Category:The Book on Faith in Sunan AlTermithi

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List of Chapters in The Book on Faith

Combined Book Name

The Book on Faith*Sunan AlTermithi Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book on Faith Summary

  1. Narrated Abu Hurairah said When the Messenger of Allah died and Abu Bakr became the Khalifah after him whoever disbelieved from the Arabs disbelieved so Umar Bin AlKhattab said to Abu Bakr How will you fight the people while the Messenger of Allah has said I have been ordered to fight the people until they say La Ilaha Illallah and if they say that then their blood and wealth will be protected from me except what it makes obligatory upon them and their reckoning is with Allah So Abu Bakr said By Allah I will fight whoever differentiates between Salat and Zakat
  2. So he said I order you with four things To testify to La Ilaha Illallah and that I am the Messenger of Allah to establish the Salat to give the Zakat and to give the Khumus from the spoils of war that you gain
  3. Narrated Anas Bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said There are three things for which whomever has them then he has tasted the sweetness of faith The one for whom Allah and His Messenger are more beloved than anything else whoever loves someone and he does not love him except for the sake of Allah and whoever hates to return to disbelief after Allah has saved him from it just as he hates to be thrown into fire
  4. Narrated Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said The adulterer is not a believer while he is committing adultery and the thief is not a believer while he is stealing but there is a chance for repentance if he repents Allah will accept the repentance
  5. Narrated Kathir Bin Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Awf Bin Zaid Bin Milhah narrated from his father from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah said Indeed the religion with creep into the Hijaz just like a snake creeps into its hole and the religion will cling to the Hijaz just like the female mountain goat cling to the peak of a mountain
  6. Narrated Abdullah Bin Amr that the Prophet said There are four things that whoever has them then he is a hypocrite and whoever has one attribute from among them then he has an attribute of hypocrisy until he leaves it Whoever lies whenever he speaks he does not fulfill whenever he promises he is vulgar whenever he argues and whenever he makes an agreement he proves treacherous
  7. Narrated AlDhahak that the Prophet said It is not for a slave of Allah to vow about something he does not possess and cursing a believer is like killing him and whoever accuses a believer of disbelief then it is like he has killed him and whoever kills himself with something then Allah will punish him with whatever he killed himself with on the Day of Judgement
  8. Narrated AlSunabihi from Ubadah Bin AlSamit he said I entered upon him while he was dying so I cried and he said There now why are you crying For by Allah if I am a martyr then I will intercede for you and if I can I will benefit you then he said By Allah There is no Hadith which I heard from the Messenger of Allah which is good for you but I narrate it to you today while I am near death
  9. Ninety nine scrolls will be laid out for him each scroll is as far as the eye can see then He will say Do you deny any of this Have those who recorded this wronged you He will say No O Lord He will say Do you have an excuse He will say No O Lord So He will say Rather you have a good deed with us so you shall not be wronged today
  10. Narrated Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said The Jews split into seventy one sects or seventy two sects and the Christians similarly and my Ummah will split into seventy three sects
  11. Narrated Muadh Bin Jabal that the Messenger of Allah said Do you know what Allah right upon His slaves is I said Allah and His Messenger know best

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