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Hadith Text

HassanAlHulwani narrated to us; he said; I heard Shababah say: Abd AlQuddus was narrating to us saying; Suwayd Bin Aqalah said [when it should be Bin Ghafalah ] Shababah said: And I heard Abd AlQuddus saying; The Messenger of Allah; peace and blessings of Allah upon him; prohibited taking a Raw<U+1E25> by accident . [Shababah] said: So it was said to him; What does this mean? [[[Abd AlQuddus]]] said: It means to make an opening in a wall [thus letting] a breeze enter [by accident] . [He changed the original <U+1E24>adith; switching Ru<U+1E25> meaning soul to Raw<U+1E25> or breeze ; and he switched Ghara<U+1E0D>an meaning as a target to Ar<U+1E0D>an or accidentally . All simply by changing a few letters in the words]Muslim said; I heard Ubayd Allah Bin Umar AlQawariri saying; I heard Hammad Bin Zayd saying to a man after he sat with Mahdi Bin Hilal for days: What is this salty well [i.e. useless or harmful] which has sprung up in your direction? He said: Yes; oh Aba Isma il [in agreement] .

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Original Author References


in Book Reference:

usc_mca_ref: Sahih Muslim Introduction 77

Hadith Auto Summarization

  • I heard Hammad Bin Zayd saying to a man after he sat with Mahdi Bin Hilal for days: What is this salty well which has sprung up in your direction?
  • Suwayd Bin Aqalah said Shababah said: And I heard Abd AlQuddus saying;
  • said: It means to make an opening in a wall a breeze enter .

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Hadith Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis is process of determining the emotional tone behind a series of words, used to gain an understanding of the the attitudes, opinions and emotions expressed within text.

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