Islamic Bank Performance and Capital Structure by MPRA

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structure 30 agency 29 equity 23 banks 19 costs 18 financial 17 journal 17 firm 16 leverage 16 performance 15 banking 14 efficiency 14 firms 13 higher 13 finance 12 random 12 model 11 ratio 11 data 10 debt 10 hypothesis 10 loan 10 profit 10


  • m pra munich personal repec archive islamic bank performance and capital structure pratomo wahyu ario and ismail abdul ghafar departement of economics universitas sumatera utara medan indonesia school of economics universiti kebangsaan malaysia online at http mpra
  • de mpra paper no
  • the importance of these issues has only motivated researchers to examine the presence of agency costs in the non financial fir miss in financial firms agency costs may also be particularly large because banks are by their very nature informationally opaque a holding private information on their loan customers and other credit counterparties
  • after the seminal contribution by modgliani and miller that shows the independency value of a firm to its capital structure in frictionless world a vast literature on such agencytheoretic explanations of capital structure has been developed see harris and raviv and myers for reviews
  • issues such as corporate governance agency costs and capital structure also play important role because of the crucial roles played by banks in providing credit to non financial firms in transmitting the effects of monetary policy and in providing stability to the economy as a whole
  • although banking is a regulated industry banks are subject to the same type of agency costs and other influences on behavior as other non financial fir miss banks in the sample are subject to essentially equal regulatory constraints and we focus on differences across banks not between banks and other fir miss most banks are well above the regulatory capital minimums and our results are based primarily on differences at the margin rather than the effects of regulation

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Number of Pages


Published Date

2007-11-29 16:38:23

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