Category:The Book of Family in HodHood Indexing

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List of Chapters in The Book of Family in HodHood Indexing

The Book of Family in HodHood Indexing Key Points

  1. Narrated Abu Burda That his father said When Umar was stabbed Suhaib started crying O my brother Umar said Dont you know that the Prophet said The deceased is tortured for the weeping of the living Funerals A AlJanaaiz The deceased is punished because of the weeping of his relatives
  2. Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Abi Bakra Abu Bakra wrote to his son who was in Sijistan Do not judge between two persons when you are angry for I heard the Prophet saying A judge should not judge between two persons while he is in an angry mood
  3. Narrated Anas Allah Messenger said Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed A man said O Allah Messenger I will help him if he is oppressed but if he is an oppressor how shall I help him The Prophet said By preventing him from oppressing others for that is how to help him
  4. war prisoners children and woman only were brought before the Prophet and behold a woman amongst them was milking her breasts to feed and whenever she found a child amongst the captives she took it over her chest and nursed it she had lost her child but later she found him the Prophet said to us Do you think that this lady can throw her son in the fire We replied No if she has the power not to throw it in the fire
  5. O Allah Apostle When you saw that man you said so and so about him then you showed him a kind and polite behavior and you enjoyed his company Allah Messenger said O Aisha Have you ever seen me speaking a bad and dirty language Remember that the worst people in Allah sight on the Day of Resurrection will be those whom the people leave undisturbed to be away from their evil deeds
  6. and do not look for the others faults and do not do spying on one another and do not practice Najsh and do not be jealous of one another and do not hate one another and do not desert stop talking to one another
  7. Narrated Aisha Allah the brother of Abu AlQuais asked my permission to enter after the verses of AlHijab veiling the ladies was revealed and I said By Allah I will not admit him unless I take permission of Allah Apostle for it was not the brother of AlQuais who had suckled me but it was the wife of AlQuais who had suckled me
  8. I asked Is such a divorce counted as one legal divorce Ibn Umar said What do you think if someone becomes helpless and foolish Divorce Divorce during the menses is counted as one legal divorce
  9. The freed slave of Usama Bin Zaid said A AlHajjaj Bin Aiman Bin Um Aiman and Aiman Ibn Um Aiman was Usama brother from the maternal side and he was one of the Ansar
  10. Narrated Abdulrahman Bin Yazid We asked Hudhaifa to tell us of a person resembling to some extent the Prophet in good appearance and straight forward behavior so that we may learn from him good manners and acceptable conduct
  11. Narrated Aisha Abu Hudhaifa Bin Utba Bin Rabia Bin AbdShams who had witnessed the battle of Badr along with the Prophet adopted Salim as his son to whom he married his niece Hind Bint AlWalid Bin Utba Bin Rabia and Salim was the freed slave of an Ansar woman just as the Prophet had adopted Zaid as his son
  12. The Prophet heard his voice took a silken cloak and brought it to him placing those golden buttons in front of him saying O Abu AlMiswar I have kept this aside for you O Abu AlMiswar I have kept this aside for you Makhrama was a bad tempered man
  13. Narrated Ibn Abbas That the mother of Saad Bin Ubada the brother of Bani Saida died in Saad absence so he came to the Prophet saying O Allah Messenger My mother died in my absence will it benefit her if I give in charity on her behalf The Prophet said Yes
  14. Narrated Anas When Abdullah Bin Salam heard the arrival of the Prophet at Medina he came to him and said I am going to ask you about three things which nobody knows except a prophet What is the first portent of the Hour What will be the first meal taken by the people of Paradise Why does a child resemble its father and why does it resemble its maternal uncle Allah Messenger said Gabriel has just now told me of their answers
  15. Abdullah Bin Salam further said O Allah Messenger The Jews are liars and if they should come to know about my conversion to Islam before you ask them about me they would tell a lie about me
  16. Allah Apostle asked the Jews What kind of man is Abdullah Bin Salam amongst you They replied He is the most learned person amongst us and the best amongst us and the son of the best amongst us
  17. Narrated Ibn Umar The Prophet said The honorable the son of the honorable the son of the honorable was Joseph the son of Jacob the son of Isaac the son of Abraham
  18. Salman told Abu AlDarda Your Lord has a right on you your soul has a right on you and your family has a right on you so you should give the rights of all those who has a right on you
  19. And no doubt our Muhajir emigrant brothers used to be busy in the market with their business bargains and our Ansari brothers used to be busy with their property agriculture
