Category:The Book of Slaves in HodHood Indexing
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[hide]List of Chapters in The Book of Slaves in HodHood Indexing
The Book of Slaves in HodHood Indexing Key Points
- Her masters said If you like you can pay what remains of the price of her manumission Sufyan the sub narrator once said or if you like you can manumit her but her inheritance AlWala would be for us
- Narrated Abu Huraira the Prophet said Allah said I have prepared for My righteous slaves such excellent things as no eye has ever seen nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of
- Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said If somebody manumits a Muslim slave Allah will save from the Fire every part of his body for freeing the corresponding parts of the slave body even his private parts will be saved from the Fire because of freeing the slave private parts
- Statements made under Coercion If someone gives a slave as a present or sold him under coercion his deed is invalid
- Narrated AlMughira Bin Shuba The Prophet used to pray so much that his feet used to become edematous or swollen and when he was asked as to why he prays so much he would say Shall I not be a thankful slave to Allah To make the Heart Tender Ar Riqaq Refraining from doing things Allah has made illegal
- Narrated Ibn Shihab Saeed Bin AlMusayab said Allah Messenger judged that in case of child killed in the womb of its mother the offender should give the mother a slave or a female slave in recompense The offender said How can I be fined for killing one who neither ate nor drank neither spoke nor cried a case like that should be denied On that Allah Messenger said He is one of the brothers of the foretellers Medicine Foretellers
- Narrated Marur I saw Abu Dhar wearing a Burd garment and his slave too was wearing a Burd so I said to Abu Dhar If you take this Burda of your slave and wear it along with yours you will have a nice suit costume and you may give him another garment
- So the one under whose hand Allah has put his brother should feed him of what he eats and give him dresses of what he wears and should not ask him to do a thing beyond his capacity
- Narrated Muadh Bin Jabal While I was riding behind the Prophet and between me and him and between me and him there was only the back of the saddle he said Muadh I replied Labbaik Allah Messenger and Sadaik he said Do you know what is Allah right upon his slave I said Allah and His Apostle know best He said Allah right upon his slaves is that they should worship Him alone and not worship anything else besides Him
- Some of them were those with whom the Prophet was at war and used to fight against and they used to fight him the others were those with whom the Prophet made a treaty and neither did the Prophet fight them nor did they fight him
- When Abu Lahb died one of his relatives saw him in a dream in a very bad state and asked him What have you encountered Abu Lahb said I have not found any rest since I left you except that I have been given water to drink in this the space between his thumb and other fingers and that is because of my manumitting Thuwaiba
- Narrated Masruq Abdullah Bin Massuod was mentioned before Abdullah Bin Amr who said That is a man I still love as I heard the Prophet saying Learn the recitation of from four from Abdullah Bin Massuod he started with him Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudaifa Muadh Bin Jabal and Ubai Bin Kaab
- The slave said to him Do you know what this is Abu Bakr then enquired What is it The slave said Once in the pre Islamic period of ignorance I foretold somebody future though I did not know this knowledge of foretelling but I cheated him and when he met me he gave me something for that service and that is what you have eaten from
- Narrated Ibn Abbas The Prophet said If anyone of you on having sexual relation with his wife says O Allah Protect me from Satan and prevent Satan from approaching the offspring you are going to give me and if it happens that the lady conceives a child Satan will neither harm it nor be given power over it
- money and luxurious clothes perish for he is pleased if these things are given to him and if not he is displeased Fighting for the Cause of Allah Jihaad Vigilance during holy battles in Allah Cause
- Abdulrahman a sub narrator wondered Was her husband a slave or a free man Shuba another sub narrator said I asked Abdulrahman whether her husband was a slave or a free man
- Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said Whoever frees his portion of a common slave should free the slave completely by paying the rest of his price from his money if he has enough money otherwise the price of the slave is to be estimated and the slave is to be helped to work without hardship till he pays the rest of his price
- So if one has one brethren under one control one should feed them with the like of what one eats and clothe them with the like of what one wears
- Narrated Nafi Ibn Umar said Allah Messenger said If one manumits his share of a jointly possessed slave and can afford the price of the other shares according to the adequate price of the slave the slave will be completely manumitted otherwise he will be partially manumitted
