Category:The Book on Salat Prayer in Sunan AlTermithi

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List of Chapters in The Book on Salat Prayer

Combined Book Name

The Book on Salat Prayer*Sunan AlTermithi Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book on Salat Prayer Summary

  1. Aishah narrated Allah Messenger would pray Subh at such time that the women would leave after the prayer AlAnsarI one of the narrators said the women would pass by wrapped in their Mirts and they would not be recognizable due to the darkness
  2. Aishah narrated I have not seen anyone who hastened Zuhr more than Allah Messenger nor Abu Bakr nor Umar
  3. Umm Salamah narrated Allah Messenger would hasten Zuhr more than you people while you people hasten Asr more than him
  4. Salmah Bin AlAkwa narrated Allah Messenger prayed Maghrib when the sun had set and it the sun had hidden in the veil of darkness
  5. AlNuman Bin Bashir said A similar narration from another chain linking to this chain is also reported
  6. Ibn Umar narrated that the Prophet said Whoever misses the Asr prayer then it is as if he was robbed of his family and his property
  7. So he ordered Bilal to call the Adhan then he called the Iqamah to Zuhr then he called the Iqamah to pray Asr then he called the Iqamah to pray Maghrib then he called the Iqamah to pray Isha
  8. Ibn Abbas narrated I head more than one of the Companions of the Prophet Umar Bin AlKhattab among and he was one of the most beloved among them to me narrating that Allah Messenger prohibited the Salat after Fajr until the sun had risen and the Salat after Asr until the sun had set
  9. Ibn Abbas said Allah Messenger combined the Zuhr and Asr prayers and the Maghrib and Isha prayers in AlMadinah without being in a state of fear nor due to rain
  10. Allow enough time between your Adhan and Iqamah for the person eating to finish what he is eating the person drinking to finish what he is drinking and the one who needs time to relive himself and do not stand until you see me
  11. Abu Juhaifah narrated I saw Bilal calling the Adhan and turning and his face was following here and there and his index fingers were in his ears and Allah Messenger was in a small red tent I think he one of the narrators said it was made from a hide so Bilal went out in front of him with an Anazah which he planted in the ground at Batha
  12. Ishaq said something different about AlTathwib he said The disliked Tathwib is something that the people started after the Prophet when the Muadh dhincalls the Adhan and the people are slow in coming so between the Adhan and the Iqamah he says Qad Qamatis Salat Haya Alasalat Haya AlalFalah
  13. But Ibn AlMubarak and Ahmad explained that AlTathwib is when the Muadh dhin says As Salatu Khairum min AlNawm prayer is better than sleep for the Adhan of Fajr
  14. Sad Bin Abi Waqqas narrated that Allah Messenger said Whoever says when he hears the Muadh dhin Wa Ana Ashadu An La Ilaha Illallah Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu Wa Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu Radittu Billahi Rabban Wa Bi AlIslam Dinan Wa Bi Muhammadin Rasulan I too testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah Alone without partners and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger I am pleased with Allah as my Lord with Islam as my religion and Muhammad as a Messenger
  15. Jabir Bin Abdullah narrated that Allah Messenger said Whoever says when he hears the call rabba hadhihidda watit tammati was Salatilqaimah ati Muhammadanil wasilata AlFadilata wabathhu Maqamun Mahmudan alladhi waadtahu O Allah Lord of this perfect call and established prayer grant Muhammad AlWasilah and AlFadilah and raise him to the praised station that you promised him then intercession on the Day of Resurrection is made lawful for him
  16. Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said I was about to order my boys to collect bundles of firewood then order Salat to be held then burn the homes of the people who did not attend the Salat
  17. Mujahid said Ibn Abbas was asked about a man who fasted during the day and stood in prayers during the night but he did not attend the Friday prayer nor congregational prayer
  18. Narrator not mentioned And the Prophet said If the people knew what reward is in the call Adhan and the first row and they found no other way to get that except drawing lots then they would draw lots
  19. One day he came out and saw a man whose chest was protruding from the people so he said You must straighten your lines or Allah will cause disagreement to occur among your faces