  20. But I Abu Huraira used to stick to Allah Messenger contented with what will fill my stomach and I used to attend that which they used not to attend and I used to memorize that which they used not to memorize
  21. Saeed son said How strange A guinea pig coming from Qadum AlDan Military Expeditions led by the Prophet pbuh A AlMaghaazi Ghazwa of Khaibar
  22. They both said Didnt Allah say And fight then until there is no more affliction He said We fought until there was no more affliction and the worship is for Allah Alone while you want to fight until there is affliction and until the worship become for other than Allah
  23. Narrated Nafi through another group of sub narrators A man came to Ibn Umar and said O Abu Abdulrahman What made you perform Hajj in one year and Umra in another year and leave the Jihad for Allah Cause though you know how much Allah recommends it Ibn Umar replied O son of my brother Islam is founded on five principles believe in Allah and His Apostle the five compulsory prayers the fasting of the month of Ramadan the payment of Zakat and the Hajj to the House of Allah
  24. So what prevents you from fighting as Allah has mentioned in His Book Ibn Umar said O son of my brother I would rather be blamed for not fighting because of this Verse than to be blamed because of another Verse where Allah says And whoever kills a believer intentionally
  25. When that man saw that Ibn Umar did not agree to his proposal he said What is your opinion regarding Ali and Uthman Ibn Umar said What is my opinion regarding Ali and Uthman As for Uthman Allah forgave him and you disliked to forgive him and Ali is the cousin and son in law of Allah Messenger
  26. Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar We used not to call Zaid Bin Haritha the freed slave of Allah Messenger except Zaid Bin Muhammad till the Quanic Verse was revealed Call them adopted sons by the names of their fathers
  27. Taribat Yaminuki may your right hand be saved Urwa the sub narrator added For that Aisha used to say Consider those things which are illegal because of blood relations as illegal because of the corresponding foster relations
  28. So Ali came crying saying O Messenger of Allah You have made a bond of brotherhood among your Companions but you have not made a bond of brotherhood with me and anyone
  29. Salman went to visit Abu AlDarda and saw Umm AlDarda wearing shabby clothes So he said Why are you wearing such shabby clothes She said Your brother Abu AlDarda has no interest in the world
  30. Then he Salman said Indeed your self has a right upon you your Lord has a right upon you your guest has a right upon you and your family has a right upon you
  31. Sufyan said And Mamar said to me in addition from AlZuhri and I do not remember it to be from A Zuhri rather I remember it to be from Mamar that Umar said If the two of you are together then it is for both of you and whichever of you is alone with it the sixth then it is for her
  32. He said No one asked me about since I asked the Messenger of Allah about it and he said No one asked me about it other than you since it was revealed
  33. Then he recited When the messenger came to him he said Return to your king and ask him What happened to the women who cut their hands He said May Allah have mercy upon Lut certainly he used to lean toward powerful support since he said Would that I had strength to overpower you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support
  34. Narrated Aishah may Allah be pleased with her If the Messenger of Allah was to have concealed anything that was revealed to him then he would have concealed these Ayat When you said to him on whom Allah has bestowed grace meaning by Islam and you have done a favor meaning that he was a slave and you freed him Keep your wife to yourself and have Taqwa of Allah
  35. Say So and so the Mawla of so and so and So and so the brother of so and so
  36. w said There will be a Fitnah during which the sitting person is better than the standing person is better than the walking and the walking person is better than the running
  37. Hisham narrated that AlHasan would say about the Hadith Morning will come upon a man as a believer who will be a disbeliever in the evening and evening will come upon a believer who will be a disbeliever in the morning he said Morning would comeupon a man while his brother blood honor and wealth was sacred and when evening would come he would consider it lawful for him
  38. Abu Eisa said It has been reported from Hisham Bin Urwah from Abu Wajzah AlSaidi from a man from Muzainah from Umar Bin Abu Salamah
  39. Abu Saeed AlKhudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah said Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or two daughters or two sisters and he keeps good company with them and fears Allah regarding them then Paradise is for him
  40. Abu Dharr narrated that the Messenger of Allah said Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity commanding good and forbidding evil is charity your giving directions to a man lost in the land is charity for you
  41. They will say Our Lord our brothers used to pray with us and fast with us and perform Hajj with us and you have caused them to enter the Fire He will say Go and bring forth whomever you recognize among them
