God submit
Quran Citation of God submit
Quran Aya Mentioned God submit
The following Ayat cited God submitSura Page | Surat and Ayah | Polarity | Sura Classification | Sura Sequence | Related Subjects | Ayah Text |
Surat Hood Ayah 14 | Surat Hood | 0.19 | 47 | Fals god, Submit islam, God submit, God revel, Knowledg god, Revel replet, Replet knowledg | "If then they (your false gods) answer not your (call), know ye that this revelation is sent down (replete) with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but He! will ye even then submit (to Islam)?" | |
Surat AlHajj Ayah 34 | Surat AlHajj | 0.26 | 103 | God god, Submit will, Will islam, God submit, Appoint rite, Anim fit, Sacrifice celebr, Islam new, Food god, Celebr susten, Susten gave, New humbl, Gave anim, Rite sacrifice, Fit food | To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your god is One God: submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give thou the good news to those who humble themselves, - |
Total number of Mentions of God submit in Quran
God submit is mentioned Quran 2
Total Number of Positive Sentiment Ayah that Mentioned God submit in Quran
God submit is mentioned Quran
2Total Number of Negative Sentiment Ayah that Mentioned God submit in Quran
God submit is mentioned Quran
God submit Analysis Plot
The following plots show the trend of God submit in Quran according to Sura Classification and Sura Chronology Sequence. The plot points represents the average polarity of the Ayat in a specific Sura where God submit is mentioned. All Sura are ordered according to there descend chronological sequence. Additionally, the Makkan Surah are highlighted in Blue, the Madinah Surah are highlighted in Orange.
Hadith Citation of God submit
The Following are Hadith that cited or mentioned God submit or a specific Ayah in God submit.
From Sahih AlBukhari
No Hadith in Sahih AlBukhari Cited God submit
From Sahih Muslim
No Hadith in Sahih Muslim Cited God submit
From Sunan AlNasai
No Hadith in Sunan AlNasai Cited God submit
From Sunan AlTermithi
No Hadith in Sunan AlTermithi Cited God submit
From Sunan Abu Dawoud
No Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawoud Cited God submit
From Muwata Malik
No Hadith in Muwata Malik Cited God submit