- Abu Rafi said I have been offered five hundred Dinars for it and had I not heard the Prophet saying The neighbor has more right than anyone else because of his nearness I would not give them to you for four thousand Dirhams while I am offered five hundred Dinars one Dinar equals ten Dirhams for them
- Narrated Abu Musa The Prophet said An honest Muslim storekeeper who carries out the orders of his master and pays fully what he has been ordered to give with a good heart and pays to that person to whom he was ordered to pay is regarded as one of the two charitable persons
- Narrated Ibn Umar Allah Messenger enjoined the payment of one Sa of dates or one Sa of barley as Zakat AlFitr on every Muslim slave or free male or female young or old and he ordered that it be paid before the people went out to offer the Id prayer
- Narrated Ibn Umar Allah Messenger has made Sadaqat AlFitr obligatory and it was either one Sa of barley or one Sa of dates and its payment was obligatory on young and old people and on free men as well as on slaves
- Military Expeditions led by the Prophet pbuh A AlMaghaazi The Ghazwa of AlKhandaq or AlAhzab Battle
- Narrated Bushair Bin Yasar the freed slave of Banu Harithah Rafi Bin Khadij and Sahl Bin Abi Hathmah narrated to him that the Messenger of Allah prohibited AlMuzabanah sales buying fruits with dried dates except for those who practice AlAraya for he permitted it for them and from buying grapes with raisins and from every fruit by its estimation
- Amr Bin AlShariq narrated that Ibn Abbas was asked about the case in which a man had two slave girls one of them suckled a girl and the other suckled a boy is it lawful for the boy to marry the girl She said No the semen is the same
- Anas Bin Malik narrated The Messenger of Allah would visit the sick attend the funerals ride a donkey accept the invitation of a slave and on the Day of Banu Quraizah he was on a donkey muzzled with a cord of fibers and a pack saddle made of fibers
- Ibn Ubaid Bin Umair narrated from his father Ibn Umar was clinging on the two corners in a manner that I had not seen any of the Companions of the Prophet doing so I said O Abu Abdulrahman You are clinging on the two corners in a manner that I have not seen any of the Companions of the Prophet clining
- So I said O Messenger of Allah Is he not blind such that he can not see us or recognize us So the Messenger of Allah said Are you two blind such that you can not see him Chapters on Manners Hasan Darussalam
- Hudhaifah Bin AlYaman ra narrated that When the Prophet would sleep he would put his hand under his head then say O Allah safeguard me from Your Punishment the Day You gather Your slaves qini adhabaka yawma tajmau ibadak or you resurrect your slaves tabathu ibadak
- And whoever pronounced AlTahlil of Allah a hundred times in the night he is like the one who freed a hundred slaves from the offspring of Ismail and whoever extols Allahs greatness a hundred times in the day and a hundred in the night none shall bring on that day more than what he brought except one who said similar to what he said or increased upon it
- Abu Malik AlAshari narrated that the Messenger of Allah said AlWudu is half of faith and All praise is due to Allah A Al U E amdulillah fills the Scale and Glory is to Allah and all praise is to Allah Sub U E an Allah Al U E amdulillah fill or fills what is between the heavens and the earth and Salat is light and charity is an evidence and patience is an illumination and the is a proof for you or against you
- Abu Massuod A AlAnsari said I was beating a slave of mine and I heard someone behind me saying Beware O Abu Massuod Beware O Abu Massuod So I turned around and saw that it was the Messenger of Allah
- He did not give an order to us instead of the people regarding anything except for three He ordered us that we make our Wudu well Isbagh that we not eat from charity and the we not mate a donkey with a horse
- Then Allah the Mighty and Sublime revealed the diyah to them and He revealed this ruling to this Ummah as an alleviation of the ruling that applied to the Children of Israel
- It was narrated from Ibn Abbas tht the Prophet said The Mukatab is free to the extent that the has paid off toward buying his freedom he Hadd punishment should be carried out on him proportionate to the amount he has paid off toward buying his freedom and he inherits proportionate to the amount he has paid off toward buying his freedom
- Jabir said The Messenger of Allah ruled that every clan should take part in paying the blood money and it is not permissible for a freed slave to take a Muslim other than the one who freed him as his Mawla Patron without the permission of his former master who set him free The Book of Oaths qasamah Retaliation and Blood Money The Description Of Killing That Resembles Intentional Killing And Who Is To Pay The diyah For A Fetus And For A Killing That Resembles Intentional Killing And Mentioning The Different Wordings Reported In The Narration Of Ibrahim From Ubaid Bin Nudailah From AlMughirah Sahih Darussalam