  20. Anas Bin Malik narrated that Allah Messenger said Whoever performs Salat for Allah for forty days in congregation catching the first Takbir two absolutions are written for him absolution from the Fire and absolution from the Fire and absolution from hypocrisy
  21. Abu Saeeed AlKhudri narrated When Allah s Messenger stood for Salat during the night he would say the Takbir Allahu Akbar then say Subhanaka wa bihamdika wa Tabarakasmuka wa Taala Jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk
  22. Aishah narrated When the Prophet opened the Salat he would say Subhanaka wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa taala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk Glorious You are O Allah and with Your praise and blessed is Your Name and exalted is Your majesty and none has the right to be worshipped but You
  23. Hudhaifah narrated that he performed Salat with the Prophet and that while he was bowing he would say Subhana Rabbiyal Azim Glorious is my Lord the Magnificent and while prostrating Subhana Rabbiyal Ala Glorious is my Lord the Most High
  24. And he would not recite an Ayah mentioning mercy except that he would stop and ask for mercy and he would not recite an Ayah mentioning punishment except that he would stop and seek refuge with Allah from it
  25. Rabba na laka Alhamd milas samawati wa mila Alardi wa mila ma bainahuma wa mila ma shiia min shayin bad Allah listens to those who praise Him
  26. O our Lord And to You is the praise that fills the heavens and fills the earth and fills what is between them and fills whatever there is beyond that You will
  27. He said There are narrations on this topic from Ibn Umar Ibn Abbas Ibn Abi Awfa Abu Juhaifa and Abu Saeed
  28. Wail Bin Hujr narrated I saw Allah Messenger when he prostrated placing his knees on the ground before his hands and when he got up he raised his hands before his knees
  29. A AlBara Bin Azib narrated The Salat of Allah Messenger was such that when he bowed and when he raised his head from bowing and when he prostrated and when he raised his head from prostration it all was nearly the same
  30. O Allah Pardon me have mercy on me help me guide me and grant me sustenance
  31. Abu Humaid said I am the most knowledgeable among you of the Salat of Allah Messenger Indeed Allah Messenger sat meaning for Tashah hud he spread his left foot and made the top of his right foot face the Qiblah and he placed his right hand on his right knee and his left hand on his left knee and indicated with his finger meaning the index finge
  32. Thawban the freed slave of Allah Messenger narrated that Allah Messenger said When Allah Messenger wanted to turn from his Salat he would seek forgiveness from Allah three times then say Antas Salam wa minkas salam tabarakta ya dha Aljalali AlIkram O Allah You are the One free of defects and perfection is from You
  33. Then bow such that you are at rest in your bowing then stand completely then prostrate completely then sit such that you are at rest while sitting them stand
  34. And this was easier on them than the first matter because if some of this was deficient It would only reduce the reward of his Salat it would not have gone entirely
  35. Then he held his upper arms away from his midsection and opened his toes on his feet facing the Qiblah then he bend his left foot and sat on it then straightened up until all of his bones completely returned to their placed then he went down to prostrate
  36. Jabir Bin Samurah narrated For Zuhr and Asr Allah Messenger would recite By the heavens holding the Buruj and By the heavens and AlTariq and similar to them
  37. Ibn Umar narrated The Prophet prohibited Salat from being performed in seven places the dung heap the slaughtering area the graveyard the commonly used road the wash area in the area that camels rest at and above the House of Allah the Kabah
  38. He said Let one of you go forward until I narrate to you why I would not go forward to lead prayer I heard Allah Messenger saying Whoever visits a people then he does not lead them but a man among them leads them
  39. Anas Bin Malik narrated Allah Messenger cursed three people A man who leads people in Salat while they dislike him a woman who spends a night while her husband with her and a man who hears Haya Alal Falah come to success then does not respond
  40. So when he recited and he was standing he would bow and prostrate whole he was standing and when he recited while he was sitting he bowed and prostrated while he was sitting
