Category:The Book of Dress in HodHood Indexing

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List of Chapters in The Book of Dress in HodHood Indexing

The Book of Dress in HodHood Indexing Key Points

  1. Narrated Abu Saeed AlKhudri I heard Allah Messenger saying While I was sleeping I saw in a dream the people being displayed before me wearing shirts some of which were so short that it reached as far as their breasts and some reached below that
  2. Narrated Ibn Umar A man asked O Allah s Apostle What kind of clothes should a Muhrim wear The Prophet said A Muhrim should not wear a shirt trousers a hooded cloak or Khuffs socks made from thick fabric or leather unless he cannot get sandals in which case he should cut the part of the Khuff that covers the ankles
  3. He rinsed his mouth put the water in his nose and blew it out washed his face and tried to take his hands out of his sleeves but they were too narrow so he took out his hands from under his chest and washed them and then passed his wet hands over his head and Khuffs socks made from thick fabric or leather
  4. Narrated Abdullah A man got up and said O Allah Messenger What do you order us to wear when we assume the state of Ihram The Prophet replied Do not wear shirts trousers turbans hooded cloaks or Khuffs socks made from thick fabric or leather but if a man has no sandals he can wear Khuffs after cutting them short below the ankles and do not wear clothes touched with perfumes of saffron or wars
  5. Narrated Abdullah The Prophet said A woman should not look at or touch another woman to describe her to her husband in such a way as if he was actually looking at her
  6. Narrated Saeed Bin Jubair that he heard Ibn Abbas saying Thursday And you know not what Thursday is After that Ibn Abbas wept till the stones on the ground were soaked with his tears
  7. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said The Hour will not be established till you fight a nation wearing hairy shoes and till you fight the Turks who will have small eyes red faces and flat noses and their faces will be like flat shields
  8. a superior place in Paradise in the same way as one looks at a brilliant star far away in the East or in the West on the horizon all that is because of their superiority over one another in rewards
  9. On that the people said O Allah Messenger Are these lofty mansions for the prophets which nobody else can reach The Prophet replied No By Allah in whose Hands my life is these are for the men who believed in Allah and also believed in the Apostles
  10. And if he has no slippers then he can use Khuffs socks made from thick fabric or leather but the socks should be cut short so as to make the ankles bare
  11. Ablutions Wudu If one puts on Khuff just after performing ablution ther is no need to wash one feet again in ablution hours for non travellers and three days for travelers
  12. Ibn Umar narrated A man stood and said O Messenger of Allah What clothing do you command us to wear in AlHaram The Messenger of Allah said Do not wear shirts nor pants nor burnooses nor turbans nor Khuff unless one does not have any sandals then let him wear Khuff but let him cut them below the ankles
  13. Narrated Talhah Bin Khirash I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah saying I heard the Prophet saying The Fire shall not touch the Muslim who saw me or saw one who saw me
  14. Abu Eisa said There is something on this topic from AlMughirah and this Hadith is Gharib we do not know of it being Marfu except from this route
  15. And he the narrator said I heard sulaiman Bin Yasar say that he heard Amrah say I heard Aishah narrate that she heard the Messenger of Allah say The hand of the thief should not be cut off except for four Dinars or more
  16. Urwah said I continued to argue with Marwan until he called one of his guards and sent him to Busrah to ask her about what Marwan had narrated and Busrah sent word saying something like that which Marwan had narrated to me from her
  17. A different chain from Sufyan from Abu AlZubair from Tawus from Ibn Abbas who said Ruqba and Umra are not permissible whoever is given something on the basis of Umra it is his and whoever is given something on the basis of Ruqba it is his
  18. It was narrated from Jubair Bin Nufair that a man asked Aishah about fasting and she said The Messenger of Allah used to fast all of Shaban and he made sure to fast on Mondays and Thursdays
  19. If any one of you is observing a fast let him not utte obscene a fast let him not utter obscene talk or raise his voice in anger and if anyone insults him or wants to fight let him say I am a person who is fasting
  20. It was narrated that Hafsah said When the Messenger of Allah would lie down he would place his right hand under his right cheek and he used to fast on Mondays and Thursday
  21. Hunaidah AlKhuzai said I entered upon the Mother of the Believers and heard her say The Messenger of Allah used to fast three days of each month The first Monday of the month then Thursday then the following Thursday
  22. It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said I heard the Messenger of Allah say If you cannot find an Izar then wear pants and if you cannot find sandals then wear khuffs but cut them so that they come lower than the ankles
  23. Uthman Bin Affan said The Messenger of Allah said The Muhrim should not get married or propose marriage or arrange a marriage for some else
  24. It was narrated that Nafi said Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him said I have not failed to touch these two corners since I saw the Messenger of Allah touching them the Yemeni Corner and Black Stone either when it is difficult or when it is easy
  25. It was narrated that Amr heard Jabir say And AlAbass was in AlMadinah and he asked the Ansar for a garment to clothe him in but they could not find a shirt that would fit him except the shirt of Abdullah Bin Ubay so they clothed him in it
  26. Ishaq Bin Ibrahim AlHanthali narrated to us Isa and he is Ibn Yunus informed us AlAwzai narrated to us on authority of Sulyaman Bin Musa he said I came across Tawus and said So and so narrated to me such and such
  27. Amr reported on the authority of Jabir that in the expedition of Khabat leaves a person slaughtered three camels then three then three then Abu Ubaida forbade him to do so fearing that the rides may become short