- The Messenger of Allah called for him the slave to be brought and he said Who will buy him Nuaim Bin Abdullah bought him for eight hundred dirhams and he gave it to him and said If one of you is poor let him start with himself if there is anything left over let him give it to his dependents if there is anything left over let him give it to his relatives and if there is anything left over let him give it here and there
- Aishah said Go back to your masters and if they agree to let me pay off your contract of manumission and let your loyalty be to me then I will do it Barirah told her masters about that but they refused and said If she wants to seek reward with Allah by freeing you let her do so but your loyalty will be to us
- She told the Messenger of Allah about that and the Messenger of Allah said to her Buy her and set her free and loyalty belongs to the one who set the slave free Then the Messenger of Allah said What is the matter with people who stipulate conditions that are not in the Book of Allah Whoever stipulates something that is not in the Book of Allah it is not valid even if he stipulates one hundred conditions The condition of Allah is more deserving of being followed and is more hinting
- It was narrated that Aishah said Barirah came to me and said O Sishah I have drawn up a contract of manumission with my master to buy my freedom in return for nine Uwqiyah one Uwqiyah to be paid each year help me she had not yet paid anything toward her contract of manumission
- Narrated Aishah It was narrated that Aishah said I used to feel jealous of those women who offered themselves in marriage to the Prophet and I said Would a free woman offer herself Then Allah the Mighty and Sublime revealed You can postpone whom you will of them and you may receive whom you will
- Narrated Aishah It was narrated from Aishah the wife of the Prophet and Umm Salamah the wife of the Prophet that Abu Hudhaifah Bin Utbah Bin Rabiah Bin Abd Shams who was one of those who had been present at Badr with the Messenger of Allah adopted Salim who was the freed slave of an Ansari woman as the Messenger of Allah had adopted Zaid Bin Harithah
- It was narrated that Abu Musa said The Messenger of Allah said There are three who will be given a twofold reward A man who has a slave woman whom he disciplines and disciplines her well and teaches and teaches her well then he manumits her and marries her a slave who fulfills his duty toward Allah and toward his masters and a believer from among the People of the Book
- It was narrated that Salamah Bin AlMuhabbaq said The Prophet passed judgment concerning a man who had intercourse with his wife slave woman If he forced her then she is free and he has to give her mistress a similar slave as a replacement if she obeyed him in that then she belongs to him and he has to give her mistress a similar slave as a replacement
- Umar may Allah be pleased with him said Why do you do that I said I have horses and slaves and am well off and I wanted my work to be an act of charity toward the Muslims
- He comes close then he boasts to the angels about them and say What do these people want Sahih Abdu Abd AlRhamn AlNasai said It appears that Yunus Bin Yusuf is the one who reported it from Malik and Allah most High Knows best
- It was narrated from Ata Bin Abi Rabah that a freed slave of Asma Bin Abi Bakr told him I came with Asma Bint Abi Bakr to Mina at the end of the night and I said to her We have come to Mina at the end of the night
- They said What does relieved mean and what does relieved of him mean He said The believing slave is relieved of the hardships and troubles of this world and the people the land the trees and the animals are relieved of the immoral slave
- Abu Huraira reported Allah Messenger as saying When the slave of anyone amongst you prepares food for him and he serves him after having sat close to and undergoing the hardship of heat and smoke he should make him the slave sit along with him and make him eat along with him and if the food seems to run short then he should spare some portion for him from his own share another narrator Dawud said i
- This news reached the Messenger of Allah and he said Who will buy him from me And Nuaim Bin AlNahham bought him for eight hundred dirhams and he handed them over to him Amr one of the narrators said I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah as saying He was a Coptic slave and he died in the first year of the Caliphate of Abdullah Bin Zubair
- This hadith is narrated to us on the authority of Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Numair on the authority of Muhammad Bin Bishr on the authority of Abd Hayan AlTaymi with the exception that in this narration instead of the words Iza Waladat alamah rabbaha the words are Iza Waladat alamah Balaha i e when slave girl gives birth to her master
- Abu Huraira reported Allah Messenger as saying None of you should say My bondman and my slave girl for all of you are the bondmen of Allah and all your women are the slave girls of Allah but say My servant my girl and my young man and my young girl