  41. Aishah narrated that Allah Messenger said The Salat of a women who has reached the age of menstruation is not accepted without a Khimar The Book on Salat Prayer What Has Been Related About The Salat Of A Woman Who Has Reached The Age Of Menstruation Is Not Accepted Without A Khimar Sahih Darussalam
  42. A AlFadl Bin AlAbbas narrated that Allah Messenger S said As Salat is two and two with a Tashahhud for every two Rakah with humility imploring having a sense of tranquility pleading and showing helplessness and stretching out your hand he said raising them to your Lord with the insides of them facing your face saying O Lord O Lord And whoever does not do this then it is like this or that
  43. When he prays five for Zuhr then performs the prostrations after the Salam and if he says Salam after two Rakahs of Zuhr or Asr then he performs the prostrations after the Salam
  44. Ishaq said the same as Ahmad about all of this with the exception that he said that for every case of AlSahw that is not mentioned from the Prophet then if it is an addition to the Salat then prostrations are performed after the Salam and if it is something that was left out then the prostrations are performed before the Salam
  45. Abu Hurairah narrated The Prophet S turned finished the prayer after two Rakah so Dh AlYadain said Has the prayer been shortened or have you forgotten O Messenger of Allah The Prophet S said Is what Dh AlYadain said the truth The people said yes so Allah Messenger S stood to perform the last two Rakah of Salat then he said the Taslim
  46. Abu Malik AlAshjai narrated I said to my father O my father You offered Salat behind Allah Messenger S Abu Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali Bin Abi Talib here in AlKufah for about five years
  47. There is another narration from Abu Malik There exists another narration from Abu Malik with similar meaning but with different chain
  48. I sneezed and said AlHamdulillah hamdan kathiran tayiban mubarakan fih mubarakan alaihi kama yuhibbu Rabbana Wa Yarda All praise is due to Alah many good blessed praises blessings for Him as our Lord loves and is pleased with
  49. And Abu Bakr narrated to me and Abu Bakr told the truth he said I heard Allah Messenger S saying There is no man who commits a sin then makes Wudu then performs Salat then seeks forgiveness from Allah except that Allah forgives him
  50. Ibn Abbas narrated Some of the poor people came to Allah Messenger S and said O Messenger of Allah S The rich pray as we pray they fast as we fast but they have wealth with which they free slaves and which they give in charity
  51. He said When you perform Salat then say Subhan Allah thirty three times and AlHamdulillah thirty three times and Allahu Akbar thirty four times and La ilaha illallah ten times
  52. So if something is deficient in his obligatory prayers then the Lord Mighty and Sublime says Look Are there any voluntary prayers for my worshipper So with them what was deficient in his obligatory prayers will be completed
  53. Aishah narrated that Allah Messenger S said Whoever is regular with twelve Rakah of Sunnah prayer Allah will build a house for him in Paradise Four Rakah before Zuhr two Rakah after it two Rakah after Maghrib two Rakah after Isha and two Rakah before Fajr
  54. Umm Habibah narrated that Allah Messenger S sad Whoever prays twelve Rakah in a day and night a house will be built from him in Paradise Four Rakah before Zuhr two Rakah after it two Rakah after Maghrib two Rakah after Isha and two Rakah before Fajr in the morning Salat
  55. Saeed Bin Abi Saeed AlMaqburi narrated that Saeed Bin Abi Saeed AlMaqburi narrated that Abu Salamah informed him that he had asked Aishah How was the Salat of Allah Messenger A at night during Ramadan She said Allah Messenger S would pray neither in Ramadan nor in any other month more than eleven Rakah
  56. He would pray four and do not ask about their excellence or length then he would pray four and do not ask about their excellence or length then he would pray three
  57. Narrator not mentioned Another chain with similar narration The Book on Salat Prayer Something Else About That Night Prayer Sahih Darussalam
  58. Is there any who calls upon Me so that I may respond to him Is there any who asks of Me that I may give him Is there any who seeks forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him He continues in that until the illumination of AlFajr

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