Category:The Book of Prophets in Sahih AlBukhari

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List of Chapters in The Book of Prophets

Combined Book Name

The Book of Prophets*Sahih AlBukhari Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of Prophets Summary

  1. Narrated Anas When Abdullah Bin Salam heard the arrival of the Prophet at Medina he came to him and said I am going to ask you about three things which nobody knows except a prophet What is the first portent of the Hour What will be the first meal taken by the people of Paradise Why does a child resemble its father and why does it resemble its maternal uncle Allah Messenger said Gabriel has just now told me of their answers
  2. As for the resemblance of the child to its parents If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first the child will resemble the father and if the woman gets discharge first the child will resemble her
  3. Allah Apostle asked the Jews What kind of man is Abdullah Bin Salam amongst you They replied He is the most learned person amongst us and the best amongst us and the son of the best amongst us
  4. Narrated Abu Huraira Allah s Apostle said Treat women nicely for a women is created from a rib and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion so if you should try to straighten it it will break but if you leave it as it is it will remain crooked
  5. Narrated Abdullah Allah Messenger the true and truly inspired said as regards your creation every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days and then he becomes a clot for another forty days and then a piece of flesh for another forty days
  6. Narrated Aishah ra I heard the Prophet Souls are like recruited troops Those who are like qualities are inclined to each other but those who have dissimilar qualities differ
  7. Narrated Abu Saeed Allah Messenger said Noah and his nation will come on the Day of Resurrection and Allah will ask Noah Did you convey the Message He will reply Yes O my Lord Then Allah will ask Noah nation Did Noah convey My Message to you They will reply No no prophet came to us
  8. Will you not intercede for us with your Lord Dont you see in what miserable state we are and to what condition we have reached On that Adam will reply My Lord is so angry as He has never been before and will never be in the future besides He forbade me to eat from the tree but I disobeyed Him I am worried about myself Myself Go to somebody else go to Noah
  9. Narrated Abu Saeed Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who distributed it among four persons AlAqra Bin HAbis AlHanzali from the tribe of Mujashi Uyaina Bin Badr AlFazari Zaid AlTai who belonged to the tribe of Bani Nahban and Alqama Bin Ulatha AlAmir who belonged to the tribe of Bani Kilab
  10. Then a man with sunken eyes prominent checks a raised forehead a thick beard and a shaven head came in front of the Prophet and said Be afraid of Allah O Muhammad The Prophet said Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him Is it fair that Allah has trusted all the people of the earth to me while you do not trust me Somebody who I think was Khalid Bin AlWalid requested the Prophet to let him chop that man head off but he prevented him
  11. We shouted Allahu Akbar He further said You Muslims compared with non Muslims are like a black hair in the skin of a white ox or like a white hair in the skin of a black ox i
  12. He then recited As We began the first creation We shall repeat it A Promise We have undertaken Truly we shall do it
  13. He said Then Joseph Allah Prophet the son of Allah Prophet The son of Allah Prophet the son of Allah Khalil i
  14. unbeliever or the letters Kafir the root of the Arabic verb disbelieve written on his forehead I heard Ibn Abbas saying I did not hear this but the Prophet said If you want to see Abraham then look at your companion i
  15. Havent you heard Luqman saying to his son O my son Join not others in worship with Allah verily joining others in worship with Allah is a great wrong indeed
  16. During those days there was nobody in Mecca nor was there any water So he made them sit over there and placed near them a leather bag containing some dates and a small water skin containing some water and set out homeward
  17. Ishmael mother followed him saying O Abraham Where are you going leaving us in this valley where there is no person whose company we may enjoy nor is there anything to enjoy She repeated that to him many times but he did not look back at her Then she asked him Has Allah ordered you to do so He said Yes
  18. She said Then He will not neglect us and returned while Abraham proceeded onwards and on reaching the Thaniya where they could not see him he faced the Kaba and raising both hands invoked Allah saying the following prayers O our Lord I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley without cultivation by Your Sacred House Kaba at Mecca in order O our Lord that they may offer prayer perfectly
  19. Then she descended from Safa and when she reached the valley she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley like a person in distress and trouble till she crossed the valley and reached the Marwa mountain where she stood and started looking expecting to see somebody but she could not see anybody
  20. Ishmael brought the stones and Abraham was building and when the walls became high Ishmael brought this stone and put it for Abraham who stood over it and carried on building while Ishmael was handing him the stones and both of them were saying O our Lord Accept this service from us Verily You are the Al AlHearing the Al AlKnowing
  21. Afterwards some people of the tribe of Jurhum while passing through the bottom of the valley saw some birds and that astonished them and they said Birds can only be found at a place where there is water
  22. Where is Ishmael Ishmael wife replied He has gone out hunting and added Will you stay for some time and have something to eat and drink Abraham asked What is your food and what is your drink She replied Our food is meat and our drink is water
  23. Narrated Abu Humaid AlSaidi The people asked O Allah Messenger How shall we ask Allah to send blessings on you Allah Apostle replied Say O Allah Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on his wives and on his off spring as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham family and send Your Blessings on Muhammad and on his offspring as You sent Your Blessings on Abraham family for You are the Most Praiseworthy the Most Glorious
  24. I said We asked Allah Messenger saying O Allah Messenger How should one ask Allah to send blessings on you the members of the family for Allah has taught us how to salute you in the prayer He said Say O Allah Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham for You are the Most Praise worthy the Most Glorious
