Islamic Microfinance Report
From HodHood
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income 10 financial 9 costs 8 islamic 7 implications 6 microfinance 6 murabaha 5 percentage 5 products 5 credit 4 cumulative 4 dividend 4 future 4 loans 4 risk 4 sharia 4 woccu 4 afghanistan 3 aqcha 3 august 3 balkh 3 deposits 3 governance 3 indicators 3 jawzjan 3 july 3 june 3 loan 3 profit 3 questions 3 september 3 sharing 3 unions 3
- summarize what we know and what we need to learn
- discuss key questions regarding expansion of islamic microfinance
- products i what elements of traditional mf products are impacted by sharia how might they be addressed what are the implications for profitability i what are the implications for savings products i who are key actors to involve in the product design process i what questions must be asked of potential clients
- back office i what are the implications of compliant ie non interest bearing and or profit sharing products on mis i what are the implications of sharia lending on financial forecasting risk calculations loan loss assessment i accounting auditing how do you account for profit i what additional staff training is required
- legal regulatory environments i what do we need to know about the legal framework for islamic microfinance i do national microfinance laws need to be changed to accomodate sharia lending and how
- governance management i what questions are raised by sharia regarding traditional mf institutional governance and ownership structures i what are the implications on an mfi obtaining financing from nonsharia lenders
- woccu islamic microfinance in afghanistan experiences from aries misfa robert wieland for curtis slover world council of credit october unions
- washington dc
- woccu s credit union development projects in afghanistan a c a woccu helped to establish two area based open bond credit unions in the north of afghanistan balkh and jawzjan
- all of these institutions are being re jigged to accommodate islamic injunctions against riba offering murabaha loans and share returns on deposits
Please note, This is an auto generated summary based on sentances position in the document and other factors
Main Category
- AlHuda Material\islamic micro
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:48:06