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Newli Completed Form

The word Newli is a stemmed form of the following words:

Newli Dictionary Definition

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Newli in Wikipedia

Newli References or Citations

In Quran

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In Hadith Text Books

Newli In Sahih AlBukhari

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In Sahih Muslim

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In Sunan AlTermithi

Hadith PageArabic TextEnglish TranslationBook and Chapter
SunanAlTermithi-017-001-11118Ibn Abdullah Bin Mughaffal narrated: While I was praying; I said: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim In the Name of Allah; the Merciful; the Beneficent. My father heard me and said: O my son this is a newly invented matter; beware of the newly-invented. He Ibn Abdullah said: I have not seen any one of the Companions of Allah Messenger who hated a newly invented matter in Islam more than him. And he said: Ihave performed Prayer with the Prophet; and with Abu Bakr; and Umar; and with Uthman. I did not hear any one of them saying it. So do not say it. When you are performing Prayer say: AlHamdu lilahi Rabbil-Alamin All praise is due to Allah the Lord of all that exists.The Chapter on Mercy And Praise in HodHood Indexing, Chapter on What Has Been Related About Not Saying BismillahirRahmanirRahim In The Name Of Allah The Merciful The Beneficient Aloud in Sunan AlTermithi

In Sunan AlNasai

nothing found

In Sunan Abu Dawoud

nothing found

In Muwata Malik

nothing found

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