Introduction to Islamic Finance by Amir Khalil Ur Rehman
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islamic 108 banking 52 finance 49 economics 47 introduction 47 securitization 46 sukuk 46 centre 45 conference 45 international 45 riba 22 conventional 11 debt 11 god 11 quran 11 usury 10 documents 8 halal 8 profit 8 bai 7 contracts 7 equivalent 7 exchange 7 sura 7
- foreign banks abn amro bank citibank deutsche bank hong kong shanghai banking corporation merrill lynch standard chartered union bank of switzerland etc doing islamic banking for profit and market size potential and not necessarily for religious reasons
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk global islamic banking market
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk market potential us survey current types of investments held halal both conventional over had halal only investments or both
- indicates that about two thirds muslims are concerned with having halal investments in line with their religious beliefs
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk why islamic banking a c interest usury or riba is forbidden in almost all major religions of the world e
- i judaism i christianity i islam a c plus strong business case and market potential
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk judeo christian tradition in thee have they taken gifts to shed blood thou hast taken usury and increase and though hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion and hast forgotten me said the lord god
- ezekiel
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran first revelation that which you give as interest to increase the people s wealth increases not with god but that which you give in charity seeking the goodwill of god multiples manifold
- the rome a sura al rum
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran second revelation and for their taking interest even though it was forbidden for them and their wrongful appropriation of other peoples property
- we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment woman a sura al nisa
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran third revelation o believer take not doubled and redoubled interest interest on interest and fear god so that you may prosper
- fear the fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith and obey god and the prophet so that you may receive mercy the family of imran a sura al imran
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran fourth revelation those who benefit from interest shall be raised like those who have been driven to madness by the touch of devil this is just because they say trade is like interest while god has permitted trade and forbidden interest
- hence those who have received the admonition from their lord and desist may keep their previous gains their case being entrusted to god but those who revert shall be inhabitants of fire and abide therein forever the cow a sura al baqara
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran o believers fear allah and give up what is still due to your from the interest usury if indeed you are true believers
- neither should you commit injustice nor should you be subjected to it
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in quran related in context to the only reward of those who make war upon allah his messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be
- a c such will be their degradation in the world and a c in the hereafter theirs will be an awful doom
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in hadith the prophet cursed i the receiver and i the payer of interest i the one who records it and i the two witnesses to the transaction i and said they are all alike in guilt
- sources jabir ibn abdullah muslim tirmidhi musnad ahmed
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in hadith a dirham of riba which a man receives knowingly is worse than committing adultery thirty six times
- sources abdallah ibn hanzalah
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk riba in hadith the prophet said riba has seventy segments the least serious being equivalent to a man committing adultery with his own mother
- sources aby hurayrah ibn majah the holy prophet said even when interest is much it is bound to end up in paltriness
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk main financial contracts a
- sharing or non debt modes full risk category
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk conventional vs islamic economics difference in factors of production conventional islamic a c land a c land a c labour a c labour incl
- entrepreneur a c capital
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk conventional vs islamic economics difference in factors of production conventional islamic a c land a c land a c labour a c labour entrepreneur incl
- entrepreneur a c capital
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk some common misconceptionsa a c form vs substance issue a c return can not be fixed in islamic banking a c return can not be same as conventional a c profit a riba
- hence riba free a profit free a c benchmarking with conventional basis to match with islamic banking returns
- centre of islamic banking economics nd international conference introduction to islamic finance securitization and sukuk major challenges and issues a c misconceptions lack of awareness a c liquidity management investment opportunities a c confidence credibility reputational risk a c competition from conventional tawarruq etc
- a c human resource shortage
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Published Date
2016-09-17 00:26:22