- Aisha reported that Allah Messenger never beat anyone with his hand neither a woman nor a servant but only in the case when he had been fighting in the cause of Allah and he never took revenge for anything unless the things made inviolable by Allah were made violable he then took revenge for Allah the Exalted and Glorious
- He then said Bear this in mind very well that he was commissioned as a Prophet at the age of forty and he stayed in Mecca for fifteen years sometime in peace and sometime in dread and lived for ten years after his migration to Medina
- One night Abu Ayub Ansari got up and said to himself How unfortunate it is that we walk above the head of Allah Messenger so they went aside and spent the night in a nook and then told Allah Apostle about it whereupon Allah Apostle said The lower storey is more comfortable for me
- So Allah Messenger shifted to the upper storey whereas Abu Ayub Ansari shifted to the lower storey and he Abu Ayub Ansari used to prepare food for Allah Apostle and when it was brought back to him he asked to locate the part where his fingers had touched the food and he followed his fingers on that part where his fingers those of the Holy Prophet had touched it
- Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him reported Allah Apostle as saying He who took the freed slave as his ally without the consent of his previous master there is upon him the curse of Allah and that of His angels and that of the whole mankind and there will not be accepted from him his obligatory acts or supercrogatory acts on the Day of Resurrection
- Saeed Bin Marjana said When I heard this hadith from Abu Huraira Allah be pleased with him I went away and made a mention of it to Ali Bin Husain and he at once emancipated the slave for which Ibn jafar was prepared to pay ten thousand dirhams or one thousand dinars
- Abdullah Bin Umar Allah be pleased with them reported Allah Massenger as saying He who buys a tree after it has been fecundated its fruit belongs to one who sells it except when the provision has been laid down by the buyer that it will belong to him and he who buys a slave his property belongs to one who sells him except when a provision has been laid down by the buyer that it will be transferred to him with the slave
- the daughter of Suhail came to Allah Apostle and said Salim has attained purbety as men attain and he understands what they understand and he enters our house freely I however perceive that something rankles in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa whereupon Allah Apostle said to her Suckle him and you would become unlawful for him and the rankling which Abu Hudhaifa feels in his heart will disappear
- Ibn Abu Mulaika reported that AlQasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr had narrated to him that Aisha Allah be pleased with her reported that Sahla Bint Suhail Bin Amr came to Allah Apostle and said Messenger of Allah Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa is living with us in our house and he has attained puberty as men attain it and has acquired knowledge of the sex problems as men acquire whereupon he said Suckle him so that he may become unlawful in regard to marriage for you He Ibn Abu Mulaika said I refrained from narrating this hadith for a year or so on account of fear
- Amir Bin Saad reported that Saad rode to his castle in AlAqiq and found a slave cutting down the trees or beating off their leaves so he stripped him off his belongings
- When Saad returned there came to him the masters of the slave and negotiated with him asking him to return to their slave or to them what he had taken from their slave whereupon he said God forbid that I should return anything which Allah Messenger has given me as spoil and refused to return anything to them
- Humran the freed slave of Uthman Bin Affan reported on the authority of Uthman Bin Affan that he heard Allah Messenger say He who performed ablution for prayer and performed it properly and then went to observe obligatory prayer and offered it along with people or with the congregation or in the mosque Allah would pardon his sins
- He the Holy Prophet said How is that They said They pray as we pray and they observe fast as we observe fast and they give charity but we do not give charity and they set slaves free but we do not set slaves free
- Sumay reported I made a mention of this hadith to some members of my family and one of them said You have forgotten he the Holy Prophet had said like this Extol Allah thirty three time praise Allah thirty three times and declare His Greatness thirty three times
- Amr Bin Shuaib on his father authority said that his grandfather reported The Prophet decided regarding one who was treated as a member of a family after the death of his father to whom he was attributed when the heirs said he was one of them that if he was the child of a slave woman whom the father owned when he had intercourse with her he was included among those who sought his inclusion but received none of the inheritance which was previously divided he however received his portion of the inheritance which had not already been divided but if the father to whom he was attributed had disowned him he was not joined to the heirs
- Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas The Messenger of Allah gave judgment about the slave who had made an agreement to purchase his freedom mukatab and he had been killed that blood wit is paid for him at the rate paid for a free man so far as he has paid the purchase money and at the rate paid for a slave as the remainder is concerned
- Hammad said I heard Ayub say Two kinds of people have lied to AlHasan people who believed in free will and they intended that they publicise their belief by it and people who had enmity with and hostility for AlHasan saying Did he not say so and so Did he not say so and so Model Behavior of the Prophet Kitab AlSunnah Adherence To The Sunnah Sahih li ghairih Al Albani
- Every work that I did was not according to the desire of my master but he never said to me Fie nor did he say to me Why did you do this or Why did you not do this General Behavior Kitab AlAdab Regarding forbearance and the character of the Prophet pbuh Sahih Al Albani
- Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah AbuTalhah Ibn Sahl AlAnsari The Prophet said No Muslim man will desert a man who is a Muslim in a place where his respect may be violated and his honour aspersed without Allah deserting him in a place here he wishes his help and no Muslim man who will help a Muslim in a place where his honour may be aspersed and his respect violated without Allah helping him in a place where he wishes his help
- Anas Bin Malik reported the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him as saying If anyone pretends to be the son of a man other than his father or attributes his freedom to people other than those who set him free on him will be the curse of Allah that will continue till the day of resurrection
- Narrated AbuDharr The Prophet said Feed those of your slaves who please you from what you eat and clothe them with what you clothe yourselves but sell those who do not please you and do not punish Allah creatures
- Bahz Bin Hakim said that his father told on the authority of his grandfather I said Messenger of Allah from whom should we conceal our private parts and to whom can we show He replied conceal your private parts except from your wife and from whom your right hands possess slave girls
- Fatimah wore a garment which when she covered her head did not reach her feet and when she covered her feet by it that garment did not reach her head
- Abu Dawud said The correct name is Sawad Bin Dawud AlMuzani AlSairafi and not Dawud Bin Sawad as mentioned in the chain
- Narrated Anas Ibn Malik The Prophet said That I sit in the company of the people who remember Allah the Exalted from morning prayer till the sun rises is dearer to me than that I emancipate four slaves from the children of Ismail and that I sit with the people who remember Allah from afternoon prayer till the sun sets is dearer to me than that I emancipate four slaves
- Narrated Amr Bin Shuaib On his father authority told that his grandfather reported the Prophet said If any slave entered into an agreement to buy his freedom for one hundred uqiyahs and he pays them all but ten he remains a slave until he pays the remaining ten and if a slave entered into an agreement to purchase his freedom for one hundred dinars and he pays them all but ten dinars he remains a slave until he pays the remaining ten
- Fasting Kitab AlSiyam The Fasting Person Pouring Water Upon Himself Due To Thirst And Exaggerating In Sniffing Water Into The Nose Sahih Al Albani
- Allah has relieved the traveler of halfof the prayer and Hehas relieved the traveler the pregnant andthe nursing mothers ofthe duty to fast
- It wasnarrated from Abu Huraira that the Prophet said Whoeverunintentionally vomits he does not have to make up for thefast butwhoever makes himself vomit has to make up for the fast
- I went back to Mousa and told him and he said Go back to your Lord for your nation will not be able to dothat
- Waki Bin Hudus narrated that his paternal uncle Abu Razin said I said O Messenger of Allah where was our Lord before He created His creation He said He was above the clouds below which was air and above which was air and water
- He will look at them and they will look at Him and they will not pay any attention to the delights of Paradise so long as they look at Him until He will screen Himself from them
- The deed done during the day is taken up to Him before the deed done during the night and the deed done during the night before the deed done during the day
- It wasnarrated from Abdullah Bin Masud that the Prophet drewasquare and a line in the middle of the square and lines to thesideof the line in the middle of the square and a line outside thesquare and he said Do you know what this is They said Allah andHis Messenger know best
- It was narrated from Aisha that the Prophet forbade men and women to enter bathhouses then he allowed men to enter them wearing a waist wrap but he did not make the same allowance for women
- It was narrated that Abu AlDarda said The Messenger of Allah said to me You should recite Subhan Allah AlHamdu Lillah wa la ilahah illallah wa Allahu Akbar Glory is to Allah praise is to Allah none has the right to be worshiped but Allah and Allah is the Most Great for it sheds sins like the tree sheds its leaves
