Category:The Book of Drinks in Sahih Muslim

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List of Chapters in The Book of Drinks

Combined Book Name

The Book of Drinks*Sahih Muslim Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of Drinks Summary

  1. When I made up my mind to consummate my marriage with Fatima the daughter of Allah Messenger I prevailed upon a goldsmith of the tribe of Qainuqa to go along with me so that we might bring Idhkhir wishing to sell that to the goldsmiths and thus I should be able to arrange my wedding feast
  2. Thereupon Hamza stood up with a sword in his hand and cut off their humps and ripped their haunches and tore out their livers
  3. and then lifted his eyes and cast a glance at his waist and then lifted his eyes and saw his face
  4. Then Allah the Exalted and Majestic revealed There shall be no sin imputed unto those who have believed and done good works for what they may have eaten as long as they fear Allah and believe and do good works v
  5. The rest of the hadith is the same but with this variation that Abu Bakr Bin Anas said It was their liquor in those days prepared from dates and Anas was present there and he did not deny this fact Mutamir reported on the authority of his father A person who was with me told me that he had heard Anas saying that that was their liquor in those days
  6. Abu Saeed AlKhudri reported Allah Messenger as saying He who amongst you drinks Nabidh should drink that prepared either from grapes alone or from dates alone or from unripe dates alone and not by mixing them with one another
  7. Abu Qatada on the authority of his father reported Allah Messenger having said this Do not prepare Nabidh by mixing nearly ripe dates and fresh dates together and do not prepare Nabidh by mixing grapes and dates together but prepare Nabidh from each one of them separately
  8. Abdullah Bin Abu Qatada on the authority of his father reported Allah Apostle forbidding the preparation of the mixture of ripe dates and unripe dates and the mixture of grapes and dates and that of nearly ripe dates and fresh dates but the Prophet said Prepare the Nabidh from each one of them separately
  9. Jabir Bin Abdullah reported that Allah Messenger forbade the preparation of Nabidh in green pitcher in varnished jar in hollow stump and when Allah Messenger did not find anything to prepare Nabidh in that i
  10. Ibn Buraida on the authority of his father reported Allah Messenger may Peace be upon him as saying I had forbidden you from the drinking and preparation of Nabidh in the vessels made out of leather but now you may drink in all vessels but you do not drink an intoxicant
  11. These words are found in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Mamar and in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Salih only these words are found that she Hadrat Aisha had heard Allah Messenger say Every intoxicating drink is forbidden
  12. I said Allah Messenger there is prepared in our land a wine out of barley which is known as Mizr beer of our times and a wine from honey which is known as Bit are these also forbidden whereupon he said Every intoxicant is forbidden
  13. When he the Holy Prophet turned his back Abu Musa returned to him and said Allah Messenger they the people of Yemen have a drink which is made from honey and which is prepared by cooking it until it coagulates and Mizr is prepared from barley whereupon Allah Messenger said Every intoxicant that detains you from prayer is forbidden
  14. One is Bit which is prepared from honey it is a fermented Nabidh and is strong and turns into wine and the second is Mizr which is prepared from millet and barley
  15. Ibn Abbas reported that Nabidh was prepared from raisins for Allah Messenger in the waterskin and he would drink it on that day and on the next day and the day following and when It was the evening of the third day and he would drink it and give it to his Companions and if something was left over he threw that away
  16. We prepared the Nabidh in the morning and he drank it in the evening and we prepared the Nabidh in the night and he would drink it in the morning
  17. Sahl said Do you know what she served as a drink to Allah Messenger She steeped the dates in water during the night in a big bowl and when he the Holy Prophet had eaten food she served him this drink
  18. Jabir Bin Abdullah reported Allah Messenger having said When the wings of the night spread or it is night restrain your children from going out for the Satan is abroad at that time and when a part of the night is passed free them and shut the doors
  19. making mention of God name for the Satan does not open a closed door and tighten the mouths of waterskins and mention the name of Allah cover your utensils and mention the name of Allah even though you should just put something on them and extinguish your lamps
  20. Jabir reported Allah Messenger as saying Do not let your animals and children go out when the sun sets until the first and the darkest part of the night is over for the Satan is let loose with the sinking of the sun until the darkest part of the night is over
  21. This hadith is reported on the authority of Laith Bin Saad with the same chain of transmitters but with a slight variation in wording and that is that he the Holy Prophet said There is a day in a year when descends the pestilence at the end of the hadith Laith said that the non Arabs save themselves from it in Kanun Awal this is the month of December
