Category:The Book of AlAqiqah in Sunan AlNasai
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List of Chapters in The Book of AlAqiqah
Combined Book Name
The Book of AlAqiqah*Sunan AlNasai Belongs to the following Combined Book Name
The Book of AlAqiqah Summary
- It was narrated from Amr Bin Shuaib from his fahther that his grandfather said The messenger of Allah was asked about the Aqiqah and he said Allah the mighty and sublime does not like AlUquq as if he disliked the word A AlAqiqah
- It was narrated from Umma Kurz that the Messenger of Allah said For a boy two sheep and or a girl one sheep and it does not matter if they are male or female How Many Sheep Should Be Slaughtered As An Aqiqah For A Girl Hasan Darussalam
- It was narrated from Qatadah from AlHasan from Samurh Bin Jundab that the Messenger of Allah said Every boy is in pledge for his Aqiqah so slaughter the animal for him on the seventh day and shave his head and a name When should the Aqiqah be performed Hasan Darussalam
Place Holder
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
- Chapter on For a boy two sheep in Sunan AlNasai
- Chapter on The Aqiqah for a boy in Sunan AlNasai
- Chapter on The Aqiqah For A Girl in Sunan AlNasai
- Chapter on How Many Sheep Should Be Slaughtered As An Aqiqah For A Girl in Sunan AlNasai
- Chapter on When should the Aqiqah be performed in Sunan AlNasai
- The Combined Hadith Book Of Animal Sacrifices
- Sunan AlNasai