- It wasnarrated that Hudhaifah said The Messenger of Allah tookhold of the lower part of my calf or his calf and said This iswhere the lower wrap should come to
- It wasnarrated that Ibn Abbas said The Prophet passed by amanwho had dyed his hair with henna and said How handsome this is Then he passed by another who had dyed his hair with henna and Katam and said This one is more handsome than that one
- He forgives themartyrs on land for all sins except debt but He forgives themartyrat sea all his sins and his debt
- It wasnarrated from Umar that he used to forbid silk and brocadeexceptthat which was like that then he gestured with his finger then hissecond finger then his third then his fourth and said TheMessenger of Allah used to forbid that to us
- Malik related to me from Abdullah ibn Dinar that Abu Salih as Samman informed him that Abu Hurayra said Truly a man utters wordsto which he attaches no importance and by them he falls into the fireof Jahannam and truly a man utters words to which he attaches noimportance and by them Allah raises him into the Garden
- They arewhat is between his jaws and what is between his legs what is betweenhis jaws and what is between his legs what is between his jaws andwhat is between his legs
- A man came who wanted to speak to Abdullah ibn Umar and I wasthe only other person present Abdullah ibn Umar called another man sothat we were four and said to me and the man whom he had called Go alittle way off together because I heard the Messenger of Allah mayAllah bless him and grant him peace say Two do not conversesecretly to the exclusion of another
- Malik related to me from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha thatAnas ibn Malik said I heard Umar ibn al Khattab when I was goingout with him to visit an orchard say to himself and there was a wallbetween him and me and he was inside the garden Umar ibn al Khattab amir al muminin Well done Well done By Allah fear Allah or he willpunish you
- Malik related to me from Ibn Shihab from Urwa ibn az Zubayr fromA isha umm al muminin that when the Messenger of Allah may Allahbless him and grant him peace died the wives of the Prophet mayAllah bless him and grant him peace wanted to send Uthman ibn Affanto Abu Bakr as Siddiq to ask him about their inheritance from theMessenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace A ishasaid to them Didn t the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him andgrant him peace say No one inherits from us
- They said Messenger of Allah We take a pledgewith you not to associate anything with Allah not to steal not tocommit adultery not to kill our children nor to produce any lie thatwe have devised between our hands and feet and not to disobey you inwhat is known
- Yahya related to me from Malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn AbiTalha that at Tufayl ibn Ubayy ibn Kab told him that he visitedAbdullah ibn Umar one morning and went out with him to the market andwhen they were out Abdullah ibn Umar did not pass by anyone sellingpoor merchandise or selling commodities or a needy person or anyonebut that he greeted them
- I saidto him What will you do in the market if you will not stop to sellnor seek any goods or barter with them or sit in any of the assembliesor market Abdullah ibn Umar said that we should sit down and talk and then he explained Abu Batni lit
- Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Said said thatMuhammad ibn Ibrahim at Taymi had informed him that Abu Salama ibn Abdar Rahman said Abd ar Rahman ibn al Aswad ibn Abdal Yaghuth used tosit with us and he had a white beard and hair
- Yahya related to me from Malik from Khubayb ibn Abd ar Rahman al Ansari from Hafs ibn Asim that either Abu Said al Khudri or AbuHurayra said The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and granthim peace said There are seven whom Allah will shade in His shadeon the day on which there is no shade except His shade a just imam ayouth who grows up worshipping Allah a man whose heart is attached tothe mosque when he leaves it until he returns to it two men who loveeach other in Allah and meet for that and part for that a man whoremembers Allah when he is alone and his eyes overflow with tears aman who refuses the approaches of a noble beautiful woman saying Ifear Allah and a man who gives sadaqa and conceals it so that hisleft hand does not know what his right hand gives
- He continued Hetook me by the upper part of my cloak and pulled me to him and said Rejoice I heard the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him andgrant him peace say Allah the Blessed and Exalted said My loveis obliged for those who love each other in Me and those who sit witheach other in Me and those who visit each other in Me and those whogive to each other generously in Me
- Malik related to me from Ibn Shihab that Abu Umama ibn Sahl ibnHunayf said Amir ibn Rabia saw Sahl ibn Hunayf doing a ghusl andsaid I have not seen the like of what I see today not even the skinof a maiden who has never been out of doors
- Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Ata ibn Yazidal Laythi from Abu Ayyub al Ansari that the Messenger of Allah mayAllah bless him and grant him peace said It is not halal for amuslim to shun his brother for more than three nights that is theymeet and this one turns away and that one turns away
- Do not compete with eachother and do not envy each other and do not hate each other and do notshun each other
- Malik related to me from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Muhammad ibnAmr ibn Hazm from Abd al Malik ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abd ar Rahman ibn al Harith ibn Hisham that his father told him that al Asi ibn Hisham haddied and left three sons two by one wife and one by another wife
- They are set free when she is set free andthey are slaves when she is a slave
- Malik saidthat if a man who made his slave a mudabbar died and he had someproperty at hand and some absent property and in the property at handthere was not enough in the third he was allowed to bequeath tocover the value of the mudabbar the mudabbar was kept there togetherwith this property and his tax kharaj was gathered until themaster s absent property was clear
- Malik said The generally agreed on way of doing things in ourcommunity is that any setting free which a man makes in a bequest thathe wills in health or illness can be rescinded by him when he likesand changed when he likes as long as it is not a tadbir
- If he wishes before that he can sell her and her childbecause he has not entered her child into any condition he has madefor her
- Malik spoke about a man who freed half ofhis slave while he was ill and made irrevocable his freeing half ofhim or all of him and he had made another slave of his mudabbarbefore that
- If what is left of the third does not cover that whatever is covered by what is left of the third is freed after thefirst mudabbar is freed
- The one whowas willed a third takes his third as a share and the one who waswilled the service of the slave takes what was evaluated for him ofthe slave s service
- Yahya said that he heard Malikspeak about someone who willed his third and said So and so has such and such and so and so has such and such naming some of hisproperty and his heirs protested that it was more than a third
- Malik said The generally agreed on way of doing things among usis that when slaves write their kitaba together in one kitaba andsome are responsible for others and they are not reduced anything bythe death of one of the responsible ones and then one of them says I can t do it and gives up his companions can use him in whateverwork he can do and they help each other with that in their kitabauntil they are freed if they are freed or remain slaves if theyremain slaves
- If the mukatab cannot meetthe payments and he owes debts to people he reverts to being a slaveowned by his master and the debts to the people are the liability ofthe mukatab
- Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibnHazm from Amra bint Abd ar Rahman that A isha the wife of theProphet may Allah bless him and grant him peace said Amongst whatwas sent down of the Qur an was ten known sucklings make haram then it was abrogated by five known sucklings
- Yahya related to me from Malik from Abd ar Rahman ibn al Qasimfrom his father that A isha the wife of the Prophet may Allah blesshim and grant him peace said I perfumed the Messenger of Allah mayAllah bless him and grant him peace for his ihram before he enteredihram and when he came out of ihram before he did tawaf of theHouse
- Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard some of thepeople of knowledge say If someone goes into ihram to do umra andthen wants to go into ihram to do hajj as well he can do so as longas he has not done tawaf of the House and s ay between Safa and Marwa
- This is what Abdullah ibn Umar did when he said If I am blockedfrom the House we shall do what we did when we were with the Messengerof Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace
- Malik said The companions of the Messenger of Allah mayAllah bless him and grant him peace went into ihram to do umra in theyear of the farewell hajj and the Messenger of Allah may Allah blesshim and grant him peace said to them Anyone that has a sacrificialanimal with him should go into ihram to do hajj and umra together andhe should not come out of ihram until he has finished both
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- The Chapter on Slave Girls And Sexual Intercourse in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Selling Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Payments And Buying Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Freed And Inheritance Of Slaves in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Slave As A Property in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Zakat And Slaves in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Reward Of Freeing Slaves in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Slaves And Praise And Worship in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Slaves And Charity in HodHood Indexing
- The Chapter on Partners And Share In Salves in HodHood Indexing
- HodHood Indexing