  25. But this Verse is concerned with the Apostles followers who had faith in their Lord and believed in their apostles and their period of trials was long and Allah Help was delayed till the apostles gave up hope for the conversion of the disbelievers amongst their nation and suspected that even their followers were shaken in their belief Allah Help then came to them
  26. Narrated Ibn Umar The Prophet said The honorable the son of the honorable the son of the honorable was Joseph the son of Jacob the son of Isaac the son of Abraham
  27. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said Were it not for Bani Israel meat would not decay and were it not for Eve no woman would ever betray her husband
  28. He said O Moses I have some of the Knowledge of Allah which Allah has taught me and which you do not know while you have some of the Knowledge of Allah which Allah has taught you and which I do not know
  29. Moses asked May I follow you He said But you will not be able to remain patient with me for how can you be patient about things which you will not be able to understand Moses said You will find me if Allah so will truly patient and I will not disobey you in aught
  30. AlKhadir replied Did I not tell you that you would not be able to remain patient with me Moses replied Do not blame me for what I have forgotten and do not be hard upon me for my fault
  31. One of the children of Israel hurt him by saying He covers his body in this way only because of some defect in his skin either leprosy or scrotal hernia or he has some other defect
  32. When he had finished the bath he moved towards his clothes so as to take them but the stone took his clothes and fled Moses picked up his stick and ran after the stone saying O stone Give me my garment Till he reached a group of Bani Israel who saw him naked then and found him the best of what Allah had created and Allah cleared him of what they had accused him of
  33. I will not know if he has been among those people who have become unconscious and that he has gained consciousness before me or he has been amongst those whom Allah has exempted
  34. Adam said to him You are Moses whom Allah selected as His Messenger and as the one to whom He spoke directly yet you blame me for a thing which had already been written in my fate before my creation Allah Messenger said twice So Adam overpowered Moses
  35. So he said No by Him Who gave Moses superiority over all human beings Hearing him an Ansari man got up and slapped him on the face and said You say By Him Who Gave Moses superiority over all human beings although the Prophet Muhammad is present amongst us The Jew went to the Prophet and said O Abu AlQasim I am under the assurance and contract of security so what right does so and so have to slap me The Prophet asked the other Why have you slapped
  36. Fast for three days a month for the reward of a good deed is multiplied by ten time and so the fasting of three days a month equals the fasting of a year
  37. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said A strong demon from the Jinns came to me yesterday suddenly so as to spoil my prayer but Allah enabled me to overpower him and so I caught him and intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the Mosque so that all of you might see him but I remembered the invocation of my brother Solomon And grant me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me
  38. He said Then Gabriel took me and ascended up till he reached the second heaven where he asked for the gate to be opened but it was asked Who is it Gabriel replied I am Gabriel
  39. Narrated Ubada The Prophet said If anyone testifies that None has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone Who has no partners and that Muhammad is His Slave and His Apostle and that Jesus is Allah Slave and His Apostle and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit created by Him and that Paradise is true and Hell is true Allah will admit him into Paradise with the deeds which he had done even if those deeds were few
  40. When the fire eats my meat and reaches my bones and when the bones burn take and crush them into powder and wait for a windy day to throw it i
  41. And your example in comparison to the Jews and the Christians is like the example of a person who employed some laborers and asked them Who will work for me till midday for one Qirat each The Jews worked for half a day for one Qirat each
  42. Afterwards all the three pregnant animals gave birth to young ones and multiplied and brought forth so much that one of the three men had a herd of camels filling a valley and one had a herd of cows filling a valley and one had a flock of sheep filling a valley
  43. He took a tuft of hair that was in the hand of an orderly and said O people of Medina Where are your learned men I heard the Prophet forbidding such a thing as this i
  44. Allah ordered the village towards which he was going to come closer to him and ordered the village whence he had come to go far away and then He ordered the angels to measure the distances between his body and the two villages
  45. The man chased the wolf till he saved it from the wolf where upon the wolf said You have saved it from me but who will guard it on the day of the wild beasts when there will be no shepherd to guard them except me because of riots and afflictions The people said surprisingly Glorified be Allah A wolf speaks The Prophet said But I believe this and Abu Bakr and Umar too believe this although neither of them was present there
  46. So if you hear of its spread in a land dont approach it and if a plague should appear in a land where you are present then dont leave that land in order to run away from it i
  47. He told me that it was a Punishment sent by Allah on whom he wished and Allah made it a source of mercy for the believers for if one in the time of an epidemic plague stays in his country patiently hoping for Allah Reward and believing that nothing will befall him except what Allah has written for him he will get the reward of a martyr
  48. Narrated Abdullah As if I saw the Prophet talking about one of the prophets whose nation had beaten him and caused him to bleed while he was cleaning the blood off his face and saying O Allah Forgive my nation for they have no knowledge
  49. Narrated Abu Huraira Allah Messenger said A man used to give loans to the people and used to say to his servant If the debtor is poor forgive him so that Allah may forgive us
  50. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said A man used to do sinful deeds and when death came to him he said to his sons After my death burn me and then crush me and scatter the powder in the air for by Allah if Allah has control over me He will give me such a punishment as He has never given to anyone else

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