  42. Then He will say Everyone in whose heart is faith the weight of half a Dinar until He will say In whose heart is faith the weight of the smallest speck
  43. Abu Saeed said Whoever does not believe this let him read the Verse Verily Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him in worship but He forgives except that anything else to whom He wills up to a tremendous sin
  44. It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said The Messenger of Allah said No town dweller should sell for a desert dweller do not artificially inflate prices no man should urge a seller to cancel a sale already agreed upon with another buy so as to by the goods himself no one should make a proposal over the proposal of his brother and no woman should make a proposal over the proposal of his brother and no woman should ask for her sister in faith to be divorced so as to turn over what is in her vessel Deprived her of her share of maintenance and so that she may get married in her place she will have what Allah has decreed or her
  45. It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said I heard the messenger of Allah say No man should urge anyone to cancel a sale he has already agreed upon with his brother so as to sell him his own goods no town dweller should sell for a desert dweller do not artificially inflate prices no man should outbid his brother and no woman should ask for her sister in faith to be divorced so as to turn over what is in her vessel deprive her of her share of maintenance Artificially Inflating Prices Sahih Darussalam
  46. Urwah narrated that Zainab Bint Abi Salamah whose mother was Umm Salamah the wife of the Prophet told him that Umm Habibah Bint Abi Sufyan told her that she said O Messenger of Allah marry my sister the daughter of Abu Sufyan
  47. He said Be careful who you count as your brothers or be careful who you count as your brothers through breast feeding for the breast feeding which makes marriage prohibited is from hunger
  48. Ar Rubay Bint Muawidh Bin Afra narrated that Thabit Bin Qais Bin Shammas hit his wife and broke her arm her name was Jamilah Bint Abdullah Bin Ubay
  49. Shubah narrated from Qatadah from Zurarahbin Awfa from Saad Bin Hisham that Aishah said When the Messenger of Allah grew old and put on weight he prayed seven rakahs and only sat in the last of them and he prayed two rakahs while sitting after saying the taslim and that was nine O my son And when the Messenger of Allah offered any prayer he liked to persist in doing so
  50. It was narrated from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin AlHarith Bin Nawfal Bin AlHarith Bin Abd AlMuttalib that during the year that Muawiyah Bin abi sufyan performed Hajj he heard Saad Bin Abi Waqqas and AlDahhak Bin Qais talking about joining Umrah to Hajj Tamattu AlDahhak said none does that but one who is ignorant of the ruling of Allah
  51. He offered his condolences and said O son and so which would you like better to enjoy his company all you life or to come to any of the gates of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and find that he arrived there before you and he is opening the gate for you he said O Prophet of Allah For him to get to the gate of Paradise before me and open it for me is dearer to me
  52. Ibn Umar said to him O son of my brother Allah SWT send Muhammad to us when we did not know anything and all we should do is to do that which we saw Muhammad doing
  53. Umm Salama reported Allah Messenger as saying You bring to me for judgment your disputes some of you perhaps being more eloquent in their plea than others so I give judgment on their behalf according to what I hear from them
  54. Aisha said in connection with these words of Allah the Exalted and Glorious And if a woman has reason to fear il Altreatment from her husband or that he might turn away from her that it was revealed in case of a woman who lived with a person and perhaps he does not want to prolong his relationship with her whereas she has had sexual relationship with him and as a result thereof she got a child from him and she does not like that she should be divorced so she says to him I permit you to live with the other wife
  55. Jabir Bin Abdullah Allah be pleased with them reported Allah Messenger saying If You sell fruits to your brother and Jabir Bin Ahduthh reported through another chain of narrators If you were to sell fruits to your brother and these is a stricken with Calamity it is not permissible for you to get anything from him
  56. It is narrated on the authority of Jabir that the Messenger of Allah said There appeared before me the apostles and Moses was among men as if he was one of the people of Shanua and I saw Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him and I saw nearest in resemblance with him was Urwa Bin Massuod and I saw Ibrahim blessings of Allah be upon him and I see your companions much in resemblance with him i
  57. I cannot avail you at all against Allah Abbas Bin Abd AlMuttalib I cannot avail you at all against Allah O Safiya aunt of the Messenger of Allah I cannot avail you at all against Allah Fatima daughter of Muhammad ask me whatever you like but I cannot avail you at all against Allah
