Category:The Book of The Chapters on Charity in Sunan Ibn Majeh

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List of Chapters in The Book of The Chapters on Charity

Combined Book Name

The Book of The Chapters on Charity*Sunan Ibn Majeh Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of The Chapters on Charity Summary

  1. So Umar gave it on the basis that it would not be sold given away or inherited and its produce was to be given to the poor to relatives for freeing slaves in the cause of Allah to way fares and to guests and there was nothing wrong if a person appointed to be in charge of it consumed from it on a reasonable basis or feeding a fried without accumulating it for himself
  2. It was narrated from Urwah AlBariqi that the Prophet gave him a Dinar to buy him a sheep and he bought two sheep for him then he sold one of them for a Dinar and bought a Dinar and a sheep to the Prophet
  3. It was narrated from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said Wrongdoing is when a rich man takes a long time to repay a debt and if one of you is referred to a rich man to collect a debt he should accept that referral
  4. It was narrated that Uthman Bin Abdullah Bin Mawhab said I heard Abdullah Bin Abu Qatadah narrate from his father that a corpse was brought to the Prophet for him to offer the funeral prayer and he said Pray for your companion for he owes a debt
  5. It was narrated from Abu Huraira that if a believer died at the time of the Messenger of Allah and he had debts the Messenger of Allah would ask Did he leave anything with which to off his debt If they said yes then he would offer the funeral prayer for him but if they said no then he would say Pray for your companion
  6. It was narrated from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said Whoever is easy with a debtor who is in difficulty Allah will be easy with him in this world and in the Hereafter
  7. It was narrated from Hudhaifah that the Prophet said A man died and it was said to him What did you do Either he remembered or was reminded and said I used to be easy going in coins and cash collecting debts due and I used to give respite to the debtor who was in difficulty
  8. It was narrated that Yahya Bin Abu Ishaq AlHunai said I asked Anas Bin Malik What if a man gives his brother a loan then the borrower give him a gift The Messenger of Allah said If anyone of you borrow something then he gives the lender a gift or gives him a ride on his riding beast he should not accept the gift or the ride unless they used to treat each other in that manner beforehand
  9. It was narrated from Abdullah Bin Amr that the Messenger of Allah said A debt will be settled on the Day of Resurrection if the one who owes it dies apart from three A man who lost his strength fighting in the cause of Allah SWT so he borrows in order to become strong again to fighting in the cause of Allah SWT so he borrows in order to become strong again to fight the enemy of Allah SWT and his enemy

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Pages in category "The Book of The Chapters on Charity in Sunan Ibn Majeh"

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