  22. Jabir Bin Abdullah reported Allah Messenger as saying When a person enters his house and mentions the name of Allah at the time of entering it and while eating the food Satan says addressing himself You have no place to spend the night and no evening meal but when he enters without mentioning the name of Allah the Satan says You have found a place to spend the night and when he does not mention the name of Allah while eating food he the Satan says You have found a place to spend the night and evening meal
  23. Salim on the authority of his father reported Allah Messenger as saying None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that left hand for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that hand
  24. Umar Bin Abu Salama reported I was under the care of Allah Messenger way peace be upon him and as my hand used to roam about in the dish he said to me Boy mention the name of Allah and eat with your right hand and eat from what is near to you
  25. Jabir reported I heard Allah Apostle as saying The Satan is present with any one of you in everything he does he is present even when he eats food so if any one of you drops a mouthful he should remove away anything filthy on it and eat it and not leave for the devil and when he finishes food he should lick his fingers for he does not know in what portion of his food the blessing lies
  26. A man followed him and when Allah Apostle reached the door he said This man has followed us if you like you may permit him to join the meal and if you like he can go back
  27. Jabir said I take an oath by Allah that all of them ate the food to their fill until they left it and went away and our earthen pot was brimming over as before and so was the case with our flour or as Dahhak another narrator said It the flour was in the same condition and loaves had been prepared from that
  28. bless them in what You have provided them as a sustenance and forgive them and have mercy upon them
  29. Aisha reported Allah Messenger as saying Aisha a family which has no dates in their house its members will be hungry or Aisha the family which has no dates its members may be hungry
  30. There was presented to him some pieces of bread whereupon he said Is there no condiment They the members of his household said No except some vinegar
  31. So Allah Messenger shifted to the upper storey whereas Abu Ayub Ansari shifted to the lower storey and he Abu Ayub Ansari used to prepare food for Allah Apostle and when it was brought back to him he asked to locate the part where his fingers had touched the food and he followed his fingers on that part where his fingers those of the Holy Prophet had touched it
  32. He the Holy Prophet then sent the same message to another and she gave the same reply until all of them gave the same reply By Him Who has sent thee with the Truth there is nothing with me but only water whereupon he the Holy Prophet said Allah would show mercy to him who will entertain this guest tonight
  33. So I took that milk and drank it and when it had penetrated deeply in my stomach and I was certain that there was no way out but to digest it the Satan aroused my sense of remorse and said Woe be to thee what have you done You have taken the drink reserved for Muhammad When he would come and he would not find it he would curse you and you would be ruined and thus there would go waste this world and the Hereafter for you
  34. There was a sheet over me as I placed pulled it upon my feet my head was uncovered and as I placed it upon my head my feet were uncovered and I could not sleep but my two companions had gone to sleep for they had not done what I had done
  35. He raised his head towards the sky and I said to myself that he the Holy Prophet was going to invoke curse upon me and I would be thus ruined but he the Holy Prophet said Allah feed him who fed me and give drink to him who provided me drink
  36. I held tight the sheet upon myself and when he had supplicated I took hold of the knife and went to the goats possessed by the Holy Prophet so that I may slauhter one for Allah Messenger which was the fattest amongst them and in fact all of them were milch goats then I took hold of the vessel which belonged to the family of Allah Messenger in which they used to milk and drink therefrom and milked them in that until it swelled up with foam
  37. Thereupon Allah Apostle said Would you like to sell it any one of these goats or offer it as a gift or a present He said No I am not prepared to offer as a gift but I would sell it
  38. s Messenger as saying Food for one person suffices two persons and food for two persons suffices four persons and food for four persons suffices eight persons and in the tradition transmitted on the authority of Ishaq there is no mention of the fact that he heard it directly from the Holy Prophet
  39. Jabir reported Allah Messenger as saying Food for one person suffices two and food for two persons suffices four persons and food for four persons suffices eight persons
  40. Then the second one was milked and he drank its milk and then the other one was milked and he drank its milk

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