Introduction to Islamic Banking By Mazher Ali Bokhari

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banking 28 islamic 16 based 9 conventional 7 bokhari 6 conventioanl 6 difference 6 islaic 6 mazhar 6 finance 5 risk 5 dot 4 financing 4 islam 4 profit 4 investor 3 modes 3 operations 3 principles 3 sharia 3


  • mazhar ali bokhari head of international operations strategic planning division gulf african bank limited nairobi kenya at alhuda cibe awareness workshop b
  • bokhari hotmail dot com mazhar
  • before explaining the concept what is islamic banking the elaboration of concept why islamic banking is very important
  • islam is a complete code of life that provides guidance regarding each aspect of life
  • if equal distribution of wealth if social justice these objectives can never be achieved in interest riba based economic syste miss
  • why islamic banking the primary objectives of islamic economic system are as under
  • money is a financing and medium of exchange and not a based on commodity its sale commodity trading and purchase is prohibited in islam
  • difference between islaic and conventioanl banking islamic banking conventional banking encourage based on money asset based trading
  • difference between islaic and conventioanl banking islamic banking conventional banking no right of profit it is almost risk if there is no risk free banking and involved
  • the profit depositor has no and loss sharing risk of losing its depositor may lose money because money in case of interest is loss
  • bokhari hotmail dot com mazhar
  • mazhar ali bokhari phone nos

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Main Category

AlHuda Material\islamic banking


islamic banks banking financial finance investment conventional institutions funds risk financing deposits assets services management international countries equity profit products


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Number of Pages


Published Date

2016-09-17 00:26:20

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