HR and Capacity Building for Islamic Financial Institutions
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islamic 30 financial 17 finance 11 knowledge 11 institutions 10 shari 9 business 7 banking 6 needed 6 conventional 5 education 5 fiqh 5 resource 5 training 5 academic 4 capacity 4 institutes 4 managers 4 muslim 4 anis 3 bai 3 businesses 3 continuing 3 existing 3 financing 3 international 3 islam 3 leaders 3 matters 3 riphah 3 staff 3
- ahmad is meritorious professor and vice chancellor riphah international university islamabad
- human resource capacity building for islamic financial institutions prof
- a c a recent gallup poll indicates muslim masses in several muslim countries would like to have shari ah rule in their society and state a in jordan men and women want shari ah as the only source of legislation
- john esposito who speaks for islam what a billion muslims really think new york gallup press p
- even the hardcore capitalist world has resorted to islamic windows in its conventional banking and financial institutions
- a c the issue today is not viability of islamic businesses and finance
- a c the human resource produced by the conventional academic and capacity building programs cannot satisfy the demands and challenges of the islamic financial institutions
- a c the real problem is the workforce or the human capital needed for shari ah compliant management of business and finances of the people
- a c in a recent survey of over banks in karachi of senior bankers needed qualified staff in islamic banking and finance and wanted their staff to be trained
- considered the organization benefited from training of their staff while indicated that training enhanced their capacity
- a multi dimensional and inter disciplinary human resource strategy is needed for the education and training of the existing conventional financial managers as well as for the future leaders in this field
- continuing education institutes with full academic recognition are needed at national and international level for proper professional education and training of islamic financial managers and leaders
- the center should address issued such as a why interest is prohibited in islam a what are current islamic financial instruments mudaraba musharaka murabaha ijarah ijara wa iktina qard hasan etc a what is takaful and how it differs from conventional insurance a what is the role of shari ah experts in islamic financial institutions
- this center should address academic as well as applied issues faced in day to day transactions and dealings in islamic business and finance
- knowledge of islamic jurispudence the methodology of usul al fiqh and the objectives of shari ah as well as the qawaid al fiqhiyyah
- knowledge of ayat and ahadith that deal explicitly and implicitly with financial matters
- knowledge of application of shari ah in financial transactions with particular emphasis on islamic contracts of exchange as a method of financing such as mudarabah agency trust financing musharaka partnership profitsharing ijarah leasing bai murabaha bi saman a aajil markup leased trading with deferred payment bai istisna construction contract bai salam forward sale etc
- knowledge of comtemporary innovations in the use of sale of contracts as tools for financing such as sukook
- conclusion a c the success of islamic banks financial institutions and businesses is directly related with highlyqualified business and finance managers with communication skills knowledge of shari ah and present day international business and finance
- a c this can be achieved through islamic research and training institutes of continuing education fully accredited with recognized universities
- a c islamic financial institutions should consider pooling their resources and networking for establishment of state of the art continuing education institutes in islamic banking and finance
- a c the existing workforce in islamic business and finance institutions must enhance its capacity through short term courses developed by various academic institutes in a modular form
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Main Category
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Number of Pages
Published Date
2016-09-17 00:25:37