  58. He then made a mention of the people of Badr to us and said Allah Messenger showed us one day before the actual battle the place of death of the people participating in the Battle of Badr and he was saying This would be the place of death of so and so tomorrow if Allah wills
  59. Allah Messenger then went to them and said O so and so the son of so and so O so and so the son of so and so have you found correct what Allah and His Messenger had promised you I have however found absolutely true what Allah had promised with me
  60. Abdullah Bin Umar reported that Allah Messenger supplicated in these words O Allah I seek refuge in Thee from the withdrawal of Thine blessing and the change of Thine protection from me and from the sudden wrath of Thine and from every displeasure of Thine
  61. Dont nurse malice against one another dont nurse aversion against one another and dont be inquisitive about one another and dont outbid one another with a view to raising the price and be fellow brothers and servants of Allah
  62. Abu Huraira reported Allah Messenger as saying Dont nurse grudge and dont bid him out for raising the price and dont nurse aversion or enmity and dont enter into a transaction when the others have entered into that transaction and be as fellow brothers and servants of Allah
  63. It was said to him What is your opinion about this that if I actually find that failing in my brother which I made a mention of He said If that failing is actually found in him what you assert you in fact backbited him and if that is not in him it is a slander
  64. Abu Huraira reported Ab AlQasim the kunya of Allah Messenger may peace be upon him said He who pointed a weapon towards his brother the angels invoke curse upon him even if he is his real brother so long as he does not abandon it the pointing of weapon towards one brother Muslim
  65. I made a mention of it to Hafsa the sister of Ibn Umar and Hafsa made a mention of it to Allah Apostle whereupon Allah Apostle said I find Abdullah b Umar a pious person
  66. Shababa said I heard this from Zahdam Bin Mudarrib as he came to me riding a horse for some need and he narrated it to me that he had heard it from Imran Bin Husain and in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Yahya and Shababa the words are They take an oath but they do not fulfil it and in the hadith transmitted on the authority of Bahz there the word is Yafun as transmitted on the authority of Ibn Jaffar
  67. Uthman Bin Affan reported that Allah Messenger had said A Muhrim should neither marry himself nor should he be got married to anyone nor should he make the proposal of marriage
  68. Rabia Bin Harith Bin Abd AlMuttalib and Abbas Bin Abd AlMuttalib said to Abd AlMuttalib Bin Rabia and Fadl Bin Ibn Abbas Go to the Messenger of Allah and the rest of the hadith is the same but with this addition Ali spread his cloak and then lay down on it and said I am the father of Hasan and I am the chief
  69. In what way does the child resemble her but for the fact that when the genes contributed by woman prevail upon those of man the child resembles the maternal family and when the genes of man prevail upon those of woman the child resembles the paternal family
  70. This hadith is narrated by Saeed Bin Abu Hind with the same chain of transmitters and said His the Holy Prophets daughter Fatimah provided him privacy with the help of his cloth and when he had taken a bath he took it up and wrapped it around him and then stood and offered eight rakahs of the forenoon prayer
  71. Abu Dharr reported The Messenger of Allah said When any one of you stands for prayer and there is a thing before him equal to the back of the saddle that covers him and in case there is not before him a thing equal to the back of the saddle his prayer would be cut off by passing of an ass woman and black Dog
  72. I said O Abu Dharr what feature is there in a black dog which distinguish it from the red dog and the yellow dog He said O son of my brother I asked the Messenger of Allah as you are asking me and he said The black dog is a devil
  73. The tradition mentioned above has also been transmitted by Sahl Bin Sad through a different chain of narrators
  74. In the law of succession the practice sunnah was established that the son gets a share in the inheritance of his mother and the mother gets the share in the inheritance of her son according to the shares prescribed by Allaah the Exalted
  75. Abu Saeed reported The Apostel of Allah SWAS as saying A woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day must not make a journey of more than three days unless she is accompanied by her father or her brother or her husband or her son or her relative who is within the prohibited degree
  76. Narrated AbuHurayrah The Prophet said The believer is the believer mirror and the believer is the believer brother who guards him against loss and protects him when he is absent
  77. This version has three sisters or three daughter or two daughter or two sisters
  78. So AbuBakr wrote for him that he should be given one thousand two hundred sa from the sadaqah of AlYamamah four thousand sas of wheat four thousand sas of barley and four thousand sas of dates