  28. There is another chain of Tawus reporting like the reports that were mentioned before the previous hadith chain through Tawus the chains of Wuhaib and Rowh Bin Qasim
  29. Abu Huraira reported that Ab AlQasim said Give name to your children after my name but do not give the kunya of Ab AlQasim after my kunya
  30. he should not walk with one sandal until he has got the thong repaired and he should not walk with one shoe and he should not eat with his left hand and should not wrap his cloth round his knees or wrap himself completely leaving no room for the arms
  31. Masruq reported We were in the company of Abdullah b Amr that we made a mention of a hadith from Abdullah Bin Massuod thereupon he said That is a person whose love ever remains fresh in my heart after I heard Allah Messenger as saying Learn from four persons Ibn Umm Abd Abdullah Bin Massuod and he started from his name then Ubay Bin Kaab and Muadh b Jabal
  32. Amr reported on the authority of Ibn Abu Mulaika We were with the bier of Umm Aban daughter of Uthman and the rest of the hadith is the same but he did not narrate it as a marfu hadith on the authority of Umar from the Messenger of Allah as it was narrated by Ayub and Ibn Juraij and the hadith narrated by them Ayub and Ibn Juraij is more complete than that of Amr
  33. Salim reported on the authority of his father Abdullah Bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah was asked what a Muhrim should wear whereupon he said A Muhrim should not wear a shirt or a turban or a cap or trousers or a cloth touched with wars or with saffron nor should he wear stockings but in case he does not find shoes but before wearing stockings be should trim them in such a way that these should become lower than the ankles
  34. Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying All praise be to Allah the Lord of the Universe is the epitome or basis of the the epitome or basis of the Book and the seven oft repeated verses
  35. Abu Dawud said Ibn Uyainah reported from Zaid from whom Malik narrated and Thwari narrated from Zaid that an authentic narrator reported from the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him Zakat Kitab AlZakat The Rich Person Who Is Allowed To Accept Sadaqah Sahih Al Albani
  36. Abd Allaah Bin Umar said A man asked the Apostle of Allaah What clothing one should put on if one intend to put on ihram He said He should not wear shirts turbans trousers garments with head coverings and clothing which has any dye of waras or saffron one should not put on shoes unless one cannot get sandals
  37. Ibn Abbas said I heard the Apostle of Allaah say When one who is wearing ihram cannot get a lower garment loin cloth he may ear trousers and when he cannot get sandals he may wear shoes
  38. Narrated Aisha Ummul Muminin Salim Ibn Abdullah said Abdullah Ibn Umar used to do so that is to say he would cut the shoes of a woman who put on ihram then Safiyah daughter of AbuUbayd reported to him that Aisha may Allah be pleased with her narrated to her that the Messenger of Allah gave licence to women in respect of the shoes i
  39. Abu Hurairah said I heard the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him say He who sees me in a dream will see me when awake or as if he will see me when awake for the devil does not take my likeness
  40. Narrated Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Habban The Messenger of Allah said What is the harm if any of you has two garments if he can provide them for Friday prayer in addition to the two garments for his daily work Amr reported from Ibn Habib from Musa Ibn Saad from Ibn Habban from Ibn Salam who heard this tradition from the Messenger of Allah on the pulpit
  41. Muhammed Bin Sulaiman narrated from Abu Nuaim from Misar from Ibn Ubaid from Ibn Maqil from two men of Muzainah one from the other one of them is Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Uwaim and the other is Ghalib Bin AlAbjar
  42. It wasnarrated from Busr Bin Saeed that Zaid Bin Khalid sent wordto Abu Juhaim AlAnsari asking him What did you hear from theProphet about a man when he is performing prayer He said Iheard the Prophet saying If anyone of you knew how greatisthe sin involved when he passed in front of his brother who isperforming prayer then waiting for forty one of thenarrators said I do not know if he meant forty years fortymonths or fortydays would be better for him than that
  43. The Shihab shooting star may strike him before he can pass it on to the one beneath him and the latter can pass it on to the soothsayer or sorcerer or it may not strike him until he has passed it on
  44. O Allah benefit me by that which You have taught me and teach me that which will benefit me and increase my knowledge
  45. It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that The Prophet said There will be some people among my Ummah nation who will gain knowledge of the religion and they will recite Quran and will say We come to the rulers so that we may have some share of their worldly wealth and we will make sure that our religious commitment is not affected but that will not be the case
  46. It wasnarrated from Abu Saeed that the Messenger of Allah said AProphet will come accompanied by two men and a Prophet willcomeaccompanied by three and some will come with more or less thanthat
  47. Every time he hears acommotion he rushes towards it seeking death wherever he thinks hecan find it and a man who tends sheep at the top of one of thesepeaks or in the bottom of one of these valleys establishing theprayer paying the charity and worshipping his Lord until theinevitable death comes to him and there is nothing between him andthe people except good
  48. That was where the Banu Kinana had sworn an oath with the Quriash against Banu Hashim that they would not intermarry with them or engage in trade with them
  49. Yahya related to me from Malik from AIqama ibn Abi AIqama fromhis mother that A isha the wife of the Prophet may Allah bless himand grant him peace said Abu Jahm ibn Hudhayfa gave the Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace a fine stripedgarment from Syria and he did the prayer in it
  50. Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr fromhis father from Amra bint Abd ar Rahman that a thief stole a citron inthe time of Uthman Uthman ibn Affan ordered its value to be estimatedand it was estimated at three dirhams at the rate of exchange oftwelve dirhams for the dinar so Uthman cut off his hand

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