge with You from the evil of what I have done; and from the evil of what I have not done yet.
    from the evil of what I have not done yet.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdul Jabbar Bin Wail that his father said: A bucket was brought to the Prophet; he rinsed his mouth and spat into it; and it was like musk or better than musk; and he rinsed his nostrils outside the bucket.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdul Jabbar Bin Wail
    It was narrated from Abdul Jabbar Bin Wail that his father said: A Woman was coerced i.e.; raped during the time of Messenger of Allah He waived the legal punishment for her and carried it out on the one who had attacked her; but he the narrator did not say that he rules that she should be given a bridal-money.
    s that she should be given a bridal-money.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah AlDailami th
    It was narrated from Abdullah AlDailami that his father Fairuz said: I came to the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL and said: O Messenger of Allah; we have grapevines and Allah; the Mighty and Sublime; has revealed that Khamr wine is forbidden; so what should we do? He said: Make raisins. I said: What should we do with the raisins? He said: Soak them in the morning and drink them in the evening; and soak them in the evening and drink them in the morning. I said: Can we leave it until it gets stronger? He said: Do not put it in clay vessels; rather put it in skins; for if it stays there for a long time; it will turn into vinegar.
    or a long time; it will turn into vinegar.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi t
    It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: When the believing slave performs Ablution and rinses his mouth; his sins come out from his mouth. When he sniffs water into his nose and blows it out; his sins come from his nose. When he washes his face; his sins come out from his face; even from beneath his eyelashes. When he washes his hands; his sins come out from his hands; even from beneath his fingernails. When he wipes his head; his sins come out from his head; even from his ears. When washes his feet; his sins come from his feet; even from beneath his toenails. Then his walking to the Masjid and his Salah will earn extra merit for him.
    d his Salah will earn extra merit for him.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi t
    It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The sun rises and with it the horn of the Shaitan; then when it is fully risen; he goes away. Then when it approaches the meridian he comes near to it; and when it has passed the zenith he goes away. Then when it is close to setting; he comes near to it; then when it has set; he goes away. And the Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade praying at those times.
    of Allah ﷺ forbade praying at those times.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi t
    It was narrated from Abdullah AlSunabihi that: The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever performs ablution and rinses his mouth and nose; his sins will exit through his mouth and nose. When he washes his face; his sins will exit from his face; even from beneath his eyelids. When he washes his hands; his sins will exit from his hands. When he wipes his head; his sins will exit from his head; and even from his ears. When he washes his feet; his sins will exit from his feet; even from beneath his toenails. Then his prayer and walking towards the Masjid will earn extra merit for him.
    the Masjid will earn extra merit for him.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: The likeness of the one who takes back his gift is that of a dog which vomits; then goes back to its vomit. One of the narrators AlAwzai said: I heard him narrating this Hadith to Ata Bin Abi Rabah.
    arrating this Hadith to Ata Bin Abi Rabah.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that : the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever persists in asking for forgiveness; Allah will grant him relief from every worry; and a way out from every hardship; and will grant him provision from sources he could never imagine.
    ision from sources he could never imagine.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: The Messenger of Allah used to teach them this supplication as he taught them surahs of the Quran: Allahumma inna naudhu bika min adhabil-qabri wa audhu bika min fitnatil-masihid-dajjal; wa audhu bika min fitnatil-mahya Almamat O Allah; We seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell; and I seek refuge with You from the torment of the grave; and I seek refuge with You from the trail of AlMasihid-Dajjal; and I seek refuge with You from the trails of life and death.
    ith You from the trails of life and death.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: the Messenger of Allah used to circumambulate the House on his mount; and when he reached the Corner be pointed to it. Sahih Chpater 161. They Saying Of Allah; The Mighty And Sublimse: Take Your Adornment To Every Masjid
    limse: Take Your Adornment To Every Masjid  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: a man asked the Prophet The command of Hajj has come while my father is an old man and cannot sit firmly in his saddle; if I tie him to the saddle I fear that he will die. Can I perform Hajj on his behalf? He said: dont you think that if your father owed a debt and you paid it off; that would be good enough? He said: Yes. He said: Then perform Hajj on behalf of your father.
    hen perform Hajj on behalf of your father.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that : On the night of the Jinn the Messenger of Allah said to Ibn Masud: Do you have water? He said: No; only some Nabidh in a large water skin. The Messenger of Allah said: Good dates and pure water. i.e. there is no harm from the mixing of the two. Pour it for me. He said: So I performed ablution with it.
    He said: So I performed ablution with it.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that AlGhumaisa or AlRumaisa came to the Prophet complaining that her husband would not have intercourse with her. It was not long before her husband came and said: O Messenger of Allah; she is lying; he is having intercourse with her; but she wants to go back to her first husband. The Messenger of Allah said: She cannot do that until she tastes his sweetness.
    ot do that until she tastes his sweetness.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever raises three orphans; is like the one who spends his nights in prayer and fasts during the day; and goes out morning and evening drawing his sword in the cause of Allah. In Paradise; he and I will be brothers like these two sisters;and he held up his forefinger and middle finger together.
    his forefinger and middle finger together.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: A man asked the Messenger of Allah SAWSYMOBOL: The command to perform Hajj has come while my father is an old man and cannot sit firmly in the saddle; and if I tie him; I fear that he may die. Can I perform Hajj on his behalf? He said: Do you think that if he owed a debt you would pay it off for him? He said: Yes. He said: Then perform Hajj on behalf of your father.
    hen perform Hajj on behalf of your father.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: He saw Abdullah Bin AlHarith praying with his hair bound behind him. He stopped and started to undo it. When he finished he turned to Ibn Abbas and said: What were you doing to my head? He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: The likeness of this is that of one who prays with his hands tie behind his neck.
    prays with his hands tie behind his neck.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that the Prophet said: Umra is permissible.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas th
    It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that a woman from Khatham came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah; my father is an old man who has become weak; and now the command of Allah has come for His slaves to perform Hajj; but he cannot do it. Will it discharge his duty if I perform it on his behalf? The Messenger of Allah said: Yes.
    behalf? The Messenger of Allah said: Yes.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that the Prophet did not walk quickly Ramal during the seven circuits of Tawaf AlIfadah done on 10th day of Dhu AlHijja.  +
  • It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Abbas that: the Messenger of Allah circumambulated the Kabah during the Farewell Pilgrimage on a camel; touching the Corner with a crook-ended stick.  +