  79. It wasnarrated from Thawban the freed slave of the Messenger ofAllah that the Messenger of Allah said Whoever fastssixdays after the Fitr will have completed the year for whoever doesagood deed will have the reward of ten like it
  80. Hassan Abu Abdullah said Earnest money refers to when a man buys an animal for one hundred Dinar then he gives the seller two Dinar in advance and says If I do not buy the animal then the two Dinar are yours
  81. It was narrated that Abu Huraira said The Messenger of Allah said If you cannot find anywhere for prayer except sheep resting places and camels resting places then perform prayer in the sheep resting places and do not perform prayer in the camels resting places
  82. He said Shall I not tell you of something better than that I said What is it he said Say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar AlAshhadu an la ilaha illallah AlAshhadu an la ilaha illallah AlAshhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah AlAshhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah Haya alas salah Haya alas salah Haya alal falah Haya alal falah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah Allah is The Most Great Allah is The Most Great Allah is The Most Great Allah is The Most Great I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah I bear witness that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah I bear witness that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah Come to the Prayer Come to the Prayer Come to the prosperity Come to the prosperity Allah is the Most great Allah is the Most Great None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
  83. When he says AllahuAkbar then say Allahu Akbar when he bows then bow when he saysSami Allahu liman hamidah then say Rabbana wa lakal hamd when heprostrates then prostrate if he prays standing then pray standing and if he prays sitting down then pray sitting down
  84. Fadl Bin Mubashshir said I saw Jabir Bin Abdullah performing every prayer with one ablution and I said What is this He said I saw the Messenger of Allah doing this and I am doing as the Messenger of Allah did
  85. Speak you will be heard ask you will be given intercede yourintercession will be accepted
  86. Abu Malik Saad Bin Tariq narrated from his father that when a man had come to the Messenger of Allah saas he heard him say O Messenger of Allah what should I say when I ask of Allah He said Say Allahumma ghfirli warhamni wa afini warzuqni O Allah forgive me have mercy on me keep me safe and sound and grant me provision and he held up his four fingers apart from the thumb and said These com Bine your religious and worldly affairs
  87. Allahum mastur awrati wa amin rawati wahfazni min bayni yadaya wa min khalfi wa an yamini wa an shimali wa min fawqi wa audhu bika an ughtala min tahti O Allah I ask You for forgiveness and well being in this world and in the Hereafter
  88. O Allah conceal my faults calm my fears and protect me from before me and behind me from my right and my left and from above me and I seek refuge in You from being taken unaware from beneath me
  89. It wasnarrated that Saeed Bin Jubair said I heard Ibn Abbas say TheMessenger of Allah said This Stone will be brought on theDay of Resurrection and it will be given two eyes with which to see and a tongue with which to speak and it will bear witness for thosewho touched it in sincerity
  90. He said I seek refugewith the immense Face of Allah there is nothing greater than it and with the complete words of Allah which neither the good person northe corrupt can exceed and with all the most beautiful names of Allah what I know of them and what I do not know from the evil of what Hehas created and originated and multiplied
  91. Audhu biwajhi llahi l adheem aladhee laysa shay un adham minh wa bikalimati llahi t tammati alatee la yujawizu hunna barra wa la fajir wa bi asma illahi l husna kulliha ma alamtu minha wa ma lam alam minsharri ma khalaqa wa bara a wa dhara a
  92. Malik said If a man frees a third of his slave while he is critically ill he must complete the emancipation so all of him is free from him if it is within the third of his property that he has access to because he is not treated in the same way as a man who frees a third of a slave after his death because had the one who freed a third of his slave after his death lived he could have cancelled it and the slave s being set free would be of no effect
  93. Malik related to me from Rabia ibn Abi Abd ar Rahman that a manin the time of Aban ibn Uthman s amirate freed all of his slaves anddid not have other property than them
  94. If the parent of one ofthem is an uncle the full brother of the father of the deceased andwhoever is with him is an uncle the paternal half brother of thefather of the deceased the inheritance goes to the sons of the fullbrother of the father rather than the sons of the paternal half brother of the father
  95. Yahya said that Malik was asked where a man from the people ofMadina or elsewhere who had begun doing umra at one of the mawaqit should stop saying the talbiya and he said Someone who goes intoihram at one of the mawaqit should stop saying the talbiya when hearrives at the Haram

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