Adopting and Measuring Customer Service Quality in Islamic B
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service 89 quality 84 islamic 45 banks 34 model 24 banking 23 customers 22 carter 19 customer 19 services 18 dimensions 17 bimb 16 important 16 journal 16 servqual 15 items 14 measuring 13 othman 12 owen 12 products 11
- since the products and services provided by islamic banks are findings generally undifferentiated to conventional conclusion recommendations banks they have to been seen as banks that offer high quality products and services
- the importance of service quality and its role as the in the current marketing literature much attention key factor in differentiating service products and on the issue of service quality as related to customgaining competitive advantage have been docuers attitudes towards services has focused on the mented in a number of studies see for example relationship between customer expectations of a studies by parasuraman et
- since financial services are generally undifferentione of the means for islamic banks to cope with ated products it becomes imperative for banks such strong competition is by improving the ways to strive for improved service quality if they want products and services are offered to their customto distinguish themselves from the competition
- based on an exploratory research on four types of service firms they identified determinants of in a study conducted on kuwait finance house service quality which have been consistently ranked kfh othman and owen b applied this by customers to be the most important for service model to measure the importance of service quality quality
- the current measurement of perceived sernor taken on savings and loans provision of islamic vice quality using the latter approach can be traced products and services provision of free interest to the research of parasuraman et
- respondents were asked to rank ite miss this is the first approach to add and mix the carter dimensions by rating the importance of customers religious beliefs and cultural values with each items and their satisfaction and dissatisfacother quality dimensions
- the provision that it is the only bank in the country table reports the average important mean of that provides islamic banking products was rated to bimb s customer satisfaction on the services probe important by
- in order to achieve objective ie to measure the customer s perceptions on quality of services provided by bimb the relative importance weights were calculated for all items and six dimensions based on five point likert scale
- adopting and measuring customer service quality in islamic banks a case study of bank islam malaysia berhad table ranking of service quality dimension by bimb customers table bimb customer s satisfaction conclusion and recommendations showed significant validity for all carter s items and six dimensions in terms of their importance in the operations of islamic banks are based on isboth weights and percentages
- interrogating servqual a critical assessment of service quality measurement in a high street retail bank international journal of bank marketing pp
- consumer perceptions of price quality and value a means end model and page creating dynamic leaders
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Main Category
- AlHuda Material\islamic banking
islamic banks banking financial finance investment conventional institutions funds risk financing deposits assets services management international countries equity profit products
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- Adopting and Measuring Customer Service Quality in Islamic B
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2007-08-13 20:00:28