Category:The Book of The AlTatbiq Clasping One Hands Together in Sunan AlNasai

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List of Chapters in The Book of The AlTatbiq Clasping One Hands Together

Combined Book Name

The Book of The AlTatbiq Clasping One Hands Together*Sunan AlNasai Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of The AlTatbiq Clasping One Hands Together Summary

  1. Then he said Sami Allahu liman hamidah Rabbana wa laka Alhamd Allah hears those who praise Him our Lord and to You be the praise then he stood up until every part of him had settled
  2. It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said The Prophet drew back the curtain when the people were in rows behind Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him and said O people there is nothing left of the features of Prophethood except a good dream that a Muslim sees or is seen by others for him
  3. It was narrated from Jabir Bin Abdullah that When the Prophet bowed he said laka rakatu wa bika amantu wa laka aslamtu wa alayka tawakaltu anta Rabbi khashaa sami wa basri wa dammi wa lahmi wa azmi wa asabi Lillahi Rabbi AlAlamin O Allah to You I have bowed in You I believe to You I have submitted and in You I put my trust
  4. My hearing my sight my flesh my blood my brain and my sinews are humbled before Allah the Lord of the Worlds
  5. Then prostrate until you are at ease in prostration then raise your head until you are at ease in sitting then prostrate until you are at ease in prostration
  6. And when he says Sami Allahu liman hamidah Allah hears the one who praises Him then say Rabbana wa laka Alhamd O Allah our Lord and to You be the praise Allah will hear you for Allah has said on the lips of His Prophet Allah hears the one who praises Him
  7. It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that When the Prophet wanted to prostrate after bowing he would say Rabbana wa laka Alhamd milas samawati wa mila Alardi wa milama shita min shaiin bad O Allah our Lord to You be the Praise filling the heavens filling the Earth and filling whatever else You will
  8. Athlath thanai Almajdi khairu ma qala Alabdu wa kulluna laka abdun la mania lima ataita wa la yanfau dha Aljaddi minka Aljadd Allah hears the one who praises Him Our Lord to You be the Praise filling the heavens filling the Earth and filling whatever else You will Lord of Glory and Majesty the truest thing a slave had said and we are all slaves to You
  9. Abu Hurairah narrated that The Messenger of Allah used to supplicate in prayer when he said Sami Allahu liman hamidah Rabbana wa laka Alhamd Allah hears those who praise Him O our Lord and to You be praise then he said while standing before he prostrated O Allah save AlWalid Bin AlWalid and Salamah Bin Hisham and Ayshah Bin Abi Rabiah and those who are weak and oppressed in Makkah
  10. It was narrated from Salim from his father that He heard the Prophet when he raised his head in the last rakah of the subh prayer say O Allah curse so and so and so and so supplicating against some of the hypocrites
  11. It was narrated from Abu Malik AlAshjai that his father said I prayed behind the Messenger of Allah and he did not say the Qunut and I prayed behind Abu Bakr and he did not say the Qunut and I prayed behind Umar and he did not say the Qunut and I prayed behind Uthman and he did not say the Qunut and I prayed behind Ali and he did not say the Qunut
  12. It was narrated that Jabir Bin Abdullah said We used to pray Zuhr with the Messenger of Allah and I would take a handful of pebbles in my hand to cool them down then I would pass them from one hand to the other and when I prostrated I would put them down to lay my forehead on them
  13. It was narrated from Ibn Umar in a Marfu report that The hands prostrate as the face prostrates so when one of you puts his face down he should put his hands down and when he raises the face he should raise the hands too
  14. It was narrated from Ibn Abbas The Prophet was commanded to prostrate on seven and he was forbidden to tuck up his hair and garment on his hands his knees the edges of his feet
  15. It was narrated that Aishah said I noticed the Messenger of Allah was missing one night and I found him when he was prostrating with his feet held upright and he was saying inni audhu biridaka min sakhatik wa bimuafatika min uqubatik wa bika minka la uhsi thanaan alaika anta kama athnaita ala nafsik O Allah I seek refuge with Your pleasure from Your wrath in Your forgiveness from Your punishment and in You from You
  16. It was narrated from Maimunah that When the Prophet prostrated he would hold his arms out from his sides so that if a lamb wanted to pass beneath his arms it would be able to do so
  17. Abdulrahman Bin Shibl said The Messenger of Allah forbade three things Pecking like a crow resting one forearms on the ground like a predator and allocating the same place for prayer like a camel gets used to a certain place
  18. Then he stood and prayed and when he prostrated he said jal fi qalbi nuran wajal fi sami nuran wajal fi basri nuran wajal min tahti nuran wajal min fawqi nuran wa an yamii nuran wa an yasari nuran wajal amami nuran wajal khalfi nuran wa azimli nura O Allah place light in my heart and place light in my hearing and place light in my seeing and place light beneath me and place light above me and light on my right and light on my left and place light behind me and make the light greater for me
  19. It was narrated that Aishah said I noticed that the Messenger of Allah was missing and I thought he had gone to visit one of his concubines so I looked for him and found him prostrating and saying Rabbighfirli ma asrartu wa ma alant O Allah forgive me for what sin I have concealed and what I have done openly
  20. It was narrated from Muhammad Bin Maslamah that When the Messenger of Allah got up to offer voluntary prayers at night he would say when he prostrated laka sajadtu wa bika amantu wa laka aslamtu anta Rabbi sajada wajhi lilladhi khalaqahu wa sawarahu wa shaqqa samahu wa basarahu tabarak Allahu ahsan Alkhaliqin O Allah to You I have prostrated and in You I have believed and to You I have submitted
  21. I heard him saying Audhu biridaka min sakhatika wa audhu bimu afatika min uqubatika wa audhu bika minka la uhsi thanaan alaika anta kama athnaita ala nafsik I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath I seek refuge in Your forgiveness from Your punishment I seek refuge in You from You
  22. He started reciting AlBaqarah and he did not come to any verse that spoke of mercy but he paused and asked for mercy and he did not come to any verse that spoke of punishment but he paused and sought refuge with Allah from that
  23. Then he prostrated and made his prostration lengthy saying Subhan Rabbia AlAla Subhan Rabbia AlAla Subhan Rabbia AlAla Glory be to my Lord Most High Glory be to my Lord Most High Glory be to my Lord Most High
  24. He said to me You should prostrate for I heard the Messenger of Allah say There is no one who prostrates once to Allah SWT but Allah SWT will raise him one degree thereby and erase one sin thereby
  25. And he mentioned the Sirat and said The Messenger of Allah said I will be the first one to cross it and when Allah has finished passing judgment among His creation and has brought forth from the Fire those whom He wants to bring forth Allah will command the angels and the messengers to intercede and they will be recognized by their signs for the Fire will consume all of the son of Adam apart from the place of prostration
  26. It was narrated from Malik Bin AlHuwairith that When the Prophet of Allah started to pray he raised his hands and when he bowed he did likewise and when he raised his head from bowing he did likewise and when he raised his head from prostration he did likewise meaning he raised his hands
  27. And between the two prostrations he would say Rabbighfirli Rabbighfirli Lord forgive me Lord forgive me
  28. AlNadr Bin Kathir Abu Sahl AlAszidi said Abdullah Bin Tawus prayed beside me at Mina in Masjid AlKhaif and when he made the first prostration he raised his head and raised his hands up to his face
  29. Abdullah Bin Tawus said I saw my father do it and my father said I saw Ibn Abbas do it and Abullah Bin Abbas said I saw the Messenger of Allah doing it
  30. Abu Hurairah said When the Messenger of Allah stood to pray he said the takbir when he started then he said the takbir when he bowed then he said Sami Allahu liman hamidah Allah hears the one who praises Him when he stood up from bowing
  31. It was narrated that Abu Qibalah said Malik Bin AlHuwairith used to come to us and say Shall I not tell you about the prayer of the Messenger of Allah He was praying at a time other than the time of prayer and when he raised his head from the second prostration in the first rakah he settled in a seated position then he stood up and he supported himself on the ground while doing so
  32. It was narrated from Abu Bakr Bin Abdulrahman and from Abu Salamah Bin Abdulrahman that They prayed behind Abu Hurairah may Allah SWT be pleased with him and he when he bowed he said the Takbir when he raised his head he said Sami Allahu liman hamidah Rabbana wa laka Alhamd

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